3D Modelling, Post your 3D models! (Cars, Planes, People, Landscapes etc!)

@eran0004 Sweet the Vtec kicked in yo lol ... try swaping to lupo_4_on just as a test , as i think the sound you have is the low speed sound just above idle. i tried a similar thing but it just ended up really screaming with distortion. Had to stop now after 12 1/2 hours i put in today all the sounds are sounding the same :lol:.

Lot's of edits for typo's
@eran0004 Sweet the Vtec kicked in yo lol ... try swaping to lupo_4_on just as a test , as i think the sound you have is the low speed sound just above idle. i tried a similar thing but it just ended up really screaming with distortion. Had to stop now after 12 1/2 hours i put in today all the sounds are sounding the same :lol:.

Lot's of edits for typo's

There's so much driving noise in that sample though, so it would be odd to play that when the car is stationary. I think the current sample is good enough for now :)

I changed my clutch script again. The "smart clutch" was kind of dumb because it always engaged at a preset speed (15 km/h). The change I made was inspired by the auto-clutch in GT6, where the clutch engages at different speeds depending on the revs you're at when you take off. So taking off at a higher rpm means that the clutch will engage at a higher rpm than if you take off at a low rpm.

Also, I figured out why there's no wheelspin. It's because I set the engine rpm to be relative to the speed, and the speed is measured by the rear tyres. The rear tyres have no drive, so they're almost always at full traction with the road.
There's so much driving noise in that sample though, so it would be odd to play that when the car is stationary. I think the current sample is good enough for now :)

I changed my clutch script again. The "smart clutch" was kind of dumb because it always engaged at a preset speed (15 km/h). The change I made was inspired by the auto-clutch in GT6, where the clutch engages at different speeds depending on the revs you're at when you take off. So taking off at a higher rpm means that the clutch will engage at a higher rpm than if you take off at a low rpm.

Also, I figured out why there's no wheelspin. It's because I set the engine rpm to be relative to the speed, and the speed is measured by the rear tyres. The rear tyres have no drive, so they're almost always at full traction with the road.

Aah yes fwd good spotting and looking for every angle in your logic fair play your a clever git.
c# and python are so different even if i looked at your code it be German to my English, as you know i'am only 2 months into learning any code my dyslexia don't help either.
on another note Have you any experience in 3dsmax just installing 2015 now if your a student you can get a 3 year free license, luckily my younger sister is in university for marketing so signed her up :D saved me £3,500 and totally legit.

Thinking of buying this model http://www.evermotion.org/modelshop/show_product/dodge-charger/2349/0/0/#license So i can produce a demo only problem is their license states i can use it in a commercial product game etc but what about the ford branding will i have to edit that off the car? @Peasantslayer what do you think since your a pro or near enough?
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Aah yes fwd good spotting and looking for every angle in your logic fair play your a clever git.
c# and python are so different even if i looked at your code it be German to my English, as you know i'am only 2 months into learning any code my dyslexia don't help either.
on another note Have you any experience in 3dsmax just installing 2015 now if your a student you can get a 3 year free license, luckily my younger sister is in university for marketing so signed her up :D saved me £3,500 and totally legit.

Thinking of buying this model http://www.evermotion.org/modelshop/show_product/dodge-charger/2349/0/0/#license So i can produce a demo only problem is their license states i can use it in a commercial product game etc but what about the ford branding will i have to edit that off the car? @Peasantslayer what do you think since your a pro or near enough?

Here's an interesting article I found, about modelling car physics in games: http://www.asawicki.info/Mirror/Car Physics for Games/Car Physics for Games.html

About the car model, you'd only get a license from evermotion to use their product, but evermotion does only own their 3D model, they don't own the brand of the car. I'm guessing that you'd need a license from the car brand as well, at least if you want to use it in a commercial product.
Not much progress over the weekend, Tyre smoke been fixed, skid marks broken not following the wheel alignment.
Added 2 cars Escort Mk1 not rigged Bmw e30 m3 rigged and skinned with world refection map fixed a few things but not worth mentioning..

Ps. The jagged edges are due to my onboard 256mb graphics


Pushed my car this is the best quality screen shot i can do with my card
bmw hq.png
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Here's a gravity simulation. I wish I could do it with more particles, but since each particle needs to calculate its own value as well as every other particle's value the amount of calculations escalates quickly when the number of particles grow. For a simulation of two particles there's 2^2 = 4 calculations per frame. For a simulation of ten particles there 10^2 = 100 calculations per frame. One hundred particles would be 1000^2 = 10 000 calculations per frame and a thousand particles would be one million calculations per frame. At 60fps that would be 60 million calculations per second.

I need one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tianhe-2

Here's a gravity simulation. I wish...

Cool simulation. It's amazing how microscopic particles in space coalesced into bigger particles to the eventual formation of planets and galaxies. Your music choice worked great for this interstellar ballet.
Here's a gravity simulation. I wish I could do it with more particles, but since each particle needs to calculate its own value as well as every other particle's value the amount of calculations escalates quickly when the number of particles grow. For a simulation of two particles there's 2^2 = 4 calculations per frame. For a simulation of ten particles there 10^2 = 100 calculations per frame. One hundred particles would be 1000^2 = 10 000 calculations per frame and a thousand particles would be one million calculations per frame. At 60fps that would be 60 million calculations per second.

