
  • Thread starter Danoff
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This one won't exactly come as a complete surprise to those who think the Dems should abolish the filibuster.
Democrats: We don't want to change how it's been for decades to avoid taking advantage of the minority party!
The long-term goal here is to have black women (who have no trouble committing crimes) seeking illegal abortion and dying, while good white women (who wouldn't even think about breaking the law) become baby factories, all in order to outbreed and outpopulate the blacks.
Also I should have said that by "women" I do of course mean "schoolgirls"; the white girls end up out of education (which makes it easier to get them hooked on religion) and bred in captivity, while the black girls end up dead.
I forgot a step - easy enough to do given how obviously awful the whole thing is.

They also make it a felony, so black girls (and any guys that help them) who don't die end up with a record and can't vote - without even needing to overtly go after 15A.
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Two "democrats", Machin and Sinema, are who we're talking about. And they're... concerned about their own interests.
I just hope that Sinema doesn't ever need an abortion and end up getting a criminal record for having one performed.
The filibuster is stupid and is not how government should work. However, I get that it's completely ingrained in Congress and getting rid of it would open up an inevitable poop storm. This would especially be true if the QAnon whackjobs end up with control. They'd almost certainly pass the most asinine laws in existence without any pushback.

I'm curious to see how this will play out for Republicans though. I know we tend to think that the US to pretty religious, but I'm not sure how that will play into everything.
The filibuster is stupid and is not how government should work. However, I get that it's completely ingrained in Congress and getting rid of it would open up an inevitable poop storm. This would especially be true if the QAnon whackjobs end up with control. They'd almost certainly pass the most asinine laws in existence without any pushback.

I'm curious to see how this will play out for Republicans though. I know we tend to think that the US to pretty religious, but I'm not sure how that will play into everything.
Didn't Biden say we shouldn't get rid of the filibuster, but it should return to the person speaking having to physically stand and be present (I think something Bernie has actually done), even if it means hours at a time? That's how I was taught about it growing up.
I'm moving the abortion discussion to the abortion thread:

Most people are in line with this, on both sides of the isle. Rape pregnancies (and incest for that matter), as horrible as they are, are by in part the vast minority of unwanted pregnancies. As far as women dying during birth giving, its just not all that common anymore.
Most people are in line with roe v wade actually.
What really turned my screws was this station I used to work at that was up the street from one of those holistic birthing centers. The amount of babies that died, while not exactly a huge number, frustrated me. Had they been in a hospital like a reasonable person, the problem with he baby would be mitigated in 30 seconds. When you're in a birthing center, it'll take minimum 10 minutes to get that baby to a hospital. By then its too late
You could argue that this is neglect by the parents. But it's a tough argument.
Working where I have for as long as I have, you see the harsh reality of where abortions have turned into just another version of birth control.
What's wrong with that?
Lack of a stable 2 parent household is probably the biggest factor that contributes to a lot of the issues in these communities.
Tell me you'd like to say "black people" without telling me you'd like to say "black people".

Lack of a stable 2 parent household is a perfectly good reason to have an abortion. There are so many good reasons.
There has to be a middle ground in this somewhere. Free birth control. Free Amniocentesis tests, so expecting mothers/parents can make decisions early in a pregnancy. There's a lot of good ideas out there of what reasonable abortion law could look like. But we'll never get there
What's wrong with just making it ok for someone who doesn't want to carry a pregnancy any further to stop doing so?
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I'm moving the abortion discussion to the abortion thread:

Most people are in line with roe v wade actually.

You could argue that this is neglect by the parents. But it's a tough argument.

What's wrong with that?

Tell me you'd like to say "black people" without telling me you'd like to say "black people".

Lack of a stable 2 parent household is a perfectly good reason to have an abortion. There are so many good reasons.

What's wrong with just making it ok for someone who doesn't want to carry a pregnancy any further to stop doing so?
If you recall my abortion stance in the other thread. I am Pro-choice. My only issue is with late term abortion. And abortion just willy-nilly being used as a form of birth control - that's just irresponsible with no self accountability.

