Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR

This is what I expect.
Never liked this type of camo, only few the decent desert rock.
I hope for the X-02 Mobius (or the F-15 but there's Pixy and Cipher already), I really don't want to use the F-22 but Mobius is love, Mobius is life :D

Can we have something like this on our plane?
Please Namco :sly:
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Yeah, I forgot about Idiotmaster...

Why not a collaboration with Studio Ghibli instead?

Just another nice lady to keep my post balanced from that ugly F-14.

I wish this game had propeller aircrafts, that would make the job much less easier to missile lovers...
Is it bad if I want that? (The idolm@ster one)
:lol: Nah, it's just personal preferences!
For me these things are just ugly but I'm afraid we won't get those in any kind of event, too much models to put
in the special aircraft section, maybe skins?
I said afraid because a big tournament gives me the possibility to stock fuel and that's good for me.

Here's a big pink fat pidgeon.
The Rafale it's awful without this livery anyway.

But hey, I have other few exaples of equally ugly paint jobs!
Look at this!

Or this!

My EYES!!!


I hate this one as well...

Close enough, Nagase...

Then look, plain and simple! Just a beautiful classic. You are not going to scare enemies with a
anime-like girl painted on your aircraft.
That eye is gonna give you awful nightmares.


Even better than Cipher's F-15 and both Galm's colour schemes are very good looking.

simplicity is the way.
I assume some if not all are only obtainable through these tournaments?
As of now we have only a bunch of idolmaster emblems, the Pumpkin F-14D is a random drop, and you can get it right now.
The green camo A-10 was another random drop, first half of this month, now is unobtainable, you'll have to wait until Namco will make it available again, I bet the red A-10 will be another random drop too.
The golden F-16 was a challenge reward as well as the rot Typhoon (now both unobtainable).
No infos about other planes but I'm sure we'll see all of those soon or later (except the Mobius F-15 since the last time we had it was AC4) .
I see, doesn't seem I missed much then. Other then just today, the last time I played was when the Idolm@ster emblems were dropped. Got the one I wanted and stopped playing soon after. :lol:
I don't know if you are interested or not but you actually missed Pixy's F-15 as random drop; Yellow 13, Cipher, Strigon were tournament rewards. :P
120 stocked fuel+all supplied possible used, placed 570.
Top 200 for me was around 50 unit fuels away.
I have to say that I've actually performed very bad in that tournament so it took me more fuel than usual.
Top 200 was at reach with 150/170 total units.
Ok, it is official that Tekken aircrafts will be droppable for this week and next one (from 20th Oct to 4th Nov).
Those are 3 aircrafts with special remarks, let's see them:

- Su-35 -Jin- and Su-35 -Kazuya-: They are improved version of the Su-35 Flanker E, while the -Jin- version is a pure upgrade (excluding defence), the -Kazuya- version misses in the Speed upgrade to improve even more the Mobility stat. So now, what is the remarkable thing? They brings a new special weapon, the MHPM. According to the description, it's exactely the same thing to the HPAA. So what's the difference? The difference is, continuing to read the description, that if you keep the aim to the locked target (so without switching or losing contact), the missle guidance will improve, we still don't know how much because stats shows the HPAA portion of it, maybe to make it more similar (but still behind) to QAAM with improved damage.
Don't worry if you don't like this special weapon, at lv4 will get again base's 6AAM and at lv7 base's QAAM. Literally, it's just like they put an improved version of HPAA from lv7 to lv1, switching lv unlocks for special weapons.

- Su-34 -Alisa & Xiaoyu-: It is an improved version of the Su-34 Fullback. Here again, surprise! New special weapon. This time we talk about the EGPB. Like the name suggests, it's the upgraded version of GPB (rember above about MHPB and HPAA?), this time keeping lock on the target will improve the radius (area) of the damage, we can assume to something similar to non-area-upgrade-part-equipped UGBs or even more, still have to discover as stats shows the same as regular GPB version.
Here again, special weapons unlocks are switched but keeps the same: GPB becomes EGPB and unlocked at lv1 (base lv7), 4AGM unlock at lv4 (base lv1) and LAGM unlock at lv7 (base lv1).

