Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
@ibnumgt1 top 5K was quite affordable, the Garuda is probably for serius collector's only, it's actually vey similar to the standard F-15E look-wise.

@Louie_Schumii yeah, Camilla sings both Mappy theme and Sky Kid theme (another game from Namco, this one in Moscow battle).
Have you tried your Yellow 13? That thing is a beast in terms of maneuverability, I've placed 1st in pipeline destruction (not MVP) with my QAAM equipped LVL 6 craft.
So happy to have both Garuda and the emblem, the MVP theme is superb.
They've done a great choice with music themes.
Wardog sounds legendary, Galm sounds kinda misterious, Aquila (it uses the same theme for both low vis and the other, right) sounds pretty sad, Garuda theme=hope.

well I really hope they haven't nerfed 4AGMs, I mean, thats one of the reasons I got Garuda...come on!
Took my Black Hornet for a spin today in moscow battle, LASMs seems weakened in terms of power, not only radius.
Still a solid multirole but when facing tough opponents it has too much specific special weapons, it's probably one of the best choice for naval fleet assault TDM but not so good in co-op at this point.

yep, it improves on all specs when upgraded, it's a troll jet because it looks silly but it's a great attacker,
I was thinking about upgrading my Typhoon too but I got my hands on some nice strangereal heroes aircraft and my trusty Eurofighter can have some relax now, I just want to know the italian nickname you get when level 10, it's storm caller but it has probably been translated differently...
The plan is: rot skin, 6MAA and the badass Viper emblem!

3rd sortie and I got the frogfoot skin.
Cross rumble embles tomorrow and skins according to the wikia, let's see, the latest portable version of AC has some Nintendo-releated skins (Mario, Luigi, Link, etc...) we won't see those on PS3 of course...
To clarify the situation of special weapons depending on role:
They DECREASED the damage of air-ground sp.w for Multiroles, by around 10-15%.
They INCREASED the damage of air-ground sp.w for Attackers, as a bonus.
So that now FAEB, for example, does almost of the damage when equipped by an A-10 compared from when equipped by a S/MTD.

Air-air sp.w got no changes as they already got lower damage and performances on Multiroles.
@Vitocorp yeah I've flown the Su-37-13- between levels 1-4. Amazingly good for a low level plane. Just levelling it up now for TDM. Currently at level 8 with level 5 QAAMs :cool:.

Re - the talk about plane and special weapons levels:

When that group who leaked planes posted on reddit, apparently they also found code that will let planes get up to level 25 and special weapons to level ~30(?).

In saying that they could technically go to 'infinity' with this game and just keep recycling content from their other games until it's no longer profitable...
In saying that they could technically go to 'infinity' with this game and just keep recycling content from their other games until it's no longer profitable...
That's why they will bring back past rewards for sure...
Weapons LVL 30 would be insane.
Imagine a LVL 30 MPBM: a nuclear missile capable of wiping out the whole map in one shot or LVL 30 QAAM, 100% chance of destroying the target!

To all the Aces here:

We should team up and make the GTP squadron :lol:
Yesterday lost 4 of 6 sorties because of low-brained teammates when I topped almost all of those missions.
Today 3 sorties, first 2 same as above, third 1 I accepted the SAAM challenge and... SURPRISE! 6 players room, 5 fighters and I'm the only Multirole. So not only I've destroyed few number of targets forcing me to do a second sortie with SAAM, but I scored also low trying to get that challenge, when if I had LAGM and only to focus ground target probably I could do 90-100k.
Come on, luck is blind, but this is too much. 2 days I got all the unluck of the world.

EDIT: Talking about the game, a lot of special challenges has come up. They bring Emblems, Nicknames and skins of old challenges and new. Plus some give 10.000 credits. Unfortunately, for some you need to have top tier (like T-50) or lv7 aircraft (like Typhoon for "Rot" skin).
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Only if F22 pilots are not allowed, since they're usually arrogant and only care about themselves.:sly:
I will use soon the F-22 -Mobius- but I'll be good, I promise!
Fighters can still kick some asses...

