3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Was nice racing guys. 👍 I really didn't get enough time with this combo during the week to find consistency, and I had not run it online until we raced, so I did not have the tire strategy down. Nonetheless, had some fun battles, trying to get by Blair early, then reeling in Marc after the final pit. Some great side by side action with him through most of the last sector to make my pass.

As it turned out, my 2 stop strategy was flawed, but was more out of necessity, as my tires were going off after 5 laps. :ouch: Found my rhythm in my last stint, as I finally got comfortable with the combo and started laying down some nice laps. Was happy to get the fast lap and get the 29 that eluded me during WRS. But I know it was as much a product of my flawed pit strategy as anything.

Anyhow, off to Denver today for GABF. :D

Home Sunday, if I have some time to get the Mazda tamed down a bit, may join you at Monaco next week.

Man I just love the high speed lap video, it would have cost me 30 min. of watching to remember how my position collapsed after the second pit stop. I'll post a video of what I experienced from my over the sholder cam, just unbelevable.
Man I just love the high speed lap video, it would have cost me 30 min. of watching to remember how my position collapsed after the second pit stop. I'll post a video of what I experienced from my over the sholder cam, just unbelevable.

Agree, those replays give you an idea of how you could analyze a race within GT5 if they added some proper replay controls like x2, x4, fast forward, rewind, etc. Here's hoping that something along these lines appears in the spec 2 update, but I seriously doubt it.

You and Kevin occupied the same space quite often as you couldn't see each other so it was interesting to watch at the start. Your cars actually took visual damage right from the start... which is strange... why you couldn't see him, but still the car took damage was odd. I suspect from your perspective there was NO damage, but my GT5 instance could see both of you and saw you collide so created the visual damage? Weird stuff?
Great video Tim, those timing results are a great addition to the series. 👍
My only complaint is that it basically highlights the fact that I was the only driver to lose a position following the last pit cycle :( :lol:

That was some fun tight racing at times.
Just about to get into the replay, and I know there are some great battles to watch 👍

I never did figure out T2 👎, or tire management, or how to pass, :lol:
Consistency was a huge problem for me this event.

At one point, I was close to a great 3 - way battle between Lefty, T13R, and Cats_pajamas, but just couldn't keep up, and eventually Kevin caught up and passed me just as I headed into my first pit stop.
Following my second pit, I had some good laps in a row, and opened a good lead on Kevin, but he caught me (again !:() on lap 30.
Heart broken, I limped to the finish line :D

Edit - Really like the Flags to identify the Drivers in the results pic 👍
Had tons of fun last night. Thanks for organizing a great race. Had a good battle with Lefty in the middle laps.

Thought I had WRP on the last corner but went wide. Great finish.
I compiled this last night while waiting for the "Live Stats" video to encode/upload.

There were 7 different leaders and 10 lead changes. I think both are records so far for this series. I'm counting a lead change if a driver makes a pass for the lead at any point during the lap and not necessarily holding it until the start/finish line:

Leaders (includes formation lap):


Pit strategies (Lap # includes formation lap):

Driver...........Pitted after Lap #

*Extra pit for Gravitron to change onto the correct tires :dunce:

It's no surprise when I saw that T13R and Lefty pitted on the same laps :lol: Their cars are like magnets.

Thought I had WRP on the last corner but went wide. Great finish.

Great driving. I saw you coming for a few laps with 6 laps fresher tires and held you off as long as I could. For the last 5 laps I kept telling myself not to overdrive the car and just let the gap drop a second per lap. On the final lap I couldn't hold you off any longer. I saw you were getting into position coming out of the second to last corner and figured my only chance was to protect the inside and make you go around the outside. It would have been a drag to a photo finish if you had manage to just catch the outside rumbles instead of the grass/dirt. One more lap and I probably would have finished 5th as my tires were cooked. Really fun.
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It's no surprise when I saw that T13R and Lefty pitted on the same laps :lol: Their cars are like magnets.

