A month later, your opinion on GTSport?

  • Thread starter queleuleu
I'm a little disappointed but then I guess the demo prepared me for that somewhat.

It essentially feels like a prologue which if it had came out around when the PS4 was launched and the next full GT game was coming out around now I would have been fine with... as it is though I can't quite wonder what they've been doing for the last however many years.

  • The penalty system is floored though is better than nothing. I guess this is hard to improve until the game launches but it would be nice if there was some way of reporting inconsistent penalties so that they could be reviewed (to improve the system rather than undo any negative changes to your account).
  • No GT mode is disappointing, I don't always want to race online (PC1 I was nearly always offline) and licences and missions only kept me entertained for a few days. I miss Sunday cup with a crap second hand car and working my way up.
  • VR Nordschleife is amazing though against one poorly driven car does take the shine off it. I'd prefer them to ditch 1v1 and just have a time trial where you can lap continuously if you can't have proper races like it. the game would be worth the money alone for that.

It just feels to me like the game has taken a massive step forward in some respects but 5 steps back in others.
I wonder how many people that complain about getting hit in daily lobbies have an SR of E D C or B. :confused::odd: Because I went straight to S in my first day by purposely avoiding collisions.... And after going to S, I have had probably 4 major incidents in 12 hours of racing.... And I caused 2 of those and 1 of the others was clearly unintentional... so Ive had maybe 5 or 6 collisions resulting in me or the other person going off.... In ~12 hours of sprint races... that's really good, very clean racing. Especially in the tight packs than B/S group runs! its great!

Totally agree but I do have issue that the SR rating and being focused on not losing it is creating occasions of false racing, not necessarily fair.
Amazing game . NOT A PROLOGUE.
A full on game. amazing road car physics.

Best game ever, a few little niggles like time delta to best lap during racing would be nice
Seriously guys, you've missed one significant point -

GT Sport was proclaimed as a FIA coop online based e-sport game since the beginning...

knew this since the first post about and you still bought it, and now whining about? To be honest, Offline mode in past GT was a bit meh, but ok, finished it, and then what, throwing the game into the thrash? You say you can collect cars, test them on track, tune them - you know what? That's exactly what you can do in this game aswell (i know about less content for tuning, yet setup is about 90% the same).

Whining about online-only based game? Look above
Whining about more content? Will come
Whining about not working penalty system? Well, works fine for me, and , btw, the reason while we have test seasons is to help PD catch out as many glitches and bugs as possible. To kick off the main comp as polished as possible.

Totally agree but I do have issue that the SR rating and being focused on not losing it is creating occasions of false racing, not necessarily fair.
Focus on your driving, not care about SR, When you race as you want, the SR won't drop down. Push hard, be fair, have fun, improve.
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I wasted my money on a Collectors Edition... probably the worst game I've ever played lots of cars but no driving seriously what is the point? I've gone back to smashing all the trophies/achievements on MGS V TPP at least its a big mission oriented game. I don't know what GTS is supposed to be but it doesn't deserve the Gran Turismo name in front of it its an absolute abortion. I doubt i'll ever complete it because it isn't engaging at all and when a steering wheel is £600 ...well my response to that will just get me thrown out the forums ...it's a "£$% show :banghead: Just a few thoughts
Focus on your driving, not care about SR, When you race as you want, the SR won't drop down. Push hard, be fair, have fun, improve.

My SR is S, has been since after first week you have missed my point, I do race as I want I dont worry about it.

It is the folk that have become obsessed by SR at the expense of DR that I was referring to, and my point was this approach creates situations of avoidance rather than fairness.
It wasn't obvious, as there was a point about only SR in both - your quoted message and your post itself. It confused me.

Let's hope then that the folk will read it and takes something from it. Well, i dont think that if someone focuses on keeping SR S means it won't be fair, or as you said, will cause false racing occasionally.
Let's hope then that the folk will read it and takes something from it. Well, i dont think that if someone focuses on keeping SR S means it won't be fair, or as you said, will cause false racing occasionally.

There have been a lot of folk who have decided to run around at the back of races to build SR, thats avoidance.

There have been a lot of examples here on GTP whereby instead of racing, folk are giving up positions to avoid contact, even if they are being safe, thats the nature of how GTS’s simple no fault system works, its a step in the right direction but it does need work.
I think I stopped playing Sport in a shorter time than I did GT6; that is to say the honeymoon period ended in about a week or so after launch. I was convinced photo mode would hold me over but, alas, that wasn't the case.