Moscow it's too much random, unfortunately. Second part can there is 30.000 ground targets and 10 aircrafts just like 10 ground targets and 30.000 aircrafts, it's everything about luck there depending on both team setup. Even before the update fighters could kick ass if appeared the emergency aircraft mission and the second case of what I said above.
Moscow it's too much random, unfortunately. Second part can there is 30.000 ground targets and 10 aircrafts just like 10 ground targets and 30.000 aircrafts, it's everything about luck there depending on both team setup. Even before the update fighters could kick ass if appeared the emergency aircraft mission and the second case of what I said above.
don't break the magic :(

Trust me, right that sortie with SAAM, after I saw the 5 fighters I said "Well, at the end there are a lot of aircrafts that continue spawn, so I'm ok". No, they spawned around... 8 red and 6 orange, which have been all shooted down by other 5 fighters (I got only 1) and then... Only ground targets for the remaining minute the mission took. Sometimes happens that in that number there is in a moment, so before and later there were even more. But this time that was all we got in the air.
These new challenges are great so far! I have a Grun skin for my Super Hornet (basically a green camo) and I just got a challenge that requires 2 MVP's in my F-35 for (AT LONG LAAAAAST!!!!) an F-35 skin, which is a gumby blue one, but I'll take it. There is another one that requires killing 30 targets with machine guns in one sortie in a Super Hornet for a Lv.5-Lv.6 upgrade pass, I had one go at it so far but failed.
Anyone know if you get a "credit reimbursed" from the emblem challenges if you have the emblem already?
I don't know because I've activate the Typhoon challenge for the extra credit (already have the skin) so I can't really confirm this.
But it shoud not give any extra credits.
Got my F-35 skin! Now there's two lv.5-lv.6 upgrade challenges, one with machine guns on an F/A-18F and one with the GPB special weapon, really going to try for both, I need them!
Got my F-35 skin! Now there's two lv.5-lv.6 upgrade challenges, one with machine guns on an F/A-18F and one with the GPB special weapon, really going to try for both, I need them!
really? Nice to hear it, my Black Hornet should came in handy for the first one, you can't use the special variant just for the grun skin but I got it in 2 matches.
really? Nice to hear it, my Black Hornet should came in handy for the first one, you can't use the special variant just for the grun skin but I got it in 2 matches.

I'm not sure if you can use the special aircraft on the machine gun challenge, not that I have it so I didn't check. I ended up doing it with Medium machine gun damage upgrade on my lv.6 Hornet at Pipeline Destruction, couldn't quite get it in Moscow the first time I tried with the part upgrade, I figured it was because buildings were obstructing my line of fire and there were a higher number of high value targets which take longer to kill.
In the end I got both lv.5-lv.6 upgrade challenges, used one on my Super Hornet and will use the other on my Su-47 once it gets there.:)

Edit: These challenges are great btw, I'm making great progress without needing to use stocked fuel while gaining a lot of stocked fuel, I think I've gotten an extra 20 stocked fuel units or so in the last few days.
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I have to say, I'm really enjoying these new challenges. At least now I have a chance to get some of the emblems and skins. 👍
I have to say, I'm really enjoying these new challenges. At least now I have a chance to get some of the emblems and skins. 👍

Indeed, and it's giving me a good reason to fly underpowered jets I don't normally get to use.👍 Mind you I'm going to have to skip the EA-18G and Su-35 skin challenges as I don't have the cash to buy them, but I'll never be using those jets anyway.

Edit: Err.....what?:odd: Trying to do the challenge that's complete a mission with at least 10sec left, just finished Aerospace Centre with 16sec left (I'm only flying a lv.1 Mig-29A Libra, alright!?) and didn't get the challenge. What's more is apparently I didn't kill 20 targets, so I didn't get the Mig-29 challenge either!:banghead:
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Mig and most challenges tips: go Moscow.
For time remaining it seems it's bugged, actually is 1 minute and 10 seconds remaining left in truth.
Completed my Grun F/A-18F replica. Finally, my first ever decent-looking plane, most of my other planes either doesn't have a skin or they have an ugly skin.
I don't care too much about skins since I'm primarily using SP planes but for the sake of collecting I'm going for some of those.
Grun skin is mine too, never realized it had that eye on the nose...Grun emblem wil be mine soon too, with the black hornet will be a walk in the park.
These challenges have provided fun and extra stuff for us. I managed to complete some fuel challenges, some Elite Mercenary contracts, and a Su35 skin along with the T50 "Alberio" squadron emblem. Now i need a few more credits for a level 7 T50 upgrade!
Got my F-35 skin! Now there's two lv.5-lv.6 upgrade challenges, one with machine guns on an F/A-18F and one with the GPB special weapon, really going to try for both, I need them!