:lol: 👍

Those two have quite a rivalry going!
It's as if they feel compelled to make for an exciting race, and replay.
Easily the two closest drivers, at almost any given point in the races so far 👍
Cats_pajamas seemed right at home in their the battle as well :D
Gettin' Groceries Online Event Post has been updated with the relevant post-race stuff that Tim has created so far. I hear pics and maybe a race video are on their way, and those will get added to the post when available.

Pretty obvious that Tim and Marc do most of the work here. 👍 Nice job, guys.
A great race calls for some great pics 👍

All ready for the Rolling Start.

??? The race hasn't even started yet :lol:


That's what happens when drivers are invisible to eachother (Lefty & EDK)
They had no idea they were in contact at all, and it didn't effect their race :odd:
But sure looks nasty...Good thing the airbags didn't go off.

Lap 1

Lap 4. How many Volvo's can you fit in one corner?

Lap 6. Still tight...

Lap 8. All or nothing racing!


Gonna need a lot of duct tape...

Lap 15. Aliens in the mist... anyone remember Spy Hunter?

Lap 20.

Lap 21.

Lap 23. Lefty and T13R in the same shot... there's a surprise :D



Lap 27.




Lap28. Two wide for all of T1! Then EDK passed Hydro in the roundabout :( Blaast!!

Congratulations to MadMax for the WIN! (Both Euro, and NA events 👍)

Go Kart Shootout (2) @ Autumn Ring Mini!


I can't believe only Lefty and Hydro numbered their Karts 👍
FYI - 34 = Bo Jackson. Not sure what 69 stands for :dopey:





Lefty, Lovin' every minute of it!

Thanks for coming out guys!
See you @ Monaco in a week :gtpflag:
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Awesome pics hydro. Really nicely done. 👍

Here's the highlights video:

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I was the only driver to lose a position following the last pit cycle

No I also got stung by the Fn Pit retards that wouldn't let me out of the pits, as I was leaving and T13 was directly infront me in the next pit the Fn game just stoped my escape from the pits until T13 pulled out infront of me. I came in in front of him, got just tires and left behind him after the game released it's death grip on me.

I am just blown away how GT5 could create a situation like I had w/ EDK on the track and I couldn't see him or even his name on the screen. It was like he wasn't even there except when I went to the lobby I could see his name. Just amazing
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Congratz to Pekka on the win (as well as the 3D3-Euro win). But the honors are spread out this week as Kevin nabs the fastest lap with an incredible 1'29.860 which by the way was faster than his WRS hot lap!!

Lots of position changes as far as finish position relative to start position which is as to be expected with a reverse grid.

The top two finishing drivers (Pekka and myself) implemented a one stop strategy. It barely worked out for me as Baron was closing fast at the finish... one more corner and he would have passed me for 2nd. Lucas started on the wrong tires and may have ended up doing 4 stops? I think everyone else stopped twice.

It was an interesting race.
I worked my way up the grid , sometimes losing position or two from my overtaking move going sour among preserving tires and drafting whenever possible.
The 1 stop strategy was all about self restraining.

Great race all, and nice to see EDK and MadMax86 in there! 👍

Thanks for the great hosting, Tim. You drove really consistent & quick. 👍
The formation lap was executed perfectly. :cool:

I enjoyed racing the WRS regulars from around the world. :cheers:
Rare opportunity at the least , excellent job done by the host/s.

Sorry guys, had to run to the store shortly before I was getting on, didn't get back in time.
Maybe next week. 👍

Nice taking the win, MadMax. :cheers:

Thanks , sorry that you missed the race thought.

I had no idea of this:
Overall winner and top driver from each division will be sent a prize (prize will be announced at race time).

The joy I had racing all you guys in the Euro and NA races was more than enought prize in itself.

EDIT: Nice pictures Hydro :eek:

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I am just blown away how GT5 could create a situation like I had w/ EDK on the track and I couldn't see him or even his name on the screen. It was like he wasn't even there except when I went to the lobby I could see his name. Just amazing

That's not actually a PD/GT5 thing I / we don't think.
Lucas and myself have both had that problem in the past, and it seems to have more to do with router / connection settings.
We are making adjustments to our own setups, and we'll let you know what remedies we find (assuming we do find the solution).

