5 years, was it worth the wait?

  • Thread starter Horrorshow
It depends if you where sat there hopelessly every day waiting for a release day, or if you got on with life and then. I can't imagine any game is worth a 5 year wait if you invest so much time hoping and waiting.

Despite the fact I have many posts related to GT5, my hopes have not been as high as others as I fail to let myself get caught up in the hype. Perhaps this is why I have not been disappointed.
Seriously I`ve seen the same people complaining since 1 the leaked copies, obviously the game is not perfect, but come on, this is still being the best driving sim in consoles :) , and for the standard issue, lol, ypu complain beacuse they look bad but I can almost confirm than you'd be complaining if the game had come with 300 premiums because "is too short for a 6 year dev game"
It will always be worth it, The game is enjoyable, its just there are some annoying things about it is all. ITs not going to make me stop playing or anything.

Maybe its just the few cas Ive gotten, but I dont think the standards look that bad, sure they look pretty bad just looking at them in the used lots, but once on the track the ones I have look ok, I only have the 76 GTI and 83 Levin though. It sure would be nice to change their wheels though.
I am disappointed, I will accept that with the various constraints - the game is all it could have been, but it is not what I'd hoped for.

The car and track lists disappoint me, but I accept these are personal things... I'm sure many will be happy with having the likes of the Gallardo, the 458, the SLS.. etc etc.. I didn't get the cars I was hoping for - it's not like the E30 M3 isn't recognised as one of the best drivers cars of years gone by...

.. and the track list, it's great if you like Eiger.. or the far too fanciful Cape ring.. but the lack of new (and old) tracks is very disappointing - and yes we have a course editor.. but to me it's only 50% of the way there in terms of functionality, and the quality of what it puts out is often flawed (every hill top in eiffel has the same castle?).

Yes SOME of the graphics are stunning, but on my TV, it does drop frames and it does tear, and the shadows are awful, but what stands out the most is the difference between standard and premium cars - it is several times worse than I expected... the bits that look good, look great - but the bits that look good, make the duff bits terrible - cars and tracks alike.

It may well be a technical tour de force for what they have achieved, but it is a hugely flawed masterpiece. PD really needed to step back and look at the project as a whole, I think they were focusing too hard on some of the details and lost some perspective.

I'm sure this has built the framework for GT6 to be awesome, all the details (with less bugs) and masses more content... but in doing so I think GT 5 has damaged the GT brands reputation.

Please, not I am not whinging about not being able to paint my car pink, or fir 20" spinners, or asking for 26 car grids, or every track in the world to be in there... I was just hoping that every part of GT5 would be consistently better than GT4, and I don't think it is.
  • 200 cars that looks like nothing we've ever seen before.
  • Nürburgring, la Sarthe, Monza, Daytona, Indianapolis, Laguna Seca, Suzuka, Fuji and Tsukuba.
  • Skid marks, damage, dirt and realistic smoke.
  • Weather and time change.
  • 16 players online.

What else is there to add, other than more cars and tracks?

I was just hoping that every part of GT5 would be consistently better than GT4, and I don't think it is.
Which part is worse than GT4 then?

EDIT: The only thing I'm a little bit disappointed about is the shadows, but with all the new effects, such as weather and time change, I can see why they look the way they do.
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In short, no. We could have had all the good stuff a year or two ago (ie. the beautiful graphics, realistic physics model and premium cars) but instead we waited an extra 2 years for 3D, pointless cars like the samba bus, go karts, B-spec mode etc.

I'm happy now to have the final product but it annoys me that not only did I have to wait for them to include all that stuff but now I also have to play through it before I can get to the good stuff.

Am I the only one who thinks these sort of features are diluting what what we all ultimately love about the GT series, ie. the realistic driving experience? If anything, the new features in GT5 have made the good features from GT4 worse, like tuning and wheel selection

Edit: Also the menus etc. have taken a massive step backwards. The world map in GT4 was awesome, what happened to that?
Good grief, andother thread about was it worth it or not..
I will point out that 24 Hour Leman on Dreamcast did 24 cars on track at once with day night and changing weather with nary a stutter.
I know you keep bringing that game up Deve, but I think you're the only one who ever mentions it. It must not have been a high water mark in gaming.

