What are we discussing then, if not our own personal opinions of what the laws (that judges apply) say?
It's been said several times on this page alone. You even say it yourself later in this post. I think you're just playing dumb now.
Oh but it does, because it would infringe on the rights of the baby. Surely you'd consider a 1 day old born baby a human with rights, right? What's the difference between that and a full term fetus?
You don't have to bring murder into it to discuss rights.
Let's assume for the sake of argument that a foetus is a full human with rights equal to any other. Does that allow them to demand use of a woman's body to live?
Easy answer. No. That's what bodily autonomy is.
Your body belongs to you, and is yours to control. If anyone else forces you to use your body in ways that are against your will, that's a violation of your rights. That means that no one else has the right to demand use of your body against your will, including a foetus.
This is usually pretty well recognised in other areas of medical science. Blood and organ donations. A patient's right to refuse treatment. But for whatever reason people think abortion is different, when it's really not.
Let's say we have two adults, Hank and Sam. They are friends.
Hank is very healthy.
Sam is not. Sam is sick and dying. His organs are unable to support him on their own.
Hank agrees to an operation to link Sam to his organs. He is so healthy, that his organs can keep both him and Sam alive.
The downside is that Hank and Sam are now permanently physically connected, they can never be apart. If they're separated for more than about five minutes, Sam will almost certainly die.
They live like this for many months.
Can Hank choose to withdraw permission for Sam to use his organs?
Absolutely. Any time he wants, for any reason or no reason at all. They're his organs, and it's his body. Hank is not Sam's slave, and Sam has no right to demand use of Hank's body. Hank can choose freely to help Sam or not. If Hank is not free to choose, his rights have been violated.
Now, if you want to live in a world where the rights of women are routinely violated, you'd have a good chance of being with the majority opinion. That seems to matter to you. But if you want to live in a world where people have control of their own bodies to the greatest extent possible, then maybe think about what that means.
I have to say, it's quite an achievement that you guys made me sound like an American right winger about anything. In the real world (and no, not just in Bahrain) I'm typically as far to the left as most people have seen. This is the case on other sites as well.
See, the thing is that left and right is about economics.
The social scale is generally authoritarian and libertarian. Abortion isn't about economics (mostly), it's about social freedoms.
If you're an authoritarian leftist, you'll find that you have a remarkable amount in common with the American far right because they're
really into their authoritarianism. That's where anti-abortion comes from, having authority over how other people are allowed to use their bodies.
Your posts don't show much of anything about your economic stance, but there's reasonable evidence there to show you in favour of at least moderate authoritarianism. That's you calling for additional actions and waiting periods before allowing abortion, even in cases where a crime such as rape has occurred. That's why you sound like the American right, because you're repeating their ideas of social control.
If you don't want to sound like the American right, stop advocating for the things they want.