A month later, your opinion on GTSport?

  • Thread starter queleuleu
Just out of curiosity do you run practice laps before racing online? It usually takes me 5-10 laps to be able to run a track at race pace without mistakes, and maybe 15-20 laps to be able to confidently fight for position and set consistent lap times.

It takes > 10 laps on a track to begin to identify which sectors / corners are your weakest and where you could benefit from the biggest improvement.

Yes I have done practice laps and seem to know the way around ok like I think it was Willow Springs I spent ages doing lap after lap and ironed out the few tricky bends. Went to race seems like a different car slides easier in races and the opponents obviously know the track better than me as they just disappear I cannot keep up with them in bends as if I try to take bends like they do I just slide and lose loads of time tried concentrating on braking at the correct time but to no avail they are just quicker than me.
I know if I practiced for a good time I could improve slightly but can't ever see me getting a place apart from last.
I still go on Driveclub to be honest and enjoy it more than GTS so I can still have my adrenalin race fill.:lol:
Yes I have done practice laps and seem to know the way around ok like I think it was Willow Springs I spent ages doing lap after lap and ironed out the few tricky bends. Went to race seems like a different car slides easier in races and the opponents obviously know the track better than me as they just disappear I cannot keep up with them in bends as if I try to take bends like they do I just slide and lose loads of time tried concentrating on braking at the correct time but to no avail they are just quicker than me.
I know if I practiced for a good time I could improve slightly but can't ever see me getting a place apart from last.
I still go on Driveclub to be honest and enjoy it more than GTS so I can still have my adrenalin race fill.:lol:
Ah okay cheers and best of luck out there :cheers:
Pros. It's pretty and has good graphics.
Game play is excellent fun.

Cons For Me.
It is to hard
No Slider Scale is a huge let down.

Reason I stopped playing it.
I couldn't get any further, golded campaign mode up to the last one couldn't do that.
Tried the mission challenges did a couple but couldn't do a lot of them on stage two didn't go any further.
Online racing all the cars were faster than me I always finished last sometimes lapped
Couldn't see a way to tune the car.
Haven't traded it in yet but thinking about it.

I had that problem at first. Even wondered if there was an issue with my pedals and GT Sport. Then I realized that others were faster than me because of their lines on the track, their ability to enter and exit corners faster than me and the fact that they had more situational awareness than me on the track.

A couple things I did to help was, in the races I would analyze the lines and breaking patterns of the faster drivers, even saving replays to review. I would look up track guides on youtube for tracks I had difficulty with. I also learned to just drive and not focus on every apex marker and exact braking point and go more for the feel and how my driving style reacted with the track.

Anyway, good luck and hopefully you won't give up. It definitely does take more work to be able to be competitive online, but it is worth it imo.
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Apologies if I'm not seeing the thread for this but I'm surprised that people aren't complaining more about the ridiculous penalty system. I'm ready to quit the game because of it. 10 second penalties for being intentionally run over by the driver behind you?? How about being penalized when someone rams you in the side going down the straight? U could go on, but the penalty system is ruining the game for me and all my buddies.
Not enough and apart from the visuals and matchmaking, what it does provide is not good enough.

Pros and Cons (my personal view just in case that's needed)

Looks great
Matchmaking should be offered in every racing title
Photomode & Scapes


Vehicle list is too small and seriously lack variety
Track list is even worse in that regard
Rally is a pointless waste of resource, with appalling physics
Physics and tyre model feel around five years behind the curve
Penalties system can be easily gamed
Ranking system can be easily gamed

Anything else is in between.

You aren’t going to have to pay for anything man. All the dlc will be free. The reason we have year old cars is because of how long it was in development. I’d rather have what we have than have even less but newer. We will get more and newer cars. Also they rebuilt GTS from the ground up so I don’t have a problem seeing how it took this long to develop. It’s much more than prologue and that took a few years longer even. Between lasers track, impeccable detail in mostly all the cars, photo mode, livery editor, FIA partnership, new and much improved sound. I just don’t get why GTS is getting all the hate. We are finally getting many things that we’ve all been whining about for years and we still aren’t happy? I just don’t get it. Cut them some slack. At least they are trying something new instead of the same stuff they’ve been doing. Don’t get me wrong, I loved gt3 and 4 but I didn’t want to relive and replay them. Many times while playing by myself I would want to show off my awesome race to a friend or anyone but you couldn’t, now we can do all that and more together. Everyone wants change until we get it... I’m not saying things can’t be improved upon or made even more vast but I don’t feel the need for all the whining and hate. We all know of it’s shortcomings and we’ve been told it will be added to, like all GT titles previously, so I’m sorry but can we stop with the crybaby crap and just wait and enjoy the awesomeness that we currently have? Awesomeness that is only going to get better. At the cost of nothing except the OG price of the game.

