Sure, there were things it didn't do, but that's not what we were talking about while people were demanding what games do this and that and do it better than GT5... no TDLM didn't do it better than GT5, but for the time and the hardware I would say it was MORE impressive than GT5 and certainly was more grundbreaking. BTW talk about a small production house and budget...
Okay okay, I geddit, TDLM is awesome sauce to you. I'll address all this "forward thinking" stuff presently.
(concerning Course Maker) Well unlike you I am not looking forward to it, I have already done it... and while I certainly haven't cranked out 100,000 tracks, I can tell you that it has yet to make anything I find really interesting or good. (blah blah)... I mean you can't even do tracks crossinng over each other or full 360 roundabouts... so count out anything like Cape Ring or Sazuka.
There is a difference between "I don't like it" and "It's no good" though. There is quite a bit of activity on the Course Maker boards, so evidently it's a cool feature for many of us, even if we can't make our own Spa. The system is even used in the Rally races, and I've enjoyed them a lot, even if they were a pain sometimes. My point seems much stronger than yours.
I knew about the failure of (GT4 Online), I just didn't know the details...
Oh no you didn't, you neener.
As for online, it was as much a matter of the time the game was released as anything else whether it had good online or not... even then didn't the Japanese one (edit: GT4) have online or something?
We can talk about what might come and be patched in all you like but after all the hype created by denialists for GT5's relesae is that really such a good idea? Haven't all those "it could be an old build" or "he's a perfectionist, you wait and see!" taught anyone a lesson?
It depends on what you're saying here. See, none of us expected GT5 to have as many issues as all the other racers out these days. So every game has had massive things that made them
all seem as if they're rushed out the door. People threw fits at NFS Shift because of bouncing race cars and dozens of other issues. People threw fits at Dirt and Grid because the sim aspects faded to vapor and dozens of other issues. People threw fits at Supercar Challenge because it was mostly an expansion pack for Ferrari Challenge, and messed up much of what FC did right, along with dozens of other issues. People threw fits at F1 2010 because of a whole slew of things. People threw fits at Forza 3 because of broken online, hideous file handling, broken photo system and a whole slew of the usual Forza flaws. And of course, with GT5 people are whining about all kinds of things, like not being able to change the wheels on Standards - and at the same time, many of them hating the available wheels!
I honestly can't think of a racing game released over the past three years that anyone but the diehardest of fans really liked without question. Heck, Turn 10 quit discussing Forza 2 on the boards a few months before release because most of the promised features were taken out.
Yeah, I was with many of the true believers here who thought, "Oh well, GT5 will be way better." But there's a problem with "better" that's entirely subjective and individual, which I'm getting to shortly.
Honestly, if I had a BC PS3 and could play GT4 on it, I would be pretty hard pressed to shell out for GT5 knowing what I know now... very few things GT5 does are WAY better than what GT4 would have done upscaled and where it fails are far more common.
This is where I have a problem with you. You add in things which are pure fantasy as if they have any bearing, which almost always, they don't.
What we have in the real world are GT4 and GT5. And Prologue and Forza 2 and 3, for the sake of base covering, but let's stick with Gran Turismo for a sec. Okay, now you have what is arguably the best Gran Turismo on PS1 or 2, versus the latest and greatest Gran Turismo on PS3. GT4 has (plus sides only):
- More tracks, and the best Nurburgring until now
- More races
- A better used car lot
- More tuning options - more wheels, a range of brakes, transmission tuning doesn't have to be unlocked, etc
- More sensible prizes, multiple prize wins, and a better economy
And that's about all my bleary mind can come up with. While GT5 offers:
- Much better graphics, shadows and rain aliasing aside
- Much better physics, with much better tire dynamics
- Much better car models, including Standards, and better track models, and new tracks
- More cars - say it with me: "WE LOVE CARS!"

- Cockpits in Premium cars, that by the way look realistic
- Race Mod on select cars
- Damage which, okay, is getting sorted
- The best Nurburgring in gaming, including the whole complex
- Better A.I.
- Course Maker, and a bunch of ever changing Rally tracks
- Weather and time of day transitions
- Much better Photo Mode
- More kinds of racing with Karting and Nascar
- Online play and features
- Trophies, which I'm personally like "whatever"
- Improvements via patching
- Potential for DLC, which most likely is coming, but if not is fine with me
And I'm getting tired, so there.
Anyway, I don't know about you, but when I think of playing GT4, I say to myself, "Self... not for a year or so."
I have said it before, picking a list of accomplishments and saying "who does this better" is silly, you can do it with any game:
Gee... seems like you do it whenever it suits an argument.
And when it comes to comparing the apples and watermellons of other racing games, just what are we supposed to do? "I like Forza 3 better because... uhm... oh, no reason."
See how far
that gets you. And it's like I posted earlier. People have said, "If only Gran Turismo had some competition..." or "Anyone could make a better game than GT5." Or something.
