Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
I think we will get at some point at least the bombers already in the game used by the enemy.
The game is good and it has a great potential but it's an F2P and this fuel sistem with tournaments are ruining it.
I missed the tornado too, I really hope to see a special variant with the shark nose like the one in AC6, and I've played HAWX 1/2 (got platinum on both on my old account, very proud of it) so I kinda missed the Blackbird as well (on top speed, missiles could not keep up with the plane!).
Despite I'm a Falcon afficionado, I remember using a LOT the YF-17 Cobra and the F-18 HARV, that's the only reason I got the black hornet.
I think this game hates me. Finally get a gold box with a plane to drop, get the holiday A-10. Moby Dick III Special Raid pops up, 4 player room with MR 1850(host), 1830(me), 1470, and 1370. :banghead:
>Gets SR4 in 8 player room.
>Starts setting up to record the mission.
>Host gets impatient.
>Receive message saying "Yo!"
>Kicked from room.
>top kek

Thank goodness it wasn't during forced sorties. @Vitocorp I hear you're going for Rena's Flanker. Lad! B7R 6AAM all day everyday :sly:.

Also, apparently:


I like how the South East Asian PSN Store doesn't have any of these.

OT: I'm still in the 6000's in the tournament, this is the first time I'm still sitting below the 10000s in a tournament.
Make the Blackbird a Bomber eh Vitocorp? I love the SR-71...
So I'm using fuel today, shoulda used a mercenary ticket considering I did over 10 missions and Got 2 Red rings (S rank) and one SH1 (someone could not get those jammers... so didn't even finish off stonehenge). I got over 300gs tonight. :) But I get two gold boxes hoping to get that glorious 2 mill prize and what do I get? The F-16F skin twice! And I already had it!:ouch:
Make the Blackbird a Bomber eh Vitocorp? I love the SR-71...
So I'm using fuel today, shoulda used a mercenary ticket considering I did over 10 missions and Got 2 Red rings (S rank) and one SH1 (someone could not get those jammers... so didn't even finish off stonehenge). I got over 300gs tonight. :) But I get two gold boxes hoping to get that glorious 2 mill prize and what do I get? The F-16F skin twice! And I already had it!:ouch:
It's rare but there's an SR-71 inside the game, it can appear in Comona sometimes. So there's a chance to get it!
Anyway... @Louie_Schumii @Paulie @Flaren89 I don't feel like participating in this tournament, the requirements are tremendously high for a single plane, there are like 4 days left and top 200 is already at 100K ranking pts, so I'll do some tickets challenges instead, final decision on Monday night 1:00 a.m.
Guess I'll stock fuel for Mobius 1...the top 200 I'll do at all costs.
I hope to find F-14D -Jolly Roger- in last 3-4 sorties of today. If not, I am forced to burn something tomorrow and at time I'll have 2 chances:
- Stop the burn at the time I finally get the plane and keep the remaining fuel for next tournament/burn;
- Keep burning to use as best as I can of the gold box increased drop rate with the 2 milion credit chance.
Make the Blackbird a Bomber eh Vitocorp? I love the SR-71...
So I'm using fuel today, shoulda used a mercenary ticket considering I did over 10 missions and Got 2 Red rings (S rank) and one SH1 (someone could not get those jammers... so didn't even finish off stonehenge). I got over 300gs tonight. :) But I get two gold boxes hoping to get that glorious 2 mill prize and what do I get? The F-16F skin twice! And I already had it!:ouch:

I've been posting a few times over the last few days over my desire to have the YF-12 in the game. The YF-12 was a real prototype jet which preceded the SR-71 and was designed as an interceptor with air to air missiles. I think (given the SR-71 link) it's not unreasonable to hope for a YF-12 with a special weapons loadout of ECM, HVAA and 4AAM (as they had 4 weapons bays, even though one was filled with electronics IRL). By that logic, in the game it'd be a super fast but none too mobile Fighter. Add the Mig-31 to keep it company.


Edit: Yeesh these special supply ticket challenges are killing me! Couldn't they have been 1 week recharge instead?:ouch: I'm scoring so low, not earning any cash and my MR is plummetting. To make it slightly worse, I'm not sure if/when I'll be able to complete the 20 rescue bonuses in 48hrs.
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I know right? I hate having to use the stupid mig-21 bis piece o crap!:yuck:
But I think about it every 20 tickets is a "free" Mercenary contract! I plan to use one tomorrow if time allows and do more missions in search of the $2,000,000 box. I got my fourth F-16F skin today, Doh!

