5 years, was it worth the wait?

  • Thread starter Horrorshow
One of my biggest disappointments is in the fact that after I focus my attention and energy 110% and somehow manage to get the Gold, only to be rewarded with the most ridiculous POS I can think of .... who really needs or wants any vehicle with 18 or 22 HP. And why do I have 2 Jay Leno "Tank Cars" which can't be used for anything, yet I can't find many of the cars I need to "play" the game with in order to advance through the game. The "Award" or "Prize" cars ought to be something one would actually desire :nervous:

Kaz promised us a big surprise, and for once he told the truth :)

WOW !!!! I can't believe it ... I just tried the Expert AMG Driving Challenge (opens with Level 24). Some of the challenges are ridiculously hard, but this one is darn near impossible. Heavy Mercedes on stock street tires in heavy rain ! Why have rain tires available if you won't let us use them ? This game gets stranger by the minute :scared:
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And this is right where you need to stop, take a breath and think. Which you insist you do a lot.

I couldn't wade through that rambling, ranting 13 plus minute long video review, but the other online reviews really don't address what I was getting at either. Yes, for its time, Test Drive LeMans was a nice game. But it squozed a lot of stuff into the Dreamcast to get it to do what it did, such as shortsheeting everything. Because everything needs to fit into a processor and ram budget, the physics could only go so far, the graphics could only go so far, the A.I. could only go so far, so you had a game which gimped other areas to do a lot of things at once. Sound familiar? ;) Other games didn't have a sunset, but they had the better physics, A.I. etc. So, sure you can say "Test Drive LeMans may not have been the best racer out... but it had daytime transitions."

For it's time it was a nice game? It's a game that despite being from no one out of nowhere still got near perfect scores from multiple sites even those who weren't interested in the subject at all... more than you can say for some games eh?

Write off what you don't like to see much? As for what it "squoze" off it, let's not forget this came out before GT3... so it's AI and physics were actually top of the heap then... it wasn't shown up in physics on a console until at least GT3 and even then the AI was far better and still rivals what we are seeing from GT and Forza today.

Honestly it was one of the best racers out, it had day/night transition and it also had dynamic weather at the same time... oh did I mention it could to all that in split screen to? :)

You are again trying to write off what you don't know about and making a fool of yourself in the process...

I didn't answer your questions, I provided all the info for the game and then some and explained how it tied into what's ground breaking and not... not that your questions were relative that point anyway...

And as usual, you didn't answer any of my questions, really. Even if TDLM had the awesomest physics this side of GT4, it was limited to LeMans racing. You couldn't change the rims. :D

Sure, there were things it didn't do, but that's not what we were talking about while people were demanding what games do this and that and do it better than GT5... no TDLM didn't do it better than GT5, but for the time and the hardware I would say it was MORE impressive than GT5 and certainly was more grundbreaking. BTW talk about a small production house and budget...

While you may not like the Course Maker, I do. I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with it and making some tracks.

Well unlike you I am not looking forward to it, I have already done it... and while I certainly haven't cranked out 100,000 tracks, I can tell you that it has yet to make anything I find really interesting or good. Again tracks are good because theya re designed to be exciting and interesting by people who know how to design tracks. Sure you migt be able to luck onto such a track by randomly guessing but to me that sounds an awful lot like typewriters, monkeys and shakespear.

I mean you can't even do tracks crossinng over each other or full 360 roundabouts... so count out anything like Cape Ring or Sazuka.

Considering I'm asking you about a GT game, maybe I'm asking the wrong person... ;)

Why? Because I have actually already tried the feature you are talking about trying in the future?

The fact you didn't even know about the failure of GT4 Online says a lot... I think you are unaware of what you are unaware of but still comfortable basing your opinions on this lack of awareness... see your sig ;)

I knew about the failure of it, I just didn't know the details... and I wasn't making a judgement or decision off of it because I recognize what I don't know... see how I asked? If you had said "yeah I kind of remember TDLM but it was only in a country I have nothing to do with" I would have given you more credit. The fact I don't think I even had broadband back then might tell you something about why I know only what I know (and I don't pretend to know more and make assumptions off it).

