A month later, your opinion on GTSport?

  • Thread starter queleuleu
I’ve been playing GTS since release and generally I don’t see 3 or 4 years of work in the game, I think the bad for me outweighs the good.

The Game engine for me is not cutting edge and the graphics could do with a sprinkle of magic, the list of cars genuinely surprised me with how poor it was - all models are last years at best so are we going to have to buy the latest cars as dlc or did Sony not want to spend the cash as Forza has done.

I really only play the online daily races and yes you can’t legislate for idiots that just can’t brake but the inconsistency in the penalties how they are awarded and then managed, Ive had a couple of times 5 second Penalties that become 8 seconds on countdown because the game engine can’t keep up With this and the on screen action.
Is it me or would a perm rear view mirror help the game - it would for me. I like the tracks, I don’t mind it being online only - Why can’t we have races standing start and not rolling starts.

It is the best simulation by a country mile and I’ve played all the versions of GT going back to PS1 but Forza is a better game - fine if you think the reverse but I don’t think it moves the genre on in any way
You aren’t going to have to pay for anything man. All the dlc will be free. The reason we have year old cars is because of how long it was in development. I’d rather have what we have than have even less but newer. We will get more and newer cars. Also they rebuilt GTS from the ground up so I don’t have a problem seeing how it took this long to develop. It’s much more than prologue and that took a few years longer even. Between lasers track, impeccable detail in mostly all the cars, photo mode, livery editor, FIA partnership, new and much improved sound. I just don’t get why GTS is getting all the hate. We are finally getting many things that we’ve all been whining about for years and we still aren’t happy? I just don’t get it. Cut them some slack. At least they are trying something new instead of the same stuff they’ve been doing. Don’t get me wrong, I loved gt3 and 4 but I didn’t want to relive and replay them. Many times while playing by myself I would want to show off my awesome race to a friend or anyone but you couldn’t, now we can do all that and more together. Everyone wants change until we get it... I’m not saying things can’t be improved upon or made even more vast but I don’t feel the need for all the whining and hate. We all know of it’s shortcomings and we’ve been told it will be added to, like all GT titles previously, so I’m sorry but can we stop with the crybaby crap and just wait and enjoy the awesomeness that we currently have? Awesomeness that is only going to get better. At the cost of nothing except the OG price of the game.

Also, could you even imaging how much chaos a standing start would even be? Lmao. No thank you. Plus the whole point of a rolling start goes with qualification times. Not sure if you’ve noticed but all cars are spaced differently in every single race according to qualify times. Leave the standing starts for private kiddy. It would be a free for all and doesn’t seem like any fun at all. Hell even the first turn of a race is already hectic enough because every jackass and his brother thinks they should start passing in the first turn of a race. So rediculous.
A month into it, I still enjoy it and have logged in everyday. Partly because of the dailies and my drive to learn to be a better/faster driver and racer. I'll admit though, lately I find myself taking part in the dailies that are on tracks I already feel comfortable on, that I know fairly well and enjoy racing on. With them changing everyday and having to work long shifts, I don't have enough time to go spend practicing and then take part in the races. It also doesn't help when those races are once every hour. By the time it's all said and done, I should have been in bed over 3hrs ago and it's about time for me to wake up and go back to work :boggled::lol:

All joking aside, there are still a lot of improvements needed. More tracks (first and foremost...especially the most iconic ones), a little bit more cars, better matching for online races, more options for online races, review/revamp the penalty system...among other things.

Overall though, this certainly is a good foundation and I can't wait to see how they evolve it from there. As someone who never took part of playing anything online before GTS, I never knew that I would enjoy the level of competition that I've had within this past month. Playing against the AI does not even come close. Aside from the occasional rammers, punters and divebombers (which is not really PD's fault) this has been a great first month and well worth the money spent.
A lot of potential. Sport mode is getting stale quickly.
Exactly, why an hour between the races in tile 3? Most of us have limited time to play so we end up missing these races, plus if I do have free time I end up playing Battlefield to kill the time but then get too engrossed in that and miss the next race lol. Its bizarre the way they've set up sport mode, they know this game is very slim on content so why reduce the usability of the content even further. With thousands of players online it would be easy to have full grid races in this category at least 4 times an hour, even offer more tiles with similar races in between like Gr1 races, what about Gr4 and 3 Nordschleife? The only reason there'd be too little players in the end is because everyone got sick of waiting for that race and lost interest.

