for its definitvely the 787B Stealth Model.
Tryed same else (R18, both courage Peugeot a Minolta) but in the end the 787B is a safe win by a couple of seconds each time ... even if the old Toyota 7 trys to push me of the track ... have to find him in the pitlane to have a talk to him i think
fastes lap for the 787B is 1.16.517 so far , and i know i lost a couple of tenth her and there
here is my "safety first" setup i used.
Tyres: RH
80 , 80
16.50 , 18.00
5 , 4
7 , 5
6 , 7
0.0 , 0.0
-0.15 , +0.50 (change to rear +0.45 and it felt a bit slipery on the outline but fast anyway)
7 , 7
350 autosetup
10 , 25 , 20 (even more if you feel safe with throttle)
high RPM (do less here and its a bit closer)
525 , 725
used TC 1, AS on, SRF on, ABS 1, controller sensivity +5 for this try but adjust this as you prefere
maybe i should reduce controller sensivity in general, any suggestions ?