The best thing you, and all racers can do for now is to setup your connection as NAT1.
Otherwise, make sure that Upnp is enabled, and "Gaming Mode" is also enabled in your router settings. That will make sure you are not blocking the other driver's incoming data, and you will then be able to see them.

We will be testing those solutions first, and will get back to you Lefty 👍
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Awesome job on the pics & storyboard, Marc!! 👍 GTP on board! :lol:

I messed with my router a little so far, have enabled UPnP and also tried to put it on the wireless DMZ. Though it still shows as NAT 2, I'm going to see if I notice anything.

Also, Pekka will be getting his prize "soon".

Cruisin' Monaco Online


Disclaimer: This is *NOT* an official GTPlanet or WRS sanctioned event and members are not obligated to take part.

Event Summary

Title: Cruisin' Monaco Online
Event: Online adaptation of the GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 33 Event: Cruisin' Monaco
Duration: Approx 90 minutes. 30 minute qualification / 60 minute race

North American Race Slot
Host: GTP_WRP001's Private Lounge
Time: Wednesday, October 5 at 7:00 PM PDT (EDT = 10 PM, GMT = Oct 6 at 3 AM).

European Race Slot
Host: GTP_Hydro's Private Lounge
Time: Wednesday, October 5 at 7:00 PM GMT (EDT = 3 PM, GMT = 12 PM PDT).
Driver Eligibility

Eligibility for this 3D3 event will include GTP_Registered members plus referred drivers. A registry member can make a referral for this event by simply including other drivers PSN IDs with their own registration request in this thread. To guarantee eligibility for all 3D3 events run the GTP_Registry qualifier and join the registry now!

  1. Reply to this thread and include in the text of the message your GTP_ PSN ID and the title of this event "Decisions, Decisions Online". To sign up (refer) a driver not on the GTP_Registry, a registered driver should include the PSN ID of the non registered driver(s) in their post.
  2. Send a PSN friend request to GTP_WRP001 with subject line "3D3 Racing" if you haven't already done so. Any referred driver(s) will also need to submit a friend request.
There is a 16 car/driver limit for this event and slots are awarded on the grid using a first come first serve basis. Reference the registered drivers list below for availability. This is a stand alone race and points are not tallied for a series. Future races hosted by 3D3 racing may have different driver limits and will require re-registration using the same first come first serve basis and participation in future events is optional.

If for some reason, after you register for the event, you are unable to attend the race please send a PM to one of the 3D3 racing stewards or post in the thread so we can update the registration list and make the spot available to another driver.

Event Timing

North American Race Slot
  • Qualification: Wednesday October 5, 7:00 PM PDT (30 minute session)
  • Race Start: Wednesday October 5, 7:30 PM PDT
  • Race End: After 26 laps (incl. 1 formation lap). Target race duration of approximately 60 minutes.

European Race Slot
  • Qualification: Wednesday October 5, 7:00 PM GMT (30 minute session)
  • Race Start: Wednesday October 5, 7:30 PM GMT
  • Race End: After 26 laps (incl. 1 formation lap). Target race duration of approximately 60 minutes.

Lounge Settings

  • Race Quality: Standard
  • Voice Chat Quality: Standard. Race stewards will be mic'd for the event. If you have mic, chatpad or keyboard, please use it.


  • Track: Côte d'Azur
  • Car Type: Premium
  • Make: JP > Mazda
  • Model: Eunos Roadster (NA Special Package) '89