In before:
- Do the other races: The other races are boring as watching paint dry.
- Do campaign mode: Done, not what I paid full price for anyway.
- Use the livery editor: Also done to death, a very nice addition but also not what I paid full price for.
- Go in lobbies: so far removed from what sport can offer and has 10 times the issues, I can't believe people still use this as a solution.

If there was a solution to the above problem, I would've found it.

For the amount of time it took PD to release this game it really feels like a prologue at the moment, which is a shame because it has the potential to be the most incredible racer if only a few small changes were implemented.
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Exactly, why an hour between the races in tile 3? Most of us have limited time to play so we end up missing these races, plus if I do have free time I end up playing Battlefield to kill the time but then get too engrossed in that and miss the next race lol. Its bizarre the way they've set up sport mode, they know this game is very slim on content so why reduce the usability of the content even further. With thousands of players online it would be easy to have full grid races in this category at least 4 times an hour, even offer more tiles with similar races in between like Gr1 races, what about Gr4 and 3 Nordschleife? The only reason there'd be too little players in the end is because everyone got sick of waiting for that race and lost interest.

In before:
- Do the other races: The other races are boring as watching paint dry.
- Do campaign mode: Done, not what I paid full price for anyway.
- Use the livery editor: Also done to death, a very nice addition but also not what I paid full price for.
- Go in lobbies: so far removed from what sport can offer and has 10 times the issues, I can't believe people still use this as a solution.

If there was a solution to the above problem, I would've found it.

For the amount of time it took PD to release this game it really feels like a prologue at the moment, which is a shame because it has the potential to be the most incredible racer if only a few small changes were implemented.
It’s all new. I’m fairly certain they are testing and analyzing to see what works and doesn’t. What people participate in and what they don’t. In time I guarantee we will have more dailies if not weeklies. I’m considering this all still beta for the online portion of it. They have been making minor tweaks every week if you haven’t noticed. Penalties are a bit deference. Track limits have changed. Maybe all small but it’s a step in the right direction.
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A lot of the testing and analyzing should have happened in the beta . The fact that the dailies are affected by the test seasons, suggests they are being economical with the servers. I really dislike waiting 20 - 40 minutes, for the Race A demolition derbys, while the other events are on. The lobbys are very much hit and more often miss, had a few good races there, but not many. Obviously more content would be great, but I bought this for online racing not looking at pretty pictures and twiddling my thumbs.
You aren’t going to have to pay for anything man. All the dlc will be free. The reason we have year old cars is because of how long it was in development. I’d rather have what we have than have even less but newer. We will get more and newer cars. Also they rebuilt GTS from the ground up so I don’t have a problem seeing how it took this long to develop. It’s much more than prologue and that took a few years longer even. Between lasers track, impeccable detail in mostly all the cars, photo mode, livery editor, FIA partnership, new and much improved sound. I just don’t get why GTS is getting all the hate. We are finally getting many things that we’ve all been whining about for years and we still aren’t happy? I just don’t get it. Cut them some slack. At least they are trying something new instead of the same stuff they’ve been doing. Don’t get me wrong, I loved gt3 and 4 but I didn’t want to relive and replay them. Many times while playing by myself I would want to show off my awesome race to a friend or anyone but you couldn’t, now we can do all that and more together. Everyone wants change until we get it... I’m not saying things can’t be improved upon or made even more vast but I don’t feel the need for all the whining and hate. We all know of it’s shortcomings and we’ve been told it will be added to, like all GT titles previously, so I’m sorry but can we stop with the crybaby crap and just wait and enjoy the awesomeness that we currently have? Awesomeness that is only going to get better. At the cost of nothing except the OG price of the game.

Also, could you even imaging how much chaos a standing start would even be? Lmao. No thank you. Plus the whole point of a rolling start goes with qualification times. Not sure if you’ve noticed but all cars are spaced differently in every single race according to qualify times. Leave the standing starts for private kiddy. It would be a free for all and doesn’t seem like any fun at all. Hell even the first turn of a race is already hectic enough because every jackass and his brother thinks they should start passing in the first turn of a race. So rediculous.
I'd like to see an official PD or Sony source that says all DLC is free. Link please.