It's weird, I just this weekend finally got into the scapes and liveries part and am hooked. I had heard people talk about it but didn't think i would like it. Now I can't wait to get my custom Grateful Dead livery completed. :)
Seriously guys, you've missed one significant point -

GT Sport was proclaimed as a FIA coop online based e-sport game since the beginning...
I think you missed two significant points as well that were also made prior to release.
"Gran Turismo Sport is actually going to contain more features than any other game in the series to date. Nothing has been dropped, things have only been added. Whether it be the campaign mode, or the offline gameplay, or the open lobbies, everything has been raised in quality and there is more of it, so there is nothing to worry about. Nothing has been dropped."
Source: https://www.gtplanet.net/kazunori-yamauchi-pre-e3-2017-interview-gt-sport-features-game-series/

"Series creator Kazunori Yamauchi has stated the online portion of the game only accounts for roughly 15% of the game."
Source: https://www.gtplanet.net/gt-sport-online-experience-around-15-total-game/

This claim from Kaz contradicts your claim quite a bit since the "FIA co-op online" portion of the game was supposed to be nothing more than a fraction, rather than the actual focus.
I think you missed two significant points as well that were also made prior to release.

Source: https://www.gtplanet.net/kazunori-yamauchi-pre-e3-2017-interview-gt-sport-features-game-series/

Source: https://www.gtplanet.net/gt-sport-online-experience-around-15-total-game/

This claim from Kaz contradicts your claim quite a bit since the "FIA co-op online" portion of the game was supposed to be nothing more than a fraction, rather than the actual focus.
In that case, i am really really looking forward to what will come to this game in upcomming time. :) we all should be amazed.
In that case, i am really really looking forward to what will come to this game in upcomming time. :) we all should be amazed.
Kaz couldn't even get the story straight of what was to come with the initial game. I see no reason to put any more faith in his claims for what's to come post-release except more VGT cars.
A month later, I can say that GTSport gives me a "GT prologue" vibe with pros and cons of a prologue.

So many potentials yet we don't know if all those potential will be achieved by how PD works.

GT Sport was proclaimed as a FIA coop online based e-sport game since the beginning..

The problem with gamers is they *probably* never heard of this, even they know, they don't understand the concept. No matter it is, they will still look GT as "video game". What's a FIA? lol.
Seriously guys, you've missed one significant point -

GT Sport was proclaimed as a FIA coop online based e-sport game since the beginning...

I'll skip the fact that's not actually true for now.
knew this since the first post about and you still bought it, and now whining about? To be honest, Offline mode in past GT was a bit meh, but ok, finished it, and then what, throwing the game into the thrash? You say you can collect cars, test them on track, tune them - you know what? That's exactly what you can do in this game aswell (i know about less content for tuning, yet setup is about 90% the same).
You can't do anything like previous GT games, really.
You can "collect cars, test them and tune them" in like, every single console racing game ever made in history, almost.
You don't find it really saddening that they removed upgrades, and now push upgraded cars as multiple "models" instead? (Making the effective car count even lower)

More importantly, you seem to forget just how many people don't read about video games before they release. I see a lot of brand-new accounts on GTP stating they aren't happy. Facebook adverts are filled with complaints about what a shallow game it is.
Also, remember that a few people bought PS4's for the next GT game quite a few years ago. It was pretty hard to imagine back then, what with all PD's talk about how quickly they would move on the PS4, so it was hard to imagine 4 years later, the folk at PD would be sitting on a measly car list like this?
Once you remove tuned variants and fake cars, what have you got? 80-100 cars?

No, I don't think everyone could see that coming. Even I couldn't, and I'm a pessimist that flopped to Xbox. (and couldn't be happier that I did)
I am actually surprised how much I enjoy sport mode! The level of polish in this GT still has me in awe like GT4&5 did back i the day.

However we are in desperate need of more tracks, if the game was to be based solely on online racing why bother spending time and resources on rally stages that are never present online :/ (and let's face it rally is awful in GT) , I refuse to race online in ovals after my one and only experience during the demo, this ends up in racing in the same tracks way too many times.