Vehicle Specifics:
  • Power: 244 HP (Stock Car w/Listed Modifications and Oil Change) - 250 HP w/Engine Break In
  • Engine, Intake, and Exhaust Modifications : All Allowed
  • Turbo and Supercharger : Supercharger Allowed (Turbo Not Allowed, Verifiable by Watching HUD in Replay Theater)
  • Engine Power Limiter : N/A
  • Oil Change : Required
  • Weight: 831 KG MIN (As Low as Full Weight Reduction).
  • Skid Recovery Force Aid: OFF (The race event settings will be set to prohibit the use of SRF)
  • Other Aids (Traction Control, Active Steering, and ASM): Optional
  • Transmission: Optional - OK to alter individual gear ratios and final drive ratio
  • Aero: Not Allowed
  • Tire Type: Comfort Soft (N3's)
  • Other Modifications: Optional (Chassis Reinforcement, Transmission, Drivetrain, Suspension)
  • In Event Tuning Settings: Optional - NOTE: Any tuning gimmicks that offer an unfair advantage are not allowed. These would be things like the Subaru Toe Bug found on GT5 Prologue.

Event Settings
  • Game Mode: Normal Race
  • Laps: 26 (1 formation lap + 25 race laps)
  • Start Type: Grid Start (on green we begin the formation lap / rolling start at end of lap 1)
  • Grid Order: Fastest First (based on 30 minute qualification session)
  • Boost: No
  • Penalty: Weak (to penalize hitting walls and prevent pileups / cars hitting walls hard will ghost momentarily)
  • Automatic Race Start Cycle: Disabled
  • Race Finish Delay: Set to the Max 180 Seconds
  • Grip Reduction: Low
  • Mechanical Damage: Light
  • Tire Wear / Fuel Consumption: On [be aware of cold tires at start or first lap out of pits]
  • Pit Stops: One pit stop required between laps 10 and 20. Drivers can pit more than once, but they must pit at least once between laps 10 and 20. It will count towards the requirement if you enter pits any time between the end of Lap 9 or the end of Lap 20. When exiting the pit lane, remember to stay within pit lane exit boundaries and yield to approaching drivers.

Regulation Settings

  • Car Restriction: Car and Tuning details listed above.
  • Performance Points: NA
  • Power: 250 HP MAX
  • Weight: 831 KG MIN
  • Tire Restrictions: Comfort Soft
  • Skid Recovery Force Aid: Off
  • TCS | Driving Line | ASM |: Optional

Rolling Start

When the qualification period is complete, the drivers are placed on the starting grid from fastest to slowest based on their best qualifying lap. The race countdown will start as usual, however, the race will not start when the countdown ends. Instead, the lead driver will start off on a formation lap. All other drivers should hold their original positions on the grid by applying brakes. When it's safe to advance behind the lead driver, the second driver can accelerate and follow. And so on until all drivers are following the car in front of them, in a single file, maintaining their speed, and order. Passing on the formation lap is forbidden. The lead driver will continue around the track at a safe and predictable pace. The hair pin is very tight so the field should spread out before entering that section.

When the lead driver completes the final turn, and starts down the start / finish straight, he is to maintain his speed until the start Marshall gives him the "clear" signal. The start Marshall will give the lead driver the verbal signal once the last clears the final corner and is inline with the other drivers. All other drivers must follow the car in front of them, in a single file, maintaining their speed, and order until the race officially starts. The lead driver may then accelerate to race speed, officially starting the race, at his discretion any time between the "clear" signal and the start/finish line.

There is no passing whatsoever until the lead car has crossed the Start / Finish line, and the race has officially started.Jumping the start, leaving room to accelerate in a slingshot fashion, or any other pre-start technique(s) are strictly forbidden.

Standard Clean OLR Rules Apply:

  • Unless otherwise specific all rules from the original WRS event apply.
  • Please read, and familiarize yourself with the track boundary guidelines specified in the original WRS event.
  • You are expected to drive clean at all times as if you are racing in the WRS. All participants are required to follow the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines.
  • 3D3 Race Stewards (who are taking part in race, but will review the replay) reserve the right to boot or invalidate the result of any driver from the Race Room for driving offensively. If you ignore any warnings from the stewards and are booted from the race room, you will not be allowed to participate in future 3D3 events.
  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track
  • Limit your contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Passing and Blocking: Aggressive blocking is not permitted, but the driver in front has the right to choose his/her line and braking point and drivers behind should respect that line. Be especially careful when you are on older tires than the competition as the speed difference may be significant. These events are "for fun" so just play nice and take a conservative rather than an aggressive approach when possible.