I also disagree that this game includes many of the things we've been asking for for years because it's simply not true. One only need go to the Suggestions Forum to discover that very few of the top liked cars, tracks or features are included in GTS.
A month down the line and I haven't stopped playing it. Whilst I have golded the campaign mode. Online still keeps me going. I wish there was more variety with daily races. And they really need to add more content soon. More tracks for sure. As I'm bored of the few we got. And some more cars. Would love to see some classics. Like the Mazda 787b, GT One car, Pikes peak car, Sauber. So many! come on Polyphony give the fans what they rightly deserve.
It’s all new. I’m fairly certain they are testing and analyzing to see what works and doesn’t. What people participate in and what they don’t. In time I guarantee we will have more dailies if not weeklies. I’m considering this all still beta for the online portion of it. They have been making minor tweaks every week if you haven’t noticed. Penalties are a bit deference. Track limits have changed. Maybe all small but it’s a step in the right direction.
I understand what you're saying and Its good to see some changes although small, but there are many things they could implement immediately with very little effort to increase the enjoyment of the game while we wait longer for the larger updates and changes. More races, 24 player races and a higher frequency of the longer races could be implemented today if they wanted to, I'm pretty sure the Gr3 race on the tri-oval was a one make less than a day ago so they changed that before the daily time that they usually change races. I remember recently they had 2 of the longer races per hour, they were always full and matched by SR and DR, its a backwards step putting them back to 1 per hour unless this is an accidental oversight by them.

Testing what people participate in and what they don't makes sense, but they haven't even tried Gr1 or Nordschleife yet (unless they did in the few days I've been away but still, one day out of the last month is nothing) and they have had the same car and track combinations multiple times. Hopefully these changes come by xmas or shortly after as a lot are predicting, I don't think the game in its current state will hold the majority of players interest for much longer than that.
Overall, a 8/10 for me so far. The highlights:
  • FINALLY: iRacing approach to console multiplayer racing: I've wanted this since iRacing launched on PC and revolutionized multiplayer racing matchmaking
  • No-fault Safety Rating system works: S class is pretty damn clean for me. There is room for some door banging, but this is GT racing so that happens. As others have said, sometimes penalties are applied inconsistently, but I'd chalk this up to netcode quirks. There's always room for improvement though and I hope the devs keep working on this.
  • Gran Turismo abandons the 'Start last and catch the leader of all the spread out cars' gameplay loop that has passed for "racing" in the series: The core gameplay on the track has been stale since GT3, let's be honest with ourselves here. The AI has never been challenging, and the artificial challenge has been hunting down 1 or 2 cars out of the pack that are given a huge head start. With the series moving to practically online-only events, the classic GT gameplay is dead, and I'd strongly argue it needed to die.
  • Livery editor: I simply love customization, and for a first run they have done an admirable job.
The cons: the game obviously needs a lot more content in terms of tracks. I'd love open wheel cars, even if it's a Formula Skip Barber.
Well i got to say, GT Sport has really grown on me really quick. Much more than i expected, it feels like home to me, even tho i am not that great at competing online as i would like to be.

I have been playing every day at least for an hour, since launch.

I do wish there was more Tracks and Cars, but its not as big of an issue as i feared it would be. I find the race car line up in GT Sport great, especially combined with the livery editor, which lets you freshen up your favorite cars. So i would only say the problem is a bit with the road cars, since its definitely weird to see that little of them in a GT game, however the selection of what we have right now is still great to me. But don't get me wrong, i definitely still wish and look forward to see some more road cars in the future.

And i actually like the fact they added alot new original tracks, it truly feels like a new experience to race on some tracks that aren't in any other game.(However i do think 3 ovals was a bit unnecessary , and i wasn't exactly a fan of that 25 lap oval season 1 race.)

I do also wish they would make some championships that uses only 1 car thru entire season. Like a GR.3 ONLY or GR.4 ONLY championship, you register one car, and stick with it. I feel like it would let people focus easier. I would prefer that to the current mix of GR.4/GR.3 etc races.

I actually think the Arcade mode is great too, could be even better, if they would patch in choice to choose our grid on a more "car by car" basis, and multi class races.

So yeah, overall i really like the game. Of course i would change some things to make it better and i hope it will be even nicer as time goes by, but i am glad it released and very glad i bought it!

Id say around 8/10 for me! and easy potential to be 9/10 after later updates, and depending if its handled good, maybe even 10/10 , since i really enjoy the base of the game.