Kind of like Forza 3's online...

At it's worst Forza 3's online was better than what GT5 has to offer right now. I should know, I didn't play FM3 much and I think when I did it was at about it's worst.

We can talk about what might come and be patched in all you like but after all the hype created by denialists for GT5's relesae is that really such a good idea? Haven't all those "it could be an old build" or "he's a perfectionist, you wait and see!" taught anyone a lesson?

So... if GT4 was made to GT5 standards and running on PS3, then it would be better than GT5... okay, sure. :D

Honestly, if I had a BC PS3 and could play GT4 on it, I would be pretty hard pressed to shell out for GT5 knowing what I know now... very few things GT5 does are WAY better than what GT4 would have done upscaled and where it fails are far more common.

But this is what is strange about debating with you. You take arbitrary notions with no connection to real world constrictions or consequences, and make these bold remarks with them. Sure, GT5 with more than 700 premium cars, improved physics, online play, and almost 60 tracks to the graphic level of Rome would be a monster. Okay, so what game is like that? Dirt? Grid? Shift? Supercar Challenge? Forza 3?

No, you have to "settle" for GT5.

I have said it before, picking a list of accomplishments and saying "who does this better" is silly, you can do it with any game:

Name a game that has an advanced livery editor, advanced physics engine, tire deformation, 500+ cars with cockpits, over 200 events and a career system that spans multiple years all at a framelocked 60FPS with vsync on.

Name a game that has incredible particle and lighting effects, all cars with cocokpits, spans a wide variety of driving styles from offroad trucks to rally cars and street races and has presentation rivaling an actual TV show.

Name a game with 2 Italian day laborors causing destruction and death through 8 worlds of drug induced mayhem chasing after female royalty that is amazingly difficult to track down.

See how that doens't work?

Again, we were talking about how groundbreaking GT5 is and I will reiterate that the vast majority of what GT5 is not groundbreaking... sure it's bringing together a lot of features but so do a lot of games. That in and of itself is not grundbreaking, it's just good reuse of someone elses groundbreaking functions.
I can only hope that for GT6 PD will actually listen to the community and give us the features we have been asking for for years instead of giving us a small taste of the features we have asked for. This game is guaranteed to be the biggest disappointment of the next 3 years at least.

In my opinion, this game deserves a 6/10.
Nope. Im kind of disappointed about the online features, not as easy as i wanted them to be. One I notice dont like is there are too many Japanese cars, I mean the car list show a lot of them being the same but different year and a few aspects. There are like 17 or 18 S2000's and why would i want to have all those in my garage. Also there are various NSX, Integras, and civics, I mean come on add more European cars or American. There are more things other members say and all that adds up to a lot of improvements that need to be done.
I can only hope that for GT6 PD will actually listen to the community and give us the features we have been asking for for years instead of giving us a small taste of the features we have asked for. This game is guaranteed to be the biggest disappointment of the next 3 years at least.

In my opinion, this game deserves a 6/10.

In my opinion, this is exactly where PD went wrong .... listening to all the Forza whiners complain about damage, weather, back up lights, and skid marks. That's what caused the game to be delayed, rushed and consequently, flawed. If Kaz had simply made a continuation of Prologue, with the improved physics and more Premium cars and tracks, most of the true GT addicts would have been perfectly happy. GT has never been about damage, there are plenty of games out there that cover this juvenile aspect. I'd much rather have a clean, polished, glitch free racing game than a so so effort filled with "features" that aren't really necessary. For two years this Forum was bombarded (I think intentionaly) by XBox nasties just to mess with PD's collective head and throw them off their natural course. In my opinion, if they hadn't listened, we would have had a better game, sooner and be that much closer now to GT6.
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In my opinion, this is exactly where PD went wrong .... listening to all the Forza whiners complain about damage, weather, back up lights, and skid marks. That's what caused the game to be delayed, rushed and consequently, flawed. If Kaz had simply made a continuation of Prologue, with the improved physics and more Premium cars and tracks, most of the true GT addicts would have been perfectly happy. GT has never been about damage, there are plenty of games out there that cover this juvenile aspect. I'd much rather have a clean, polished, glitch free racing game than a so so effort filled with "features" that aren't really necessary. For two years this Forum was bombarded (I think intentionaly) by XBox nasties just to mess with PD's collective head and throw them off their natural course. In my opinion, if they hadn't listened, we would have had a better game, sooner and be that much closer now to GT6.