I need one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tianhe-2

Reminds me of space odyssey
@vasiliflame, are you modeling the cars yourself or just doing the physics and such?

Physics atm and visuals like day night etc, but i bought a lot of models to get a few assets behind me unlike kaz i have to outsource alough i can not afford too as i am just one guy and that's my money for food electric etc no budget as such.. the Porsche's were on a 3d model site turbo squid i think. the bmw and escort were donated...also have a few more that's been donated all from Motorsport fan's. modeling wise i am better at world object as in terrain bin's buildings etc , but i have upped my game and started to learn vehicles..but it's hard to do everything myself but i am trying
Physics atm and visuals like day night etc, but i bought a lot of models to get a few assets behind me unlike kaz i have to outsource alough i can not afford too as i am just one guy and that's my money for food electric etc no budget as such.. the Porsche's were on a 3d model site turbo squid i think. the bmw and escort were donated...also have a few more that's been donated all from Motorsport fan's. modeling wise i am better at world object as in terrain bin's buildings etc , but i have upped my game and started to learn vehicles..but it's hard to do everything myself but i am trying
Why not get them from the Sketchup store? All free and can be exported as many many file types. Of course you need Sketchup but still.
Why not get them from the Sketchup store? All free and can be exported as many many file types. Of course you need Sketchup but still.

Porsche garage is a sketch up model.. it's a pain though as it draws two faces' and only one is visable when you import them. you have to model very cleanly if you want to use it outside sketch up ... in sketch up it dont matter. For buildings it's brilliant for cars and curved objects not so great.
it is hand's down fastest and best program for game buildings, you just have to plan carefully as if your building a real building.. worked a bit more on lighting over exposure almost gone ... when my graphics card appears it will be better than Gt6 lighting system.

New Gt6 styled Showroom

Started on a track its 2.52km long every tree is a 3d tree
Volcanic pass.png

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Looks good, but can the framerate keep up with all those 3D trees?

Yeah just my pc dont , graphics card should be here today, 3 types of lod 0/1/2/ then after 50 meters i may up this to 100m bill boarding starts so the trees actually have 3 states of 3d then a 2d state.

My pc is 11 years old mate :D
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4400+ processor 2.3 GHz 1 MB L2 cache

http://www.itema-pg.com/PC/Desktop/HP Compaq dc5750 Microtower PC specifications - HP Small & Medium Business products.pdf

Here's a new map i am starting last image above after creating it i realized it was too small and would't have integrated into another map well as it was roughly 1 square mile..
I have upped that too 19square miles with a 4,000meter max height this means instead of stitching bits of the maps together and messing with alignment i can just add to the terrain.

19 square miles.png

Some of the road network, lot's of parking ... Multiplayer code in progress

Road nextworks layby with parking.png
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Sorry a bit off topic. What "frames per second" do most 3d animation studios use in their films? I know 24fps is mostly used for 2d but what about 3d?

Just saw this and thought I'd clarify it, even though it's an old post.

Framerate is different based on the application, and location in the world.

24fps - Almost all film (movies) use this
25fps - This is derived from PAL TV standard. PAL is used mostly in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Have a google if you want to learn more about PAL.
30fps - NTSC standard for TV, which is primarily used in North America, Japan, and parts of South America.
48fps - Double the frame rate that most film uses. It's been tried recently in some films, the first major film being The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Some people find it strange because we're just not used to it, being used to watching film at 24fps.
60fps - HDTV can utilize 60fps, but because film uses 24, and most TV uses 30fps at most, it's still somewhat rare.

There is no framerate difference between 2D and 3D movies. Animation studios will use 24fps if it's for film, 25 or 30fps if it's for TV. The only difference between a 2D and 3D film in terms of production is either rendering everything a second time through another 'eye', or doing stereoscopic conversion, which some companies specialize in specifically, so faking a 2D movie into 3D after all the work is done.

Hope that helps!
Making progress on my *other* project. The end goal of this is to provide a "smart" textile with natural, tensile, haptic feedback that responds to touch with the idea of creating sensory stimulus to children with autism. I think it's my most ambitious modeling/hardware/software/electronics/CNC project yet. Using Arduino, Grasshopper, Firefly, and Rhino concurrently and building the textile itself with one of these, knitting a very carefully designed conductive yarn structure:


On the software/real time modeling side, here is my progress. This will get much more sophisticated soon. I'm creating a parametric "replicant" (if you will) of the physical textile to more accurately and easily calculation deflection in real time so it can be translated into a useful output later. Me and my team will be integrated either fiberoptics or LEDs into the textile itself later on. But for now, here is a simple proof-of-concept prototype test, using a single strand of conductive yarn to feed a serial stream to firefly and manipulate the model in real time as the yarn stretches and otherwise displaces.

I have future ambitions to expand this project into more general haptic modeling. Because I hate using a mouse and a keyboard.

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