Even tho its quite different to previous GTs, it still gives me that GT vibe. like the Physics, they just feel like GT, hard to explain, but i like that.

Also GT Sport menus remind me of GT5 Prologue, that game had such amazing menus and overall presentation/music in menus to me. I am glad that feeling is back.
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Overall, a 8/10 for me so far. The highlights:
  • FINALLY: iRacing approach to console multiplayer racing: I've wanted this since iRacing launched on PC and revolutionized multiplayer racing matchmaking
  • No-fault Safety Rating system works: S class is pretty damn clean for me. There is room for some door banging, but this is GT racing so that happens. As others have said, sometimes penalties are applied inconsistently, but I'd chalk this up to netcode quirks. There's always room for improvement though and I hope the devs keep working on this.
  • Gran Turismo abandons the 'Start last and catch the leader of all the spread out cars' gameplay loop that has passed for "racing" in the series: The core gameplay on the track has been stale since GT3, let's be honest with ourselves here. The AI has never been challenging, and the artificial challenge has been hunting down 1 or 2 cars out of the pack that are given a huge head start. With the series moving to practically online-only events, the classic GT gameplay is dead, and I'd strongly argue it needed to die.
  • Livery editor: I simply love customization, and for a first run they have done an admirable job.
The cons: the game obviously needs a lot more content in terms of tracks. I'd love open wheel cars, even if it's a Formula Skip Barber.
I must say, I always find it amusing when someone says the core of a series that sold 75 million copies needed to die as opposed to improved, or, even better IMO, improved and complimented with a rigorous online racing program and a wide range of other features.
I've owned every major GT series entry since the original on Playstation, and the core gameplay was stale by the end of GT3. At least for me.

I'm happy they rebooted. I'm sorry your car Pokémon is gone, JP, but I am enjoying the first entry in the GT series to feature actual racing.

I must say, I always find it amusing when someone says the core of a series that sold 75 million copies needed to die as opposed to improved, or, even better IMO, improved and complimented with a rigorous online racing program and a wide range of other features.
  • Gran Turismo abandons the 'Start last and catch the leader of all the spread out cars' gameplay loop that has passed for "racing" in the series: The core gameplay on the track has been stale since GT3, let's be honest with ourselves here. The AI has never been challenging, and the artificial challenge has been hunting down 1 or 2 cars out of the pack that are given a huge head start. With the series moving to practically online-only events, the classic GT gameplay is dead, and I'd strongly argue it needed to die.
I always hated the GranTurismo chase the rabbit AI. Agree this needed to evolve.
Not enough and apart from the visuals and matchmaking, what it does provide is not good enough.

Pros and Cons (my personal view just in case that's needed)

Looks great
Matchmaking should be offered in every racing title
Photomode & Scapes


Vehicle list is too small and seriously lack variety
Track list is even worse in that regard
Rally is a pointless waste of resource, with appalling physics
Physics and tyre model feel around five years behind the curve
Penalties system can be easily gamed
Ranking system can be easily gamed

Anything else is in between.
Have you mastered all cars?

Do you know all tracks?

If yes,you are a legend sir and if not then why do you need more when you haven't finished the current selection?
Incredibly frustrated with the penalty system.
It doesn't punish drivers for diving down the inside of a corner if they don't push you off the track.
It punishes drivers for seemingly ridiculous things.

That about sums up my experience with GTS so far.
the online system that they copy from iRacing is 95% similar, which is good transition from hectic iRacing career mode to more relaxing gtsport atmosphere, while retaining the same system.

so for me, if they can turn on damage, tire and fuel usage, turn of ghost and manual control while rolling start, that will be much better
+ Sounds (camaro now sounds like a proper V8 muscle car, for example)
+ Graphics
+ Physics (not the best in the market for a title that proclaims itself 'the real driving simulator', but car felt more weighty than gt6)
+ Solid online events, with robust matchmaking
+ Livery editor
+ Scapes
+ UI design, much more pleasant to look at and user-friendly too including the race HUD
+ Built-in menu soundtracks
+ Chase and cockpit cam adjustments

- Online only save, seriously PD could implement strict save data verification that runs periodically whilst the game is running online instead of limiting saves. this way GTS can make offline players happy and easily combat unfair cheaters at the same time
- No dynamic time change
- No dynamic weather change
- Rally felt like an afterthought
- Limited content as for now, Kaz said that there will be DLC but I wouldn't hold my breath, judging from the post-release support of GT5 and 6
- No offline championships, custom race mode should be tweaked with the option to create multi-round events, that can be used for both offline and online lobby
- No music playlist options a la GT4/5/6. since race music isn't my cup of tea and I'm only faved some electronic music and most music that carried over from past GT
- No option to switch between horizontal or vertical split screen
- Sometimes daily/campaign bonus gives me duplicate cars

With that being said, I'll give GTS a 7 of 10 for the time being.
Have you mastered all cars?

