Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR

Scroll down some photos, you can clearly see the emblems!
No infos about how we can get them

--- 400 messages :gtpflag:

Lol nice. Those will eventually become tournament prizes for sure.

Wonder if it will be worth spending stocked fuel to get the Garuda F-15. I'm ranked in the top 3,000 with around ~33,000 pts. Top 1,000 is at around ~90,000 pts as of writing.

Top 1,000 isn't that competitive but top 200 is just bonkers like the other tourneys and they were at 150,000pts last time I checked.
Lol nice. Those will eventually become tournament prizes for sure.

Wonder if it will be worth spending stocked fuel to get the Garuda F-15. I'm ranked in the top 3,000 with around ~33,000 pts. Top 1,000 is at around ~90,000 pts as of writing.

Top 1,000 isn't that competitive but top 200 is just bonkers like the other tourneys and they were at 150,000pts last time I checked.
There's still a whole day until the end, top 1K will be probably around 120/150K points.
Personally, I'm going for it, done around 35K points from 190 stocked unit to 165.
Sitting in 16XX, I'm literally dropping tons of stocked fuel, pretty lucky this time...I remember Yellow 13 was a disaster in terms of points/fuel dropped.
Not that bad at all, planning to place around 800/900 during the end of the tournament.
Top 200 for a simple nickname I would not even use is utopia, but for a Classic Ace with 4AGMs I can spend fuel for sure.
I wish that F-15E skin was replaced by something else...
Since the next one will be a 10 day long tournament, planning to place top 3000, unless disgraceful amount of money required.
Grabacr is cool as hell but it will probably require tons of fuel, it's already a skip for me.
Last but not least, the new update should bring the Nosferatu and probably a butterfly master special version of the aircraft (new jet+ADMM+female character is a lethal combo, trust me, if tournament, even top 1000, will be worse than Yellow 13 top 200).
So: going for Grunder and Yuktobania roundel (doing the full collection of national roundels), skipping Grabacr, I will go for the others only if I manage to use supplied only.
Falken + Grunder logo is my personal dream now, anyway...
Just watch the CFA-44 be in this update and make the Su47 useless along with annoying any other fighter pilots like me.
I had an almost 1900 MR, now I dropped 100 points since Su-47 and F-15 with LAGMs appeared.
But I'm still the best fighter pilot in most of matches.
The Japanese wiki had some info on two missions. Possibly new co-op missions?

Liberation of Chicago: of Chicago

Miami Defensive War: Defensive War
Yeah, probably other co-op missions, so glad there are two of them this time...Moscow was purely awesome.

Edit: From viewing the images on the link posted by @Vitocorp, I found this:ūjin_Infinity_Emblem.png

What the heck is this this?
Another emblem I dont' want to have. :lol:
The Japanese wiki had some info on two missions. Possibly new co-op missions?

Liberation of Chicago: of Chicago

Miami Defensive War: Defensive War

Apparently these two are just fan made posters and not actually part of an update. The Miami mission is supposedly an edited version of a Assault Horizon screenshot and Chicago is a nice rendition of a Watch Dogs poster.

Also, Moscow will be the new monthly challenge map? I wonder if/when we'll get a Comona one? You already get a nice logo for S-ranking Comona in mission 2 but they'll probably have like a seagull or albatross or something to go with the bird theme of the monthly challenge emblems.
Damn! I want two more co-op stages...

@Louie_Schumii , Next one will be 100% Moscow.

Comona was the very very first one, pretty difficult to obtain because was just available for 2 weeks or so and 1 million points was not that easy to obtain back than, the game was still in the early stages.


Since this is the only reasonable thread to post this.
Pixy has a new business.
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Does anyone else think the Rescue system is busted? I was destroying plenty of foes with red arrows in one mission and according to the challenge after the mission I only got two rescue bonuses.:odd:

BTW, maintenance has now started.
I am thoroughly convinced that there is no point in playing for me anymore. Everyone else gets these awesome planes in the first day or two they are out while I get nothing even after a week or so of play. Seriously, why do I even bother? :indiff:
No problem for me @Paulie , at least for the 20 rescue one. The 300 is a pain in the butt so you'll probably lose some kills around here.
@RACECAR , same here for me, if it was not for tournaments, I would not drop some random planes (Pixy for example, I had to burn stocked fuel into Galm tournament to get it).
I missed Shin Kazama's F-5 because I used supplied only.
Last checked a minute before the end of the tournament, I've placed in 757th position.
I got Garuda! The competition was damn fierce this time, it's probably one of the most powerful planes around here.
A multirole with the same stats as the Shinden and the F-35 but much faster and stronger (loses maneuverability, that's the only drawback) and looks like an upgraded version of the standard MTD.
6MAA and 4AGM to make one of the most effective co-op machine.
I got around 2.750th place. I wasn't very interested on this plane so it's ok for me, and in the meanwhile I started to stock some fuel.
With the burn of last week to prepare my F-15 S/MTD (also there I wasn't really interested on the plane) I got all drops, the skin even a lot of times.
No problem with the rescue thing for me, although I try the 300 one only whan I do the "burns" because it's easier to complete if you do 25-30 sorties in one time and then finish it during the week.
I got around 2.750th place. I wasn't very interested on this plane so it's ok for me, and in the meanwhile I started to stock some fuel.
With the burn of last week to prepare my F-15 S/MTD (also there I wasn't really interested on the plane) I got all drops, the skin even a lot of times.
No problem with the rescue thing for me, although I try the 300 one only whan I do the "burns" because it's easier to complete if you do 25-30 sorties in one time and then finish it during the week.
Top 3K and 5K were at reach, now my fuel reserve is dropped to 92 units, from the 190 I had, very lucky to drop a good amount of stocked during the tournament, 3 golden boxes with 3 stocked each was another nice find.
I am thoroughly convinced that there is no point in playing for me anymore. Everyone else gets these awesome planes in the first day or two they are out while I get nothing even after a week or so of play. Seriously, why do I even bother? :indiff:
Same here...
I just flew 6 sorties last week-end. I now have 65 stocked fuel units and lost all interest in the game. The last random drop aircraft were just ugly and ridiculous (a pink Su-34, WTF?)... Fortunately, I didn't get any of them. OK, well, as a haven't played much, I could not get them. And I just don't care about those Tekken emblems.

Maybe I'm going to try War Thunder on my PS4... Any one here playing this game too?
No problem for me @Paulie , at least for the 20 rescue one. The 300 is a pain in the butt so you'll probably lose some kills around here.

Normally I can complete the challenge in two days if not one, but I really needed it in one day this time and despite the fact I was killing plenty of foes with red arrows it wasn't giving me the rescue bonus, very annoying.
War Thunder is another free to play, right?
I don't have a PS4 and as a tradition I will buy it in a bundle with GT7, so for now, I'll just sitck with Ace Combat.
The new update, should bring, hopefully, some interesting stuffs.
Yes, looking at twitter, the most important things will be:

- Moscow Special Challenge with an emblem reward;
- Some adjustments on special weapons, probably they will nerf LAGM and UGB area and improve some other, they pointed SOD also;
- We will can change the order of the aircraft list without the need to spend again all upgrade costs by changing planes;
- We will be able to change the type and quantity of fuel even after its selection, prior accepting / end cooldown for plane selection;
- There will be also changes on room search & options, kick and some sort of penalty to enter-leave multiple times from rooms.

It seems that the patch is already downloadable, but I personally will wait untill tomorrow. It seems to be something around 150MB.
Yes, looking at twitter, the most important things will be:

- Moscow Special Challenge with an emblem reward;
- Some adjustments on special weapons, probably they will nerf LAGM and UGB area and improve some other, they pointed SOD also;
- We will can change the order of the aircraft list without the need to spend again all upgrade costs by changing planes;
- We will be able to change the type and quantity of fuel even after its selection, prior accepting / end cooldown for plane selection;
- There will be also changes on room search & options, kick and some sort of penalty to enter-leave multiple times from rooms.

It seems that the patch is already downloadable, but I personally will wait untill tomorrow. It seems to be something around 150MB.
Challenges incoming!
I bet butterfly master, omega and viper will be challenges...Yuke roundel, Grun squadron tournaments for sure.
I mean, Special in the "Challenge" options, means that it will be just like Pipe Destruction and Dubai. But this time it doesn't give an emblem with stars on it, it's just a swan with a red cloth.
Going through the list of planes that got their level cap increased to 15....
:eek:Typhoon? I'll go for that.:sly: That will be OP!:D If only I could afford that...:nervous: I can't even pay for the MTD I just unlocked. BTW the YF-23 is just after the MTD and while it has good stats it has unfortunate weapons...

Also I am making a troll plane hopefully. Which plane? I think you can guess. That Pink girly one. Why? It has quite the good stats and good weapons too! I got over 40,000+ on my first sortie with it at level 1? This should be good. That is once the homing improves.(Not as good at my lvl 6 f-16 dr) That does improve over the levels right?
Update 2.01 (122 MB) was published on November 5, 2014.