Also, could you even imaging how much chaos a standing start would even be? Lmao. No thank you. Plus the whole point of a rolling start goes with qualification times. Not sure if you’ve noticed but all cars are spaced differently in every single race according to qualify times. Leave the standing starts for private kiddy. It would be a free for all and doesn’t seem like any fun at all. Hell even the first turn of a race is already hectic enough because every jackass and his brother thinks they should start passing in the first turn of a race. So rediculous.
How about all the other insane penalty issues? The game is being ruined for a lot of people because of amazingly inappropriate penalties. Should I get a 10 second penalty when I'm slammed into intentionally by the driver beside and behind me going down a straight. Come on!
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I'd like to see an official PD or Sony source that says all DLC is free. Link please.

I also disagree that this game includes many of the things we've been asking for for years because it's simply not true. One only need go to the Suggestions Forum to discover that very few of the top liked cars, tracks or features are included in GTS.
We will be getting the dlc for free. Did we have to pay for dlc for gt6 or gt5? No. And besides cars and tracks they have made many changes to the game and engine. We all knew there weren’t gonna be that many tracks or cars at launch. I just don’t get all the whining from everybody when we all knew exactly what we were getting into.

Being honest was excited when it first came out.played once 3weeks ago.
Went back to Forza 7 massive let down.
Forza is garbage with a wheel. To casual.
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Maybe. Only time will tell. I actually went back to the GT6 threads immediately before and after release and they were full of complaints as well, yet the game still thrived.

People will always complain about games. I wasn't 100% happy with everything in GT6 but nevertheless it's still a great and fun game to play.

Great post, but while we’re on the subject of comparing PD’s new direction with music, I would say PD has taken a Beatles “Sergeant Pepper” approach. The Beatles said they were so tired of touring with the same songs by 1966 they almost called it quits for good.

Still, I suppose people still liked their classic stuff enough to hear them play even if the Beatles admitted their live performances weren’t that good and could barely be heard over fans screaming.

Great Band.
We will be getting the dlc for free. Did we have to pay for dlc for gt6 or gt5? No. And besides cars and tracks they have made many changes to the game and engine. We all knew there weren’t gonna be that many tracks or cars at launch. I just don’t get all the whining from everybody when we all knew exactly what we were getting into.
Yes you paid for DLC in GT5, no in GT6 but there wasn't much of it either and much of it was fantasy cars that were more of a marketing exercise than anything else. Regardless, what happened with prior DLC is not a good predictor of the future. If you need a source for that, just read the sentence above again. So, if you don't have an official source, you claim that DLC is free is not supportable and you should cease making it for your own sake.
Yes you paid for DLC in GT5, no in GT6 but there wasn't much of it either and much of it was fantasy cars that were more of a marketing exercise than anything else. Regardless, what happened with prior DLC is not a good predictor of the future. If you need a source for that, just read the sentence above again. So, if you don't have an official source, you claim that DLC is free is not supportable and you should cease making it for your own sake.
Kaz and Sony have both said that the dlc will come and be free! Just chill, wait and see.

No offense but you just seem like you want to be pessimistic and just complain that you didn’t get your way like so many people in this day and age do. Mark my words, we will not pay for dlc, tracks or cars. The game will keep being added to and will slowly be fleshed out more. There is always so much hate whe PD comes out with something new but shortly after it’s all good because they actually support their games unlike so many others. W have been told we won’t pay for future updates and add ons.
Kaz and Sony have both said that the dlc will come and be free! Just chill, wait and see.

