3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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We are still waiting for Marc to sign off after testing, but we thought about going with CS tires, but removing all ballast. It really makes it much easier to drive.

Blair -- take it out for a spin as follows:

  1. Set Ballast to 0 so you should be at 831 kg with all weight reduction upgrades
  2. Fully broken in after 150mi and oil change it should be 249 hp.
  3. Use Vagabond's offline setup, but change just the rear ride height to +15
  4. Use MadMax's transmission or just the close ratio transmission

Let the tires warm up a lap before pushing. Then let us know if you think this is drivable for you. It's not "easy", but neither were the DTM cars @ GP/F. I really don't think it's any harder than that. I drove trying to attack/pressure Lucas and he did the same. We are all going to make mistakes, but the car really handled it quite well setup this way. And we haven't really tweaked the setup yet... adjusted LSD, suspension, etc. It can only get better from here and it's not bad to start with.

The tires don't wear very fast either so probably one stop without ever being that low on tread. If someone actually attempts 25 laps without pitting that's a different story, but if you one pit about half way I don't think worn tires are going to be much of a factor.

The draft is not huge at this track based on the short testing. Passing is hard, but we can't really do anything about that. Pressure them to give way... if not they'll eventually make a mistake, hit a wall, become transparent and you drive right threw them :lol:

Again, we are waiting for final feedback from Marc, but any of you interested in racing next week please take it out for a spin online and give us your feedback. If people think it's still too slippery we can go with Sports Hard, but my vote is to drive this car as it's meant to be driven... at a lighter weight and on comfort soft tires.

Tim, I just ran 20 or so laps with the above setup. The gearing wasn't quite right, bouncing off the rev limiter in 5th twice a lap. Changed 5th and then 4th a bit which fixed that issue. Like the gearing now. The car seems easier to drive with the above suspension settings, I think the reduced weight has a lot to do with that.

That said I'm 1.5 - 2.0 seconds a lap slower than my WRS times without the extra weight. Did you guys find the online lobby times that much slower than your WRS times?
I really want to run the Monaco race but the race starts about an hour to early for me unfortunately. I will see if I can make it work though.

You know the actual race doesn't start until 7:30 PM. If you miss qualification and join just before 7:30 PM PDT you can just start at the back of the pack. Not ideal, but better than nothing! Just let us know you are coming and we'll wait for you a couple mins at 7:30 PM before switching to race mode.

Tim, I just ran 20 or so laps with the above setup. The gearing wasn't quite right, bouncing off the rev limiter in 5th twice a lap. Changed 5th and then 4th a bit which fixed that issue. Like the gearing now. The car seems easier to drive with the above suspension settings, I think the reduced weight has a lot to do with that.

That said I'm 1.5 - 2.0 seconds a lap slower than my WRS times without the extra weight. Did you guys find the online lobby times that much slower than your WRS times?

I really haven't done much with WRS this week so I don't have a very good gauge on that. However, Lucas and I were running 1'56.XXX online with the above setup... actually a little more weight as Lucas hadn't done the stage 3 reduction yet so I used ballast to get to the same weight.

I don't actually remember anything more specific, but we suspect high 1'55 is possible as we certainly didn't run any gold type WRS laps, especially considering the lower weight. My guess is in a longer race high 1'56 when tires are warm and fresh, dropping down to 1'57 and 1'58 as tires age. CSL or someone faster can probably run 1'55 with ease, but his WRS time is faster too.

The key is the times are "close" and the lines about the same so I think it translates pretty well for those who are up to speed on the WRS lap. There are sections that are much easier as the back end doesn't want to slide out from under you so much. The negative ride height offline is what gets you that extra speed and I believe it's a settings/physics glitch really that doesn't work offline so that may account for a good part of the difference.

Marc tested and we are going with the above specs so I really hope you join us in spite of the tire choice. This race is really just going to be a different type of animal with the narrow track and walls, but it'll be fun in it's own ways. Pit strategy, even if everyone does one pit, will make a difference. If someone is holding you up, you may need to stagger your pits to get around... or wait for them to pit while saving tires and then try to get a big gap, etc. It's definitely still good racing, just not so much passing. We are going with fastest first so the field will naturally spread out and some of us may have lonely parts of the race just like in GP/F, but there will be enough "encounters" that it'll still be a blast to keep/close gaps, etc.