  • New Features
    • Added new challenges to Challenges Mode.
    • Added some new aircraft, parts, emblems and other items.
    • Added a feature that allows sortie fuel to be re-selected.
    • Added a feature that allows the order of registered aircraft sets to be changed.
    • Added a feature that allows pages to be switched on the following screens using the left and right directional buttons.
      • Notifications Screen
      • Aircraft Sets Screen
      • Aircraft, Parts Selection Screen
      • Instant Radio Message Selection Screen
      • Nicknames Selection Screen
      • Stats Screen
    • Added a feature that allows you to view details on Special Weapons.
    • Added a feature whereby a kick icon will be displayed next to players who use the kick function repeatedly.
    • Added a feature whereby a warning message will be displayed to warn players who repeatedly enter and leave rooms without going on sorties. (A penalty will be given to players who continue to enter and leave the rooms)
    • Added data for events.
  • Feature Changes
    • Adjusted the parameters for some weapons including the UGB and LAGB.
    • Increased the aircraft level cap from Lv.10 to Lv.15 for the following aircraft.
      • F-14D Super Tomcat
      • F/A-18F Super Hornet
      • A-10A Thunderbolt?
      • F-117A Nighthawk
      • F-15J
      • Su-33 Flanker-D
      • EA-18G Growler
      • F-15E Strike Eagle
      • Typhoon
      • Rafale M
      • Su-34 Fullbak
    • Changed the way that ranking points are calculated in Team Deathmatch.
    • Changed the way that obtained experience is calculated in Team Deathmatch.
    • The game will now remember the type of sortie fuel and the number of fuel units used.
    • The game will now remember the conditions used in room searches.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Performed fixes for other detailed issues.

So, stating for Ground Special weapons:
- Overall they gave a malus to Multiroles and a bonus to attackers. Some say that with Su-34 you can 2-shot SH1 railguns with LAGM, while it takes 4-5 shots from S/MTD's LAGM or Berkut's UGB;
- LAGM/LASM: Greatily decresed area. Also greatily decreased area bonus from "LAGM Area S/M";
- SOD: Got its area adjusted. Areas are smaller, but increased number. This means a higher chance to do double damage in area intersections and more precise on doing damage in the line;
- UGB: Damage slighty reduced, same base area but greately decreased area bonus from "UGB Area S/M", reduced recharge speed (it's not worst than FAEB), closer drop which now feels it more like the real bomb, which just falls on the ground, so now FAEB got longer distance shoot and it's correct with description now as it should use a special propellent to fly better;
- SFFS: Seems they increased the number of areas, so it's now a bit more precise, even if still remain quite random luck.

Plus it seems they buffed HCAA, they are a bit faster and have a bit better homing abilities.

In addition, they increased top stats, probably to prepare top tier lv15 upgrades, which were already at 10/10 without parts at lv10.

Added the YF-23 which brings SAAM, HVAA e HCAA. Got a bit more Speed and Defence but also a bit less Mobility and Stability than F-22.
They added also Stealth Coat L, the first part (S) of Sp.Weapon Quick, the one to increase homing abilities and a couple of other parts.
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Damn! I want two more co-op stages...


Comona was the very very first one, pretty difficult to obtain because was just available for 2 weeks or so and 1 million points was not that easy to obtain back than, the game was still in the early stages.

That is the most ridiculous monthly challenge emblem out of the lot hahahaha.

They added also Stealth Coat L, the first part (S) of Sp.Weapon Quick, the one to increase homing abilities and a couple of other parts.

These parts should be interesting for TDM. Overall not a bad update, albeit a bit small. That level 15 Typhoon will be ridiculously expensive.


Hey, level 15 for more mid tier jets is good, I hope top tier jets never get level 15 so lower ranks can remain competitive. Glad to finally see the YF-23, not sure if I'll use it now with no QAAM, but we'll see I guess.
@Vitocorp Well, they did this patch mainly to balance co-op and add some menu feature, so it's quite ok. The problem is that they nerfed really too much the LAGM, now it's impossible to use for non-attackers and still worst than LASM in all aircrafts.

@Paulie They will put lv15 also on top tiers, but I don't think ppl will spend all that money, remember that special weapon damage, area, etc doescn't change with aircraft level. For YF-23 yes, not so good weapons, but think that HVAA it's stille quite good and they buffed HCAA in this patch.
I think the YF-23 could make a great co-op Fighter, it also has the highest number of parts slots of any Fighter for arms. I might have to get that 8 aircraft sets upgrade one day.
Instead I'll build it for TDM. If there is difference between an aircraft to another for the stealthiness and they take it like in real life (in the game got higher speed but worst mobility than F-22, just like in real), then it should have a little better stealth capacities, which paired with the new Stealth Coat L will make it really good to get close to opponents in PvP without they notice you.