Honestly, visually I think GT5p is fine, and if they kept the SAME visuals for GT5 as GT5p, BUT added damage, skidmarks, backfires (I know they were in GT4), and a few more noises, and better overall car sounds, they'll be fine as far as the rawness goes. I think the game feels fine, maybe some fine-tuning to the physics, better a true online mode, and we'll be set. I have faith....patience is running low, but I do have faith.
Exacly, GT5P (not as perfect at the CCX model) Still looks damn good, and way ahead any completion. Graphics should stay as it is. Only things to come are the other aspects we should worry about. For GT6, that is the time they should really LASER scan cars and have a gazillion polygons and best reflections and light. As well they should start doing LASER SCANNED TRACKS! Would save them TON of time and be more realistic about it.