As far as the whole black people thing, my lens is based on where I work. So that's primarily black and brown communities. I grew up white trash, same thing in a lot of these communities as well. Traveled all over the world surfing; all over Central America, all over South East Asia, ect. My wife is a Filipino immigrant, so I can glean some perspective from her family dynamics as well. A common denominator I see in a lot of these same situations around the world, is fatherless or unstable households. Sure, REAL POVERTY and a lot of other factors come into play in other parts of the world, but common threads do exist
Apart from the fact this comes across as an unfounded claim, what exactly makes it your problem even if it was the case?
You weren't in the other thread, so you don't have the past context before it got moved over. My problem with abortion being used as a form of birth control, is when said person has had multiple, multiple abortions. I'm smart enough to realize that what ever comes of the Roe Vs Wade subject, won't be exactly what everyone on both sides wants. And that's fine. I just hope that Roe vs Wade is in a better place than it is today, and has been for a while. Wishful thinking on my part
My only issue is with late term abortion.
I would bet that the vast majority of late term abortions are performed with mothers who have no actual choice but to abort & would carry to term if they could.
You weren't in the other thread, so you don't have the past context before it got moved over. My problem with abortion being used as a form of birth control, is when said person has had multiple, multiple abortions. I'm smart enough to realize that what ever comes of the Roe Vs Wade subject, won't be exactly what everyone on both sides wants. And that's fine. I just hope that Roe vs Wade is in a better place than it is today, and has been for a while. Wishful thinking on my part
This seems like an incredibly extreme example that's rarely happening. I don't think there's some concerning amount of women getting multiple abortions a year & what not as their idea of birth control, as opposed to actually using every form of protection instead.
I don't think there's some concerning amount of women getting multiple abortions a year & what not as their idea of birth control, as opposed to actually using every form of protection instead.
Depends. New legislation being introduced is including IUDs as abortions so... there may be 10s of thousands or even 100s of thousands of women in the US who have abortions many times per year by that definition.
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You weren't in the other thread, so you don't have the past context before it got moved over. My problem with abortion being used as a form of birth control, is when said person has had multiple, multiple abortions. I'm smart enough to realize that what ever comes of the Roe Vs Wade subject, won't be exactly what everyone on both sides wants. And that's fine. I just hope that Roe vs Wade is in a better place than it is today, and has been for a while. Wishful thinking on my part
I don't think it makes any difference even with that context now in mind. A serial offender of irresponsible decisions is still better off repeatedly aborting than allowing the product of this lifestyle to develop into a live person with its individual needs that may or may not be properly taken care of.
Depends. New legislation being introduced is including IUDs as abortions so... there may be 10s of thousands or even 100s of thousands of women in the US who have abortions many times per year by that definition.
Well if someone was watching old battleax Jeanne Pirro on Fox May 3, she claimed there were 63 million abortions performed in the country PER YEAR.

Fox had to issue a correction.

I just think it's irresponsible. My opinion
I would bet that the vast majority of late term abortions are performed with mothers who have no actual choice but to abort & would carry to term if they could.

This seems like an incredibly extreme example that's rarely happening. I don't think there's some concerning amount of women getting multiple abortions a year & what not as their idea of birth control, as opposed to actually using every form of protection instead.
I would agree with both statements. I've been on way more dumpster babies and safe surrenders than heard of 3rd term abortions. But admittedly I haven't really dived into the statistics of late term abortions.

As far as multiple, multiple abortions per year, I agree. Not common. But Multiple, multiple over the course of years. It does happen. From what I've seen, the types that come with this kind of medical history, is just a branch of poor decision making on a multitude of subjects. Which leads to the kids they do have, along with themselves being short changed.

Am I speaking in generalities? Of course
Am I a female? Nope
Am I from these areas? Nope

But I do have a pretty good gauge on a lot of these things. In the end, I just hope more education and resources comes to the areas most affected, so the rate of these circumstances goes down
Understood. I'm asking you why.

Like all opinions, mind is based largely on my lens, and is much more complicated than words on my cellular device can describe. But the gist of my stance on a portion of the abortion issue, has to do with my personal moral values, and a general societal theme that lacks accountability and responsibility. I’m sure the usuals will parse my words as they interpret them through their own personal moral values and lens, and that’s ok too.

Like I mentioned before, I am pro choice; But I don’t have to be 100% in on everything in the given subject, in order to be generally in favor of said subject.
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How does abortion lack accountability and responsibility? Abortion appears to be exactly accountability and responsibility. And what moral values are you referring to?
Like I figured, my personal stance is more complicated than I'm able to put into words via a keyboard. No biggie
Well if someone was watching old battleax Jeanne Pirro on Fox May 3, she claimed there were 63 million abortions performed in the country PER YEAR.

Fox had to issue a correction.

That would turn out to be 3.15 billion in this country alone. I mean, good they tried to call out that stupidity as the number now would be 1.26 million if correct since the ruling was official.
Like I figured, my personal stance is more complicated than I'm able to put into words via a keyboard. No biggie
Somewhere, in some part of your thought process that you don't want to admit out loud, you think abortion is a bad thing. But you don't know why.

The reason people are generally more squeamish the farther you get along pregnancy is because the fetus starts to look like a baby, and you're biologically programmed to care for human babies. But a fetus is not a baby, far from it. It's easier to tell early on, that's why people are comfortable with abortion early. The hard reality is that humans are born generally premature even at 9 months.


The other big reason that people get upset about abortion is because they ultimately see sex as a bad thing and abortion as a way out of the negative consequences (children, which should never be negative consequences) of doing something irresponsible (sex). There are lots of problems with this. One is that sex is not a bad thing. Another is that we should not punish people by making them care for children. It's not good for the children in their care.
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Somewhere, in some part of your thought process that you don't want to admit out loud, you think abortion is a bad thing. But you don't know why.

The reason people are generally more squeamish the farther you get along pregnancy is because the fetus starts to look like a baby, and you're biologically programmed to care for human babies. But a fetus is not a baby, far from it. It's easier to tell early on, that's why people are comfortable with abortion early. The hard reality is that humans are born generally premature even at 9 months.
In short, I don't think abortion is a bad thing.... hence why I'm pro choice. Certain aspects do make me squeamish, yes. Late term abortion being one of them. I will agree that babies are premature at birth compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. But they are far from being vegetables. They are very much exercising brain function at that newborn state and even earlier. Clearly we have differing opinions on this. I'm ok with that 👍🏼
In short, I don't think abortion is a bad thing.... hence why I'm pro choice. Certain aspects do make me squeamish, yes. Late term abortion being one of them. I will agree that babies are premature at birth compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. But they are far from being vegetables. They are very much exercising brain function at that newborn state and even earlier. Clearly we have differing opinions on this. I'm ok with that 👍🏼
Chickens exercise brain functions. Many of us eat chickens.