Well, since the console racing thing started fairly seriously with Sega and Electronic Arts, we've seen Codemasters, Konami, Microsoft, Eutechnyx and a few dozen others give it a shot. The only other game with any real traction in the market is Forza, and it's GT Lite. And it seems to have as many enemies as friends for a number of reasons, but one is that Turn 10 manages to seriously break things in every release. It's why I quit playing each Forza after several months, except for F3 which only lasted two.
If "forward thinking" made TDLM so awesome... what happened? Did all game makers drop the idea? Or is it possible that it's just SO freaking hard to make a game like GT5 that no one does it? This isn't a trick question. Turn 10 makes a huge effort, and makes a Forza every two or so years that has major issues, much more than "I can't put rims on all my cars." And has half or fewer features that GT5 does over the course of seven years of development.
Again, we were talking about how groundbreaking GT5 is and I will reiterate that the vast majority of what GT5 is not groundbreaking... sure it's bringing together a lot of features but so do a lot of games. That in and of itself is not grundbreaking, it's just good reuse of someone elses groundbreaking functions.
I think you've completely forgotten that Kazunori and Gran Turismo
is the groundbreaker, and that every other game is reusing GT's groundbreaking features. If you take away the livery editor from Forza, what do you have? A poor GT wannabe which is heavy in supercars. Sure, this is my opinion, but just think about it.
By the way, this is how you criticize GT5:
Poor Online (Matchmaking/Credits/Qualifying)
Cockpits/Shadows worst than GT5P.
AI is still Poor(Look to F12010)
Poor Implementation of the weather.(look to F12010)
A Spec needs a complete overhaul(Tedious pointless events, LV, Lack of Money)
Way to many models of the same car.
Karting not exploited to its full potential.(Would be Nice to race on Kart tracks or even a championship for money)
Course maker way to simplistic.
Rally needs more variety like the real WRC.
Overall the fundamentals of the game are good, just the implementaion of them fundamentals are poor.
Its a shame because if Kaz made it a better game with the sim element he could of had a masterpiece.
I think it still is, but we'll see what they do with it over the course of 2011.
One more edit and then I'm through. Something I'm surprised more people don't demand is a more comprehensive data tracking system. Races should have records, as should tracks (record laps), separately. The leaderboards of Prologue need to return, even though I wasn't a big leaderboard guy. And... well, about to fall asleep, better get outta here.
What some forget as well, is that this isn't a solid 6 years of development, they've had a lot of other things out the door since 2004.
Quoted for truth.
(wall of text)
Having said all of this, I'm getting strong feelings from the Forza side of the fence. Some people laugh off GT criticism by saying it's meant to have something for everyone, it's just meant to be the game for a general avid racing/car fan. But this is hardly the truth, Forza might not have the same level of physics or graphics but it's overall, a much more polished product (snip)
Just by looking at Forza 3 next to GT5 I feel as though Forza has been released with the utmost care from everyone involved in its creation.
Oh my GAWD!
Sorry, but you have no clue. I mean, seriously, you can't have done more than toot around in some cars, if you've even done that. Yes, if you just want to tear around in some cars with friends while paying for MS's craptastic Live Gold, it can be a blast. Drifting is easier than real life, so you can pretty much drift forever when you get the hang of it.
The MS wheel sucks so bad, they quit making it. I dealt with it, but it sure wasn't worth the $150 they originally sold it for. And you have to pony up quite a bit for a Fanatec.
Yes, forza 3 has 500 cars, because they port their car models from previous games, including Forza 1 on the XBox. Flaws and all. Like, when you add front aero to the Ford GT, the right whisker vane is missing. The cars from F1 have the same livery painting issues as they did originally. Some have new ones! And they couldn't bother to fix this
in six or seven years?
Things just don't work right. Forza 1 crashed periodically on my new XBox, and this was after it had been out for more than a year. You could only save 32 replays on a freaking hard drive! In fact, I had so many problems with it, I got on the Forza boards and ranted for a day about them. But I dealt with it, thinking that Forza 2 would be the real deal.
No. The livery editor was broken, and layers would shift around just taking a car out for a photo shoot. Graphics were marginally better, in some cases worse. The game would crash scrolling through your garage, or lists of cars in the Auction House. And this could get you a permaban from Live. But I dealt with it, thinking that Forza 3 would be the real deal.

The file system is awful, and if you have any decent photo or decal library, the sorting crawls. Photo sharing is SO bad, that it took me four or five HOURS just to get some pics taken, sorted, uploaded to the Forza site, only to have them compressed to the point they were essentially unfixable. And the mostly well designed online system of Forza 2 was discarded in a sandbox minefield of random matching. And they couldn't even add
one more car on track, even with reducing detail on the bot cars. There's more, but it has been a year.
Forza is a nice idea - basically rip off Gran Turismo and improve it here or there. But if you do more than drive around or share cars, you can expect headaches with every game they make.
Seriously, if GT5 had the problems Forza has, people would fly to Japan to riot in front of SONY. I know that GT5 has things that need tending to, but you have to have lived with Forza for years as some of us have to understand what pain really is.