Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
@Paulie And if you think that 2 millions are a lot, I have to say you that upgrade my F-15 S/MTD from lv7 to lv10 will cost 1.8m only that, plus 1.2m for LAGM from lv3 to lv5.

Deal with it :)
Right. Just got back from one of those conventions where computer entertainment companies also display things they want to sell. PlayStation NZ had a Drive Club competition running for a PS4, a copy of the game and a 12 month PS Plus subscription... and I didn't win :(.

This is relevant to the thread because I will be reducing the number of sorties I do in Ace Combat up to the point where I retire from the game completely, probably after the Mobius tournament. The fuel system will have an expiry date for most people, looks like I may have just set a pretty clear time for when that date would be...
@Louie_Schumii Sad to hear that. To avoid that, I just planned a 3 co-op missions in the morning, 1 in the lunch time and 2 in the evening. But I know that after some time can become annoying.

In the meanwhile, tnx to my upgraded F-15 S/MTD... I FINALLY GOT S RANK AT "Mission #5: Far East Front"!!! And by doing that, I got 2 emblems: the one for the S rank and the Golden Reaper :D. With this, now I got 6 of 8 missions completed in S rank. Already S ranked the first 5 and the #7: Area B7R, but still have a poor B rank at #6 Avalon and an A rank at #Operation Bunker Shot.
Agree with Vitocorp. Ok F2P, but 1 sortie each 4 hours, 6 each day with max cap of 3 is just stupid. Something like 1 sortie each 3 hours, 8 each day with max cap of 4 is already much much better, even if it isn't clear to see.

Oh another thing: I also got top 200 in the tournament :D I know it was a bad one, but it is still something. More credits and a rare surname to put on now :). Mostly I'm happy for the F-15 S/MTD skin as it is my main aircraft.
@Flaren89 - It could be worse! At least the prize wasn't for a spot at a GT Academy final :lol:.

I started playing Infinity around 1 week after launch and have probably used about 85-90% of the supplied fuel that was available between then and now. The game has almost become a daily necessity with the fuel system...which almost makes it feel like it's not a game anymore but a commitment.

Honestly I would have gladly bought a full game with 20 missions and free + unlimited online play for the price of a standard PS3 game off the shelf (around $125 here in NZ, google for the exchange rate in your country :P). Too bad Bamco probably would make a hell of a lot more money with this new F2P/pay-to-win system instead of the traditional way video games were sold.

As a reference the 50+10 pack of fuel here was around $54.95 when there's no fuel sale on. If you haven't been doing the fuel challenges continuously you'd have to buy 3 sets of those to actually have a chance at getting the top prizes for a single tournament...
The 60 fuel unit is cheaper in Europe, in UK even a bit more.
If you play constantly for a month you'll get around 50+ units of stocked, not bad actually but not enough to place in top spots during most tournaments.
This game needs more challenges and drop rewards, this month was a good example, 2 collaboration events, 2 crap tournaments and this final Garuda (aiming top 1000, should not be difficult, the emblem is top 5K as well).
Feels more like "Hey! Look at my new fancy aircraft I got in the last tournament!" rather than "Hey! I'm kicking butts with my aicraft!".
YES! Completed also the Missions #6 and #8 with S rank. This gave me a very beautifull emblem. Now the problem is: which I put on? "The Ace of Arrowblades", which is the one I unlocked with S ranks, or "EM Railgun Destruction Mission Medal of Valor (Gold)" which I unlocked by destroying Stonehenge III in co-op raid mission?

Here the samples:



Suggestions? TAoA is better in my view, but SH3 maybe is rarer.
What's the requirement for S ranking Avalon? I swear I destroyed every target and only got an A rank.:odd:
@Paulie From a GameFAQs answer:

"Score 45,000 in total points.

