Abandoned cars and barn finds picture thread!!!!!

  • Thread starter Cano
I want to say they are abandoned, but a garage find too. They are covered up for winter so that's good.


Sorry for the odd angles. It was extremely hard to take pictures with a laptop. :crazy: Oh and yes, that is me on the right in one of those pictures.
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Groovy! Is that car in the middle a Ford EXP or an Horizon TC3? I can't really see to well on my old monitor.
It's even better, it's a Shelby GLH! Amazing find, bud, very cool pictures! the Macho T/A is pretty damn hard to find.
It's even better, it's a Shelby GLH! Amazing find, bud, very cool pictures! the Macho T/A is pretty damn hard to find.

Oh, haha. I should have know. :) I saw one of those in the junkyard around here.. I thought that was odd seeing one there.

That T/A is a good find, I never heard of that model before.
You forgot the S! It's number 658 of 1000 by the way. Would've shown you the engraved number thing but it was reflecting to much light. Also the Trans-Am is number 38 of 98. :)
You forgot the S! It's number 658 of 1000 by the way. Would've shown you the engraved number thing but it was reflecting to much light. Also the Trans-Am is number 38 of 98. :)

Ah you're right, the GLH is the plain jane Chrysler, it needed the S to be a Shelby. The SRT4 of it's time. In fact, one of those shouldn't be very far away from a Neon SRT4 in terms of go. Awesome little foodmixers.
All the real life spots are awesome 👍


The Trans Am hurts, but the Ferrari is just plain wrong. How much money is just rotting there?




A cool Citroen GSA abandoned in a parking lot with cat tracks all over it, love it:

This is a disgrace... but such a cool disgrace!

This picture rocks:



Dat texture



Finally, 1959 Imperial with gelled-strobe work a la Lost America:
Lost America is awesome, you could post most of their work in here or the amazing and cool picture thread.
There is a link to his work in the first post of the thread, and I've mentioned him a lot of times here and there but it never occured to me to post his work in the amazing pic thread. I've got him as a contact in Flickr and he such a cool guy, VERY down to earth and answers EVERY DAMNED QUESTION you throw at him. Heck, he even asked me if the mags I work for would want some work done for them. He's pretty cool. I also have one of his books. Amazing stuff.

I wich I could attend one of his night-time workshops at those junkyards.
The Trans Am hurts, but the Ferrari is just plain wrong. How much money is just rotting there?

A good 330 GTC is worth £150-200k. A complete light restoration project must be worth at least half that, i'd imagine.
That thing looks awesome, it all rusted but the chrome is still shining.

It's not rusted bud, that's all surface. Look at how dead-clean the lower quarters are. It's always the same with desert cars, zero rust. If you strip it clean the metal on that car would be hella-clean.

In Japan of all places!
Ah, yes. I had left some pictures of that, and a video, in an open tab on Firefox in order to post it here, but it would have meant double posting if I did so when I found them so I left it for the next day. Surprise, my wife got CCleaner running and all tabs were lost. I never found it again. Thanks for posting it!

A good 330 GTC is worth £150-200k. A complete light restoration project must be worth at least half that, i'd imagine.
So, we're theoretically staring at 200k right there. At least the windows are closed.

Er, yup. Moar. Today we have not picxtures but a very interesting link off Hemming's blog. Read each car's history, they are beyond fascinating, and all of them are freaking rare cars, got dammit.

^ Um, does that have the moon-roof from a vista Cruiser on the back!? & that front end... Don't even want to know. I can understand why it's not being driven. I like wagons & all but that's just done in bad taste -IMO.
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ah yes, the infamous Challenger Vista Cruiser lol. The thing was for sale last year or so, don't know if it changed hands or not, but I have always liked how it looks even if it's homebuilt nature is VERY apparent.

Thanks for bringing the thread back without me having to double-post RocZX, I was going to because nothing had been posted here in a while. Hot Rod magazine ran a cool article by Pat Ganhal amonth or so ago called "The new vintage tin" about new project car fodder available here and there, the feature has been put in the website along with some cool pictures. Here is the link to the article, very worthy of a read:

And here are some pictures to go with this post.






These look like you can hop in and just drive away.

Such a jewel, a 1957 Ford retractable hardtop! And like freaking new.



Go see and read.
Now that's some good reading. The body on that Camaro RS looks pretty much rust free... wonder how much you could snatch it up for?
There is a 66 Mustang hardtop about 3 blocks away from me sitting unloved. I first walked past it when I was 11, 14 years later still there. When I got to 14 years old I finally talked to the owner, all he really ever told me is he's owned her a very long time and if I remember correctly it has a 289 Windsor in it. I have avoided that street for awhile now, made me sad even though I'm not a Stang fan. Maybe I'll pay it a visit soon.
There is a 66 Mustang hardtop about 3 blocks away from me sitting unloved. I first walked past it when I was 11, 14 years later still there. When I got to 14 years old I finally talked to the owner, all he really ever told me is he's owned her a very long time and if I remember correctly it has a 289 Windsor in it. I have avoided that street for awhile now, made me sad even though I'm not a Stang fan. Maybe I'll pay it a visit soon.

Buy it away! Or at least get some pics and post them here :0
I'll post some pictures possibly within the next 2 days. I would buy it if I had money to spend but hell I couldn't even afford the Plymoth Horizon that I was going to make my track day car :lol:.
Can't wait for photos!

I'll post some pictures possibly within the next 2 days. I would buy it if I had money to spend but hell I couldn't even afford the Plymoth Horizon that I was going to make my track day car :lol:.

I paid $150 for mine. :sly: '78, Survivor too... just some surface rust & no more.
The japan one made me cry. That poor TA, Those poor Vettes...... Why would someone do that? i mean i know people are cruel and heartless but.... *sigh* i shed a tear...
We have a few cars at work that would fit this thread, so I took my camera in today. The first pair are a 1986 Land Rover One Ten diesel and a 1982 Range Rover V8:

The next is an engineless 1975 Series III:

And lastly, I have no idea what this is, or was:

I know the guy who owns the Series III and the Range Rover... unfortunatly he's a massive hoarder, and won't sell either. He thinks he's going to put the body of the Series on the chassis and mechanicals of the Rangey, but I know he'll never have the time or the money... such a waste.

On a happier note, as of this morning the One Ten has a new owner... me :D
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Well I have good/bad news. The good news - the Mustang has been moved in the 3 months since I last seen it, so its possible its gone to a better home or shop. The bad news - their was a oak tree that used to be behind it and it is gone as well, we had a very bad wind storm about a week or two ago. I'm hoping the tree didn't fall on the car and that's the reason for it's disappearance. I'll talk to the owner whenever I see him again.

Thought of a way to get a image of the car and it worked :). Hmm can't figure out how to send the google map image without it just going to a map with no selected destination.

Got it, http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=2192+S...=h&z=16&iwloc=A&panoid=9YtwpBEgPaLd0kI4M7JVcg
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