Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
The complete a mission with 10sec left challenge is definitely bugged, I've complete numerous missions with 2min left and still nothing. The only thing I haven't done is complete a mission with less than 10sec left.
Did you have to do the 6AAM challenge in one go? I didn't think so. But since it usually takes my typhoon to kill in two hits (other than orange targets with standards) and I got 50 some 6AAM's, I just softened them up with standard missiles and popped them with the 6AAM's. Easy peasy.
I just really wish I had $3000 (ran out of fuel) more so I could get to level 7 on my typhoon and get that rot skin. That's the only challenge I can do now. I really want to get some of those challenges with Elite mercenary contracts or lvl5-6 upgrades. I did finish those challenges with the FA-18F including the 30 kills with machine gun challenge. Took a few tries and was able to pull it off on pipeline. (No Moscow is not the best for that mission; too many buildings)

But I wanted to ask you guys, What is with the guys who have red lettered names and red bullets beside their names in rooms? How did they get those?

btw I saw a guy pull out a 130,000 score with his EA-18G with LASM. Hokey smokes that thing must be high level!
Did you have to do the 6AAM challenge in one go? I didn't think so. But since it usually takes my typhoon to kill in two hits (other than orange targets with standards) and I got 50 some 6AAM's, I just softened them up with standard missiles and popped them with the 6AAM's. Easy peasy.
I just really wish I had $3000 (ran out of fuel) more so I could get to level 7 on my typhoon and get that rot skin. That's the only challenge I can do now. I really want to get some of those challenges with Elite mercenary contracts or lvl5-6 upgrades. I did finish those challenges with the FA-18F including the 30 kills with machine gun challenge. Took a few tries and was able to pull it off on pipeline. (No Moscow is not the best for that mission; too many buildings)

But I wanted to ask you guys, What is with the guys who have red lettered names and red bullets beside their names in rooms? How did they get those?

btw I saw a guy pull out a 130,000 score with his EA-18G with LASM. Hokey smokes that thing must be high level!

It's a negative feature, it means he kicks ppl out of the room quite often.
Did you have to do the 6AAM challenge in one go? I didn't think so. But since it usually takes my typhoon to kill in two hits (other than orange targets with standards) and I got 50 some 6AAM's, I just softened them up with standard missiles and popped them with the 6AAM's. Easy peasy.
I just really wish I had $3000 (ran out of fuel) more so I could get to level 7 on my typhoon and get that rot skin. That's the only challenge I can do now. I really want to get some of those challenges with Elite mercenary contracts or lvl5-6 upgrades. I did finish those challenges with the FA-18F including the 30 kills with machine gun challenge. Took a few tries and was able to pull it off on pipeline. (No Moscow is not the best for that mission; too many buildings)

But I wanted to ask you guys, What is with the guys who have red lettered names and red bullets beside their names in rooms? How did they get those?

btw I saw a guy pull out a 130,000 score with his EA-18G with LASM. Hokey smokes that thing must be high level!

I did the same for the Super Hornet machine gun challenge, posted about it earlier.👍 The red names may be signs they're kicking people, are you sure it's not a red boot you're seeing?

Edit: Tree'd.

Edit 2:
You need to be the host of the match, it's confirmed.

It doesn't matter any more, it looks like they changed the "complete a mission with at least 10sec remaining challenge" to "obtain a B grade or higher" which you don't need to be host for. I guess they spotted the glitch.
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Rage is a bad thing, 7/9 sorties got MVP with the Typhoon, one time very very close to MVP and the other one I got way more points than the MVP but my team had a low score.
7K points in weapon base assault doing some multirole engagements, MVP against a Berkut and a F-15 MTD.
All guys with equal or superior MR.
Rage is a bad thing, 7/9 sorties got MVP with the Typhoon, one time very very close to MVP and the other one I got way more points than the MVP but my team had a low score.
7K points in weapon base assault doing some multirole engagements, MVP against a Berkut and a F-15 MTD.
All guys with equal or superior MR.

Haha! That's how you do it! What level is yours at now? I'm gonna get mine as high as I can with level 15 now attainable.
Haha! That's how you do it! What level is yours at now? I'm gonna get mine as high as I can with level 15 now attainable.
Done other 2 MVPs today on 2 sorties, I feel unstoppable.
Level 9 with 84 6AAM, L part for SP ammo of course, L damage, stealth M, the anti stall thingy for stability, armor L it does not even need extra parts for maneuverability!
Rot skin + Crow emblem.
What are the Elite Merc challenges I've heard you guys mentioning? I haven't see any of those.:confused: Thinking I may have just enough cash to unlock the EA-18G and do that challenge for the skin, not that I'll ever use it.:lol:

here, 2 research if you MVP in a Terminator (you can use Yellow 13), 2 mercs for 70K points in 2 hrs.
There are also two of them I haven't unlocked yet...

