That was fun race - enjoyed much

It's been while since run this long race.
At the start of the race I was little worried my pitstop strategy because Nissan eats front tires a lot. I did some strategy talk with
@Storm_SP17 how to plan my stints (fuel/tires) - thanks again!
Race started good. I was following
@Whitetail (Bambi) and watching were I was stronger and where I was weaker.
I was little surprised when I saw Bambi taking early pitstop at the end of 6th lap. I started to believe that I had chance with my pitstrategy as I thought Audi's would make only 2 stops againts my 3 stops.
I got about 30s lead at that point and Bambi was catching up me every lap as my RM's started to lose grip.
Pitstop me at the end of 13th lap. I mess up little my fuel calculation as I took only 45l when I should have take 55l. That means my strategy have to change as I still tried to stick to it (saving fuel/short shifting) - for 9 laps but at the end of stint noticed I have fuel only for 8 laps.
Bambi had 16s lead after pitstop and now I was catching up him.
Then Bambi pitted at 17th lap and I was lead again with comfortable 32s-34s.
Now comes lap 21st and I had to pitstop as I hadn't fuel for one more lap and I was calculation how much fuel I have to take now and not make mistake with that again.
At the Indianapolis
@AngryEater was suddenly front of me. He was left side of the track and I was planning to pass him from right side (inside line) and flashing my headlights that he would noticed me and stay left side. Right before corner he move right and front of me on right side of track. I hadn't time to change my line and to void crash back of Angry I just have to go to grass (inside corner) and streight to sand and wall. Got bad damaged.
That incident was all my own fault as I should have been more carefull with that pass. So no hard feeling Angry.
Luckily incident was on lap that I was plannig to stop anyway but I lost my lead and maybe the win - or it would have been very close.
Rest of the race was just trying to catch Bambi but he was too quick and didn't make any big mistakes.
Congrats to Bambi and
@nascarfan1400 for class wins
Hopefully I could join with you at the Spa 2.4h race too.
Edit: Thanks
@aceboy127 & co for organize this event. BoP for LMPs was at least between Nissan and Audi spot on!
Edit2: I used RMs on 1st stint and rest of the stints were with RSs.