A glimpse what GT5 could become?

  • Thread starter LANDO
If you could shut down your whining and would contribute to this forum more than just "wuahhh GT5 takes so long to come out", i wouldnt have any problem at all.
I just dont want that the GTP gets ruined by that typical stupid, German, forum attitude.

@Max: I think it would be possible, i also think it could be possible on PS3 (of course i mean only the render).
But the effort it would take to model, lets say, 300 cars like that, is way to big.
It's beautiful, but does anyone besides me think the weaving on the carbon fiber is a little too big? Especially around the gauge pods.
That video is amazing! :drool: I can't even tell if it's real or not from the first glance! :crazy:
To be honest, I won't expect this kind of graphics to appear in GT5. Instead, that might be a clue to show how the next next-gen graphics would look like. :P
I would definitely be overwhelmed if Koenigsegg's cars are gonna be appearing in GT5! :D
I think this can be possible with the PS3, PS3 should be a 10 year product, the best games coming out now on PS3 are only using 60% of the PS3 capacity, with the updates coming in the next years it will be better and better, i have already read that they found the possibility too put 400GB on a Blu-ray disc( http://www.engadget.com/2008/07/07/pioneers-blu-ray-disc-hits-400gb/)and that the PS3 is compatible; they are also working on 3D screens that would be also compatible with PS3

too make it short, Xbox is at the end of their life cycle(Gears of wars2, reached the limit of what the Xbox could do) and we are only starting soo you'll have all too see the futur on the bright-side. cheers
BTW i made a study of light and camera in 3ds max for hobby and i made a simple model of the GT box for background then i take a f1 model from Race Driver 3 and a pair of models i bought and made this:

Excuse my english.


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"Hello Corey

We are not working for Polyphony Digital, we sent them this as proposal on dvd to the office with
a very competitive price, and also included model of Koenigsegg in Maya format, but they not replied.
I am sure that they understood that our models better than their's, but probably Sony not allow them
outsource graphic content.

Yury Rybakov
Proper Graphics PUE"

I hope they didn't send the DVD saying their model was better. :dunce: Could be why no response was given. I know that sort of statement would not go over well with any company but even more so a Japanese company. I wonder if these guys have also contacted system3 as they could really use the help.

That said, if PD could find a graphics partner and spend more time on the tracks and physics I would think that would be time better spent. Maybe give these guys a limited engagement for finishing some of the modeling so they can make Christmas of 2009 a reality. Doing everything in-house is great but if one part makes sense to outsource (at least in-part) it would be the car modeling.
too make it short, Xbox is at the end of their life cycle(Gears of wars2, reached the limit of what the Xbox could do) and we are only starting soo you'll have all too see the futur on the bright-side. cheers

Not trying to instigate a flame war here, but I doubt it's at the limit yet. Gears of War 2 was based on UE3, and as far as it goes, it isn't taxing the 360 that much.
its very easy to understand this pictures..
they develop this incredible 3d rendering to sent to PD only to put it in the game..
this particularity of interior and exterior sent, are to help PD to put the car in gt5 cuz maybe PD don't have time to go there to try the car and ecc...
i think that it's not the issue weather will PD put it in the game for a price, but for this car to be in gt5, PD must pay substantial amount of money to Koenigsegg and get their approval to use their cars in the game, it's not just to create the car in 3d.
If they sent the Maya file then expect the Koenigsegg (if in GT5) to look suspiciously better than all the other car models! :lol:

Damn, after seeing that CCX render GT5P doesnt look as amazing as it used to! :indiff: I hope with GT5 the graphics will be upped a bit but I have a feeling that they will be the same as GT5P if not slightly downgraded as we saw in the transition from GT4P to GT4.

Oh well PS4 then..... if Sony is still around by then! :crazy:

If they sent the Maya file then expect the Koenigsegg (if in GT5) to look suspiciously better than all the other car models! :lol:

Damn, after seeing that CCX render GT5P doesnt look as amazing as it used to! :indiff: I hope with GT5 the graphics will be upped a bit but I have a feeling that they will be the same as GT5P if not slightly downgraded as we saw in the transition from GT4P to GT4.

Oh well PS4 then..... if Sony is still around by then! :crazy:


The model may be the same quality as GT5P's models are, but the rendering makes it look much more realistic. GT5P couldn't do that in realtime without sacrificing something else, so it's really nothing to worry about. GT5P has to worry about 16 cars, full tracks, and physics, while this render has to worry about the environment and the shader work, that's it. This render probably took them a long time, too, while GT5P has to render 1 frame every 1/60th of a second.
I hope they didn't send the DVD saying their model was better. :dunce: Could be why no response was given. I know that sort of statement would not go over well with any company but even more so a Japanese company. I wonder if these guys have also contacted system3 as they could really use the help.

That said, if PD could find a graphics partner and spend more time on the tracks and physics I would think that would be time better spent. Maybe give these guys a limited engagement for finishing some of the modeling so they can make Christmas of 2009 a reality. Doing everything in-house is great but if one part makes sense to outsource (at least in-part) it would be the car modeling.

If they did say that in their email they will be lucky if KY does not come to their house and cut their heads off with a Katana for such blatant arrogance.

