That was a fun race last night

The best part to me, was the fact that it was such close running for most of the laps, with multiple drivers.
The format (4x12 lap races) worked out perfectly. Great Idea Tim 👍
That's a shame Marc... everything ok mate?
Everything was good Chris 👍, thanks for asking.
Great in fact.
My Mom went in for hip replacement surgery over the weekend, and was expected to be released on Friday.
As it turns out, she heals incredibly fast (esp. since she is 70!), and she was given the option of going home on Wednesday - which of course, she took

So I quickly (very quickly) grabbed my brother and picked her and my Dad up.
The kicker is that they live 160 kms away, so a lazy day became quite hectic.
The drive back was.... WRS worthy

, and I made it just in time (literally - grid formation was underway

Congrats on your impressive driving Chris 👍
Quite Amazing

I'm always sure to keep my nose clean. If I'm wrecking its usually just driver error on my part and usually don't get anybodyelse involved. Hopefully I'll be able to run with you guys in the NA room. Mostly looking forward to seat time with some great drivers. 👍 Oh if we can change car number i'll be #8
Great to see you in the series Dragon 👍
I have no doubt you will fit in fine, and there's plenty of good competition for you.
I'll do my best to be part of that
So, what are we gonna call this thing now? 2D21D3?
Nice job on the promotions, Tim and Marc. 👍
Thanks Kevin, and congrats to all the WRS/3D3 drivers that were promoted

I think we'll stay with 3D3

Never forget where you came from..... 👍
Besides, as soon as you WRS guys fix the
Obvious Glitch in the Ranking System, Lucas will be joining us too.
EDIT - Big (huge) props to Tim, and Lucas for covering all the duties, and getting it all together on such short notice yesterday.
As of Wednesday AM, no one had any idea I was going to miss the EU event, and possibly the NA event as well.
Basically, 1 somewhat panicked PM hit their inboxes 2 hrs before the start of the EU event, and fortunately it all worked out in the end.
Great work guys 👍