450PP Historic European Super Lap: Matterhorn Rotenboden

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It also work by "using the track" and not going straight through the first shicane and not jumping downhill.
at least it works for Gold. For sure not for a time less than 1.50. but easily for Gold.
It's another one of those events where it's nigh on impossible to do 2 consistent laps - if you get a lucky bump at the first corner, you get through the second OK, if not you go straight into the wall. Similarly with the downhill section, over the jump - sometimes you land OK, and can get stopped for the corner at the bottom, but most of the time you get thrown off the track! I got down to a 1.50.xx very quickly (using Doodle's tune), but cannot get below that at all.

Like you, I have now given up......
Come on wheres your spirit! LOL
Returned to Doodles tune and took off over 1/2 a second and snuck into the 1:46's, albeit by the skin of my teeth.

Now on 1:46.999 for pos #96.

Oh, and I found when I checked Doodles tune on my car that I had forgotten to add Racing Brakes. Ha ha.

And was chasing Doodles ghost rather than my own.

1:46.757 for pos #70.

Oh, forgot to mention I changed the power setting a tad. Dropped one of the options, can't remember which one now and added %. Couldn't say it made much difference but I'll check it out tomorrow. One of my boys is interstate representing the NT in sport and the other is sleeping at a school friends place overnight and I'm on the turps, so can't check now.

Like you I realized I was not using racing brakes and gained .800 to get an early for me 1:47.693. Maybe another second in it for me with a better 3rd sector.

Using Doodles tune (thanks) with some mods:

Rear ride height 143
Sways 6/3
Rear tow .15
Brakes 8/3
Minor diff changes 5/9/15

Not a fan of this track, getting better at it.
1:49.190 using Doodle's tune. I think I've nailed the 1st sector as well as I can, it's the second and third that are holding me back now. The left down hill after the hairpin at the start of the second sector kills me. I either go in with too much speed and slide, or too little and lose time. Cannot find a happy medium.

Edit* 1:48.875. I am pretty happy with this time
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It's another one of those events where it's nigh on impossible to do 2 consistent laps - if you get a lucky bump at the first corner, you get through the second OK, if not you go straight into the wall. Similarly with the downhill section, over the jump - sometimes you land OK, and can get stopped for the corner at the bottom, but most of the time you get thrown off the track! I got down to a 1.50.xx very quickly (using Doodle's tune), but cannot get below that at all.

Like you, I have now given up......
I can do a better lap than what i got, just the handling of the car doesn't suit me so makes me not wanna drive it

But yes i get what you mean it's tricky but keep going better you do and the better you get :)
I got nothing to prove for this event so i don't find the point in doing it
Ok had a little monday drive on the mountains using @Doodle 's setup (thank you very many :) 👍 ) and damn this car felt really lazy for long time and probably took me well over hour before I started to get in to some sort of speed... Also the damn downhill jump in to that hairpin is totally out of this world, the road comes down in like 45 decrees I think and it really feels like the downhill is covered on ice lol :D heheh, and when I started to get the jump sort of figured out I got in to all kinds of trouble in the end messing up my laps... Still got down to 45.257 witch would have been really nice lap but I think I lost over two tenths in that last corner alone and really felt bit stupid for it was really clear error... heheh, these two TT's really complement each others, this one is quite long and sort of lazy going and the other one at the SoW is like one minute full attack riding a god damn bit bull on steroids :D :D hehehe, good luck everybody :) 👍
Come on wheres your spirit! LOL
Lost it on this one mate! I'm usually 3 to 4 seconds behind the aliens on these TTs, but 6.7 seconds behind on this one is too much to make up.

Concentrating on Streets of Willow instead, where I do at least feel like I'm making some progress - 3.2 seconds behind on that, and still feel that I could find more time.
Seems like from most of the posts here, getting below 120 seconds (or 2 minutes) seems fairly easy. Of course, my Gold time was south of 2 minutes. You just need an agile car as well as a good amount of fearlessness to Gold this Time Trial. Matterhorn Rotenboden is not an easy course.
Which car can come close to the Dino ? (Timelap). ANY idea/suggestion? :cheers:. If doesn't have, might else PD should rename it to Dino's Super Lap :lol:
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Which car can come close to the Dino ? (Timelap). ANY idea/suggestion? :cheers:. If doesn't have, might else PD should rename it to Dino's Super Lap :lol:

me as others to tryed some alternatives.
the little FF Abarth 112 is realy fun. completely red fronttyres all the way up the first shicane :D

to me closest to the Dino ist the Stratos. But in the end its still seconds behind the Dino.
me as others to tryed some alternatives.
the little FF Abarth 112 is realy fun. completely red fronttyres all the way up the first shicane :D

to me closest to the Dino ist the Stratos. But in the end its still seconds behind the Dino.
1:4** ?
I'm not that crack, sorry.
Just about 1.52.0xx
I would like to see if one of those 1:4* dudes get a stratos to work and whats the gap to the Dino for them. But noone trys

For me the gap between Dino and Stratos is about 3 seconds
I've tried with the Alpine, 1.52.** . That means Stratos is the closest.
maybe i should give him another try. I improved time on this track every day. Should also improve with the Stratos now.

at least catch up with my Dino-Time
Are you using the same gearbox setting now Doodles? After looking at your video I thought you may have changed it a little.

At least 3rd gear is much longer on a quick look and not using MPH's so not sure if 2nd gear is also bit longer, but otherwise looks the same to me...

EDIT: naah, I think second gear is same as well, 3rd is definitely longer... not very hard to adjust the gears though...
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Lol F U thrusmaster, the god damn screw from the bottom has gone bad :mad: really freaking quality stuff, I had DFpro and it lasted driving at least 4 years and probably even more, had to replace it a year a go when motors started slipping... This one having some one dollar screw on the bottom just tells a lot about thrusmasters ambition towards quality 👎 👎 naah I guess it's fixable just hope I don't broke the whole damn thing while doing it :D hehehe, pfft, not my day...

Ok no freaking way to fix the main screw by myself, there seems to be two other screws on the bottom so I guess I have to start drilling holes on my coffee table, thanks thrusmaster, really freaking appreciated :cheers:
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1:44.366. Current goal is to hit a 1:43 so I'll try to make that happen, or at least get close to that mark this weekend. :D Here's my setup so far. I had difficulties creating a good transmission for this track and the Dino but this one will have to do for now.



Reset and set top speed to far left (minimum)
Final: 2.610


Power Limiter: 93.7
Sports Computer
Racing Exhaust
Isometric Exahust Manifold
Catalytic Converter: Sports

Full Weight Reduction
Downforce: 20

You've changed oil, and put my weight because what you put the flange to 93.7 does not leave me, thanks
Umm.. I didn't change the oil. Maybe you're using the wrong parts?

no longer quite right that my car has many kilometers I bought one, and now if I get the same values as you, big time thanks
Ok sorry for off-topic but since I know many of you guys are worried as hell over me (yeah right :D ) and if I'm going to get my wheel back together, so just FYI yes I'm getting it fixed for after further investigations I realized that those screws on the bottom were still useable so I only need to replace the bolt and I'm fine!! Already found the bolt for it and it's better fit than the original for it really was bit loose from the beginning...

So yeah, round one thrusmaster 0 ODB 1 :D so just "screw you" thrusmater I'm not going to submit so easily in to your little game of "buy a new wheel every year" :D

Hehehe, cost was 4 euros witch is probably over 4 times the price of the original bolt but what can you do...

Here's the repair kit :D


Aaaaaaand back to topic :D definitely going to give it few hours tonight :)

EDIT: Okey heh heh, as well as that new bolt and wrench looks sexy as hell this was the first time I didn't have to use any extra force to make it tight!! and also it didn't loosen up by itself like the original bolt so the damn original really is a peace of crap :D heheh, also made pretty freaking nice lap 44.733 for 11th place and the lap really was almost prefect according to my standards but on that left turn to downhill that starts the second sector I go waaaaaay wide and I think there went something like .15 seconds and it really was the only thing keeping me away of making an appearance in the top ten... actually I was only .02 or something away from making the 10th place so little bit irritated :D heheh, naah, brilliant lap anyway and really nice to have an attachment system in my wheel that finally works :D also had my 3rd gear longer than in the original tune posted and it helps a bit in few places, I'm right on the limiter before that hairpin on the top of the hill but didn't look what my numbers for the 3rd gear was...
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Ok meanwhile i found out some things about my problem getting a Stratos to work on this track.
As mentioned above the Stratos is about 2 and a half seconds behind the best cars on the track.
For me i recognized two major Problems which i'm not able to handle.

Explaning technical behaviors in a foreign language is difficult but i try to do my best.

first there is an anoying reaction on the load transfer of the car. every time you brake and/or accelerate you feel the reaction on the grip of rear-tyres and the trend to slide or loose connection to the surface in any way.
That means the car is moving around a vertical axis a lot more than others as if the Wheelbase is to short ore something.
The effect , you loose a lot of time before the car "feels" stable again.

Second is the traction on the forced tyres.
there is a lot more wheelspin then with other cars. Maybe as well due to a short wheelbase or any other chassis geometry.
No matter what i try i can stop the wheels from slightly spinning all the way up in the first and last sectors.

so in the end the Dino is the faster car due to basic differences in chassis geometry, wheel suspension or whatever.

Any other opinion? Am i right or just to dump to setup the car correctly or to drive it as it has to be done ?

don't be afraid, i think at least i'm through with that "Stratos" thing now :rolleyes:
There are a few cars in GT6 that seem to have some sort of override over the basic physics engine that makes them very difficult to drive compared to cars with a similar weight and power on the same tyres.

The Stratos and Yellowbird are a couple of examples of where the game interprets the weight distribution and it's affect on the handling in an unrealistic manner.
There are a few cars in GT6 that seem to have some sort of override over the basic physics engine that makes them very difficult to drive compared to cars with a similar weight and power on the same tyres.

The Stratos and Yellowbird are a couple of examples of where the game interprets the weight distribution and it's affect on the handling in an unrealistic manner.

so you mean i'm not dump ?
You made my day dude :cheers: :D
Well @ODB; i'd say you still got a screw loose :lol: -Congrats on a great lap, although i get pushed from being best placed Scandinavian -again. Well, never mind: We know Elias is gonna come and push us both down in the last days of the TT.
BTW: Did you just give away the answer for your riddle from last month a few posts up? Thought SoW could only mean Suzuka on wets...actually i still do 'coz the correct abbreviation for this one would be SoWS!? :lol:

Myself, i'm running 1:45.163 with @Doodle's Setup (Thx Doodle 👍) and this time with no aids except ABS=1. :P I'm gonna try that longer 3'rd and have also been considering to prolongue first gear to better negotiate the turn under the second bridge -but i'm hesitating 'coz then i'd have to change the gearbox entirely...