Here's a really small demo of that driving simulator I made a while ago. It's a .exe file so
Windows is a requirement. It's also using
GLSL shading so you need a graphics card that supports that (I think most newer computers do that, but I had to update a driver to make it work on my old laptop).
It runs at 640x480 so most computers should be able to cope with it just fine. My computer does and since it's running on bronze age technology I think most other computers will be fine as well.
It's just a small scene, you won't be able to go any faster than 2nd gear and it's a bird's view camera only. The most exciting feature is the stunt ramp...
But you'll get an idea about the behavior of the car and the controls I'm using.
You can download it here:
Just unpack the .rar and click on the .exe file and it should work. I've noticed that on my computer it takes a little while for the car's engine to start, so if nothing seems to happen when you turn the ignition, just wait for a few seconds. There's a readme file with the controls, but I'll list them below as well.
NumPad 0: Clutch
NumPad 2: Brake
NumPad 3: Accelerator
Z: left
X: right
Gear shifter (mimicking the gear pattern of a stick shift)
NumPad 7: 1st gear
NumPad 4: 2nd gear
NumPad 8: 3rd gear
NumPad 5: 4th gear
NumPad 9: 5th gear
No reverse gear yet (because some calculations explode when their values go negative), so try to avoid driving into walls
I: Ignition key (make sure you use the clutch when you start the engine, there's no neutral gear yet)
A: Turn indicator left (toggle on/off)
D: Turn indicator right (toggle on/off)
There's some text on the screen, it's something I'm using to debug the simulation and to check that everything work as intended. The labels next to the numbers aren't always the correct ones (sometimes I've been lazy and changed the number without changing the label).
"RPM" shows the engine rpm.
"RPM 2" is a calculation used by the clutch script to determine when to fully engage the clutch, you can ignore that.
"KPH" shows the wheel speed, I believe it's from one of the rear wheels.
"Acc" used to show the state of the accelerator pedal, but now it shows the wheel speed of one of the front wheels.
"Debug" is used to test various calculations. At the moment it shows the rpm*-1 for some reason. Ignore that one.
"BHP" shows the power output of the engine (it's not an error when it's negative, it just indicates engine braking)
"Clutch" used to show the state of the clutch pedal, but now it shows the force of the brakes.
Important to know: The engine will stall if the rpm drops below 800 rpm, if that happens just restart it again (remember to use the clutch).
To end the runtime, press