  • What was the resolution?
  • How many polygons did the game draw, and what kind of textures did it paint objects with?
  • What was the draw distance?
  • How many types of cars were there?
  • What sort of gameplay features were there?
  • How many reviewers were impressed with the physics? Or still are?
  • Where did it sit in the food chain of other highly regarded racing games?

Which part is worse than GT4 then?
I can only think of four things which GT4 has over GT5:

  • The number of tracks in game are fantastic.
  • The wealth of race events is staggering, though this included a TON of Manufacturer Cup races.
  • The used car lots made much more sense and were much better stocked, so you hardly ever had to wait long for a car to compete in an oddly restricted race.
  • The economy was more collector friendly. GT5 is downright stingy in comparison.
But other than that, GT5 wins hands down. It has online gameplay which GT4 just couldn't do, and even the GT4 Standard cars look and handle a quantum leap better in GT5. Well, most of them look magnificent anyhow, ;) The ones I've seen certainly do. And I'm not one of those complaining that you can't change wheels on Standards. It would be nice, but maybe this - and interiors too - can be changed with a patch.
The Online feature is the best You can race and wait for your friends to join the room and then they hop right on the track I love it. Its so cool that i do not have to restart the race to let my boys join. 👍
For what we actually got, no. They focused to much on detail and forgot about gameplay. If I was Sony I'd be pisssssssed. People are returning the game. Too much time, too much hype=so much expectations. GT5 didn't meet the expectations. I feel for GT6 release. I will wait for reviews, tracklist, and car list before I even consider purchasing. Where are the tracks. You mean to tell me GT4 has more tracks that its successor. I have owned every single GT game including TT. I am highly disappointed to say the least. Even if KY had another 2 years, I still don't think we would get much else on a single blu ray. They should have made a dual disk set and added tons of tracks to expand the life til GT6 releases. I hope sales don't meet so they can go back to the drawing board. Start over back to GT4. GT5 does however have great graphics and physics but it doesn't equal 5-6 years worth of development.
Let's see

All US releases

Gran Turismo 04/30/98
GT2 11/30/99
Little over 1 year and then
GT3 07/09/01
Little less than 3 years
GT4 02/22/05
4ish years
GT5 11/24/10
5 years

Was it worth the wait? For me, yes. Mostly because I expected it to take this long. With every single Gran Turismo game the wait for the next one in the series takes even longer. At this rate it will be 6 years until GT6.

I'm really enjoying GT5 but the Gran Turismo crowd is a funny lot. We demand perfection and whine about the most asinine things. If the front windows of the car smashed we would whine about why there isn't a shard of glass lodged in the driver's throat.

I don't blame anyone for being upset about the game though. As much as I enjoy Gran Turismo I also enjoy being one of the people who do more than play it...we obsesses over it.
Let's see

All US releases

Gran Turismo 04/30/98
GT2 11/30/99
Little over 1 year and then
GT3 07/09/01
Little less than 3 years
GT4 02/22/05
4ish years
GT5 11/24/10
5 years

Was it worth the wait? For me, yes. Mostly because I expected it to take this long. With every single Gran Turismo game the wait for the next one in the series takes even longer. At this rate it will be 6 years until GT6.

I'm really enjoying GT5 but the Gran Turismo crowd is a funny lot. We demand perfection and whine about the most asinine things. If the front windows of the car smashed we would whine about why there isn't a shard of glass lodged in the driver's throat.

I don't blame anyone for being upset about the game though. As much as I enjoy Gran Turismo I also enjoy being one of the people who do more than play it...we obsesses over it.

Haha you're right you know. The first thing I thought when I picked up the game was I won't have to spend all day on GTplanet anymore but I guess that's the nature of the beast, to many of us it's more than just another racing game
I've completely eliminated the development time of the game in my opinion of it.

