well life without laughter is dull, especially here in the darkness

Yeah that elias guys is pretty damn tough

and I think I'm currently just fastestt scandinavian taking PART in to this TT but thanks anyway

just did over two hour stint and I was JUST about to give it up for today and look what happened
View attachment 490601

I had a really good lap going on but at the bottom of the hill on those two right hand turns I go bit sideways and I'm also about to hit that right wall under the bridge for the rear is sliding waay too much (not at all would've been nice

) heheh, never the less it's shared 11th place ATM not bad at all 👍
SoW is Streets of Willow
I have only made 3rd gear longer so that I don't have to go to 4th gear before that hairpin on the top of the hill, it doesn't change much, but after getting used to it I've liked it... Going under the bridge I try to stay on 2nd gear, if it seems like the car won't turn in I drop quickly to 1st and shift right back up so that the rear doesn't slide too much 👍 today I also figured that I can just floor it trough that chicane/jump if the lines is just right, also when the line is right all you have to do is start braking as soon as the car hits the tarmac and the just smoothly steer the car down the hill and in to the hairpin, good luck mate

EDIT: oh yeah beatiful time you have there
Just squeeze in bit better firts sector and you'll be down at 44.5 👍 hehehe, and I know you herd this many times, but doing such times on controller is remarkable

I bet you could be a surgeon with such a sensitive fingers

good luck herr Ed