This has to be nominated as the post of the year.👍
Seconded. 👍
This has to be nominated as the post of the year.👍
Does it really deserve a new thread whining about people who do not happen to agree with you?Seriously people, If you can't drive, you can't drive, don't blame the physics engine.
And if you want more realistic trees go find a forest and get lost in it.
This demo is a fine piece of work, credit where credits due, PD have done a sterling job thus far, they deserve a little appreciation.
Does it really deserve a new thread whining about people who do not happen to agree with you?Your pathetic rant there is just as cringeworthy as people who express their disklike to any aspect of the game.
Pot, kettle, anyone? 💡Does it really deserve a new thread whining about people who do not happen to agree with you?Your pathetic rant there is just as cringeworthy as people who express their disklike to any aspect of the game.
^^^^Does it really deserve a new thread whining about people who do not happen to agree with you?Your pathetic rant there is just as cringeworthy as people who express their disklike to any aspect of the game.
Example number one.
Physics of the demo is five times tougher to drive than real life, especially when it comes to oversteer. I can do three slides in a row in my real RWD car on the first try but when I ended without one after hours of hotlapping I just came to the conclusion this is really bad simulation of driving. I can understand that you have been willing so long to see this weird difficulty, but this is not gonna change this.
Does it really deserve a new thread whining about people who do not happen to agree with you?Your pathetic rant there is just as cringeworthy as people who express their disklike to any aspect of the game.
Does it really deserve a new thread whining about people who do not happen to agree with you?Your pathetic rant there is just as cringeworthy as people who express their disklike to any aspect of the game.
Ah, here it is: the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Kazunori Yamauchi.
Just who do thesehereticswhingers think they are. OK, I know this is supposed to be a forum, but that doesn't give them the right to come on here spouting their hateful views. If they don't think the GT5 demo is perfect in every way why don't they just leave & go to some other Congregation & let us, the true believers, worship our Dear Leader in peace.![]()
Ah, here it is: the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Kazunori Yamauchi.
Just who do thesehereticswhingers think they are. OK, I know this is supposed to be a forum, but that doesn't give them the right to come on here spouting their hateful views. If they don't think the GT5 demo is perfect in every way why don't they just leave & go to some other Congregation & let us, the true believers, worship our Dear Leader in peace.![]()
Does it really deserve a new thread whining about people who do not happen to agree with you?Your pathetic rant there is just as cringeworthy as people who express their disklike to any aspect of the game.
Ah, here it is: the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Kazunori Yamauchi.
Just who do thesehereticswhingers think they are. OK, I know this is supposed to be a forum, but that doesn't give them the right to come on here spouting their hateful views. If they don't think the GT5 demo is perfect in every way why don't they just leave & go to some other Congregation & let us, the true believers, worship our Dear Leader in peace.![]()
"But what can we possibly moan about, it's clear the demo is utterly brilliant, what on earth can we moan about? I know, I'll take a slow drive around the track and write down everything I see that ain't quite right, off I go....."
"O.K., here we go, car sounds perfect, sky has clouds, track looks realistic, yep there's the "brick yard", kerbs are fine, grass is, well, green....."
".....screeeccchhhh....bang.... WTF? I just crashed ! that never happens to me, must be the dodgy physics, ok thats the first complaint, the physics are rubbish because they made me crash...."
".......wait a second, this sand in this gravel trap, it's actually trapping me, that can't be right, and this grass is way too slippy, I often see real race cars grass tracking and they have much more grip than this, point 2......."
".........O.K. think thats enough for now, hang on a second, what the heck is that over there ? It's a tree, made from two intersecting polygon shapes with a texture applied to give the impression it's actually a polygon model ! Well I never, lucky I decided to drive around at 10mph, or I might have missed that one......."
Seriously people, If you can't drive, you can't drive, don't blame the physics engine.
And if you want more realistic trees go find a forest and get lost in it.
This demo is a fine piece of work, credit where credits due, PD have done a sterling job thus far, they deserve a little appreciation.
Does it really deserve a new thread whining about people who do not happen to agree with you?Your pathetic rant there is just as cringeworthy as people who express their disklike to any aspect of the game.
This is the best 1 track demo ever. I have never had more fun racing on only one track with so few cars.
Now if only we could get PD to update Prologue with the GT5:TT physics!I have never imported a game before but that will change in March if the TT is anything to go by. I hope it will be in English but that won't deter me.