3rd GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Season Opening)

  • Thread starter Kakundoo
And I was only a few thousandths slower, but I won :D. Wonder if that will happen on Sunday. Or maybe a best result?
Remember guys, turn 1 here is very dangerous as were all flying into it at 200mph, so, don't brake too late going into turn 1, or big crash might happen.
A warning to everyone for this race, I brake earlier than most at the Ascari chicane (The fast chicane, following the straight which goes under the bridge) so if you're following me closely into it then please don't ram me off the road 💡
I qualified 3rd with the best lap i have done all day with no drag. We all seem to get through T1 ok and on T3 shaggy hit kakundoo i just about drove through it and up to 1st. I held that till lap 5 and i get a 8 second penalty duck and ginty get past im in 3rd. For about 8 laps im about 1.5 seconds away from duck never gaining on him until he makes a mistake which was great. I took him on the start straight and we both braked earlier into T1 but i got through. That lap was are pit lap and i only go a screw my pit stop up which allowed him back past. With only 2 laps left i knew that was it i was finishing 3rd.

And also congratulations on your first victory ginty hope to see many more from you.
my first win 'nice' graet start taking it easy i heard the crash and thought take it easy then king made a mistake wich left me in 2nd then i got drag on duck 1st place then from there i never looked back took it easy all the way too the finish line. yesssssssssssss 1st place 1st and 3rd for REDBULL .good race duck and king.
Congrats Ginty, fantastic win and a brilliant result indeed for Red Bull, though it had been coming 👍 I'll post my race summary tomorrow, im too tired tonight to be bothered with it.

I just wanted to sum up my feelings about the problems with racing against PJ and that I'm sorry the game makes it so impossible to have proper racing against each other. Basically PJ's argument, which is a valid one, is that regardless of whether or not we've hit him we should check our map when passing him to see if he's stopped dead on the track. Now, that's all well and good, but given how erratic PJ's car behaves on track and others can back me up about this - weaving all over the place, ghosting in and out, spends as much time on the grass as on the track, bounces off walls, teleports 20 metres in front of you and then right next to you then behind you then back in front - it is utterly impossible to tell whether or not we have crashed into him or if he's simply crashed it himself. And in the likely event that we have crashed into him, then it simply isn't fair on those trying to get past who have no way of avoiding him. As far as I can tell, it is virtually impossible it do a normal overtaking manouevre on PJ, even if you're a lot faster, without it being a matter of pot luck whether or not you've collided into him.

I can fully understand PJ's frustration, he's a competitive lad and from his screen all probably appears normal and it must be maddening to see other drivers crash into him and then drive on as if they've done it on purpose. I would simply say though, that you should just accept that this is the way things are. It's not like im not trying to help, I'm willing to turn collisions off for the final 3 races so that we can properly race each other, but seeing as you're not willing then I don't see what else I can do :indiff:
Well, here's my final race review.

I did a lot of practice for this race, until I could nail the 1:22's consistently. I didn't put down my fastest lap in qualifying and I started behind Demarko. I got a very quick start off the line, and found myself pulling ahead of Demarko, but then, the first of the race disasters happen. Demarko spins me and I crash, before I even got to turn 1, and he didn't stop. I respawned and continued with my race. There were a number of crashes later on in that lap, which would help me gain a few places. Later on, I get a big ,18 second penalty for going onto the kerb a bit too much in Ascari, and Demarko, not too far behind, recovering from a 8 second penalty from Ascari as well, got by me again. Memory is a bit blurry here, but I remember that shggy got by me somehow. Later on, Shaggy and Demarko crashed, which allowed me to get passed Shaggy and to gain on Demarko. I was catching Demarko, and Shaggy was catching me. Then down into turn 1, Shaggy had the draft and I braked a bit earlier and went very wide and slowly through turn 1 to prevent impact, but Shaggy rear ended me, and didn't stop either. After this, I had absolutely no confidence left, but anger pushed me on. And if my day wasn't bad enough already, my fold out table which my wheel is on, decided to fall apart. I had to use 1 hand to steer he car out of the way and the other to try reconstruct it. When I pulled over, I hit the wall, and lost my front wing. So, I had to pit and get a new one. I powered on, until I had to answer the phone for another happy birthday call. I remember my fun with Scoop around this time. I heard a bang when trying to pass, looked and saw his car stationery on the gravel, and stopped for him. Later on, while passing him again, but pretty far away from him, i saw him hit the inside wall, I don't know how that happened, but I stopped, thinking that I might have hit him. I passed him again, and disappeared into the distance. I finished 7th.

Now onto my bad news. Because of what has happened every race so far with me in it, someone being hit by my lag bubble, me being hit by someone and them not realizing it at all, or me just being unraceable, I have decided to quit the championship. I'm sorry guys, it's not your faults, don't blame yourselves. These races have made my Sundays a blast. But a combination of complaints, and schoolwork piling up, has made me have to do this. Kakundoo, i'm sorry. I know we have a championship to win, but I have made my mind up. Farewell all, good luck in the remaining 3 races.

Good race for me. Got my first pole position :D unfortunately I had a slow start :S and Shaggy got by me into turn 1, however I got by him again into the next chicane. Although after that, he tagged the back of my car and spun me into the wall, just where Hamilton has dropped it.
Ben waited for me and I tried to catch the rest of the pack and was able to do so and pass them without any accidents. I was still racing Shaggy at this point and once again he got by me into turn 1, but I got in his slipstream and overtook him down the straight into the next chicane, but he turned into me and he had a coming together with the wall. Fortunately I got away unscathed.
I attempted to catch King, Ginty and Duck, but I just didn't have the pace. For some reason I was losing 5-7 tenths of a second per lap until my second round of pitstops where I picked up some pace and was able to do a 1:22.3xx, nothing to brag about, but at least I finished in front of Shaggy.