Notice also that all 3 aircrafts have a lv1 base cost of 725, meaning that they are a very high tier (still not maximum) aircrafts, at same level of F-35B Lightning II, ASF-X Shinden II, F-15 S/MTD -Stripes- and Rafale M -Vent d'Ange-.
They fill the hole for fighters (previously from 700 of Su-35 Flanker E, Su-37 Terminator, Su-33 -Pirates-, Su-33 -Strigon-, F-15 -Pixy- and F-15 -Cipher- directly to 750 of T-50 PAK-FA, F-22A Raptor and Su-37 -Yellow-) and brings the most powerfull Attacker from the 675 of Su-34's base version to the 725 of this one.
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The idolmaster paint schemes...:lol:.

The best place to fly those would be in TDM. Imagine the look on the face of the person you just shot down when they see it :lol:.

Alisa & Xiaoyu Tekken plane is apparently a drop. Will be disappoint if neither of them have oversized boobs and/or are wearing skimpy outfits as per other Bamco properties.

EDIT: Also that Christmas A-10 skin = 10/10 will fly.
The idolmaster paint schemes...:lol:.

The best place to fly those would be in TDM. Imagine the look on the face of the person you just shot down when they see it :lol:.

Alisa & Xiaoyu Tekken plane is apparently a drop. Will be disappoint if neither of them have oversized boobs and/or are wearing skimpy outfits as per other Bamco properties.

EDIT: Also that Christmas A-10 skin = 10/10 will fly.

Read at the message I wrote just few minutes ago, while you were writing probably.
oversized boobs

"This planes has 2 UGBs"

Unbelievable Giant Boobs

Ehm ehm, the new two weapons are a nice marketing strategy, some of the pilots up there will sure waste some fuel to get them.
I hope for the next tournament, Garuda, maybe, since the update leak 1.03 is now completely revealed, except the Falken and the X-02, so if it's Garuda I'll probably have all of them in my hangar.
Would you look at that? I got the Su-35 Jin first day using only supplied fuel (though I did end up using 1 stocked fuel because a MDP II came up, it was worth it :sly:). Now the only question is whether to use it. It seems the F-22 is still the only fighter that will have enough parts slots to build the TDM specialised Fighter I want to build.:indiff:

Also, are all those other skins up there (the girlies ones, the pac-man F-35 etc.) ones we're still yet to get, or were they released in other markets? I've been dying for a decent F-35 skin, but pacman will NOT cut it!:crazy:
@Paulie I just bought the aircraft slot extensor this morning, it costs only 2€. So make just like me: 2 aircrafts per role. This will be my list when I'll have everything:

- Fighter F: F-22A Raptor with QAAM;
- Fighter X: Su-35 "Kazuya" with MHPM;
- Multirole F: F-15 S/MTD with LAGM;
- Multirole X: Still have to define, probably the Su-47 Berkut with UGB or future special aircraft;
- Attacker F: F-117 Nighthawk with SOD;
- Attacker X: Su-34 "Alisa & Xiaoyu" with EGPB;
- Random 1: For special event or challenges or change from ordinary;
- Random 2: For special event or challenges or change from ordinary.

In the way you want to do, you can make something like 1 fighter co-op (Su-35), 1 fighter DM (F-22), 1 multirole co-op, etc.
Hey guys, I've dropped the Su-34 "Alisa & Xiaoyu" :D
But unfortunately, it seems that the enhanced thing from base GPBs it's bugged or hard to use, I didn't see any increase of radius on the test in "Test flight mode" I did right to try this one. Need further tentatives in co-op missions (when I'll get again fuel) and/or look in the web for a solution, it may be also for a traduction error from japanese language.
Great to sortie with you @Paulie. I thought I made an error by not changing my F-22 from it's TDM setup of QAAMs to the co-op 4AAMS but managed to pull off a win in the end!

I didn't even notice, I'm not familiar with your online handle.:lol: Looking at it now though I do remember the PHI_NZL in a lobby at some point. What mission was it? Did you or I MVP? Add me on PSN if you like, "You can be my wingman any time." :lol:
Edit: We must be a similar MR if we were in the same lobby? I'm in the mid-1900's, I generally won't sortie with anyone lower than 1800 (out of respect to the guys without top tier jets yet), but if I can find a lobby I'll sortie with guys in the 1900-2000's as first choice.