Anyways I have always believed that PD is understaffed and could use some help. I think they only have something like 150 employees. I heard it takes each person about 6 months to make a single track and about 2-3 months to make a car. I would guess that about 25-40% of the team works on car rendering. So about every 2-3 months they get 30 cars done. Thats 120-180 cars per year. I assume they have been working on GT5 since a couple of months after the PS3s release so say since 2007. So by now they should have about 240-360 cars done. GT is not coming out until late 2009 probably mid 2010 so on release there would be about 360-540 cars. All of this is assuming a perfect schedule with no delays (which is unrealistic because they were focusing on Prologue). In reality I bet they only have done about 200 cars.

I think that PD could really use some extra help. Maybe not from these people but maybe people from within SCE.
I know the Koenigsegg rendering is a thing of beauty, but as others have mentioned, the amount of data the PS3 has to process, along with the already very good looking car models that PD produces, I'm just happy with that we have. Hopefully the level of detail stays good, and technically it should get a little better for GT5. KY said that they're happy with the level of detail of the cars for GT5, so now they're trying to up the amount of detail in the environments. I can live with what we've got though.
The model may be the same quality as GT5P's models are, but the rendering makes it look much more realistic. GT5P couldn't do that in realtime without sacrificing something else, so it's really nothing to worry about. GT5P has to worry about 16 cars, full tracks, and physics, while this render has to worry about the environment and the shader work, that's it. This render probably took them a long time, too, while GT5P has to render 1 frame every 1/60th of a second.

Yeah I know :indiff:. I understand that if your going to have all those cars on screen all needing to be rendered plus the background views, AI etc etc somethings got to give. The PS3 could probably do graphics like that if the car was stationary in a white room but thats not a game people are going to want to play! :lol:

I do however feel that if you look at GT history the second title of each console generation has always far outshone the previous installment with regards to graphics (i.e. GT3 to GT4). If GT5 is already the top bar GT6 wont be anything special, unless PD are only using like 50% of the PS3's total potential.

Yeah I know :indiff:. I understand that if your going to have all those cars on screen all needing to be rendered plus the background views, AI etc etc somethings got to give. The PS3 could probably do graphics like that if the car was stationary in a white room but thats not a game people are going to want to play! :lol:

PS3 could do all that, background, filters, textures everything but..... not in realtime like a game needs. I bet money that video was never rendered in realtime on the PC.
Yeah I know :indiff:. I understand that if your going to have all those cars on screen all needing to be rendered plus the background views, AI etc etc somethings got to give. The PS3 could probably do graphics like that if the car was stationary in a white room but thats not a game people are going to want to play! :lol:

I do however feel that if you look at GT history the second title of each console generation has always far outshone the previous installment with regards to graphics (i.e. GT3 to GT4). If GT5 is already the top bar GT6 wont be anything special, unless PD are only using like 50% of the PS3's total potential.


Why are you all mantioning gt6, when we haven't even seen gt5. GT6 may not even come
The high poly count and time PD are taking to model their cars will pay off. They won't ever need to re-model them but just increase the lighting / shadows detail! Think about how much time will be saved for GT6, 7 etc.
Why are you all mantioning gt6, when we haven't even seen gt5. GT6 may not even come

Just stating a point that the next one (if theres a next one) might be able to achieve the graphics seen on that CCX. However that depends on how much power PD is already using from the PS3 for GT5.

PS3 could do all that, background, filters, textures everything but..... not in realtime like a game needs. I bet money that video was never rendered in realtime on the PC.

Yeah im sure that a PC took about 2 hours or something to render that pre selected video sequence. Reatime is what kills everything which is why CGI still looks so much better than the games we are seeing today.

Everybody see that this Koenigsegg CCX model in our presentation looks better than GT5 cars but nobody understand why it better. Of course non realtime rendering make look better, but we think that main thing why it look so is that it have perfect surface. Look at this screenshots that show bad places on GT5 cars http://propergraphics.com/3dlowpoly/GT5P_screenshots.htm
This screenshots show warped surface of GT5 cars - such problems make car look like paper or something - not sure how to call it, but it kills realism. Koenigsegg model don't have such problems with surface because we done it with proper methods. Also GT5 cars using polys not by the most efficient way, look at this screenshot - http://propergraphics.com/3dlowpoly/GT5P_screenshots/GT5P_wire.jpg

P.S. I am sure that it is possible to achieve very similar look in realtime on PS3 at least for showroom - it is definite will look worse, but not a lot. But not sure if it possible for race track.
I was watching the interview the big boss form Guerilla Games (if you don't know already, the developer of the super-hyped Killzone 2) and in it he mentioned that GG has been working with Polyphony Digital, Naughty Dogs (Drake's Fortune) and other Sony's first party developer. One the coolest thing in Killzone 2 is the wind physics- it affects everything from changing the trajectory of thrown grenades and the walking speed of the character (of the FPS). I'm pretty sure that some of the R&D GG has put into KZ2 will make it into GT5. I would say if you want to see a glimpse of GT5, you need to experience Killzone 2.
Here's the Interview
Oh snap. If GT5 has Killzone 2's lighting and effects. Holy crap. If PD is breaking the Japanese trend and actually working with other companies then that is great news. I have always believed that they are understaffed considering what they are trying to achieve. This is the way it should be at Sony all the first and second party publishers sharing there resources.