Sortie in a Su-37 aircraft and earn the MVP title. [] 2 Additional Plant Investment Contracts
Obtain a total score of 70000 within 2 hours. [] 2 Additional Elite Mercenary Contracts
Sortie in an aircraft equipped with the 4AAM special weapon and obtain an "A" rank or higher. [] Additional Plant Investment Contract
10,000 credits
Destroy 10 "TGT" or "SP" target(s) within 2 hours. [] Additional Elite Mercenary Contract
10,000 credits

I haven't seen any of these challenges, I'm going to have to try and get that EA-18G Growler now, just to keep plugging away at different challenges in hope that I get one of them. I don't have most of the jets required for the other challenges (T-50, standard Su-35, Su-37, high level Typhoon etc.).
Thinking I may have just enough cash to unlock the EA-18G and do that challenge for the skin, not that I'll ever use it.:lol:

That was the latest challenge I completed, finishing it seemed to unlock the 4AAM "A" Rank and 10 "TGT" challenges. The only one I haven't come across yet is the Mission Complete with 10 seconds left challenge. I kinda wish they would release all the challenges at once.
That was the latest challenge I completed, finishing it seemed to unlock the 4AAM "A" Rank and 10 "TGT" challenges. The only one I haven't come across yet is the Mission Complete with 10 seconds left challenge. I kinda wish they would release all the challenges at once.

Pretty sure they changed that challenge to "Obtain a B rank". I had it active (it was glitched so I couldn't win it) then this morning it was gone and I had that.
That was the latest challenge I completed, finishing it seemed to unlock the 4AAM "A" Rank and 10 "TGT" challenges. The only one I haven't come across yet is the Mission Complete with 10 seconds left challenge. I kinda wish they would release all the challenges at once.
guess I have one more reason to buy that Growler...
Done other 2 MVPs today on 2 sorties, I feel unstoppable.
Level 9 with 84 6AAM, L part for SP ammo of course, L damage, stealth M, the anti stall thingy for stability, armor L it does not even need extra parts for maneuverability!
Rot skin + Crow emblem.

:drool:I like. That's hilarious you feel that confident in it that you don't need maneuverability parts. I don't have Damage L or Stealth.(don't plan on going to the bottom of the tree. How do you find stealth helps you in battle? I have mine set up with all the maneuverability parts I can get so he handles like crazy. Along with a slightly improved engine for acceleration. Then I make sure my missiles hit with a standard missile homing upgrade M (I'll be going for that SP weapon homing upgrade for 6AAM:D) Then I have Missile damage M and a S upgrade for SP weapon reload/ammo. (I'll ditch that once I'm more leveled up) Then once I got the Rot skin I'll make it the Red Peregrine with the Hwoarang emblem from tekken. Or stick with the Flaming unicorn for the Mercenary style. The Typhoon is only Level 6 atm with soon to be level 2 6AAM.

Anyone else Got a favorite plane they want to share the setup for?
:drool:I like. That's hilarious you feel that confident in it that you don't need maneuverability parts. I don't have Damage L or Stealth.(don't plan on going to the bottom of the tree. How do you find stealth helps you in battle? I have mine set up with all the maneuverability parts I can get so he handles like crazy. Along with a slightly improved engine for acceleration. Then I make sure my missiles hit with a standard missile homing upgrade M (I'll be going for that SP weapon homing upgrade for 6AAM:D) Then I have Missile damage M and a S upgrade for SP weapon reload/ammo. (I'll ditch that once I'm more leveled up) Then once I got the Rot skin I'll make it the Red Peregrine with the Hwoarang emblem from tekken. Or stick with the Flaming unicorn for the Mercenary style. The Typhoon is only Level 6 atm with soon to be level 2 6AAM.

Anyone else Got a favorite plane they want to share the setup for?

I'm still using my lv.10 F-35 almost solely except for challenges because I can't afford a secondary option yet. I'm running Large missile damage, Medium missile speed and Medium missile homing with Large Sp.W missile speed on lv.5 4AGM. Body upgrades include Large engine nozzle for acceleration, Medium stealth and the stability upgrade for low speed shenanigans.
Once cash and acquired upgrade parts allow I'll get the Large stealth, downgrade Sp.W speed to Medium and upgrade standard missiles to either Large speed or homing.

Edit: Not entirely sure what the requirements were but I've now S ranked all the campaign missions.
Just one online co-op mission away from that EA-18G as well.
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@Paulie What's your score average and top with your F-35?

DOH!:ouch: I just turned it off, I'll check it later on.:) I normally only sortie in 4-6 player rooms, I'd say my average is ~50k these days and my high I think was just over 100k. My average is no doubt a little lower though thanks to the early days before I levelled it up.
Had some time up my sleeve, and not wanting to burn stocked fuel I did some grinding on the Area B7R campaign mission. I now have the EA-18G ready to go next time I sortie online.
This happens when you join Moscow with a 2K MR host and you find 1,4K and a 1,3K guy...
Was a close battle between him and me, Typhoon with 6AAM versus F-15 MTD with LAGM.
"Best score of all time" for me, my average is 45K, I've done a good amount of sorties in 8 players room with this bird as well. Now I'm most in 4/6 players room.

