A 500PP rx7 Spirit R Challenge.

Well today i've been tuning my rx7 Spirit R for Tsukuba. We'll i tried numerous set ups and different parts to make up 500PP. My final time in about 4 hours of trial and error was 55:110. It definitely wasn't a perfect run but it was my fastest time for the tuning session.

My challenge is to beat this time and post your set up.

Challenge, Rx7 Spirit R (dealership)

PP Limit - 500

Target time - 55:110

Track - Tsukuba

Mode/assist - Practice mode
Transmission: Optional
ABS: 1
Controller Sensitivity: (optional)
Tire wear/fuel consumption: OFF
Track edge grip: Real

All other assist were turned OFF.

Tires - Racing Soft

Every tuning option is allowed (ballest/engine restriction)

Tune to your hearts content and tell me what's the fastest time you can manage along with your set-up/parts used.

I'll post my complete set-up in a while i'm gonna try a few more things.

55:860 with 367 BHP , 1302 kg , 500pp using DS3 control

Still working on setup.

Just dropped to 55:556 by removing LSD

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55:860 with 367 BHP , 1302 kg , 500pp using DS3 control

Still working on setup.

Just dropped to 55:556 by removing LSD


If your faster currently with the stock LSD copy its settings to the adjustable one. Then make small incremental changes to its settings until you maximize the LSDs potential.
If your faster currently with the stock LSD copy its settings to the adjustable one. Then make small incremental changes to its settings until you maximize the LSDs potential.

I was doing this for like 2 hours.

I still don't understand decelerating/braking LSD. I carry it straight/down it doesn't make a difference...this thing is mind-****ing me.

Also i found that leaving camber angles at default is best over-all.

Got down to 55:479

Reset adj suspension to stock settings & pulled a 55:738 :crazy:

Guess my setup is no good , back to start new setup 💡

See ya

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