The made up tracks in Sport are all amazing and welcome additions (Dragon Trail is an instant classic!) but they are still too few, we need Spa, Monza, Silverstone, hell even Tsukuba to kill some time drifting online as there is no proper single player to get away from Sport mode.

A few more cars would be nice too but I think tracks are a priority and even after only a month this game is crying out for new tracks.

GT Sport does what it's set out to do very well it just needs more content to keep me engaged in sport mode.
My opinion hadn't changed much in a month. If anything, it's gotten worse. They still haven't fixed (or even acknowledged) the non linear pedals, decal uploader is still in "testing", most scapes have very limited options for framing, adjustable setups have been eliminated from all sanctioned events, custom liveries aren't allowed in the manufacturer series, and the AI is still woefully inadequate for skilled players.

There's plenty to like (photo mode, sound design, visuals, general driving feel) but I haven't raced online in nearly two weeks. For a game with a focus towards sanctioned online racing, I'd say that's a pretty major fail and there are a number of things they need to do to remedy that in my opinion, none of which they've shown any willingness or desire to do.
I’m really still enjoying the game, I knew what I was getting so I can only blame myself if I didn’t like it, the lack of cars doesn’t really bother me that much as I’d probably never drive them all anyway.
The lack of tracks is the only real bugbear I have but again, I knew that before I parted with my money, they’re not a patch on Driveclub’s fantastic tracks so all I’m hoping for in the coming weeks, months are more tracks :cheers:
More importantly, you seem to forget just how many people don't read about video games before they release./QUOTE]


I just don't get that. I don't buy a new book, music, or go to a movie without checking out reviews first. Also, the open Beta was crystal clear about what was and was not in the game. Up until that point, I could give some credence to your statement. But once the beta, which was open to everyone, had ended, anyone that was not happy could have gotten a refund and never looked back.
I just don't get that. I don't buy a new book, music, or go to a movie without checking out reviews first. Also, the open Beta was crystal clear about what was and was not in the game. Up until that point, I could give some credence to your statement. But once the beta, which was open to everyone, had ended, anyone that was not happy could have gotten a refund and never looked back.
Yes and no. You skipped the part about everyone who bought a PS4 with faith in the GT brand to deliver, well, more.
There's also the denial factor.
I had it with GT5, when they said 280ish premiums, and x-hundred standards ported from PS2. My brain said, "No way. It sounds like they mean it will have hundreds of cars that have PS2 graphics, that can't possibly be true. there is simply no ****ing way that's what it means."
After reading enough of Kaz's famous quotes, you get to a point where you have to try to interpret, because what he says and what happens are never the same, your brain has no choice, because it knows that what he did say, is the one and only thing that will not happen. So your brain improvises.

And like I said, even I wouldn't have believed it would be this low in content, I would have believed 300 cars maybe, but not 180 with a bunch of them just being tuned variants and a quarter of them made up.

The only reason I didn't get a PS4 for GT, is because of how everything went with GT on PS3. (And I was totally right that they stayed on the same path)
I just don't get that. I don't buy a new book, music, or go to a movie without checking out reviews first. Also, the open Beta was crystal clear about what was and was not in the game. Up until that point, I could give some credence to your statement. But once the beta, which was open to everyone, had ended, anyone that was not happy could have gotten a refund and never looked back.
Just because you do, doesn't mean others are the same.

Nor could you gave got a refund in the UK if you ordered digitally.

Nor was the demo (please stop calling it a beta, it wasn't advertised as that at all, it only said beta when you downloaded it, every press release and store advertisement called it a demo).

Members here were still debating what the final product would contain after the demo had closed, so no it wasn't crystal clear at all.
PD have altered the penalty system I think from today. Definitely changed. Less pens for others mistakes. Even SR seems to have changed a bit. I had no affect when someone rammed me from inside. Normally it would be a orange SR i think.
PD have altered the penalty system I think from today. Definitely changed. Less pens for others mistakes. Even SR seems to have changed a bit. I had no affect when someone rammed me from inside. Normally it would be a orange SR i think.
I thought this earlier! Someone messed up the chicane on Dragon Trail, hit the wall, ended up really slow right infront of me, I dragged the car to the inside best I could and I hit their side (not very hard though, really was no where I could go at the pace we were going 1st and 2nd), they then touched the wall again, and I got a negative SR message and no penalty, I thought my race was over, waiting for the 10sec penalty to show, but it never did!