I'll update the event post now. Still waiting for drivers to officially sign up! Whoever is interested please post to the thread and add your name to the list! Let's all get a unique color this week too... you can paint the car any color you want so we can all be easily identified. I have a bright yellow paint job.
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I want red something for my car and this is my official decleration as to my intentions to compete in the Monaco hoe-down...... ye haw, BRAZOS :)

Now to tighten up my offline time for the WRS "Lefty Power" :lol:
I changed color to a light shade of black with NERO in the name, and my BBS wheels are now MONACO ORANGE! 👍:lol:

I realized Chris/Vagabond was right in the WRS thread, all the running in the Seasonal TT doesn't count for engine break-in, so my runs have all been with 245hp. Now Bob is getting me up to 250hp, hopefully.
I want red something for my car and this is my official decleration as to my intentions to compete in the Monaco hoe-down...... ye haw, BRAZOS :)

I changed color to a light shade of black with NERO in the name, and my BBS wheels are now MONACO ORANGE! 👍:lol: I realized Chris/Vagabond was right in the WRS thread, all the running in the Seasonal TT doesn't count for engine break-in, so my runs have all been with 245hp. Now Bob is getting me up to 250hp, hopefully.

I have 249 hp and i have over 150 miles? Are you sure it gets all the way to 250? If so I'll have to edit the OP.

I updated the event post with the final regulations, rolling start directions, new registrations, and color choices so far. I'm hoping Blair does join despite the tire choice, but I'll wait for official confirmation from him.

If the Euro event happens this week, I'll be up for it again 👍

I'm pretty sure Marc is planning to host one as long as a few drivers are willing, but not sure if the time is finalized. Get's him extra practice for the NA event also.
I should know soon if it's 249 or 250. I think Pekka said 250 in the WRS thread somewhere, but maybe he was just rounding up.

Looks like 250. After having Bob do 28 laps around Monza, I now have 250hp in my garage view
and in my tuning menu (sometimes those 2 differ +/-1, but not here). And it stayed at 250
after an oil change after those races. 432 total miles, and I'd guess 150-200 of those are
WRS miles.
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Sign me up Tim. Guess I'll paint the car some orange color.

Does the tuning shop offer reinforced bumpers.:)
Tim, I just ran 20 or so laps with the above setup. The gearing wasn't quite right, bouncing off the rev limiter in 5th twice a lap. Changed 5th and then 4th a bit which fixed that issue. Like the gearing now. The car seems easier to drive with the above suspension settings, I think the reduced weight has a lot to do with that.

That said I'm 1.5 - 2.0 seconds a lap slower than my WRS times without the extra weight. Did you guys find the online lobby times that much slower than your WRS times?

Blair, make sure to note the last line in Pekka's gears, the F5.050 part.
You set the final to 5.500, max speed all the way left, set the 1 thru 5 gears,
and then move the final down to 5.050. For me, at least, this has me barely hitting the rev limiter in 5th on the hill after the tunnel, before the chicane. 👍
Sign me up Tim. Guess I'll paint the car some orange color.

Does the tuning shop offer reinforced bumpers.:)

👍 you are in!

T13R and Lefty bought all the bumpers they had in stock. :lol:
Blair, make sure to note the last line in Pekka's gears, the F5.050 part.
You set the final to 5.500, max speed all the way left, set the 1 thru 5 gears,
and then move the final down to 5.050. For me, at least, this has me barely hitting the rev limiter in 5th on the hill after the tunnel, before the chicane. 👍

Ok, I missed that part. I'll try that now.👍
After having Bob do 28 laps around Monza, I now have 250hp in my garage view
and in my tuning menu (sometimes those 2 differ +/-1, but not here). And it stayed at 250

WOW and I'm at 245hp I guess I'm doing ok giving up 5hp to Grav, this calls for the handy work of Bob to bring my pony up to speed. I feel the pack nipping at my healzzz :lol:
...I now have 250hp in my garage view
and in my tuning menu (sometimes those 2 differ +/-1, but not here). And it stayed at 250
after an oil change after those races. 432 total miles, and I'd guess 150-200 of those are
WRS miles.

Ok... my car is stuck at 249, but I'll update the event post and be sure to set the max hp to 250 for the lounge. I'll have my bob take a crack at the car and see if he can coax the other hp out of it.

