Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Was able to get online last night and today. If it wasn't for the hackers, I'd have level 9 on my YF-23 by now, but assuming no further interruptions to service occur, I should have it by tomorrow morning before work.
Apparently someone made a deal with those hackers, causing them to bring back the servers to its original state.

Anyways, I need to play a hella lot of sorties to get those emblems, they look great. :D
Hey dudes. Haven't been on here in a while due to Christmas and the network outages. Not to worry however because I arrive bearing gifts.

Screenshot_2014-12-24-18-48-36 - Copy.png

S-ranked Stonehenge 4 in a room full of ~2000+ MRs just over a week ago. Video here (YouTube hasn't updated the thumbnail to the one above yet so figured I'd wrap this post up in this awesome MS paint editted png - I do have to live by the "Stylish Pilot" call-sign after all :lol:).

Hope you're all having a great holiday season and wish everyone a Happy New Year from N.Z.!
Since I'm going for the top 3000, I'm not doing challenges...
Got a decent number of gold boxes: A-10 -HH- and 3 skins for that plane.
A disaster, still, can't find SR3 or 4.
Since I'm going for the top 3000, I'm not doing challenges...
Got a decent number of gold boxes: A-10 -HH- and 3 skins for that plane.
A disaster, still, can't find SR3 or 4.

Don't worry, I haven't seen either once yet.:lol: My MR has also plummetted to 1902, it was briefly in the 1800's this morning before I did a sortie in my F-35.:crazy:
On a lighter note, my YF-23 reached level 9 this morning.:) Used the research reports that stockpiled on it straight away so level 10 research is at 20%. I have to start earning some major cash again.:crazy:

Edit: @Flaren89 we were?:lol: What jet was I using that time?
Pipeline destruction, we were in opposite teams. I used A-10A -GR- for RKTL challenge and MVPed even doing 0.3k less than you and 1.1k less than highest score, CPUs made the difference. You used also the A-10A, or the Su-25TM.
Don't worry, I haven't seen either once yet.:lol: My MR has also plummetted to 1902, it was briefly in the 1800's this morning before I did a sortie in my F-35.:crazy:
On a lighter note, my YF-23 reached level 9 this morning.:) Used the research reports that stockpiled on it straight away so level 10 research is at 20%. I have to start earning some major cash again.:crazy:

Edit: @Flaren89 we were?:lol: What jet was I using that time?
No Jolly Rogers, no 2 mln drop no 5 fuel drop and still a low amount of emblem, got Belka (super yay) at least.
locked all research to get moar money
What's up with 1600-1700 MR players kept hosting the Comona mission? Is there a secret enemy or boss in that stage? :P

Anyways, got my MR to 1616. I need to thank my level 2 Morgan for that. :D
Pipeline destruction, we were in opposite teams. I used A-10A -GR- for RKTL challenge and MVPed even doing 0.3k less than you and 1.1k less than highest score, CPUs made the difference. You used also the A-10A, or the Su-25TM.

Ah yes, that sortie, I was in the Frogfoot for the Frogfoot challenge. I remember that score as well, not very often the human players outscore the rival team only to have the rival's CPU's make the difference up and win it.:lol:

No Jolly Rogers, no 2 mln drop no 5 fuel drop and still a low amount of emblem, got Belka (super yay) at least.
locked all research to get moar money

I haven't had any of those either.:lol: Except the emblems, I've got 3-5 of the random drop ones so far. I think I've had 3 stocked fuels drop though.

What's up with 1600-1700 MR players kept hosting the Comona mission? Is there a secret enemy or boss in that stage? :P

Anyways, got my MR to 1616. I need to thank my level 2 Morgan for that. :D

Once you can get any jet that will one-shot orange Fighter jet targets (Mig-29, F/A-18, Su-27 etc.) you'll find your scores and matching rate will skyrocket. Then the challenge is keeping up a perpetual barrage of destruction.;)
As far as I know, an emblem can be found only in the gold box. Don't remember which.
Gryphus, got it just now in a Gold box, at least it's not another -HH- skin.
So far:
Belkan AF
Aurelia AF
Leasath AF
Sapin AF
Serval tank company
Erusea republic
Project Golden Axe
Martinez Security
Olivieri Life Insurance

Give me the EASA logo pls
I got the Sapin emblem and a few others. I don't know why, but the Sapin emblem looks eerily close to an older logo belonging to the Royal Malaysian Police if I'm not mistaken.
Man do I wish I hadn't spent 30 fuel during the last tournament...I would've loved that Razgriz emblem. But then my planes wouldn't be the level they are, plus I went up 90 MR to 1690 MR or so.
I may not have gotten the 2 million drop during that fuel sprint, didn't even get a level 2 raid mission to waste fuel on... but I must've gotten close to a mill from the contracts.