Tips: 1. Get ahead of everyone in your squadron, and rival squadron.
2. Destroy about 90% of all targets inside the canyon.
3. Beat everyone to Avalon. You must be the first. You can know if you are the first by hearing a ground troop say, "It's the Reaper! The guy with the infinity ribbon!"
4. When you reach to Avalon, destroy all of the gun towers, sam's, and aa's positioned in front of the dam first.
5. Get rid of any targets in front of you. Don't stall. Use your gun. It is really useful.
6. Get rid of all red, and orange( Most points are there).
7. Take out the targets FAST.
8. Don't chase after the MiG 31's. They are just to fast. Let them come towards you, or go after them when all ground units are destroyed. They aren't really mobile.
10. Don't try to destroy EVERYTHING. Let you squadron and rivals take some things out. Just don't let them take red and orange targets. They can't even destroy much.
11. Eliminate all air targets (Duh!)
12. When you have to enter the dam, destroy EVERY SINGLE TARGET. AA, SAM, MiG 29, MI 24. Leave nothing left standing, or flying.
13. When all yellow, and orange targets are destroyed inside, and outside of the dam, destroy the ICBM's.
14. Destroy the 2 MiG 29's at the final part.
15. Destroy the ICBM as fast as you can."

I did almost what said here, plus I watched the video I'm posting below. Did with my lv7 F-15 S/MTD equipped with lv3 LAGM (only Area S), but feeling like if you can get a 4AGM user like the one in the video is better, targets are too spread to use effectively LAGM.
In any case, I think there's still time factor all over the mission. The only step you got a fixed time is the second part, from when you destroy the 2 turrets after the canyon to time expiration and opening of 2 underground structures. So real requirements should be 45.000 points and not lose too much time in canyon and destroying 4 fake ICBMs underground.

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Some news also from this morning:
- F-15 event has started, it seems ranking points are more to a "score done" wise than "try to get S rank" wise;
- Coming soon increased gold box reward;
- Most importan thing, there will be a maintenance from 4th Nov for 40 hours. Maybe a new coming patch?
Some news for the first event coming right after the maintenance: It seems to be another Co-op tournament, prizes will be:

  • 201st - 1000th Place
    • Mirage 2000-5 -Magicien-
    • "North Osea Gründer Industries" Emblem
    • "The Sorcerer above the Clouds", "North Osea Gründer Industries" Nicknames
    • 55,000 Credits

  • 1001st - 3000th Place
    • "North Osea Gründer Industries" Emblem
    • "The Sorcerer above the Clouds", "North Osea Gründer Industries" Nicknames
    • 25,000 Credits

  • 3001st - 10000th Place
    • "The Sorcerer above the Clouds" Nickname
    • Aircraft Research Report x5
    • 15,000 Credits

  • 10001st - 100000th Place
    • Aircraft Research Report x3
    • 10,000 Credits

Plus, in the website appeared 2 images that are already been deleted, they showed the banner for the event above, plus the banner for F-15J -Tiger-, maybe next special aircraft drop or reward from special challenges when MiG-29 -Libra- will end.
Finally got to fight the Butterfly master today at Moscow.........we kicked her 🤬! I had an unusually low scoring match and finished 3rd in the winning team (6 player last on team) but still got a $18k payout, none reimbursed I'm aware of.
@Paulie It's because, as I said some pages ago when I reported to have found her, destroying the Butterfly Master will award with a special medal which gives 10.000 credits to everybody in the lobby.
I made a list of all the possible "Classic content" the Game Could offer in Emblems/Aircrafts.
Any suggestion is appreciated.

^ stands for "already released"/"will be released soon, official confirmation" x "My almost 100% true speculation"


Infinity 111 Red insigna x
ISAF Emblem x
Mobius Emblem x
F-22 -Mobius- x
F-15C -Mobius-
F-4E -Mobius-
Su-47 -Mobius- (high speculation)

Erusea Roundel ^
Aquila Emblem ^
Aqulia Low Vis Emblem ^
Su-37 -Yellow 13- ^


Osea Roundel ^
5th Fighter Wing
Wardog Emblem x
Wardog Head ^
F-14A -Wardog- ^
F-5 -HeartbrokeOne- (Cpt Bartlett's fighter)

Razgriz Emblem x
Razgriz Emblem (white winged helm variation)
F-14A -Razgriz- ^ (or F-14D?)