No offense but you just seem like you want to be pessimistic and just complain that you didn’t get your way like so many people in this day and age do. Mark my words, we will not pay for dlc, tracks or cars. The game will keep being added to and will slowly be fleshed out more. There is always so much hate whe PD comes out with something new but shortly after it’s all good because they actually support their games unlike so many others. W have been told we won’t pay for future updates and add ons.
So it should be easy to find a source if they said it. Still waiting.
Besides the lack of cars and tracks. GT sport is still fun and keeping me entertained. I do have problems in online lobbies when racing, but expect that to be patched soon as the game is still finding its ground. Sports mode I really enjoy, and the SR rating is OK, but needs to be fine tuned. No matter how hard I try to race clean, some A hole tries to dive into a corner and pushes or bumps me costing me SR. I'm not raging that it happens every time, but damn people.
The opinion is poor.
Four years since GT6, released on a console that is supposed to be very easy to program for (coming from Kaz himself), and what do we get?

-Small car count. 160 cars, 25% vision GTs, most of them duplicates of each other (Road version, Gr4 version, Gr3, GrB).
-Too few tracks. Only six real world tracks.
-Feel the physics have taken a step back from GT6 in certain areas. Some cars feels like driving on ice without assists, like the prototypes. Not up to par with the latest racing sims released to date.
-Inconsistent SR system in Sport Mode.
-Completely gutted tuning and dumbed down upgrade system.
-No real rain racing, no dynamic time and weather changes.

The beautiful graphics and classy main menu are simply not enough to keep it afloat.
I think people are confusing "free DLC" with this post here

Myself included a few weeks ago, but they're right, there hasn't been any mention of free DLC. Perhaps free content added through updates, but given the climate regarding DLC throughout the genre I think it's unlikely to think car packs and expansions would be offered for free.
Regarding the DLC, Kaz tweeted this himself. Though it is unclear whether it is free or not.
Mark my words, we will not pay for dlc, tracks or cars.
Consider them marked, and expect to hear from me when it costs monies. (Some will be free though)

Forza is garbage with a wheel. To casual.
And no, it's not.

I do find it almost surprising, that people can talk about realism while driving a fictional VGT car around a fictional track.
Almost played every day since launch. Stopped with the single player after a week. Mostly racing in online lobbies and some with the livery editor.

Easily my favorite GT only because the online racing is fantasitc.
I won't shelve the game because of its flaws. I paid for it so I'll get my money's worth until I get into my next game. I'm a pretty casual gamer so when I do drop the money on it I'll play it and with GTS it's got enough to keep me occupied, but I do find times where I'm just looking at the menu for a moment thinking about what to do next. And it isn't a "there's so much to do what to do", it's the other kind.

I also haven't played any racing games since my PS3 bit the dust and I got a PS4 (about 2 months after GT6 release) so GTS is sort of a rediscovering of the genre for me which is what I think keeps me coming back the most. I won't say it's better than Forza, Project Cars, or others because I haven't played them and could not tell you anything remotely comparable. There's enough cars, enough to keep me entertained... for now. I'm hoping by the time I do grow bored that I'll have either purchased my next game or more features will be added. And if I move on to a new game in the meantime, I'll be back whenever new stuff does come about.

I think overall I've expanded my video gaming beyond the racing genre, whereas on PS2 and PS3 I was almost exclusively playing racing games. There's just so many more options for me now and while I love GTS right now and I'm enjoying it, as is, it won't suck me in like GT2-GT5 did. Next on my buy list is Battlefront 2 and AC: Origins, two games which I do believe will suck me into their gameplay like PDs previous installments did.
Kaz and Sony have both said that the dlc will come and be free! Just chill, wait and see.

No offense but you just seem like you want to be pessimistic and just complain that you didn’t get your way like so many people in this day and age do. Mark my words, we will not pay for dlc, tracks or cars. The game will keep being added to and will slowly be fleshed out more. There is always so much hate whe PD comes out with something new but shortly after it’s all good because they actually support their games unlike so many others. W have been told we won’t pay for future updates and add ons.