But I go for one mission in my F-5E Shin to get that UGB challenge and low and behold! I got the 2,000,000 million box! I had to count the zeros on that one to make sure! haha. And then I spent it like it was only going to stay in my pocket for 30 seconds! haha. So here is where I am at now:

-F-5E shin: Level 6 w/ Level 2 ugb's
-Su-34 AX: Level 5 W/ Level 3 4AGM (waiting on research to use a Nonstandard upgrade to Level 6)
-A new level 1 F-15 MTD. So now I'm starting to get the nice parts after that like stealth and homing upgrades.
-Starting the research on the Su-37 now. But maybe I should wait until the Su-37 YL becomes available in the ticket store eh? How many months in did that plane appear? (we should receive stuff in the store according to the order they first appeared in the right? Ex. The Zipang was the first thing to be available to win right?)
-And Finally; Typhoon Level 10 w/ Level 3 6AAM's :D
So I have a decent group set up now...hehe

oh btw, I got the Gryphus emblem, didn't realize it's valuable... haha
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Man do I wish I hadn't spent 30 fuel during the last tournament...I would've loved that Razgriz emblem. But then my planes wouldn't be the level they are, plus I went up 90 MR to 1690 MR or so.
I may not have gotten the 2 million drop during that fuel sprint, didn't even get a level 2 raid mission to waste fuel on... but I must've gotten close to a mill from the contracts.

But I go for one mission in my F-5E Shin to get that UGB challenge and low and behold! I got the 2,000,000 million box! I had to count the zeros on that one to make sure! haha. And then I spent it like it was only going to stay in my pocket for 30 seconds! haha. So here is where I am at now:

-F-5E shin: Level 6 w/ Level 2 ugb's
-Su-34 AX: Level 5 W/ Level 3 4AGM (waiting on research to use a Nonstandard upgrade to Level 6)
-A new level 1 F-15 MTD. So now I'm starting to get the nice parts after that like stealth and homing upgrades.
-Starting the research on the Su-37 now. But maybe I should wait until the Su-37 YL becomes available in the ticket store eh? How many months in did that plane appear? (we should receive stuff in the store according to the order they first appeared in the right? Ex. The Zipang was the first thing to be available to win right?)
-And Finally; Typhoon Level 10 w/ Level 3 6AAM's :D
So I have a decent group set up now...hehe

oh btw, I got the Gryphus emblem, didn't realize it's valuable... haha
Last time I've checked, the requirement for Razgriz were like 150K ranking pts...I don't think, unless you spend money, you will be able to get your hands on the emblem!
We don't know if you can use tickets to get past tournament rewards, for now, we have just past drops or challenges.
The Y13 was the last September tournament, so last week of thet month, not sure when we'll see that again, I'm waiting for the low visibility Yellow squadron emblem.
Man do I wish I hadn't spent 30 fuel during the last tournament...I would've loved that Razgriz emblem. But then my planes wouldn't be the level they are, plus I went up 90 MR to 1690 MR or so.
I may not have gotten the 2 million drop during that fuel sprint, didn't even get a level 2 raid mission to waste fuel on... but I must've gotten close to a mill from the contracts.

But I go for one mission in my F-5E Shin to get that UGB challenge and low and behold! I got the 2,000,000 million box! I had to count the zeros on that one to make sure! haha. And then I spent it like it was only going to stay in my pocket for 30 seconds! haha. So here is where I am at now:

-F-5E shin: Level 6 w/ Level 2 ugb's
-Su-34 AX: Level 5 W/ Level 3 4AGM (waiting on research to use a Nonstandard upgrade to Level 6)
-A new level 1 F-15 MTD. So now I'm starting to get the nice parts after that like stealth and homing upgrades.
-Starting the research on the Su-37 now. But maybe I should wait until the Su-37 YL becomes available in the ticket store eh? How many months in did that plane appear? (we should receive stuff in the store according to the order they first appeared in the right? Ex. The Zipang was the first thing to be available to win right?)
-And Finally; Typhoon Level 10 w/ Level 3 6AAM's :D
So I have a decent group set up now...hehe

oh btw, I got the Gryphus emblem, didn't realize it's valuable... haha

I can sum up that whole post in three words: "I hate you". :lol: Congrats on the $2mil drop, I'd love to get it.
This morning I failed to get the 30k in a Mirage challenge in one go like normal, I hate having to use an extra fuel to finish off that last little bit of a challenge........

Edit: Came home this arvo and on the first sortie finished off the Mirage challenge, I only had 1,100 points to go and I scored 58k. -_-
Then did the Su-24 and F-2 challenges but I needed to get an S rank for a stocked fuel which I failed at. Thankfully with the public holiday tomorrow I can stay up for one more sortie tonight to hopefully ensure I get that S rank without delaying a day.
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It's as if Bamco knows that I'm likely to stop playing as soon as I [never] get the JR F-14. I might just wind up crawling up into the top 10,000 at the rate I'm going and I still probably won't get it. If there's a plane I've wanted in my collection since I was a little kid still fascinated by war equipment, it's that one.