Yuktobania Roundel
Grunder Industries logo ^

Ofnir Emblem (never saw one anyway)
F-15 STOL/MTD -Ofnir- (colour scheme found in AC Zero)
Grabacr Emblem ^
Grabacr Snake only
Su-32 -Gabacr-/Su-47 -Grabacr- (this could be a skin)


Ustio Roundel ^
Galm Emblem ^
Galm Head ^
F-15C -Cipher- ^
F-15C -Pixy- ^

Crow Emblem ^
Crow Low Vis Emblem
F-16 -PJ-

Now, all of those should come in skin+emblem combo. Most of you probably don't know that the Silber
skin for the F-4E was actually released as a Japan-only promotion, and we have the Rot skin already.
Both version are without roundels and tailcodes, not a 100% replica. E=emblem already released, S for the skin.
We won't see any Typhoon -Rot- or F-14D -Schnee- I suppose.

Rot E/S
Indigo E
Silber E/S
Schnee E
Gault E
Wizard E

Belkan Roundel x


Emmeria Roundel x
Emmeria Low Vis Roundel
Garuda Emblem x
Garuda Low Vis Emblem ^
F-15E -Garuda- ^

Estovakia Roundel x
Strigon Emblem ^
Su-33 -Strigon- ^

Windover Emblem
F-16 -Classic Windover-


Possibility to get real world nation roundels?

Warwolf Emblem x
Shooter Emblem
Razor Emblem
F-22 -Warwolf- (or -Bishop-)
Su-35 -Akula-
T-50 -Akula-


Ridgebacks Emblem ^
ASF-X -Ridgebacks- ^

Arrowblades Emblem x
Bone Arrow Squadron ^
Omega Emblem x
Viper Emblem x

Varous mobile AC games/remakes

We may get some skins/special aicrafts for these, Phoenix above all (Featured in AC6)

Varcolac Emblem x
Rigel Emblem
Antares Emblem x
Scarface Emblem ^
Phoenix Emblem ^
Griphus Emblem x
Falco Emblem x
Albireo Emblem ^
Lancer Emblem ^
Beast Emblem ^
Cocoon Emblem ^

Now, despite those are speculation and the list could be longer or shorter, the content released is already a big portion if we consider lame tournament with zodiac themed aircrafts and some early ones were about skin+emblem combo.
They will re-release tournament prize for sure.
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In the meanwhile, this should be the special F-15J -Tiger- coming up.


And this the Mirage one:

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I unlocked the Large engine compressor for speed today and was kind of disappointed to find out it added less than 100km/hr (60mph) to my top speed and didn't get me there any faster. Given how long it can take to reach top speed I don't think it's a worthy investment, I might put the stealth panels back on I removed to install it. In other developments, my still-not-ready Su-47 is up to level 3.
I unlocked the Large engine compressor for speed today and was kind of disappointed to find out it added less than 100km/hr (60mph) to my top speed and didn't get me there any faster. Given how long it can take to reach top speed I don't think it's a worthy investment, I might put the stealth panels back on I removed to install it. In other developments, my still-not-ready Su-47 is up to level 3.

There's talk about engine Compressor L actually having a benefit beyond top speed since the game supposedly has a logarithmic equation for acceleration (sounds nerdy but bear with me).


So take the graph above where x = time and y = speed.

Let's say with Compressor L your plane goes from the blue trace to the red trace.

The blue trace has a top speed of ~2 while the red line has a top speed of ~4. The blue trace takes the whole graph to reach 2 units of speed while the red trace takes almost no time to get there (but it then takes a similar looking path to it's top speed of 4).

In short; speed parts will help your plane maintain acceleration longer even if the increase in top speed doesn't seem worth it.

The ideal solution would be to put both Compressor and Nozzle L on if you want a full blown racing plane which is the plan for my S/MTD!
There's talk about engine Compressor L actually having a benefit beyond top speed since the game supposedly has a logarithmic equation for acceleration (sounds nerdy but bear with me).


So take the graph above where x = time and y = speed.

Let's say with Compressor L your plane goes from the blue trace to the red trace.

The blue trace has a top speed of ~2 while the red line has a top speed of ~4. The blue trace takes the whole graph to reach 2 units of speed while the red trace takes almost no time to get there (but it then takes a similar looking path to it's top speed of 4).

In short; speed parts will help your plane maintain acceleration longer even if the increase in top speed doesn't seem worth it.