@Paulie I just bought the aircraft slot extensor this morning, it costs only 2€. So make just like me: 2 aircrafts per role. This will be my list when I'll have everything:
- Fighter F: F-22A Raptor with QAAM;
- Fighter X: Su-35 "Kazuya" with MHPM;
- Multirole F: F-15 S/MTD with LAGM;
- Multirole X: Still have to define, probably the Su-47 Berkut with UGB or future special aircraft;
- Attacker F: F-117 Nighthawk with SOD;
- Attacker X: Su-34 "Alisa & Xiaoyu" with EGPB;
- Random 1: For special event or challenges or change from ordinary;
- Random 2: For special event or challenges or change from ordinary.
In the way you want to do, you can make something like 1 fighter co-op (Su-35), 1 fighter DM (F-22), 1 multirole co-op, etc.

I'm not familiar with this additional aircraft slots contraption? Is it purchased through PSN store or something? I don't exactly need it though, I figure by the time I have 4 jets I can/would use I'd have enough cash to just change jets at will and pay for equipping the parts.
I'm currently looking to unlock the Large missile damage on standard missiles. Going to downgrade the speed from Large to Medium so I can equip the large damage and see if it's enough to let me one-shot kill T-50s/F-22s etc. as I pretty close now.
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@Paulie Strangely, it is not shown in PS Store, you can see it just via game in the purchase options, which after brings in a soft version of PS Store screen. It is called "Slot expansion" or something similar.
It has happeared the F-15E -Garuda- on the aircraft tree. It has a base cost of 725, meaning it is an almost top tier aircraft (I remember you that top tier is 750) and it is a huge improve from the base F-15E Strike Eagle with all statistics, which less and which more, improved by an entire point out of 10 (1 segment). Part slots from all 28 to 31-33-32. In terms of statistics, can be also considered a middle-way version of a base F-15 S/MTD and its special version -Stripes-, but with more defence even than this last one.
It brings these special weapons:
- lv1: 6AAM, a very nice surprise, it is the first non-F-14 aircraft of the F tree to have them;
- lv4: SFFS, skippable, we know it sucks;
- lv7: 4AGM, with this it can become a serious counter-choise than F-35B, you lose the Stealthiness ability but have much more speed.
So the only thing that changes from base F-15E is the 6AAM instead of 4AAM.

P.S.: my studies on the game keeps on, today I tested some things on special weapons.
Thanks for the updates and insight @Flaren89. 👍
Hoping to have the Su-47 unlocked this weekend, although we do have thunderstorms forecast this weekend so that might hinder me, though I doubt it.
Ok guys, I've got some news here.
As said I've done even more in-depth tests on special weapons, these are the results:

1. I noticed that special weapon damage varies on the aircraft, meaning that a higher air-air capacity aircraft does more damage also with air-air special weapons (like HPAA, QAAM, etc.). But this doesn't continue if you upgrade the aircraft, meaning that at the end, the damage of special weapons is: "(aircraft damage @ level 1) + (special weapon damage @ level x)".

2. Why some special weapons got additional parts (like SAAM ring increase size) and some not? Because those that haven't specific parts usually are already an improved version of another special weapon. Let's see them then:
- Base special weapon / enhanced special weapon
- Enhancement of enhanced version
- Specific part for base version
- Possible throwback of enhanced version
- Notes and when use which

- Increased homing abilities if keep lock on
- None
- None
- Notice that this is the only couple in which base version doesn't have a specific upgrade part. Obviously, use MHPM all the cases.

- High homing abilities without need to keep in sight
- SAAM ring size increased
- Less homing abilities if keep in sight with SAAM, shorter distance lock-on
- SAAM have better distance and homing abilities, but you need to keep in the ring to use it, QAAM is automatic. Use QAAM almost all of the time.

- Increased damage on naval and heavy armored targets
- LAGM area radius
- None
- I noticed this only today which I got finally my F-15 S/MTD on lv4, LASM have increased damage against naval or heavy armored targets (like Missle Silo). Use LAGM if you wish to destroy a high number of quite close targets in an area, LASM if you wish to destroy a focused single or naval target.