Not hate me :P

How can I not?:lol: Congrats, and can you share?:P

Edit: No $2mil for me yet, but I do seem to be getting a lot of gold boxes lately, today I got the new special F-2 (which looks pretty good btw) and the emblem to go with it in my first two sorties.
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News from the new year:
- The 2 Morgans are in the ticket store along wih a new plane, a special version of the Su-24MP. Skins for all 3 planes. They didn't restore the fuel and contracts, so expired;
- New special version of F-2A droppable along with a skin;
- Next tournament already announced, starting 7th Jan, will have a new version of Mirage 2000-5 as special plane reward.
Got to sortie against @im2fst4u in a 4 player lobby this morning. His team got the early lead at the half way point, then Butterfly Master appeared. As seems to often be the case I come home strong in the second half and my team won the match. We only got an A rank but Butterfly Master gave us a nice payout regardless. @im2fst4u was also only using a HCAA setup on his Typhoon, had he had the 6AAM his team wouldn probably have won.

News from the new year:
- The 2 Morgans are in the ticket store along wih a new plane, a special version of the Su-24MP. Skins for all 3 planes. Not quite, the Su-24 skin is for the M version (the Attacker). Regardless, I have the Morgans and won't be buying the stupid star sign version of a Su-24MP They didn't restore the fuel and contracts, so expired;
- New special version of F-2A droppable along with a skin; I already have the F-2A and its associated emblem which is also a random drop now :P
- Next tournament already announced, starting 7th Jan, will have a new version of Mirage 2000-5 as special plane reward. I would like that Mirage but it's top 500 only in low tier jets only, of which I don't have a particularly strong one. The tournament prize skins are lame, especially since I have a near identical skin for the F-4E already. Just to count, that's 4 special Mirages while some jets (eg. F-35) have none, and let's not go in to F-15's.

My additions/thoughts in bold.
You forgot to mention that tournament is sticked to only planes with a lv1 Cst lower than 450, so we need to fight with F-4E, F-4G, MiG-21 bis, F-16C, F-5E, F-20A, Mirage 2000-5, AV-8B and Su-25TM.
So, just wondering what's the fastest jet you guys have and how fast does it go in level flight? Keep in mind your jet will go faster at higher altitude. At an altitude of 12,000m (the service ceiling in the game) my lv.9 YF-23 can go 3480km/hr! It gets there pretty fast too.:scared: At that altitude that is Mach 3.27, or as fast as a Blackbird!:D So what have you guys got?:)

You forgot to mention that tournament is sticked to only planes with a lv1 Cst lower than 450, so we need to fight with F-4E, F-4G, MiG-21 bis, F-16C, F-5E, F-20A, Mirage 2000-5, AV-8B and Su-25TM.

According to the Event page you can use special versions as well, so people with the Mirage 2000-5 Magicien or F-16C Patriot for example would be looking pretty good.
Guys, if I'm mad enough to try the top 200 for the Heartbroke tournament which plane should I use?
Currently my best low tier aircraft is a LVL 7 gold falcon...but I'm thinking about upgrading the kim aba's harrier, probably my best choice at the moment...
No Magicien mirage or F-16 patriot in the hangar to use.
I do have the white tiger and the F-16 libra at level 1...
F-16 and MiG-21 standard at level 5, but I'm worried about the massive amount of credits to spend on LVL 15 planes.
I don't know why but since I got to 16XX MR, I've always been paired with lousy teammates and being against kill-stealing idiots who don't play their roles. For example, an F-16C -Patriot- piloted by a Japanese player kept stealing my ground targets instead of focusing on the enemy fighters. Let's just say he got kicked out of my room afterwards.

What a waste of 3x forced supplied fuel. :mad:
Guys, if I'm mad enough to try the top 200 for the Heartbroke tournament which plane should I use?
Currently my best low tier aircraft is a LVL 7 gold falcon...but I'm thinking about upgrading the kim aba's harrier, probably my best choice at the moment...
No Magicien mirage or F-16 patriot in the hangar to use.
I do have the white tiger and the F-16 libra at level 1...
F-16 and MiG-21 standard at level 5, but I'm worried about the massive amount of credits to spend on LVL 15 planes.

Don't think you need level 15 planes to reach top 200 for this tourney. Your gold falcon should be plenty for air-to-air biased sorties. As for another plane, possibly level a multirole during the tourney (maybe even an attacker if you've got enough time to mess around with the special ticket rewards).

All of the above is just conjecture of course so the next couple of days might be a good time to test out some aircraft sets and see which nets you the most ranking points per match if you're not too tied up with the current tourney. That's what I'll be doing over the weekend since I've been on a bit of a break from the game over the past week and a bit (and have virtually no chance getting anything from the current tourney beyond research reports :lol:).