I do consider the SR-71 the superior one to the YF-12. It may have been armed better but the Blackbird was built better and I'm sure could accommodate weaponry.
It is cool Vitocorp, seeing the SR-71, but I've also seen it at pipeline. It's also been in the other games too the one I remember is in AC0 when you have to chase it down while being shot at by Excalibur! Good times.:)
And just for curiousity sake, here's the info on it according to Ace Combat:
Man I gotta play AC3 so I can fly the coffin equipped version of that baby!
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Thanks to my lvl 5 mig 21 I managed to get a 2nd place in a pipeline destruction room with very few points less than the top scoring guy :lol:
Got mad when I saw 99% on the completition bar for the Mirage I had to do another sortie with the craptiger.
Done the frogfoot challenge, and missing few tgts for the HPAA challenge (luckly I got 2 top tier jets with HPAAs), missing the UGB one...
I'm afraid I won't be able to do the RKTL challenge...and in the meanwhile I'm trying to get the top 5000 spot to grab at least the upeo emblem. Tough stuff:lol:
I finally got the F-14D -JR-. I had to use a good part of my stocked fuel (I went down from the 122 of this morning to the actual 72), but I finally got that plane.
With both mercenary contracts active, I also got a huge boost in researches (credits almost spent all what I earned today), mostly getting 3 planes from lv1 to lv4 unlocking special weapon I want to use on them and from lv4 to lv7 the F-35B for next TDM and can use the 4AGM with it.

I was quite unlucky also, got very few raid missions and only one was II (MDII). But I'm happy, still got a good amount of stxoked fuel, which now I start again to re-stock, for a future tournament I will interested on.
We don't know. Some got it at first gold box of the weekend, some (like me and you) never saw it even after loads of gold boxes...
Thanks to my lvl 5 mig 21 I managed to get a 2nd place in a pipeline destruction room with very few points less than the top scoring guy :lol:
Got mad when I saw 99% on the completition bar for the Mirage I had to do another sortie with the craptiger.
Done the frogfoot challenge, and missing few tgts for the HPAA challenge (luckly I got 2 top tier jets with HPAAs), missing the UGB one...
I'm afraid I won't be able to do the RKTL challenge...and in the meanwhile I'm trying to get the top 5000 spot to grab at least the upeo emblem. Tough stuff:lol:

I did the Mig-21 for the second time this morning, got 28k on the first sortie and had to go again, got 39k on the next sortie in the same room with the same guys in the same jets.:banghead:
I find the Mirage, Frogfoot and UGB challenges rather easy, but since the F-4E is the most powerful jet I have with HPAA that one's a little testing, and my Mig-21 is level 2 so it's downright painful. Even at level 15 the Mig-21 is a pile of garbage.
My research on the PAK-FA has completed, now I really need those 2 million. Might play a few sorties later.

Anyone here got the A-10A -Happy Holidays- yet? The plane looks kinda colourful and bright for such a killer attacker. :lol:
I got A-10A -HH-. Well, the livery itself is not that bad, even in a winged tank like the A-10 (could be better on other planes anyway), the problem is the cartoonish smiling reindeer on the sides. That really give you a punch in the eye.

Performance wise, it should be a little bit better than the -GR- even with same base Cst, because it got higher Mobility and Stability with just lower Defence (which doesn't really need at high levels) and got 2 more slots in Arms parts at cost of 1 less in Body and Misc (Personally feel Arms slots are better).
Oh and got more FAEB (2 at start, 4 after some levels) than the -GR-, so if you want to use them, -HH- is best. RKTL and 4AGM seems to have the same load in both planes.
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My research on the PAK-FA has completed, now I really need those 2 million. Might play a few sorties later.

Anyone here got the A-10A -Happy Holidays- yet? The plane looks kinda colourful and bright for such a killer attacker. :lol:

You jumped on just as I finished using my last fuel unit. I was busy failing badly using an F-4E for the HPAA challenge, two sorties only got me to 34%.:ouch:
On the other hand, I bought the LL Armour part tonight and research on the B-2 has begun. I'm also flat broke and doing these challenges won't change that any time soon. Pretty soon research in to level 9 on the YF-23 will be complete, and probably the Mig-21 and B-2 won't take long. HVAA level 4 research is kicking along, so before long I'll be getting credits reimbursed at least.
That $2mil would be a huge help, as always with anyone at any time in this game.:crazy:
You jumped on just as I finished using my last fuel unit. I was busy failing badly using an F-4E for the HPAA challenge, two sorties only got me to 34%.:ouch:
On the other hand, I bought the LL Armour part tonight and research on the B-2 has begun. I'm also flat broke and doing these challenges won't change that any time soon. Pretty soon research in to level 9 on the YF-23 will be complete, and probably the Mig-21 and B-2 won't take long. HVAA level 4 research is kicking along, so before long I'll be getting credits reimbursed at least.
That $2mil would be a huge help, as always with anyone at any time in this game.:crazy:

You seemed unlucky like what happened to me earlier this morning. :lol:

Anyways, sortied 4 times this evening for the RKTL challenge, got MVP in all 4 matches, yet no sign of the 2 million. Only got the F-16F skin. :ouch:
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Research on level 9 for the YF-23 has completed and on the B-2A, now all I need is $600k for the Grey Ghost and a Spirited $3mil, should be easy right guys? ................GUYS?!:scared:
The only research panel I have open right now is the HVAA researching level 4. And hopefully when I get home tonight I can do the score 30k in a Mirage challenge in one go (I haven't failed at it yet, but it'd be easy enough to do), because then I can do two WHOLE sorties in my regular jets.:drool::lol:
Anyone else got the Kottos and Gyges aerial warships emergency mission in B7R besides me? I got it while playing the stage with a friend.