Edit: Trusty bob found my lost digit. Going to give him some ice in his Gatorade next time he pits... Good little chap that bob.
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If you're still looking for insight, I'd say SH without needing to try it, running 20 (or so) laps on CS with a 250HP Miata sounds very difficult. (I don't have a problem with CS though)

And yes, I do plan on showing this time. :lol: Might not get any practice ahead of time though.
If you're still looking for insight, I'd say SH without needing to try it, running 20 (or so) laps on CS with a 250HP Miata sounds very difficult. (I don't have a problem with CS though)

And yes, I do plan on showing this time. :lol: Might not get any practice ahead of time though.

Dom, you're on the list! Do you want to reserve a color so you are easily identified on pics/replays? You can use any paint on this car. See the event post for colors already chosen as they are designated in the Driver Registration list.

We are going with CS tires, but taking away all ballast and allowing weight down to 831 kg. All the details including quali and rolling start directions are in the event post.

Also, announcing a practice session for "Cruisin' Monaco Online" for Monday night. It's an open session so come and go as you please between the hours of 6:00PM PDT and 9:30PM PDT.

Practice Session Details

Format: Open (come and go as you please)
Mode: Free Run + Short Race Tests
Location: GTP_WRP001's lounge
Event: Cruisin' Monaco Online
Date: Monday, October 3
Time: 6:00PM PDT to 9:30PM PDT
Race Test 1: TBD
Race Test 2: 8:15PM PDT to 8:30PM PDT (7 Laps)
Race Test 3: 9:00PM PDT to 9:30PM PDT (13 Laps) *test parade lap?

Note: I will be listed as in the lounge, but won't actually be at my PS3 until around 7:45 PM PDT, but wanted to setup the room early and make it available so people on the east coast have a place to come and work on some group testing. Hydro plans to join early and will manage the room until I join. Jump on anytime you feel like it. Mics will be enabled.

For most of the time, the lounge will be set to "free run / practice". However, I'd like to schedule a few race test during the session. Maybe you early drivers can coordinate with Hydro on the time for the early race test. For the later slot I was thinking starting a 7 lap test at 8:15 PM PDT which should last until about 8:30 PM PDT. And then finish the practice with a 13 lap race test starting at 9:00 PM PDT if there is anyone left that's interested.

Please give us feedback on these times and practice plan and if you think you may be able to join. You can come on for any part or all of the practice... whatever works for you. If you join the room while a test race is taking place you'll have to wait until the race is done to join, but the two early races are set short on purpose so they only last 15 minutes max.
Dom, you're on the list! Do you want to reserve a color so you are easily identified on pics/replays? You can use any paint on this car. See the event post for colors already chosen as they are designated in the Driver Registration list.

We are going with CS tires, but taking away all ballast and allowing weight down to 831 kg. All the details including quali and rolling start directions are in the event post.

Also, announcing a practice session for "Cruisin' Monaco Online" for Monday night. It's an open session so come and go as you please between the hours of 6:00PM PDT and 9:30PM PDT.

Practice Session Details

Format: Open (come and go as you please)
Mode: Free Run + Short Race Tests
Location: GTP_WRP001's lounge
Event: Cruisin' Monaco Online
Date: Monday, October 3
Time: 6:00PM PDT to 9:30PM PDT
Race Test 1: TBD
Race Test 2: 8:15PM PDT to 8:30PM PDT (7 Laps)
Race Test 3: 9:00PM PDT to 9:30PM PDT (13 Laps) *test parade lap?

Note: I will be listed as in the lounge, but won't actually be at my PS3 until around 7:45 PM PDT, but wanted to setup the room early and make it available so people on the east coast have a place to come and work on some group testing. Hydro plans to join early and will manage the room until I join. Jump on anytime you feel like it. Mics will be enabled.

For most of the time, the lounge will be set to "free run / practice". However, I'd like to schedule a few race test during the session. Maybe you early drivers can coordinate with Hydro on the time for the early race test. For the later slot I was thinking starting a 7 lap test at 8:15 PM PDT which should last until about 8:30 PM PDT. And then finish the practice with a 13 lap race test starting at 9:00 PM PDT if there is anyone left that's interested.

Please give us feedback on these times and practice plan and if you think you may be able to join. You can come on for any part or all of the practice... whatever works for you. If you join the room while a test race is taking place you'll have to wait until the race is done to join, but the two early races are set short on purpose so they only last 15 minutes max.

