This was actually posted by Hun200kmh in another thread, but when I saw this topic I felt it should be posted in here too.
VERY INTERESTING!!! It's amazing how those can be in an airport's parking lot, how could the authorities leave them in such a place for so long? I know Latin american authorities and how lax they are, I'm from Mexico for God's sake, but that is still an amazing find. A 1955 Pontiac, but the blue euro car I do not recognize. Do you know what it is?
Also, that home-kitter Porsche is awesome!!!! I'd rock it just like it is haha; the Porsche cemnetery on the other hand, is way sad.
Could I get the story behind this one? And what it exactly is? That's an odd body kit for a Porsche so I'm quite curious.
It did not have any info about where I found it.
There was an comment that saying it was a homemade Gemballa.
Other then that I have no clue on what it is.
It's a Koenig 911 Biturbo.
Ugly - yes. Hellishly quick - i'd imagine so.
hhahaha many MANY thanks for the links. I can't believe this. That link from Retrovisiones, the author of the article is Diego Speratti! He is an argentinean that was the editor in chief of the car magazine I work for here in Mexico when I started there like 7 years ago. The guy left for Argentina again and the last I knew about him was that, indeed, he was in Colombia, but that was years ago. Nice to see he is still puttering around.
Oh and also nice links, the car owners must have been gone for years!
It's a Koenig 911 Biturbo.
Ugly - yes. Hellishly quick - i'd imagine so.
I read a blog the other day about a garage in L.A. that restores everything under the body of previously abandoned/derelict cars but keeps them looking the way nature weathered them. I found it through stumbleupon.
Here's the video on it.