shepzki View Post
The second lineup is far better for lower PP as the Elan Ginetta is not in the race. Just did 380pp in my Chevrolet Corvette Convertible (C3) '69 and won by 14.5 seconds (@ Monaco) so there is much more to be had.
1,544,660 CR
154804 XP
Just won again @ 364PP, it's as low as I can get this car to go without wearing the engine down. 50% power @ max ballast.
CR 1,700,040
XP 170376
Brought my Corvette Convertible C3 '69 down to 393PP and won, then down to 390PP ( 173hp, 200kg ballast and 58.3% power) and won by a couple of seconds, not a pretty race though, but can't for the life of me see how you could manage it @ 380PP and win by 14 seconds, let alone @ 364 PP.
Are we talking the same car? Mine only goes down to 373PP @ minimum 50% power. It's flat out getting up the hill at 390PP.