Hey I got got an F/A-18F but can buy one right now. I wanna get those Lvl.5-6 upgrades. Would it be far down the challenge ladder for either of them? I can't see them yet. Could be worth the 100G's+ to spend on the plane easy.
BTW here's a list of the challenges:
I think the problem lies for me in just unlocking some of those challenges. I just don't have some of those planes...

I'm saved up to get level 7 on my typhoon but have to get the research and then get that skin. Then I'll be saving again to buy the MTD since I've had it available for so long. But these challenges are a quick way to make cash; getting 10g's at a time.
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Hey I got got an F/A-18F but can buy one right now. I wanna get those Lvl.5-6 upgrades. Would it be far down the challenge ladder for either of them? I can't see them yet. Could be worth the 100G's+ to spend on the plane easy.
BTW here's a list of the challenges:
I think the problem lies for me in just unlocking some of those challenges. I just don't have some of those planes...

I'm saved up to get level 7 on my typhoon but have to get the research and then get that skin. Then I'll be saving again to buy the MTD since I've had it available for so long. But these challenges are a quick way to make cash; getting 10g's at a time.

It didn't take long to unlock the special upgrade challenges, I don't know what what triggers them to appear, whether you complete certain challenges or they just appear in order regardless of the previous challenges completed.
Hey I got got an F/A-18F but can buy one right now. I wanna get those Lvl.5-6 upgrades. Would it be far down the challenge ladder for either of them? I can't see them yet. Could be worth the 100G's+ to spend on the plane easy.
BTW here's a list of the challenges:
I think the problem lies for me in just unlocking some of those challenges. I just don't have some of those planes...

I'm saved up to get level 7 on my typhoon but have to get the research and then get that skin. Then I'll be saving again to buy the MTD since I've had it available for so long. But these challenges are a quick way to make cash; getting 10g's at a time.
Not sure if the unlock is completely random or it takes some sort of pattern like the previous one.
I don't have the F-35, Rafale M, Su-33 and the Growler.
I can skip the Su-33 challenge and I'm planning to buy the Rafale soon. if I manage to get enough money I'll take the growler challenge. Already have an "F-35" (Garuda + 4AGM) so the electronic warfare fighter will add more spice to my hangar.
Anyone done the 20 kills w/ 6AAM challenge? Don't want to spend more than one sortie on it so was wondering what the best strategy to complete it was (map, etc.).

My best 6AAM boat is a level 4(5?) Zipang. 6AAMs are at level 1. Just waiting on the Sp. Weapon Homing part to unlock but I'm not sure if it's even worth waiting since I might be able to just blow the fuel tanks up in the pipeline map?
Anyone done the 20 kills w/ 6AAM challenge? Don't want to spend more than one sortie on it so was wondering what the best strategy to complete it was (map, etc.).

My best 6AAM boat is a level 4(5?) Zipang. 6AAMs are at level 1. Just waiting on the Sp. Weapon Homing part to unlock but I'm not sure if it's even worth waiting since I might be able to just blow the fuel tanks up in the pipeline map?
As stated by Flaren, the best map to do any kind of challenge is Moscow, since is full of air targets as well as ground ones.
Use your 6AAM against helicopters at the beginning of the map, it's a waste of ammo but at least you have a 90% chance of getting the kill.
Go for the SP ammo capacity L and then damage.
There's almost no chances to do it in 1 sortie unless:
- you got a Wardog or Typhoon or Su-35 at least lv7 which with Ammo Capacity L means a lot of 6AAMs;
- or you shoot 1 standard missile to damage the enemy and finish it with a single AAM, although there is a chance that someone else steal the kill or you miss one of the 2 shots.
I did this challenge in 2 sorties with my lv1 F-14D Super Tomcat.