Sounds good to me 👍
I'll try to jump in closer to 6 - 6:30 PDT and run a bit.
That's just after the "buzzer beater" WRS time as well, so I'll probably be on anyway :D

If any drivers are interested in the Euro Time slot, I can host again this week at 3 PM EDT (7 PM GMT), Wednesday Oct 5 (same day as the regular event).
Please reply to the post if you are interested.

I'm going with "Monaco Blue" for this race. Seems fitting...:lol:
Please give us feedback on these times and practice plan and if you think you may be able to join. You can come on for any part or all of the practice... whatever works for you. If you join the room while a test race is taking place you'll have to wait until the race is done to join, but the two early races are set short on purpose so they only last 15 minutes max.

I should be able to join early on for awhile, it will be good practice to run in a group, or should I say drifting in a group on this tight track.:lol:

The Forza 4 demo comes out tomorrow, my arms will probably be worn out by 9:00pm Michigan time.:crazy:
Hey guys, I'm up for the race on Wednesday.

Not much good on this combo but I'll try to stay out of the way. Just gonna use the stock blue paint.

Probably won't make it for pratice on Monday.
Hey guys, I'm up for the race on Wednesday.

Not much good on this combo but I'll try to stay out of the way. Just gonna use the stock blue paint.

Probably won't make it for pratice on Monday.

Awesome. Will be great to have you for the race... I'll be looking for you on the final corner again. :lol:

You'll want to change the setup for online in case you don't get any chance to practice before the race. Right now I just changed ride height as mentioned above (set the rear to +15). Otherwise it's the Vagabond WRS setup and MadMax WRS transmission. Works decent without the ballast. If we find any good online setup tweaks we will post them to the thread. 👍
Thanks for the tip. I tried their setups but ended up using my own (maybe not a good idea). I'll definitly try to make it tomorrow, otherwise try to get some time in on my own. Cool to find some good people to race with.
If your going to leave the tires and everything else the same but pull the extra weight, do we have to remove it completely or if we want to penelize our selfs can we add the weight like a self induced handicap? I don't want to go into details right now about my interest in it but without running this car online I'm concerned w/ my own ability to get the car to imulate my off line "Vagabond Flyer".

I am a little bit standoffish in showing my hand too soon before Mon's WRS deadline but after that I'll lay my cards on the table, for what it's worth :) I think my variations to Vag's setup will be great for any A/T drivers and even might work for M/T also.

I just hit my 28th lap of Monza and got her up to 249hp, just one more dose and it's off to the WRS Monaco combo for some more squeezing. I just know that someone is going to pass me for the lead :nervous:

@WRP: in your Regulation Setings

Car Restriction:
Select From Standard Garage.

The car is located in the Premium Garage :confused:
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If your going to leave the tires and everything else the same but pull the extra weight, do we have to remove it completely or if we want to penelize our selfs can we add the weight like a self induced handicap? I don't want to go into details right now about my interest in it but without running this car online I'm concerned w/ my own ability to get the car to imulate my off line "Vagabond Flyer".

I am a little bit standoffish in showing my hand too soon before Mon's WRS deadline but after that I'll lay my cards on the table, for what it's worth :) I think my variations to Vag's setup will be great for any A/T drivers and even might work for M/T also.

I just hit my 28th lap of Monza and got her up to 249hp, just one more dose and it's off to the WRS Monaco combo for some more squeezing. I just know that someone is going to pass me for the lead :nervous:

@WRP: in your Regulation Setings

Car Restriction:
Select From Standard Garage.

The car is located in the Premium Garage :confused:

You are restricted by minimum weight only so you can use all the extra ballast you desire. HP is restricted to the maximum so you can use as little as you like and still meet the restrictions. e.g. a car with ballast and not broken in can enter the room even with 1000kg and 245hp, but will obviously be at a disadvantage vs a car that's right on the limit.

We won't have our practice until *after* the Monday WRS deadline (not a coincidence) so your secrets are safe here.

I updated the Car Restriction settings just to say see details above. That was just a copy/paste error from previous event.
Dom, you're on the list! Do you want to reserve a color so you are easily identified on pics/replays? You can use any paint on this car. See the event post for colors already chosen as they are designated in the Driver Registration list.

We are going with CS tires, but taking away all ballast and allowing weight down to 831 kg. All the details including quali and rolling start directions are in the event post.

Also, announcing a practice session for "Cruisin' Monaco Online" for Monday night. It's an open session so come and go as you please between the hours of 6:00PM PDT and 9:30PM PDT.

Practice Session Details

Format: Open (come and go as you please)
Mode: Free Run + Short Race Tests
Location: GTP_WRP001's lounge
Event: Cruisin' Monaco Online
Date: Monday, October 3
Time: 6:00PM PDT to 9:30PM PDT
Race Test 1: TBD
Race Test 2: 8:15PM PDT to 8:30PM PDT (7 Laps)
Race Test 3: 9:00PM PDT to 9:30PM PDT (13 Laps) *test parade lap?

Note: I will be listed as in the lounge, but won't actually be at my PS3 until around 7:45 PM PDT, but wanted to setup the room early and make it available so people on the east coast have a place to come and work on some group testing. Hydro plans to join early and will manage the room until I join. Jump on anytime you feel like it. Mics will be enabled.

For most of the time, the lounge will be set to "free run / practice". However, I'd like to schedule a few race test during the session. Maybe you early drivers can coordinate with Hydro on the time for the early race test. For the later slot I was thinking starting a 7 lap test at 8:15 PM PDT which should last until about 8:30 PM PDT. And then finish the practice with a 13 lap race test starting at 9:00 PM PDT if there is anyone left that's interested.

Please give us feedback on these times and practice plan and if you think you may be able to join. You can come on for any part or all of the practice... whatever works for you. If you join the room while a test race is taking place you'll have to wait until the race is done to join, but the two early races are set short on purpose so they only last 15 minutes max.
Orange is taken, "lime green" it is!
Actual color is Verde Ithaca. (a candy apple lime green)
looks promising!
I'll try and make this one.
As I'm the only Euro guy you don't need to set up a second race at a different time.
I'll just go to sleep early to get up early and make the race timing (4AM for me)
Mine is Matte Green :)
looks promising!
I'll try and make this one.
As I'm the only Euro guy you don't need to set up a second race at a different time.
I'll just go to sleep early to get up early and make the race timing (4AM for me)
Mine is Matte Green :)

Good to hear Speedy 👍
But if the interest is there, I will host a Euro race as well. Details here.
Time to sign up guys!

4am?? that's some serious dedication :lol:
You must LOVE Monaco :D
4am?? that's some serious dedication :lol:
You must LOVE Monaco :D

It's not that I love Monaco, actually I hate it. :lol:
It's just that I love to race online with decent racers.
And as I am used to getting up at 6 it shouldn't be hard to go to sleep a bit earlier and get up a bit earlier to race you guys 👍
If any drivers are interested in the Euro Time slot, I can host again this week at 3 PM EDT (7 PM GMT), Wednesday Oct 5 (same day as the regular event).
Please reply to the post if you are interested.

I'm interested , any euro time slot testing coming before the actual race?

Sign me up for the Euro event, I'm not sure what colour my car will be yet, going to change it to something bright though 👍
I'm interested , any euro time slot testing coming before the actual race?


@MadMax: Are you interested in a NA time slot or just the EU? I'll put you on the main NA list for now. Pick a color... we're all taking a unique color since this car can be painted so we stand out in pics/replays.

@Hydro: Do you want me to maintain a list for the EU time slot? Or maybe you can just create your own post and I can link to it from the main event thread so you can maintain it?
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It's not that I love Monaco, actually I hate it. :lol:
It's just that I love to race online with decent racers.

I couldn't imagine a better reason to get up early then :sly:👍
I remeber racing against you in the weirdest OMRS ever.
Great to see you joining us :)

I'm interested , any euro time slot testing coming before the actual race?


Ok, then I'll go ahead and setup the Euro race slot for 7PM GMT (3PM EDT/12PM PDT).
Qualifying begins at 7 PM GMT, race starts at 7:30 GMT.
If any driver whishes to participate in the "Euro" timeslot, just post to the thread, and I'll keep a running list.

Any driver can compete in both the Euro, and NA timeslots, regardless of their respective location.

For practice purposes, I can setup Tuesday at 6:30 PM GMT (2:30 PM EDT/ 11:30 PM PDT) for about an hour or so.
I may not be able to drive much, but we'll see :sly:

@Hydro: Do you want me to maintain a list for the EU time slot? Or maybe you can just create your own post and I can link to it from the main event thread so you can maintain it?
Yes please! 👍

We just might have to make the EU timeslot a permanent fixture anyway, might as well start this week :cool:
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