If for some reason you are unable to finish the race and need to stop:
  • Pull the car over off the track next to a wall and as far from the driving line as possible
  • Press the E-Brake
  • Then press Start
  • This will ghost your car and it won't allow it to interfere with the other drivers.

Overall winner will be sent a prize (to be announced at race time).

Good Luck,

3D3 Racing


NA Race Slot (10:00 PM EDT / 7:00 PM PDT)
  1. GTP_CSL...........
    ....Lime Green
  2. GTP_Vagabond......
    ....Jaguar Racing Green Metallic
  3. GTP_Speedy6543....
    ....Matte Green
  4. GTP_MadMax86......
    ....Blue Mica w/Red & Black Rims
  5. GTP_EDK...........
    ....Plum Crazy
  6. GTP_WRP001........
    ....Yellow w/Yellow Rims (Yellow w/Yellow Rims)
  7. GTP_Hydro.........
    ....Monaco Blue w/Orange Rims
  8. GTP_Gravitron.....
    ....Black w/Orange Rims
  9. GTP_LeftyWright...
    ....Red Something
  10. GTP_MilleRSVR.....
    ....Orange Something

EU Race Slot (3:00 PM EDT / 12:00 PM PDT)
  1. GTP_Vagabond......
    ....Jaguar Racing Green Metallic
  2. GTP_Yanaran.......
    ....Samba Red
  3. GTP_MadMax86......
    ....Blue Mica w/Red & Black Rims
  4. GTP_Speedy6543....
    ....Matte Green
  5. GTP_Hydro.........
    ....Monaco Blue w/Orange Rims
  6. GTP_WRP001........
  7. GTP_Sjaak.........
    ....Blue w/Yellow Rims (Yellow w/Yellow Rims)
  8. GTP_ealirendur....


NA Race Results (10:00 PM EDT / 7:00 PM PDT)


EU Race Results (3:00 PM EDT / 12:00 PM PDT)



Video Highlights

Live Leaderboards

NA Pics Post




EU Pics Post



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Nice work, Tim. 👍 I'm scared already. :scared:
A short testing session in my lounge tonight with the Miata on CS tires, and it's a bit slipperier. Got within 3sec of my current WRS time.
Fantastic pics Marc. Really close battles all over track.

Need to work on my Monaco technique before I'll be comfortable signing up for next race.
Nice work, Tim. 👍 I'm scared already. :scared:
A short testing session in my lounge tonight with the Miata on CS tires, and it's a bit slipperier. Got within 3sec of my current WRS time.

Did you see any tire wear? The way the car slips around I can't imagine there is much with comfort softs. We may want to use softer tires to also induce the need for at least one stop. Adds a little strategy and fun to the live race... even if everyone is on a single stop strategy the timing can mix things up. Not to mention we want some passing... with comfort softs not sure there will be anywhere to pass except maybe the tunnel and front strait, although that may be fine. For now we'll keep the tire choice at CS and subject to change.

FYI, I posted the race highlights to Groceries above here.

This "off" behind EDK on the last corner of lap 21 cost me any hope of holding off MadMax for the win. I don't think I would have held him off anyway as he was on 3 laps fresher tires (and just happens to be a faster driver -- but we'll keep that part our little secret :lol:), but at least I could have delayed the inevitable a little longer and made passing me difficult. :sly:
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Did you see any tire wear? The way the car slips around I can't imagine there is much with comfort softs. We may want to use softer tires to also induce the need for at least one stop. Adds a little strategy and fun to the live race... even if everyone is on a single stop strategy the timing can mix things up. Not to mention we want some passing... with comfort softs not sure there will be anywhere to pass except maybe the tunnel and front strait, although that may be fine. For now we'll keep the tire choice at CS and subject to change.

Sadly I only ran in quali mode, so didn't gauge the tire wear. And I forgot you can buy tires in the tuning menu, so I didn't test other tires either. :ouch: I can try more tonight or Sat. This thing is so small we might be able to fit 4 wide on this narrow course! :crazy:

Just watched the Groceries video! AWESOME! 👍 What a finish that was, Tim and Baron. And Blair held the lead for a good 3.5 laps at the beginning. 👍 Oh and thanks for including my slide across the finish. :ill:
...thanks for including my slide across the finish...

That seems to be your signature move so thought I'd catch it. MadMax actually did the same thing, but I didn't catch it properly and wasn't about to go through 50 minutes to grab it again.

You'll have to teach me your technique :lol: I'm like Jeff Gordon, I know how to drive the car and race, but I don't know how to do a proper burnout. :dunce: Really, I should have shut my mouth before the race and laugh my @$$ off when you did the spinout after lap 30.
Sorry guys, had to run to the store shortly before I was getting on, didn't get back in time.
Maybe next week. 👍

Nice taking the win, MadMax. :cheers:

Hey Dom... if you are running 3D3 @ Monaco next week I was wondering if you have any input on the tire choice vs online setups. As a general rule, we'd like to stick with the exact specs of the original WRS, but this one is pretty slippery on comfort softs.

In particular, it's slippery with the offline setups being used for WRS so we know we have to come up with some recommended online setups whether we use comfort softs or go with a softer compound for a live race. I remember you saying raising ride height is one standard thing you do right away for online use. Any other tips for modifying the offline setups to make them more online friendly? Or should we just start from scratch with stock setup and create the online setup from scratch?
Did you see any tire wear? The way the car slips around I can't imagine there is much with comfort softs. We may want to use softer tires to also induce the need for at least one stop. Adds a little strategy and fun to the live race... even if everyone is on a single stop strategy the timing can mix things up. Not to mention we want some passing... with comfort softs not sure there will be anywhere to pass except maybe the tunnel and front strait, although that may be fine. For now we'll keep the tire choice at CS and subject to change.

In my opinion the CS tires make for a challanging TT, but not the best race choice. This being a tight technical track, doing 30 laps with multiple drivers on CS's would be rather tough. Changing to Sport Hards or/and adding the aero kit would be my suggestion.

Just my thoughts.

WRP001, the replay video is really cool, great job!!
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In my opinion the CS tires make for a challanging TT, but not the best race choice. This being a tight technical track, doing 30 laps with multiple drivers on CS's would be rather tough. Changing to Sport Hards or/and adding the aero kit would be my suggestion.

Just my thoughts.

Lucas and I tested tonight and we have some ideas... in fact we may throw something out there you didn't think of yet... we have to run it by Marc and see what he thinks and then we'll announce something tomorrow. In any case, we agree that the exact WRS specs are not going to work out for the live race so we're going to change something.

This is a tuning week in WRS so we're going to post at least one setup that we've tested and then hold one or two practice sessions next week (Monday night and/or Tuesday night). Between the tweaks to the specs, online vs offline and tuning there's a little more extra practice and testing required this week.

Also, the initial thoughts are:

  • 30 minute live qualification session from 7:00 - 7:30 PM PDT
  • Fastest First
  • Formation Lap w/ Rolling Start
  • 25 laps (+1 formation lap)

The formation lap and rolling start worked pretty well last week and we think it'll make that narrow first corner more manageable (single file) AND allow us to warm up tires just a bit.

Passing is going to be difficult on this track no matter what we do as it's the nature of this track in real life as well. Basically the faster driver trying to make a pass is going to have to be patient, wait for a mistake or force the issue. Basically any driver who has someone on their bumper for an entire lap plus should probably find a spot to let them by without slowing either car down. Otherwise eventually the faster car is going to take a chance that might cost both drivers. Of course all bets are off at the end of the race, but early/mid race it's probably a better strategy vs attempting to block for an extended period of time.
Lucas and I tested tonight and we have some ideas... in fact we may throw something out there you didn't think of yet... we have to run it by Marc and see what he thinks and then we'll announce something tomorrow. In any case, we agree that the exact WRS specs are not going to work out for the live race so we're going to change something.

This is a tuning week in WRS so we're going to post at least one setup that we've tested and then hold one or two practice sessions next week (Monday night and/or Tuesday night). Between the tweaks to the specs, online vs offline and tuning there's a little more extra practice and testing required this week.

Also, the initial thoughts are:

  • 30 minute live qualification session from 7:00 - 7:30 PM PDT
  • Fastest First
  • Formation Lap w/ Rolling Start
  • 25 laps (+1 formation lap)

The formation lap and rolling start worked pretty well last week and we think it'll make that narrow first corner more manageable (single file) AND allow us to warm up tires just a bit.

Passing is going to be difficult on this track no matter what we do as it's the nature of this track in real life as well. Basically the faster driver trying to make a pass is going to have to be patient, wait for a mistake or force the issue. Basically any driver who has someone on their bumper for an entire lap plus should probably find a spot to let them by without slowing either car down. Otherwise eventually the faster car is going to take a chance that might cost both drivers. Of course all bets are off at the end of the race, but early/mid race it's probably a better strategy vs attempting to block for an extended period of time.

Sounds interesting Tim, I'm sure you guys will come up with something to make for a great race. I was going to pass on it if we used CS's.

I like the 25 lap choice, this is a tough track to stay clean without bouncing off one of the many barriers.:scared:

Nice avatar picture, you too Marc.👍
Nice avatar, Hydro! :lol:
Nice avatar picture, you too Marc.👍

Thanks Guys :)
After putting it in the Volvo, I just couldn't leave in my pics folder. It made me laugh too much when I made it :lol:

For the Crusin' Monaco race, I'm good with the proposed setup. 👍
It's gonna be a tough one :D
Sounds interesting Tim, I'm sure you guys will come up with something to make for a great race. I was going to pass on it if we used CS's.

I like the 25 lap choice, this is a tough track to stay clean without bouncing off one of the many barriers.:scared:

Nice avatar picture, you too Marc.👍

We are still waiting for Marc to sign off after testing, but we thought about going with CS tires, but removing all ballast. It really makes it much easier to drive.

Blair -- take it out for a spin as follows:

  1. Set Ballast to 0 so you should be at 831 kg with all weight reduction upgrades
  2. Fully broken in after 150mi and oil change it should be 249 hp.
  3. Use Vagabond's offline setup, but change just the rear ride height to +15
  4. Use MadMax's transmission or just the close ratio transmission

Let the tires warm up a lap before pushing. Then let us know if you think this is drivable for you. It's not "easy", but neither were the DTM cars @ GP/F. I really don't think it's any harder than that. I drove trying to attack/pressure Lucas and he did the same. We are all going to make mistakes, but the car really handled it quite well setup this way. And we haven't really tweaked the setup yet... adjusted LSD, suspension, etc. It can only get better from here and it's not bad to start with.

The tires don't wear very fast either so probably one stop without ever being that low on tread. If someone actually attempts 25 laps without pitting that's a different story, but if you one pit about half way I don't think worn tires are going to be much of a factor.

The draft is not huge at this track based on the short testing. Passing is hard, but we can't really do anything about that. Pressure them to give way... if not they'll eventually make a mistake, hit a wall, become transparent and you drive right threw them :lol:

Again, we are waiting for final feedback from Marc, but any of you interested in racing next week please take it out for a spin online and give us your feedback. If people think it's still too slippery we can go with Sports Hard, but my vote is to drive this car as it's meant to be driven... at a lighter weight and on comfort soft tires.

Setup v1.0:


0/-25 change to 0/+15 for online

5-speed close-ratio (fixed) gear-box

Brakes 3/3 ABS 9

Small change to setup: Toe -0.20/-0.20 Springs 12.0/9.0 LSD 5/9/7
Transmission (move final gear to 5.500 and max speed 180 km/h / all the way to left)
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I really want to run the Monaco race but the race starts about an hour to early for me unfortunately. I will see if I can make it work though.
Again, we are waiting for final feedback from Marc

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you guys, I'm good with the race details, so off to practice! 👍
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