The ideal solution would be to put both Compressor and Nozzle L on if you want a full blown racing plane which is the plan for my S/MTD!
So glad I'm studying engineering, I can understand these things :lol:

Sidenote here , my old FAT40 PS3 is getting pretty " sick" ( YLOD at the start almost every time I push the on button now , but that fat black bastard still keeps my game smooth as always, no warning signs, no hyper -velocity fans, no strange sounds AT ALL, that's a sick joke here!) , not sure if it will manage to survive until the end of the year , too bad I've actually put some money into the game before it started to show some signs of breaking.
I don't want to buy another PS3...I love that black old piece of garbage :(
There's talk about engine Compressor L actually having a benefit beyond top speed since the game supposedly has a logarithmic equation for acceleration (sounds nerdy but bear with me).


So take the graph above where x = time and y = speed.

Let's say with Compressor L your plane goes from the blue trace to the red trace.

The blue trace has a top speed of ~2 while the red line has a top speed of ~4. The blue trace takes the whole graph to reach 2 units of speed while the red trace takes almost no time to get there (but it then takes a similar looking path to it's top speed of 4).

In short; speed parts will help your plane maintain acceleration longer even if the increase in top speed doesn't seem worth it.

The ideal solution would be to put both Compressor and Nozzle L on if you want a full blown racing plane which is the plan for my S/MTD!

I wish that were true (it's what I was hoping for) but I did a before and after test in the Test Flight area, from start of mission speed it took my F-35 29sec to reach a max speed of 2749km/hr with just the Large Nozzle, with the Large Compressor equipped as well it took an identical amount of time to reach 2749km/hr but was able to power on to 2836km/hr. 29sec is a huge amount of time, I covered more than half the map in that time, I really can't see any benefit from having the Large compressor unless you need to go from one edge of the map to the other.
There's talk about engine Compressor L actually having a benefit beyond top speed since the game supposedly has a logarithmic equation for acceleration (sounds nerdy but bear with me).


So take the graph above where x = time and y = speed.

Let's say with Compressor L your plane goes from the blue trace to the red trace.

The blue trace has a top speed of ~2 while the red line has a top speed of ~4. The blue trace takes the whole graph to reach 2 units of speed while the red trace takes almost no time to get there (but it then takes a similar looking path to it's top speed of 4).

In short; speed parts will help your plane maintain acceleration longer even if the increase in top speed doesn't seem worth it.

The ideal solution would be to put both Compressor and Nozzle L on if you want a full blown racing plane which is the plan for my S/MTD!

Yes I already noticed it. Technically, there are something similar to 3 steps (2 intermissions) of acceleration. One (the best) goes from 0 to, for example, 1.300 kph; the second from 1.300 to 2.200 kph; last one (worst acceleration) from 2.200 to max speed.
Compressor L probably raise all these steps, so that first one goes till 1.400, second till 2.350 and last one till max speed, increased by 100-200 kph from non-upgraded.

Obviously, the 3 steps I mentioned depends by the aircraft we talk about. A low tier attacker probably would be around 0 to 800 to 1.300 to top speed (1.550).

Talking about the incoming new version, in the japanese wikia 2 new co-op missions have been appeared: "Miami Defensive War" and "Liberation of Chicago".
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There's talk about engine Compressor L actually having a benefit beyond top speed since the game supposedly has a logarithmic equation for acceleration (sounds nerdy but bear with me).


So take the graph above where x = time and y = speed.

Let's say with Compressor L your plane goes from the blue trace to the red trace.

The blue trace has a top speed of ~2 while the red line has a top speed of ~4. The blue trace takes the whole graph to reach 2 units of speed while the red trace takes almost no time to get there (but it then takes a similar looking path to it's top speed of 4).

In short; speed parts will help your plane maintain acceleration longer even if the increase in top speed doesn't seem worth it.

The ideal solution would be to put both Compressor and Nozzle L on if you want a full blown racing plane which is the plan for my S/MTD!

Please no, I'm having a short break from studying physics right now. :scared:

Anyhow, @Flaren89 do you have stats for a level 10 Su-35? I can't seem to find it anywhere else.