The fact is that regardless of how long a game takes to come out a good game is a good game. The truth is that if this wasn't a GT game and was a brand new series rather than the 5th game everyone would be praising it as the greatest thing ever even if it also took 5 years to develop.
Well if you know just one EB store here got 20 games back within a week.... let alone all the other stores? In answers itself doesn't it?
I don't think it was worth the wait. If they had a larger staff of employees they might have been able to work productively. Instead they rushed the game and it has seriously fallen behind the times.

I'd hate to see it but Forza 4 is going to have weather, night, and a course CREATOR. On top of improving the car count, the track count, the customizable part amount, and it is going to leave GT scrambling to even keep up.

I can't even paint a car any color I want. I have to BUY a several even hundred thousand dollar car to get the ability to paint one car that color. At the least I should be able to buy the colors offered on cars.

Wait what's that?? It only does customization?? Oh just not on the standard cars.. which is 80% of the game
Something tells met that both Sony and Polyphony Digital put more effort into marketing the game than living up to it's expectations.
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I know you keep bringing that game up Deve, but I think you're the only one who ever mentions it. It must not have been a high water mark in gaming.

  • What was the resolution?
  • How many polygons did the game draw, and what kind of textures did it paint objects with?
  • What was the draw distance?
  • How many types of cars were there?
  • What sort of gameplay features were there?
  • How many reviewers were impressed with the physics? Or still are?
  • Where did it sit in the food chain of other highly regarded racing games?

Unfortunately for 24 Hour Lemans it was a gem that got passed over by so many...

It sure wasn't 1080p anywhere... but it was on the dreamcast, and for the DC it had AMAZING graphics and I don't remember a hiccup to be seen... headlights flashed, cars shined, rain left a sheen on the track that left tracks behinds cars wheels you could see to follow, brakes turned red when heating up and there were decent pitting choices and a great hood view... and a real 24 hour race at leman...

The physics were not as advanced as GT, but when you put it on the more difficult settings you really did have to feather the throttle and straight line break to hold a chance... I whipped this back out shortly after I got Forza 1 and after quite a long stint of GT4 and on the advanced settings it was plenty challenging to be fun.




That's just the first handful from a google search.

It was a truly great game for it's time and sadly was passed up as the majority of the crowd it might have hit home with was squarely focused on GT.

Now look at that game... and think: That came out in 2000. We are talking when the PS2 CAME OUT. Whenever I hear of a "revolutionairy" racing games features I think back to 24 hour LeMans and make sure I have a solid base.

The fact you didn't even know about the game says a lot... I think a lot of GT (or even just racing) fans are unaware of what they are unaware of but still comfortable basing their opinions on this lack of awareness... see my sig :)

Oh did I also mention it released at $30? :D

That said, it was truly a bar setting game in all the things it did.

I can only think of four things which GT4 has over GT5:

  • The number of tracks in game are fantastic.
  • The wealth of race events is staggering, though this included a TON of Manufacturer Cup races.
  • The used car lots made much more sense and were much better stocked, so you hardly ever had to wait long for a car to compete in an oddly restricted race.
  • The economy was more collector friendly. GT5 is downright stingy in comparison.
But other than that, GT5 wins hands down. It has online gameplay which GT4 just couldn't do, and even the GT4 Standard cars look and handle a quantum leap better in GT5. Well, most of them look magnificent anyhow, ;) The ones I've seen certainly do. And I'm not one of those complaining that you can't change wheels on Standards. It would be nice, but maybe this - and interiors too - can be changed with a patch.

As for GT4 vs GT5 - as I have said before number of tracks/events in a car game are like the levels of any other game... limit those and it matters a lot less how many characters you can choose from. Can you imagine Mario with 80 characaters and only 2 worlds?

As for online, it was as much a matter of the time the game was released as anything else whether it had good online or not... even then didn't the Japanese one have online or something? Sure GT5 has online over GT4 but when you consider the passage of time having online is the equivalent now of supporting the dual analog sticks when GT4 came out... it's nothing special and to do it as poorly as GT5 has so far is actually kind of embarassing.

If you compare directly to each other GT5 is ahead in a lot of departments, but when you compare based on the time the games came out I think GT4 was FAR superior time adjusted to GT5...