I feel confindent because S in maneuverability is enough in co-op and it handles crazy enough for me :lol:
Stealth coat and armor helps me to go wild in co-op furballs, I have to worry less about enemy missiles and I've plenty of healt to get through nimbus clusters or AA sites.
Stability control is to avoid stall in critical situations, the plane is fast, sure, but the stall recovery is pretty slow for the typhoon.
Still, a sligtly better plane than a LVL 6 Yellow 13, costs just 2 credits more!
And I met @Paulie in Dubai some weeks ago, same team, he was flying an F-35, better score than mine but we lost against the other squadron :P
Oh we were wingmen @Vitocorp? Cool. It would be nice to all get together and do a couple GTP squadron sorties, however with not all people wanting to burn stocked fuel (I'm not burning it unless a tournament comes up for a prize I really want) it could only ever be 3 max sorties together.

@Paulie What's your score average and top with your F-35?

Turns out I was on the money, my average score is 49,000 and my top score is 100,000.👍

Just completed the Growler challenge, I now have the 10 targets and A rank with 4AAM challenges which I'll do tomorrow.:)
Oh we were wingmen @Vitocorp? Cool. It would be nice to all get together and do a couple GTP squadron sorties, however with not all people wanting to burn stocked fuel (I'm not burning it unless a tournament comes up for a prize I really want) it could only ever be 3 max sorties together.
Same here, it would be nice to sortie together (I'm not sure if you invite a friend he goes straight in your team) but I'll stick with supplied only unless I have a tournament to do.
In fact, the thing is that we would have to decide a day (tournament) and an hour in which we gets together and do at least 30 sorties, admitting that everybody will burn fuel with contracts on 3x forced. But I see it very tricky and hard to do.
I still have also to do the "invite a friend" challenge, which awards a stocked fuel + another thing. :P
Pretty sure they changed that challenge to "Obtain a B rank". I had it active (it was glitched so I couldn't win it) then this morning it was gone and I had that.
Hmm...I haven't seen that one either. All I'm left with are the Rafale, Su-37, T-50, Typhoon, and F-35 challenges. I guess one of those has to unlock that one and a GPB challenge I don't think I've had yet.

Edit - I like how the Su-37 challenge says MVP, but completes with a team win.
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It's official, I'm stuck on the challenges. I don't have the planes to do them. I might be able to do the MTD challenge but that is only if I get 240,000 some dollars! Too bad. Well at least I got a lvl5-6 upgrade out of this. Man do I need cash. I got 4 planes, 3 parts, and like 8 sp weapons to upgrade. Come on 300K gold box! (you can still get those right?)

If you guys want to add me go ahead, new guys to sortie with is sweet. I may only be hovering at 1600cst or so but that may be increasing soon.

Btw thanks for the info Vitocorp, and nice job on the new record.

@Paulie It's funny I figured I would try B7R again, did it on the first try with an S rank. I did it so quick Goodfellow gave me comments on how fast I was. (didn't expect that) Plus it was funny when the Butterfly master said something like, oh no! lost another life! Press start to reset! (I almost did, lol) And thanks Paulie for the info, your plane does really well then.
The F-15E's a beast when I upgraded to level 4 a few days ago. Unfortunately the SFFS special weapon doesn't cause that much damage. :(

Am I the only here that the parts and airplanes took a long time just complete its research?
Hmm...I haven't seen that one either. All I'm left with are the Rafale, Su-37, T-50, Typhoon, and F-35 challenges. I guess one of those has to unlock that one and a GPB challenge I don't think I've had yet.

Edit - I like how the Su-37 challenge says MVP, but completes with a team win.

It must be the F-35 challenge because I haven't done the others I don't have those jets.
The F-15E's a beast when I upgraded to level 4 a few days ago. Unfortunately the SFFS special weapon doesn't cause that much damage. :(

Am I the only here that the parts and airplanes took a long time just complete its research?

Yes Research takes a long amount of time but that is only if you aren't getting it poured into frequently. If you can have I would say no more than 6-10 things being researched it will progress quite quickly. But right now I have only 3 things getting research. (due to funds) and my typhoon which I leveled up yesterday to 7 is already at 58% research. Although that is with one X3.5 research going into it, (a 13% jump) and using 9-12 (Can't remember) research reports to help. (Adding about 1% a piece)
Same here, it would be nice to sortie together (I'm not sure if you invite a friend he goes straight in your team) but I'll stick with supplied only unless I have a tournament to do.

Having a friend in the lobby seems to always put you on the same team, every time I sortied with @ibnumgt1 I was on his team.
3X forced sortie + contract and in very few matches you can pull an aicraft (as long as you have enough money) from level 1 to level 5 in literally no time.

@im2fst4u thanks, I'm still doing some badass sorties, yesterday I got 4 in a row MVPs.
You should be able to do the same with that European masterpiece :lol:
I would add you but the sortie sistem allows me to play only with supplied in some precise hours (to get 6 sorties for the stocked challenge) unless tournament, I don't even have Flaren in my friend list and he's italian and should be easier to team up with him...

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