Do you know all tracks?
That a rather false premise on which to attack a subjective opinion.

However let me start with the cars. Let's remove the vision GTs from my personal list as they hold zero interest for me, ditto with the rally stuff as the loose surface physics don't work, out to the FWD as well as the tyre model messes them up to a large degree.

Of what's left, no the variety is not great and nor is the remaining list.

In regard to tracks only the 'ring is well enough modelled in terms of surface detail and they still managed to mess up the tourist layout.

Brands Hatch has been neutered due to the poor surface detail, the fantasy tracks have one good track in my view and the rally stages are nothing of the sort and total waste of resource.

As such little draw exists with what is left to want to master cars and tracks that exist to a higher degree of fidelity in the competition in every area other than 'its pretty'.

If yes,you are a legend sir and if not then why do you need more when you haven't finished the current selection?
Because what we have isn't good enough in almost any aspect outside of pretty.

That may be fine for you, but my needs from a sim differ
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My opinion? We need news of a large update before November ends which includes more cars and tracks, and the update should arrive in December. Because I'm already feeling the lack of content in the game.
Only ever played The Seasonal Time Trials in GT6 and that did it all for me.

The online part was crazy with crazy drivers everywhere.

Now there are no Time Trials so I am forced to play the dailies and even in the FIA races the penalties could make you cry.
Well at least shout harsh words at drivers who cut you off and for all intents and purposes, put you out of the race even if you were up front.

Bought a PS4 and replaced my G27 with a new G29. Don't feel it was worth it at this point in time, would rather be doing time trials in GT6, which I can of course, but for crying out loud, this game plus the PS4 and G29 cost a fair few bucks and I wanted it to be similar but better.

Every time I enter a race I swear I will not retaliate when pushed off the track or spun off by others. Unfortunately I cant say I have managed to do that every time.
I've owned every major GT series entry since the original on Playstation, and the core gameplay was stale by the end of GT3. At least for me.

I'm happy they rebooted. I'm sorry your car Pokémon is gone, JP, but I am enjoying the first entry in the GT series to feature actual racing.
Yes I believe you missed the point entirely. The core game play was probably stale for a lot of people, the amusing part is that the solution for so many is to simply scrap the core of the whole thing rather than improve it while at the same time adding a kickass online component.

By the way, GT5 and GT6 also offered "actual racing" and it was very good at times, brilliant with the right group of people, but not perfect. If you looked at online participation numbers it wasnt all that popular given the size of the player base. Instead of scrapping it they improved it. Fancy that eh?
Not enough and apart from the visuals and matchmaking, what it does provide is not good enough.

Pros and Cons (my personal view just in case that's needed)

Looks great
Matchmaking should be offered in every racing title
Photomode & Scapes


Vehicle list is too small and seriously lack variety
Track list is even worse in that regard
Rally is a pointless waste of resource, with appalling physics
Physics and tyre model feel around five years behind the curve
Penalties system can be easily gamed
Ranking system can be easily gamed

Anything else is in between.

This. I'd just add the livery editor to the pros.
Incredibly frustrated with the penalty system.
It doesn't punish drivers for diving down the inside of a corner if they don't push you off the track.
It punishes drivers for seemingly ridiculous things.

That about sums up my experience with GTS so far.

This is my biggest frustration by far. It seems the driver on the outside lane gets the biggest penalties by default. Usually sr+time. Inside d(r)iver gets big penalties only if the guy outside cant recover from the bump.

There seems to be some difference to this system between SR classes. It seems B/A/S SR allows a lot more door banging without the small penalties. Bigger bangs get the same penalty treatment. If true this is brilliant, as more often higher class drivers can fight it out with a bit of bumping without ruining the race.