Everything Dr Kaz says should be taken with a very, very large grain of salt, He has a habit of bending the truth somewhat so even if he did say it I wouldn't bet my house on it turning out to be true, Many a person here has been burned by his, Lets call it exuberance about features and content.
One month into the game and i still enjoy it quite a lot even with the limited content. One, two onlineraces per day and some time trials in singleplayer and i am a very happy cat. Also i sometimes still cant believe how good this game looks. Playing on a B7 OLED. Looking forward to DLC though. I want more sportscars and real life tracks. Sure they will come.
I think GT Sport will be, at the end of its lifecycle, a good mixture between a classical GT game and the likes of PCars or AC, means, roadcars+track focused cars.
The sport side of the gaming currently isn’t offering me any racing that is of interest, I enjoy preparing myself and the car, currently the daily change prevents that.

The livery editor whilst basic does offer some appeal, in fact I have spent more time in that than on the track of late...
I wonder how many people that complain about getting hit in daily lobbies have an SR of E D C or B. :confused::odd: Because I went straight to S in my first day by purposely avoiding collisions.... And after going to S, I have had probably 4 major incidents in 12 hours of racing.... And I caused 2 of those and 1 of the others was clearly unintentional... so Ive had maybe 5 or 6 collisions resulting in me or the other person going off.... In ~12 hours of sprint races... that's really good, very clean racing. Especially in the tight packs than B/S group runs! its great!
I wonder how many people that complain about getting hit in daily lobbies have an SR of E D C or B. :confused::odd: Because I went straight to S in my first day by purposely avoiding collisions.... And after going to S, I have had probably 4 major incidents in 12 hours of racing.... And I caused 2 of those and 1 of the others was clearly unintentional... so Ive had maybe 5 or 6 collisions resulting in me or the other person going off.... In ~12 hours of sprint races... that's really good, very clean racing. Especially in the tight packs than B/S group runs! its great!

same here, i found it pretty easy to avoid being hit, 80% of it is to just not be overly aggressive at the start and if it needs to be, then cease one or two positions, who the **** actually cares? its not like those races or championships actually win you anything at this stage. and when you drive clean and consistent then you will overtake the same guys or gals who took your place at the start because normally there are always some pretty fast but very inconsistent drivers in the field.
of course i had some incidents where, even when i try to avoid contact, others would just burst into me from behind or the side, but thats i guess...normal? happens and because it was very rare, i dont get raged up about it. not worth it. i went within two odays to SR S while doing only 1-2 online races per day.

you dont have to proove to others that you are a good driver by being aggressive.
first of all proove to yourself that you are a clean and disciplined driver, no matter the position. i find the reward higher for the latter.
Played it allot the first week , collected all cars and now i only play once a week when new stuff comes for those mile points .
Until more road cars are added i`ve got other great games that need to be played like Assassins Creed and that new Need for Speed is lots of fun too .
same here, i found it pretty easy to avoid being hit, 80% of it is to just not be overly aggressive at the start and if it needs to be, then cease one or two positions, who the **** actually cares? its not like those races or championships actually win you anything at this stage. and when you drive clean and consistent then you will overtake the same guys or gals who took your place at the start because normally there are always some pretty fast but very inconsistent drivers in the field.
of course i had some incidents where, even when i try to avoid contact, others would just burst into me from behind or the side, but thats i guess...normal? happens and because it was very rare, i dont get raged up about it. not worth it. i went within two odays to SR S while doing only 1-2 online races per day.

you dont have to proove to others that you are a good driver by being aggressive.
first of all proove to yourself that you are a clean and disciplined driver, no matter the position. i find the reward higher for the latter.

I agree with this, but at the same time it's very annoying when you drive super clean and find it very difficult to get past cars you are clearly faster than because you want to be clean. Only to then be passed by some muppet who uses you and the guy in front of you as a brake.
And I'm S ranked, have been since the first couple of days, seen more than my fair share of idiots. It's clearly far too easy to get to and keep an S rank.
@stevenhiggster i know what you mean.
i think some people save up their "one move" per race for a decisive maneuver where they really bump into a car and then get the win or whatever but overall still have white or blue SR at the end of the race.
but then again: you can't tell me those drivers feel good about themselves by getting a win this way. and even if they do, i pitty them. to me their accomplishment is worth nothing and their punishment is the shame they secretly feel.

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