Do us all a favor and keep that opinion for yourself. Wouldn't want other people having their brains infected by such nonsense.

It's called getting with the times. They had 6 years. Other PS3 games have these features and damage is neither unecessary or juvenile. Mechanical damage isn't unnecessary or juvenile. And neither have been properly implemented anyway.

The game is still pretty much a virtual showroom.
I have almost no experience with Forza but I didn't enjoy the limited time I spent with it. By listening to the community I meant the GT community but you have a point. I think weather and day/night transitions should be mandatory but smoke and tire marks should have just been "extras.". I just wish this game had nothing but "premiums," and had racing mods avalible for most cars. That's all I want and I would be happy.

This game just doesn't live up to expectations...
I have almost no experience with Forza but I didn't enjoy the limited time I spent with it. By listening to the community I meant the GT community but you have a point. I think weather and day/night transitions should be mandatory but smoke and tire marks should have just been "extras.". I just wish this game had nothing but "premiums," and had racing mods avalible for most cars. That's all I want and I would be happy.

This game just doesn't live up to expectations...

But smoke and tire marks can't possibly have been that difficult to add to the game, could they?

Some of us really would do well to stop acting like the PD apologists have an actual valid argument. There really is no excuse for releasing such and unfinished game.
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In my opinion, this is exactly where PD went wrong .... listening to all the Forza whiners complain about damage, weather, back up lights, and skid marks. That's what caused the game to be delayed, rushed and consequently, flawed. If Kaz had simply made a continuation of Prologue, with the improved physics and more Premium cars and tracks, most of the true GT addicts would have been perfectly happy. GT has never been about damage, there are plenty of games out there that cover this juvenile aspect. I'd much rather have a clean, polished, glitch free racing game than a so so effort filled with "features" that aren't really necessary. For two years this Forum was bombarded (I think intentionaly) by XBox nasties just to mess with PD's collective head and throw them off their natural course. In my opinion, if they hadn't listened, we would have had a better game, sooner and be that much closer now to GT6.

I think it's hilarious when people try to blame everything they don't like on "that other game"...

You do realize that GTPlanet was probably a large part of why damage is in right? Kaz said he listend to demand and guess what?



GTP demanded it pretty heavily...

As for what GT has never been about, it was never about photomode before GT4... guess we should have scrapped that huh?

Stop trying to make it all a blame the other guy and protect Kaz deal... GT5 and all it's flaws and rough edges are squarely on PD's and Sony's shoulders.
There's a really big question everyone is missing here...

Within the 5 years and considering all the graphic faults, just when did they really start testing the game?

Like a few weeks before release? Could this be the real reason for the delay?
I know its been said before but I wanted to put in my 2 Peneth. I really cant see what took 5 years. basicly the game Is Prologue with a few more cars and some more tracks. Ok The driving physics are better but whats the point in that because you never race anything. The AI is so bad that all my races are over by the 3rd corner and the rest is time trial. Who ever they based the lap times on for the AI must have been on Mogadon that day. Ok Use lower powered cars. I do but is it right that im beating TVR's in a MX5? After all this time and the game is shorter than ever before? Im at 25% (last time I checked) after 2 days (not full days either)where it would have taken me weeks to do that in GT4. The level system is stupid and If I have to wait any longer for a British classic car ill scream. Im level 20 and still trying to get a car to do a beginner race in??? As someone else pointed out the gift cars Blow too. Before you would win a championship and it would gift you a car to use in something else. Now I win a challenge and I get a worse model car from the same championship? Or what is sometimes worse. The same car I just bought to do that chapionship!! Bit of a let down all in all. Think that PD have been living it up off the back of previous versions of GT and have done what so many before have done. Fobbed us off with a shoddy product now they have built a customer base that they know would rush right out and buy it. Wont be buying GT6. Fifa went this way from EA and I havent bought that since 09.
It misses the mark in a lot of areas but the biggest disappointment is the lack of common sense throughout the whole game.

5 years ? Seriously
Yes and No.

Yes :

Good physics implementations
Car exterior modeling on premium models.
Decent Car list (Premium)
Special Events (Rally)
Top Gear/Nurburgring

NO :

Poor Online (Matchmaking/Credits/Qualifying)
Cockpits/Shadows worst than GT5P.
AI is still Poor(Look to F12010)
Poor Implementation of the weather.(look to F12010)
A Spec needs a complete overhaul(Tedious pointless events, LV, Lack of Money)
Way to many models of the same car.
Karting not exploited to its full potential.(Would be Nice to race on Kart tracks or even a championship for money)
Course maker way to simplistic.
Rally needs more variety like the real WRC.

Overall the fundamentals of the game are good, just the implementaion of them fundamentals are poor.:grumpy:

Its a shame because if Kaz made it a better game with the sim element he could of had a masterpiece.
On to the controls, lacking a steering wheel for my PS3 I cannot comment much on these - however I have read numerous issues with Logitech G25 and G27 wheels, which is a great disappointment. The G25 has been a very solid and popular choice of wheel since its release in 2007. I'd love to have a G25/G27 some day soon, maybe it can salvage some of my lost hope for Gran Turismo. I personally find it exceptionally difficult to control a Nascar effectively with the PS3 dual shock controller, the analogue stick is too sensitive and the D-pad isn't sensitive enough. A steering wheel would make this aspect of the game 1000x better, which is a great shame for those of us without a steering wheel. The only comment I could give with the default controls is that I love flying around hard corners at high speed with my horn blasting away, nice touch!

Choosing between a pad and the G25/G27 are not the only options.

My DF GT (Also made by Logitech) is an officially supported wheel and works perfectly. It is also much cheaper.
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I'm really tempted to get an Xbox 360 with Forza 3, and eagerly await Microsofts response to Polyphonys latest "offering". Whether or not it's released on the 360 or the next-gen Xbox I don't know, but I honesrly wouldn't care, Forza definately has more of my attention now then it used to.

Given what you've said about the G27/G25, Forza and the 360 may have less of your attention when you find out your wheel options there.

The MS wheel is not good, and the Porsche wheel isn't much better.

Dissapointed, game shows lack of focus in many issues with now a suggestion of free roam on future versions doesnt sound like the series is going to recover anytime soon!
I said it before: PD needs to get more programmers in their team.
If you want to do a big game, then hire more people and do it quickly.
dont keep the same amount of people and take five years to do it.
or do a smaller/less ambitious game in 2 years and update every year or whenever.
Even if the game would have been perfect, it just doesnt make sense to spend 5 years in the life of a console to produce a "blockbuster" game like GT.
Xbox 360 has had 2 Forza games which are very competent games. Ok, the premium cars in GT5 are nicer. Ok you can see detailed headlights when you zoom in closely on a premium car. The physics engine is better. but not "5 years" better.
There's a really big question everyone is missing here...

Within the 5 years and considering all the graphic faults, just when did they really start testing the game?

Like a few weeks before release? Could this be the real reason for the delay?

If you knew something about software development and testing you would know that to get this thing out the door (the size that it is) requires significant testing. A lot of the 'so called' bugs that are mentioned here, such as the shadows, are not the results of poor testing, but design decisions they have made to get the game running smoothly - yes they would have liked to have them smoother, but currently it isn't possible.

I actually find the single player to be rock-solid - no crashes or funnies at all. There are still some issues with the online play, but given the amount of traffic it is hardly surprising.

What some forget as well, is that this isn't a solid 6 years of development, they've had a lot of other things out the door since 2004.
Wow, didn't expect so many responses in this thread so quickly! I thought I had lost this thread (deleted or locked etc) because the reviews section disappeared overnight, so I gave up and went back to testing GT5.

After more thorough gameplay it's become apparent to me that this game was indeed rushed somewhere along the line. This was most likely to capitalise on christmas sales but having said that I think it could have done a world of good to wait until mid-December before rushing it out the door to retailers.

Incoming wall of text! :guilty:

It seems to me that PD really messed up the release, whether they were pushed by Sony or not. It's as if PD had perfected maybe 25% of the game, having made 200 premium cars and worked out most of the backbone code such as physics and track designs etc. Which, to be honest, is exactly how I would have expected PD to go about creating the 5th installment of arguably the most popular (and hence the most profitable) racing sim series on the market. However, maybe after they had this supposed 25% completed, they just decided to simply convert the remaining 800+ cars over from GT3-4, to make an impressive marketing limbo for an early release. Then they topped it off with some quickfix menus and some more carried over features, then forgot about the rest.

I'm confident I'm not the only one who would have prefered to see maybe 50 more premium cars, with the rest being released along the line as (free, hopefully) DLC, if it meant a more polished product upon release for our hard-earned dollars. The rest of the cars could easily have come later as DLC, maybe that way we might have missed getting 50 Miata/MX5s, 25 Skylines and a heap of cars that have been thrown around by PD for a decade that, by now look extremely dated, or are just plain useless (Daihatsu Midget anyone?).

The licence's are stale and old, it's a chore to complete them all now and the only point is to assist the horribly thought out and implemented experience system. I mean really, how did they think the huge GT fanbase would enjoy sitting through the SAME licence tests we have done several times over? This is of course, excluding the long and frustrating hours put in to attempt complete gold results in 4 previous titles! Implementing Topgear into GT was a fantastic idea! But making us race old VW Kombis around the Topgear track and have the nerve to call it a "thrilling" race? :crazy:

Last night I did the European hot hatch cup in my Lamborghini Countach, heavily tuned with racing tires, just as I did the compact car cup in the same car, without even holding my B class licence! I refuse to accept anyone saying the game has "minor" flaws when you think about this apparent lack of care implemented in a game that should and could have been so much more...

Yes, things will most likely be fixed via patches and DLC - but how long will this take until we are presented with the product that was glamourised to us for several years? Several years more?
Maybe we are playing GT6 right now, they just forgot to tell us that the latest Prologue was actually GT5. At this rate, we could potentially see only one proper Gran Turismo title released on the PS3 before the platform moves on but the game developers are still stuck in the previous year.

Furthermore on the subject of half-finished and care lacking aspects of the title, the menu is cumbersome and the constant auto-saving which you cannot turn off, even though we are still given a manual save button is getting exceptionally annoying. Even with the game data installed on the HDD the load times are hardly improved and still seem to take forever. Is GT5 pushing the PS3's capabilities or is it really just so rushed together that some of the coding is creating unnecessary strain?
The B spec is rather appalling, to say the least. As some people have stated, we buy Gran Turismo to race and not to create some emotionless, randomly generated, player-controlled AI racers career. While the concept certainly could have some appeal to a few players, the fact it's even there for everyone else really seems like a menu filler and nothing else. Especially when you consider that it's the same events with more laps, but the cash and car rewards are both less then the A spec equivalent.

The tuning and GT auto (wheels, oil, racing mods etc) are extremely lackluster and boring, I swear the GT auto in Gran Turismo 5 is straight out of Gran Turismo 3/4. Why can I -NOT- turbocharge my classic V8? Why can I -NOT- put aftermarket wheels on a "standard" car? Why can I -NOT- obtain a tuned/upgraded brake system? I'm not a boyracer, but why does my highly tuned FD RX7 track monster -NOT- have an equally high-level wastegate/BoV to add to the crazy mix of sounds and add to the overall experience? If we have been fed hundreds of low quality, dated looking cars, such as the R31 GTS-R Skyline, why can I -NOT- put my favourite old Calsonic racing livery on it? It's not as if PD seemed to do anything else about these cars aside from constantly convert them from previous titles in a neverending chain of misery.

Perhaps if the low quality "standard" cars were actually released with the ability to customise them with the racing modifications we were seeing back in GT2 (for example) and we were able to find the elusive socket to take the lock nuts off the "standard" car wheels, maybe, just maybe, the standard cars could be remotely justified to exist in such a (previously) high-level racing simulator in 2010. I feel I could go on about all sorts of things about this game, both good and bad, but I just can't bring myself to bare it anymore.

Also, I don't think it's that anyone believes 5 solid non-stop years were spent on developing GT5, but a lot more time should have been implemented on it then seemingly was spent on it. Why bother to make GT for PSP at all, when GT on a PS console should be the main goal as it always has been? The fact you can only transfer things from GT for the PSP and nothing from Prologue at all is just more marketing gimmicks to me. No, I don't think 5 years were spent on Gran Turismo 5 - it seems like it was more like 5 months.

Several months ago, my girlfriend and I decided to purchase a new HD LCD TV, with a blu-ray 5.1 home theatre system and one of the latest consoles. She was keen to get an Xbox 360, but I was so enthralled by the promise of a new and 'improved' Gran Turismo I was devoted to a PS3, and that was my sole reason to wanting a PS3. Amazingly, we walked out with a PS3, in hindsight I regret this to no end. I've been fighting the urge to ask my girlfriend if she wants to go trade-in our PS3 complete with GT5 and accesories, and get a 360 with Forza 2 and 3 (for me), and Kinect for her. I'm split 50/50 in hoping that we will see a steady flow of appreciated updates and DLC for GT5 but I just don't see it happening in the time I'm prepared to further wait. Last night I even trashed the garage trying to find our old Xbox, hoping that we had Forza with it, as I honestly thought the original version of Forza would be a good comparison for me to the latest Gran Turismo offering. Sadly, the games are nowhere to be found, no doubt lost in the last few house moves.

End wall of text.

To make the point -

So here I sit, a once diehard Gran Turismo fanatic, having acheived 100% completion status in GT1 (twice over), GT2 (a dozen times over, at least), GT 3 and the high 90% mark for GT4, recontemplating my love and devotion to the title. Having spent countless hours playing Gran Turismo 2 especially, having gone through dozens of controllers and several consoles on this title alone, no joke the only time GT2 left my drive was to put the arcade disc in for races with friends! Am I a fanboy? Definitely not, am I a car fanatic that immediately fell in love with Gran Turismo when he was 11 years old? Definitely am!

I enjoy all racing games, arcade or otherwise, but GT was always my favourite, always my holy grail, always the one I most looked forward to hearing information about. While I understand the competitiveness of gaming titles to some people (it's some peoples equivalent of sport teams) I don't agree with it at all, as much as I loved Gran Turismo I would never rub it into a fan of a different games face as the best bar-none, I'd not force my opinion over someone elses.

Having said all of this, I'm getting strong feelings from the Forza side of the fence. Some people laugh off GT criticism by saying it's meant to have something for everyone, it's just meant to be the game for a general avid racing/car fan. But this is hardly the truth, Forza might not have the same level of physics or graphics but it's overall, a much more polished product. I don't care for Formula 1 cars, I respect them to no end for the amazing technology in them, but if I wanted to race them I'd be playing an F1 game. Slapping dirt or snow tires on an old car and having a ball with some rally was fantastic in GT5, but I don't want to go to rally school with Sebastian Loeb. I don't particularly want to race Nascar either, I thought that was a job for the Toca/Racedriver series? Gran Turismo has really lost its essence to me, the things that made my mind go crazy and my face hurt from maintaining a huge smile, like the CRX Del-Sol LM race car from GT1, or flying around Tahiti road in GT2 in the Japanese 80s challenge to win a crazy R31 Skyline silhouhette race car.

Just by looking at Forza 3 next to GT5 I feel as though Forza has been released with the utmost care from everyone involved in its creation. Looking at Gran Turismo 5, I feel like it has become a confused and incomplete marketing tool, more a mainstream brand name then a well thought-out, honest game. Amazingly realistic physics, cycling weather effects, stunning graphics, premium cars and a car list of 1000+ you say? All can be easily counted as marketing ploys to lure buyers, especially a gigantic car list. Considering so many of the 1000 cars are things we've seen for over a decade, some not even being updated, some not ever having any desire to them, it's more like a car list of 100 or so for me.

I think I've figured out that 'strange' feeling so many of us have said we experience when playing GT5. It feels like Gran Turismo 5: Beta edition. And to be honest, for me that's just unacceptable in video games these days unless you specifically signed up to an actual beta trial. The technology and funding behind games now is better then it's ever been and PD, along with Sony, have deflated my Gran Turismo dreams. Marketing is one thing, to rush a severely incomplete game out to capitalise on a sales boom like Christmas is something I would expect from EA with another Need For Speed Undercooked Rice, er, sorry, Need For Speed Fast and Furious, um, apologies - Need for Speed Underground. :indiff:

I realise this post is huge, and fear not that it is the last thing I will post on this matter. I've not so much dug deep into my verdict of the game itself, but I've dug deep into my love of Gran Turismo and my faith in it as a series.

It's a sad day in my gaming history today. I think I'm going to ask my girlfriend if she still wants that Xbox...
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End wall of text.

To make the point -

Very well said, and lol at the end of wall of text followed by another wall of text :P

(i dont mind it, its well written, and is how i feel about GT5, it just made me lol a little bit)

Also a great idea would be to merge Turn 10 and Polyphony (in my opinion)

Get the physics, time of day/weather, car list of GT, and the tuning/customizing/community and such from Forza.

Then bring out that game on both consoles.

No more fanboy crap, just 1 great game made by 2 great companies, on 2 great consoles.
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Very well said, and lol at the end of wall of text followed by another wall of text :P

(i dont mind it, its well written, and is how i feel about GT5, it just made me lol a little bit)

Also a great idea would be to merge Turn 10 and Polyphony (in my opinion)

Merging a US team with a Japanese team sounds like a communication nightmare. There isn't much I'd take from Forza anyway.
I think I've figured out that 'strange' feeling so many of us have said we experience when playing GT5. It feels like Gran Turismo 5: Beta edition.

I realise this post is huge, and fear not that it is the last thing I will post on this matter. I've not so much dug deep into my verdict of the game itself, but I've dug deep into my love of Gran Turismo and my faith in it as a series.

It's a sad day in my gaming history today. I think I'm going to ask my girlfriend if she still wants that Xbox...

Feels pretty rock solid to me. There are a few issues with online. I don't think you have any idea of what a 'Beta' release really is.

Calling it a 'sad day' is seriously over egging the pudding.
Hell no, limited online (Who releases a game with bare bones online and no online progression system?), damage is pathetic, old gen standard cars, not near enough events, game economy is horribly unbalanced, weather and day/night is very limited, lack of customization.......................

Dont get me wrong game can be brilliant, but too many things holding it back PD seemed stuck in the past here
overall i like it, but playing gt5 online is so boring, it needs some sort of leagues in it with points for winning races etc and restrict leagues to BHP limits on diff rooms the online gt5 needs massive update to make it wothwhile playing online, theres no incentive playing online big let down.