I mean it pushed 1080i on PS2 with solid 60 FPS (BTW I am surprised how many around here now dismiss 40 and 50 fps as being almost indistinguishable from 60FPS when not long ago 60 FPS a la GT4 was the only way to go with racing games... I think Kaz even said how important it was himself?). It offered split screen and lan play that was pretty much perfectly executed, almost all the details felt in place, truly polished and while it suffered the same clunky loads and redundancies they actually felt less offensive then and out of place (maybe load times were just more common and acceptable then compared to now that many games strive to have no load time like Fallout).

GT4 supported a built for the game FFB wheel with paddle shifters and sequential... GT5 supports a... built for the game almost duplicate wheel... not even a clutch or stick shift in the new wheel for GT5? In order to get those features you have to get a wheel not officially supported by the game or system and thus lacking in other areas...

No... on almost every front, time adjusted GT4 beats GT5 and on some fronts like content, depth and polish you don't even need to time adjust.

GT4 was MUCH more the innovation that GT5 and GT5 has very little if any true inovation... while it brings a lot of impressive features together in one package so do many other games... and as I have said before, you can take a feature list from almost any game and use it to prove no other game "does all those things better" so it's not saying much when the overall package is just rough around the edges and unfinished.
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"Was it worth the wait?' is kind of a misleading question, because it implies we missed out on something else while waiting for GT5.

Having said that, I do think PD tried to achieve to much in GT5 and in the end, didn't do things to level we've come to expect. I'm not one to go looking for flaws, but there are many in GT5 that are painfully obvious, making the 5 year wait all the more frustrating. I can't speak for everyone, but I would have settled for a 'pretty' HD version of GT4 in 2008 (without the damage, weather, day/night, karts etc) rather than waiting 5 years a game that leaves me with mixed emotions.

On the plus side, I have hope that some updates will fix a lot of my gripes with the game. New tracks and bug fixes would be a welcome addition. The question is, how far through the GT5 experience will I be before the updates come?
Not 5 years man, no way. Just way too many issues now that I've taken the rose colored glasses off. I've listed them before but honestly Forza 3 just a VERY complete package. It's a polished product that presents itself as logical and very friendly and Turn 10 knew what they were doing and set reasonable goals.

Every car is meticulously detailed as best as they can on the 360 platform and some are just as good looking as the premium, maybe a few less polygons and shine, but you know what I mean. I think all of the cars had cockpit view and all the gauges properly worked. Even the time clock on all of the cars dashes were linked up to the 360 to display your systems time!

The physics for Forza are I think a bit more sensible as well. I'm playing both games with all aids off and Forza still makes you think before you pull off something stupid. GT5 is just stuck in the same old formula. The AI in Forza is pretty convincing, however I just played the GT5 Nascar, and NEVER will I bother with that again. I hate how on these challenges you MUST not hit any cars (which is understable), however all 15 other cars are like a train wreck that is going to plow anything, including you, into the side wall and its game over. They aren't even cars, they're just mindless drones.

GT5 is great if you want to do time trials on the Nurburgring and a 6 speed shifter. Man that is A LOT of fun and I will admit they finally got that track much more accurate than Forza. Unfortunately Turn 10 happened to take quite a bit of artistic license and the Nurburgring in Forza 3 isn't very accurate. They've widened quite a few areas and made corners less bendy/sharp to accommodate the game play of large groups of racers.

Furthermore, having to LEVEL UP so you can unlock damage? Bull s*ht right there.
So many things are just nonsense and the standard cars shouldn't even be included in the game they look so bad they are an insult to the motor industry. If my cars were in GT5 as a standard and I looked at that game - worse than PS2 graphics on a PS3 system, I'd seriously reconsider giving my support to Kaz - I think they really look THAT bad. The premiums however are gorgeous.

EDIT: One thing that I'm reminded of is the very poor weather effects. What I mean is remember GT3 Special Stage Route 5 in the rain? THAT WAS AMAZING, seriously. GT5 replaces that with fake looking raindrops and poor reflection on the road. Yes this is a minor detail but it just makes me think they actually took a step backwards of what they could accomplish honestly on the PS3.

