- 1,103
- Cribanox
danoffSomeone who was very sympathetic to someone's plight.
I sure hope no one else would see the man giving away free gas, that'd probably be another riot all on its own.
danoffSomeone who was very sympathetic to someone's plight.
Sometimes it's money over charity. This is why its illegal.danoffThen only if the price is high does the store owner even have the option of charity. If his prices are held low he doesn't even have any apples left to consider giving away.
BlackZ28Sometimes it's money over charity. This is why its illegal.
BlackZ28danoff, some people arent out here to help people. They're looking out for number one.
FoolKillerAre you aware that the power of the president is limited by the laws of our country? Did you miss where I said that he does NOT have control over the National Guard troops unless they are turned over to him by the governors of the states in which they reside? There are laws in place to ensure that there is never a dictatorship in this country and any reason given to allow those laws to be broken creates a dangerous loophole.
There were mistakes that cost lives but the federal government is the least responsible for them. Local authorities prevented supplies from getting in and turned away people who showed up with boats to help lead rescue efforts. The first rescues were made by people who went out without notifying the authorities and media reporters with boats.
JacktheHatSo basically, Bush covering his own arse was more important than the people of New Orleans' lives?
Who cares what the law says when you people are in such peril? It didn't seem so important when he wanted to invade Afghanistan or Iraq....
Viper ZeroWhere did you get that statement from FoolKiller's post? I didn't read anything about "Bush covering his own arse" in FoolKiller's explanation of how the US government works. You are just injecting your own agenda where it does not belong.
FoolKillerThe same ones who blamed him for Katrina's existence. Are you aware of the current political divide in the US right now? People are watching and waiting for the slightest reason to throw Bush out of power. By the time they were done it wouldn't be about saving lives, it would be about Bush breaking the law and assuming dictatorial power.
Viper ZeroCan you tell me what "laws" were broken when the US liberated Afganastan and Iraq? What do you not understand about UN Resolution 1441?
Viper ZeroSo, let me get this straight. When the US does the right thing, it must be punished because it broke an UN law that contradicted another UN law?
Since the US broke the law, we must let the Taliban back into Afghanistan, let Al Qaeda back into Iraq, give Saddam his palaces, mass graves, and killing fields back, give back his illegal weapons of mass destruction and his SCUDs aimed at Israel, and reinstate the brutal dictators back into their reigns.
Back on topic...
I am not touching the Iraq/Afghanistan issue because this is a Katrina forum.JacktheHatBTW, an interesting point to note is that the same companies that were awarded the rebuilding contracts in Iraq have been awarded the rebuilding contracts in..................
New Orleans.
It was wrong for America to break the rules and invade Afghanistan and Iraq, BUT America seems to be under the impression that it was ok. If this WAS ok, then why was it NOT ok to do the same in New Orleans?
BTW, an interesting point to note is that the same companies that were awarded the rebuilding contracts in Iraq have been awarded the rebuilding contracts in..................
New Orleans.
FoolKillerNow, if you want to see how New Orleans should have prepared for Katrina look at how Galveston is preparing for Rita. They have buses lined up with drivers ready to go at a moment's notice. Did Bush order that? No, that was the job of the local authorities. The local authorities are also prepared to ask for federal assitance at a moments notice if they do get hit. That is how you prepare for a hurricane, not by waiting less than a day before it hit to evacuate and then waiting three days after to request the federal support you need.
FoolKillerI am not touching the Iraq/Afghanistan issue because this is a Katrina forum.
As for the contractors, it is easy to see that a company that is large enough to outbid its competitors on many government projects will most likely outbid them again and again. The keyword here is BID. Did you know it was a bidding process? Bidder with eth best proposal gets the job. In some cases we refused to let certain foreign companies bid because they are government run and their governments didn't want to help us until it gave them money.
Now, if you want to see how New Orleans should have prepared for Katrina look at how Galveston is preparing for Rita. They have buses lined up with drivers ready to go at a moment's notice. Did Bush order that? No, that was the job of the local authorities. The local authorities are also prepared to ask for federal assitance at a moments notice if they do get hit. That is how you prepare for a hurricane, not by waiting less than a day before it hit to evacuate and then waiting three days after to request the federal support you need.
danoff^^ I like that.
Is it Bush who is responsible for organizing the evacuation efforts in Galveston, Florida, NO (again), and possibly Mississipi right now along with his many other very important responsibilities... or is it the job of the local government, the people who have been through the drills, know the bottlenecks, know where the poor performance was the last time they tried to evacuate, the folks who are close to the situation - who have gotten to personally know every resource that that city has to offer.
It is absurd... hang on let me get out the bold - absurd to think that our president would micromanage every single dissaster relief and evacuation situation. It's the job of the local government to be prepared, and it's the job of FEMA to step in when the local government asks them to to help with a devastated area.
The president is only responsible (where's that bold) ONLY responsible in that he appoints the management at FEMA along with many other government agencies. I'm not sure he even oversees that management, that may be congress' job.
I don't want my President to take his concentration off of the war in Iraq so that he can micromanage the evacuation of Beuamont and Gilchrist Texas for every random storm that heads their way.
Neither is Rita, it is expected to be Katrina sized, but Texas seems to be doing a darn good job of getting things set up on their own.JacktheHatThe weather system isn't random and Katrina is no storm.
JacktheHatThe weather system isn't random and Katrina is no storm.
JacktheHatThe weather system isn't random and Katrina is no storm.
SwiftI'm sorry. but that was the funniest thing I've seen posted in a long time. The weather system does have a certain randomness to it. There are patterns but there is so much unpredictability in those patterns it's not funny. If you can predict for me right now how many tornados, to the number will hit the dust bowl next year, then you'll prove it's not random.
The weather system as a whole isn't random. And certain areas of the world are predisposed to certain types of extremes from the weather. But that still doesn't mean there isn't huge variable in there that makes weather prediction near impossible.
JacktheHatAnd it doesn't mean that Katrina appeared out of nowhere.
JacktheHatAnd it doesn't mean that Katrina appeared out of nowhere.
danoffYou're doing it in this thread too. Nobody said Katrian appeared out of nowhere. I challenge you to find one post that claims otherwise.
danoffI don't want my President to take his concentration off of the war in Iraq so that he can micromanage the evacuation of Beuamont and Gilchrist Texas for every random storm that heads their way.
Like Swift said, I think you proved our point.JacktheHatAnd it doesn't mean that Katrina appeared out of nowhere.
Did I miss something?JacktheHatta dadanoffdon't want my President to take his concentration off of the war in Iraq so that he can micromanage the evacuation of Beuamont and Gilchrist Texas for every random storm that heads their way.
JacktheHatta da
JacktheHatNo-one is denying that New Orleans was ill-prepared. My point is that afterwards, not before, when the US government were fully aware of the situation why didn't they do anything straight away?
Regardless of law, regardless of politics. I would have thought a disaster on this scale would supercede any pettiness, red-tape etc.
Laws, state's rights, civil rights, etc. We hold those things pretty high here.JacktheHatRegardless of law, regardless of politics. I would have thought a disaster on this scale would supercede any pettiness, red-tape etc.