- Increased area radius
- UGB area radius
- Slower reload time and usually fewer capacity
- These can be matched Bomb Ammo M on FAEB and Area S on UGB, at the end the only difference, more or less, is higher capacity for UGB. The choise depends just on the aircraft, consider that UGB is brought by Su-47 which is overpower while FAEB is brought by F-15 S/MTD (both versions) which is an excelent aircraft but worst than Berkut. Lot of ppl on the internet advise to avoid FAEB anyway.

- Increased area radius if keep lock on
- GPB range distance
- None
- Here again, the choise is just: have an aircragy with EGPB and don't want to spend a slot for GPB range +? Go EGPB all life.

The list above is entirely depending on which aircrafts you got and their levels. Obviously, if you got a lv1 F-5E Tiger with lv1 UGB and a lv10 F-15 S/MTD with lv5 FAEB, for example, you don't even have to ask for the choise.
Notice also that if you gonna use an upgrade for the base version, you will use a slot and 7 part units which can be used in another way in an aircraft with the enhanced version.

Note for 4AAM and 6AAM: each single missle does the same damage of a single standard missle, got higher homing distance (mainly 6AAM), but have a bit worst homing abilities. This for lv1 aircraft and lv1 4AAM / 6AAM, don't know in further levels as I can't test it.

For FAEB I need to do some more in-depth test, statistics says that it does much more damage, but lot of ppl noticed that increased damage can be related only to the fact that have a wider base area, meaning that in truth does the same damage of UGB or even less.
Let's say, same thing as 4AAM and 6AAM, they singulary do the same damage as standard missles, so the high damage on 4AAM and even more increased damage in 6AAM is related to the fact that they "shoot 4 / 6 missles in a row".
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I got the Large damage for standard missiles today but need fuel to test it. Had a SHR II come up after I ran out of supplied fuel and decided to do a forced x3 sortie with stocked. Screaming at the guys to "Delay the Final Attack!" and some douche says "Negative" and destroys the last gun resulting in an A rank.:rolleyes: :banghead:
Same happened to me always in another Stonehenge II. It was one of my last "burning phase" sortie, I burned all my 76 stocked fuel with both contracts active. I was really angry because I got only credits (x3.5 and active contract) when in another run, S ranked, I got

Anyway, result of the burn? I increased bank credits from 600.000 to 2 millions, even if I did a lot of unlocks (even expensive ones, like Stealth M and SAAM ring M near the F-22A Raptor which cost around 150.000 each).
Last but not least, may I say the most important thing, I upgraded my F-15 S/MTD from lv3 to lv7 and LAGM with which it is equipped from lv2 to lv3.
Now with this configuration I increased my skill range from 1.630 to 1.710 and keep rising. I also did MVP / VIP in several missions, even in lobbies with higher skill range players, I also beat some 1.9xx guys. And I still got only LAGM Area S, in the way to unlock M version. If you don't believe I can send a pic later, when my tablet finishes to recharge, of a 4 players lobby where I MVPed against 3 1.8xx guys.
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I got the Large damage for standard missiles today but need fuel to test it. Had a SHR II come up after I ran out of supplied fuel and decided to do a forced x3 sortie with stocked. Screaming at the guys to "Delay the Final Attack!" and some douche says "Negative" and destroys the last gun resulting in an A rank.:rolleyes: :banghead:

I can't one shot high tier enemy fighters.:(

Same happened to me always in another Stonehenge II. It was one of my last "burning phase" sortie, I burned all my 76 stocked fuel with both contracts active. I was really angry because I got only credits (x3.5 and active contract) when in another run, S ranked, I got

Anyway, result of the burn? I increased bank credits from 600.000 to 2 millions, even if I did a lot of unlocks (even expensive ones, like Stealth M and SAAM ring M near the F-22A Raptor which cost around 150.000 each).
Last but not least, may I say the most important thing, I upgraded my F-15 S/MTD from lv3 to lv7 and LAGM with which it is equipped from lv2 to lv3.
Now with this configuration I increased my skill range from 1.630 to 1.710 and keep rising. I also did MVP / VIP in several missions, even in lobbies with higher skill range players, I also beat some 1.9xx guys. And I still got only LAGM Area S, in the way to unlock M version. If you don't believe I can send a pic later, when my tablet finishes to recharge, of a 4 players lobby where I MVPed against 3 1.8xx guys.

I only got like $150k for my A ranked SHR II. My current bank account is around $30k.:lol: