The physics were not as advanced as GT
And this is right where you need to stop, take a breath and think. Which you insist you do a lot.
I couldn't wade through that rambling, ranting 13 plus minute long video review, but the other online reviews really don't address what I was getting at either. Yes, for its time, Test Drive LeMans was a nice game. But it squozed a lot of stuff into the Dreamcast to get it to do what it did, such as shortsheeting everything. Because everything needs to fit into a processor and ram budget, the physics could only go so far, the graphics could only go so far, the A.I. could only go so far, so you had a game which gimped other areas to do a lot of things at once. Sound familiar?

Other games didn't have a sunset, but they had the better physics, A.I. etc. So, sure you can say "Test Drive LeMans may not have been the best racer out... but it had daytime transitions."
And as usual, you didn't answer any of my questions, really. Even if TDLM had the awesomest physics this side of GT4, it was limited to LeMans racing. You couldn't change the rims.
As for GT4 vs GT5 - as I have said before number of tracks/events in a car game are like the levels of any other game... limit those and it matters a lot less how many characters you can choose from. Can you imagine Mario with 80 characaters and only 2 worlds?
While that's true, what about a Mario game with only 80 characaters and only 2 worlds, in which you could make your own worlds? Or that the game generated worlds on the fly?
While you may not like the Course Maker, I do. I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with it and making some tracks. New tracks. Eventually lots of tracks. And getting tracks from the better course makers here. And there are countless variations you can make. Let's say for the sake of argument that the total variations are 100,000. Do you think out of those 100K map possibilities that you might find 50 fairly quickly that you like?
Considering I'm asking you about a GT game, maybe I'm asking the wrong person...
And by the way, I'm pretty sure GT5 has more than 80 cars and a couple of tracks. Even if you can't stand the Standards, there are quite a few Premiums.
As for online, it was as much a matter of the time the game was released as anything else whether it had good online or not... even then didn't the Japanese one have online or something?
No, the Japanese didn't have a GT4 Online. They had a period of beta testing, but unfortunately, only a portion of the PS2s produced would work with the Broadband adapter. Mine is supposed to but won't.
The fact you didn't even know about the failure of GT4 Online says a lot... I think you are unaware of what you are unaware of but still comfortable basing your opinions on this lack of awareness... see your sig
Sure GT5 has online over GT4 but when you consider the passage of time having online is the equivalent now of supporting the dual analog sticks when GT4 came out... it's nothing special and to do it as poorly as GT5 has so far is actually kind of embarassing.
Kind of like Forza 3's online...
If you compare directly to each other GT5 is ahead in a lot of departments, but when you compare based on the time the games came out I think GT4 was FAR superior time adjusted to GT5...
So... if GT4 was made to GT5 standards and running on PS3, then it would be better than GT5... okay, sure.
But this is what is strange about debating with you. You take arbitrary notions with no connection to real world constrictions or consequences, and make these bold remarks with them. Sure, GT5 with more than 700 premium cars, improved physics, online play, and almost 60 tracks to the graphic level of Rome would be a monster. Okay, so what game is like that? Dirt? Grid? Shift? Supercar Challenge? Forza 3?
No, you have to "settle" for GT5.
Not 5 years man, no way. Just way too many issues now that I've taken the rose colored glasses off. I've listed them before but honestly Forza 3 just a VERY complete package. It's a polished product that presents itself as logical and very friendly and Turn 10 knew what they were doing and set reasonable goals.
Wow... you haven't done much but race, have you.
I think all of the cars had cockpit view and all the gauges properly worked. Even the time clock on all of the cars dashes were linked up to the 360 to display your systems time!
The physics for Forza are I think a bit more sensible as well.
Well, I don't think so. I know some love one over the other, but
I think the best you can say is that they're different. Forza 3 doesn't feel like Live For Speed to me, while Prologue and GT5 do. Admittedly, I'd prefer the more challenging physics of the GT5 Time Trial demo.
GT5 is great if you want to do time trials on the Nurburgring and a 6 speed shifter. Man that is A LOT of fun
Well... I'm having fun with the whole enchilada, but that's just me.
So many things are just nonsense and the standard cars shouldn't even be included in the game they look so bad they are an insult to the motor industry. If my cars were in GT5 as a standard and I looked at that game - worse than PS2 graphics on a PS3 system...
I'm calling total BS on this.
And for the zillionth time, you Standard car haters need to have a serious dose of think laid on you. The fact that Standard cars are in GT5 doesn't give your precious Premiums PS2 rust. Just ignore them. The rest of us who think they look outstanding - okay, most of them - can enjoy racing them. We can both live in our happy little world enjoying the game the way WE want to. Kay? Jeepers. Besides, they're not going away so some of you with issues need to find a puppy to hug or something.
EDIT: One thing that I'm reminded of is the very poor weather effects. What I mean is remember GT3 Special Stage Route 5 in the rain? THAT WAS AMAZING, seriously.
You have GOT to be kidding...
Oh yeah and the whole "can you do it better?" routine? Can you make a hollywood box office movie? No? Well then Transformers 2 didn't suck because you can't do it better right? Oh wait... that's the irrational part.
While that argument is true, the essence of it is still sound. I'm still waiting for a blockbuster as good as Gran Turismo. The closest thing anyone can bring to the table is Forza, and I quit playing F3 after two months. Heck, I went back to playing GT4 over Forza, and their sales are good but not earthshaking, so evidently someone has a much better winning track record.
BTW that whole $ everytime you mention Microsoft? Yeah that whole thing was worn out a long time ago.
Dev, a word of advice. Saying it doesn't make it so.
Microsoft is made of money, unlike SONY. Of course being a monopoly helps.
Ha, that only speaks of bad management from PD's side, you seriously don't take the 80 MILLION dollars in account compared to the 21 Million Turn 10 had for FM2 and 3 together.
Source? I can find nothing on the budgets for any Forza.
I'd blame GT PSP, Kaz admitted a little while ago that the development of that did slow down GT5...
Actually, he mentioned in a few interviews that the entire team had to drop work on GT5 to focus on getting GT PSP done for the holidays.
Not worth the five years! I've always been frustrated at the hundreds of useless boring slow as a moped cars.
Hundreds? Sure.
Then the games you want are Supercar Challenge and Shift. For sale cheap.
The fact is that regardless of how long a game takes to come out a good game is a good game. The truth is that if this wasn't a GT game and was a brand new series rather than the 5th game everyone would be praising it as the greatest thing ever even if it also took 5 years to develop.
Spot on. In fact, if GT5 was like this but different, I'm sure you'd have tens of thousands of people flocking to
this other game out of spite.
I'm really amazed how many times I've read something as silly as, "I'd like the Standards if I could just change the rims!" Like... seriously.
Oh well, I really need to get on with my day, and see if I can manage to get to level 20 by this evening.