Good win Ginty and great result for Red Bull. Well done to Duck as well who performed very well this race.

I really don't know what to do about the PJ/Shaggy or the PJ/Demarko incident for that matter. Nothing I decide will be fair on someone. It's disappointing that I will lose another team mate, I think my team is actually cursed :(

And finally, I might as well say congratulations to Shaggy, there's no way that I can take the title from him now. 6 points per race is just too much to ask. Well done Ben, another solid season on your behalf.
Yeah i agree with you andy

See? They don't want collision off. If it was off, it would be Shaggy and Kak constantly winning, rather than the mess up of the order because they crashed in turn 1. Battles for position would simply be the constant phasing through each other instead of the late braking, the overtaking maneuvers and other things that make races exiting. I want me and everyone to have fun, and no one is having fun in the races with me because of lag. I'll find some other way to have fun on sundays. Maybe we will race again when the new F1 2010 game hits shelves in March, but I won't be able to race you guys because I will have a PAL copy, so we will not race again for a while. Enjoy the rest of your season. I'm finally out of your way. I'm so sorry Kak, good luck in the next 3 races.

During the qualification all of you had ASPI?
Because without ASPI it is impossible take lap faster than in 1'21".
I didn't have ASPI during qualification.
About first accident...
pj-gm pushed me to the side was overtaking me.Very optimistic overtaking.
About second accident...
Shaggy I don't have whell, so I can't turn softly.Sorry mate
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Watching that video from dem pj wasn't moving around everywhere on his screen. I did wonder who clipped me at T1 lol and when i looked back to see where ginty was i see someone on the grass and thought what the hell is someone out there for. I see why now
During the qualification all of you had ASPI?
Because without ASPI it is impossible take lap faster than in 1'21".
I didn't have ASPI during qualification.
About first accident...
pj-gm pushed me to the side was overtaking me.Very optimistic overtaking.
About second accident...
Shaggy I don't have whell, so I can't turn softly.Sorry mate

Wow, I have to say I'm shocked at that driving, what on earth were you doing driving back onto the racing line like that before the second chicane with a damaged car?
I don't have a wheel and I don't drive like that. You didn't even attempt to turn!
Wow, I have to say I'm shocked at that driving, what on earth were you doing driving back onto the racing line like that before the second chicane with a damaged car?
I don't have a wheel and I don't drive like that. You didn't even attempt to turn!

Relax, he's just a rookie, he's got learning to do, but we will press out his creases soon.
Wow, I have to say I'm shocked at that driving, what on earth were you doing driving back onto the racing line like that before the second chicane with a damaged car?
I don't have a wheel and I don't drive like that. You didn't even attempt to turn!

Expert how many times you play F1? 👍

Relax, he's just a rookie, he's got learning to do, but we will press out his creases soon.

Rookie here but not in F1 :)
I was driving near the line.You deprived me of the way.Man your overtaking was very aggressive.
Then car had become unmanageable
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You can tell he is no rookie as his lap times are to quick for a rookie. But he should of waited till there was a gap before coming back on the track.
Expert how many times you play F1? 👍

It doesn't matter - if you go off track and you know there are cars behind you, you don't immediately come back on in their path and that applies to any racing game.
I have a hard time believing it was unintentional when there is visibly no steering input whatsoever.

Just because Schumacher does it, doesn't mean we all should.
Unfortunately, some of us have ASPI during qualification ant another no.
Not having ASPI in qualification I have take 1'22" for lap and I need to jostle with them who lag behind.
Using ASPI I could to do Monza in 1'19",5 - 1'20'

Slip stream :)

And yeah I agree with Ardius, it was a bit bad to come back on to the track with a damaged car.

What should I do, stay out of track for all race time? :confused:

OK, educate the old guy :dunce: what is "ASPI"? :confused:

Sorry but you didn't participated in this race and you can't decide it :)
Sorry my friend but I m not interested in your opinion

It doesn't matter - if you go off track and you know there are cars behind you, you don't immediately come back on in their path and that applies to any racing game.
I have a hard time believing it was unintentional when there is visibly no steering input whatsoever.

Just because Schumacher does it, doesn't mean we all should.
What should I do, stay out of track for all race time? :confused:

If you make a mistake and returning to the track would cause an accident then yes. Its pretty obvious that turning straight onto the track when your opponents are less than a second behind was going to cause an accident.
It wasn't even that either - you could have returned to the track and not ventured onto the racing line but you chose to veer straight across it.

I can see from the video you appear to have trouble steering smoothly so I can understand you have trouble controlling your car at times. I'm more appalled that you didn't even try to stop going across the track.

This is for the benefit of everyone and to make the racing more enjoyable and less a destruction derby.
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Sorry but you didn't participated in this race and you can't decide it :)

I wasn't trying to decide anything mate :) I had never heard of "ASPI" before and was wondering what it meant :dunce:

Slip stream :)

Thanks Kakundoo. Now I know what the term it is refering to...........but you still didn't tell me what the letters stand for :lol:
cant wait till sundy still on a high from my first clean win hopfully i can this to the next race looking foward to a nice battel with my team mate for 3rd. iv bin giving the nod by team boss that no team orders but keep it clean see you all sunday.AVIT COME ON REDBULL.

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