Kaz, after investing a good 50 odd hours these past 5 days I think I can make a fair judgement - what gives man?
  • 200 cars that looks like nothing we've ever seen before.
  • Nürburgring, la Sarthe, Monza, Daytona, Indianapolis, Laguna Seca, Suzuka, Fuji and Tsukuba.
  • Skid marks, damage, dirt and realistic smoke.
  • Weather and time change.
  • 16 players online.

What else is there to add, other than more cars and tracks?

Which part is worse than GT4 then?

EDIT: The only thing I'm a little bit disappointed about is the shadows, but with all the new effects, such as weather and time change, I can see why they look the way they do.

The replays(the replays was even better in GT5P), the rims selection, the tuning part and you had more options in settings in GT4 etc.

But I think the lack of tracks is the biggest problem in GT5.
How can anyone serious about racing compare GT5 to F1 2010? You do all know that F1 hasnt got real AI? Its all scripted and has been confirmed as being by Codemasters?

GT5 was worth the wait for the physics alone. If i want to see stunning visuals ill get in my real car and go for a drive.

The AI in GT5 isnt perfect but its one hell of a leap from anything else iv seen or experienced. If you drive like a dick then so do the AI, if you give them room, they do the same, i think thats pretty good.

The car selection isnt great and i for one would like to see more Diesels included as they are the next gen of race cars, look at WTCC and most 24hr events, the diesels are clearly on par if not better than the petrols.

People need to realise that the game was rushed out by Sony, not Kaz, iv no doubt he would have wanted to take a few more months to develope it fully but the demand from most people was that they wanted the game NOW, well you got it so stop complaining, and if you persist, then go ahead and try to make a better sim. Good luck.

The biggest thing for me is the track list, i agree that there should have been ALL the tracks from GT4, even if they were direct ports with slightly outdated graphics but we have what we have and we should be gratefull. After all, who here can do any better?

And as for Forza 3, how many people work for Micro$? PD has around 120 plus some support from Sony. There is a massive difference.
Just another Forza barking dog to listen to, if you don't like GT5 and think Foreskin is so much better then go play it and stop taking time to post in a GT5 forum. I'm sure theres a forum for inferior games like Foreskin out there you can go chat in.

I agree GT5 has flaws but if every time your going to bring them up your going to play the "threaten to go get an Xbox and Foreskin card" then stop complaining and just go do it. Although Im pretty sure that if you where really going to make good on that threat you would have done it a long time ago sense Foreskin 3 has been out for over a year now.

Sorry you didn't get every single thing you wanted, kind of hard for any game studio in the world to appease every single person that buys the game, but if you think they did with Foreskin (by the way they didn't, there are plenty of complaints there too) then by all means go drop hundreds of dollars for a new system and game so you can have another one that doesn't live up to all of your expectations.
"People need to realise that the game was rushed out by Sony"

yes, because 5+ years is a rush job. Sony must have been cracking that whip!

Also, changing game names was funny about 10 years ago. It's possible to like games on different formats these days.

I'm off to play on my *wait for it* GRAY STATION HAHAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant.

The game was worth *a* wait, possibly not 5+ years. I am enjoying it though. The online racing is a blast if slightly broken (you can't even invite friends).
This game sucks total ass as far as im concerned for the simple reason of the damage being a total trip into half-assed programming. When will KAZ figure out that Japanese people arent the only people who like racing games! I think he made an ok game, BUT he epic fails at making a awesomely great game because culturally he probably just does not understand what the many different audiences from around the world want in a racing sim. Look at the huge success of iRacing. They have a superb fan following! and a great physics and damage system! WITH REAL LICENSED CARS! Kaz just sucks at catering to the masses and instead made a game that he thought would be a "fun" racing sim. HE SAID REAL LIFE RACING AND GT5 ARE EXACTLY THE SAME!!!! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

that just chaps my ass because you dont wall-ride another competitors car to win races, and you sure as hell dont expect to complete a race after said wall ride.

huge let-down. Gamestop can buy my copy back. consider my weekend wasted. looking forward to GT6 maybe 10 YEARS FROM NOW! MAYBE WITH INTERIOR VIEWS AND CHANGABLE RIMS!

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