Oddly enough, Stonehenge doesn't fire any shots during that specific emregency mission. :odd:
Mmh, next tournament will be... Based on Razgriz, obtaining its emblems. Also, shows 2 aircrafts, a golden ASF-X (WTF) and a F-15.

ASF-X seems to be -Happy New Year- according to wikia.
F-15 seems to be -White Dragon- from AC:AH DLC.
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Anyone else got the Kottos and Gyges aerial warships emergency mission in B7R besides me? I got it while playing the stage with a friend.

Oddly enough, Stonehenge doesn't fire any shots during that specific emregency mission. :odd:

Yeah I've had it at B7R, and although it was a very long time ago I think I got it once at Weapons Base Assault as well, my work mate says he got it at Weapons Base when he first played it a couple weeks ago. That must be super rare. I'm betting we've all probably seen them in the Alps Air Corridor a few times.

Edit: So the Happy New Year ASF-X is only a top 3000 prize, top tier 750 base cost, slightly slower and less mobile than the Ridgebacks with more stability and defence. Special weapons are 4AAM, LASM and 4AGM. Very tempting to go for it, but I'll keep saving my fuel, it doesn't do anything my more favourable jets can't, plus it's hella ugly. I forgot to look at the F-15 White Dragon, but I think it was top 1000?
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Don't forget, the golden ASF-X had the chicken character as it's pilot. :lol:
Totally going for it.
And I'm being serious, top 3K should be easy and despite it looks bad, having the Nugget mascot as pilot it's a unique plane.
So disappointed about Razgriz and Wardog being top 100 and well, I could have got the UPEO emblem as well but I woke up too late and played 10 minutes after the tournament was over, placed 5081.
So disappointed, a free emblem is still a free emblem.
Tournament starts in an hour which is conveniently when I get all 3 supplied fuels back. I would go for that ASF-X if those special supply tickets weren't available. If I'm top 5000 near the end though (I was top 3000 the tournament before last on mostly supplied fuels, didn't make the top 10,000 on this tournament because of flying crappy jets for challenges) I'll have a crack at it maybe.
HVAA level 4 finished research this morning, I now have no research panels open and it will be a while before I can afford anything anyway.
I'm really upset that the Razgriz emblem is only for the top 100. As you can probably tell by my username, I'm a huge fan of AC5, but I don't have the money or time to try to get those emblems. *sigh* PA, why must you do this? If anything, making it slightly more accessible (top 2000 like the Wardog emblem, for example) could generate more fuel sale money since more people would try to get it rather than be discouraged like me.
They just added a bunch of new Special Supply Ticket Challenges, and I can't tell if it's a good thing.:odd: On one hand, it means I'll be doing even less sorties in my regular F-35, but on the other hand some of these are easier to achieve for me, like the HCAA challenge I can outfit an F-35 to do (or use my level 4 Zipang to contribute whilst doing the score 30k challenge in it). Given they only take 2 days to recharge, I suppose it means I'll be able to do more sorties at a more competitive level, I may not need to worry about the agonizing HPAA challenge that has been plagueing me (it's been taking me 4-5 sorties to do, and I have to do it in either an F-4E or Mig-21).

Edit: After another sortie in the F-4E for the HPAA challenge and still only being at 68%, I've decided the extra challenges will be a good thing, I'm going to ignore the HPAA challenge after I complete this one, I should have plenty of other challenges to keep me going.

Edit 2: There goes 2 fuel units down the drain and the perfect opportunity to finish the HPAA challenge. PSN is down again, for the 2nd day in a row over Christmas/Boxing Day no less.:rolleyes: I can only assume they've been hacked once more.
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Wait, there's another attack on PSN?

How wonderful, taking down PSN during Christmas. :rolleyes: Good thing I went to a hotel and not having to deal with this 🤬.
Wait, there's another attack on PSN?

How wonderful, taking down PSN during Christmas. :rolleyes: Good thing I went to a hotel and not having to deal with this 🤬.

I have no idea why it was down for hours this morning, but it's odd on Christmas. I lost 2 fuel units then had an uninspired 4 sorties (used a stock fuel when an Air Raid came up). First sortie in an F-4E which got the HPAA challenge to 92%, hopefully I can finish that off with the Mig-21 when that challenge refreshes. Got the HCAA challenge to 90% with my F-35 in 2 sorties (annoyingly, they're only JUST not strong enough to one-shot orange targets with my upgrades).
So all in all, I earned some cash thanks to reimbursed credits, but didn't achieve a whole lot. Now thanks to the time slot I was forced in to, I will only get one more fuel before bed tonight.