Then again, didnt think destructable enviroment was achiavable on ps3 (like Battlefield..).
But programers do wonderful stuff. By the way, 4K games may be like GT5, some things are superhigh res and scenery only 1080p resolution textures. How prgramers use the ability to have 4k is still not clear. ANd if resolution isnt that important as some talk about (or 3D) why dont we just stop at ps3 and our 5 year old tv's. Seems ike we have invented the best people need. (irony)
But that has almost nothing to do with the PS3 itself and the destruction in BF3 was toned down because it takes a lot of memory and CPU/GPU even on PC´s and if you want to sell a game you have to make it for every platform not just for super computers. (literally)
You don´t know what are you talking about at are way to blind to see that this is not possible.
GT5 is not real 1080p resolution, native 1080p is when you have 1980 x 1080p (the actual size of your HD screen) but GT5 runs at 1280 x 1080p.
Don´t confuse polygons with textures...polygons are for structures to give it a proper form, more polygons more quality (cars) and textures are the ones that cover the have it in low resolution and high resolution...there are no 1080p textures, lmao. High quality/resolution textures VS High definition image/size.
Textures in GT5 are low resolution in the ambience/tracks and high in the cars and sky.
Your question about "why don´t we just stop at PS3 and our 5 year old TV´s?"...
Well you want to see your games better and playable at higher frame rates as PC´s do? or do you want to play tuned down/blurry games for eternity? Hardware needs more power to do that you know.
Also developers needs to sell more and needs to advance and develop their graphics engines to make better quality games and then sell both to others.
You are the one who buy the games but there is other market that buys technology to make your games. You need to move forward and improve your product always.
Developers are also making huge advancements in graphics as Unreal 4 and Luminous Engine (Square Enix) but they can´t make proper use of it on consoles because can´t handle the amount of detail and effects. So you are not going to see that with the current hardware.
They even said that literally is not me that is saying this. And they want to Microsoft and Sony make proper and powerful machines this time so they can make wonderful games.
Once you play a multiplatform game on PC...i´ll give you an example Sleeping´ll see the difference and why we need to upgrade our hardware. Played both demos...PS3 at 720p and 30FPS and lower, without Nvidia PhysX effects, poor antialiasing, etc...then go to PC and put it at 1080p, and extreme config. Then come again and tell me if this is not enough to be the next standard on consoles...tell me that you need "4k science fiction resolutions" lol and 80" TV´s...
You don´t need that, Sony needs it. Gimmicks...just gimmicks.
Again 4k games by no.
Consoles are always behind PC´s and they need to catch up.
By the way you want to see real 3D in your not 3D display...
Well actually this is 2D...xD