Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
I won't be going for top 500 after that advice vitocorp, thanks. Plus I was aiming for the most points not S ranks. You learn new things everyday eh?

I figured take out my big gun since me and my buddy two lowly 1600's were taking on two crazy 1900 and 1800 guys! But it was a great fight we had you guys most of the match but you got us. But 80,000k whew haven't seen that in a while. I was pleased with our effort.
Btw my F-5E is level 6, $8000 bucks away from 7 with level 3 UGB's. I got a hcaa setup for air to air but the points are better with this guy. I did a weapons base room with the ugb setup, everyone else was stealing ground targets at the end, I switched to air, got my pb with that jet in the high 50's and mvp
I won't be going for top 500 after that advice vitocorp, thanks. Plus I was aiming for the most points not S ranks. You learn new things everyday eh?

I figured take out my big gun since me and my buddy two lowly 1600's were taking on two crazy 1900 and 1800 guys! But it was a great fight we had you guys most of the match but you got us. But 80,000k whew haven't seen that in a while. I was pleased with our effort.
Btw my F-5E is level 6, $8000 bucks away from 7 with level 3 UGB's. I got a hcaa setup for air to air but the points are better with this guy. I did a weapons base room with the ugb setup, everyone else was stealing ground targets at the end, I switched to air, got my pb with that jet in the high 50's and mvp

Dayum, yeah my F-5E is still on level 1.:lol: Doing sorties in low tier jets (ever since the supply ticket challenges started) is the only reason I'm in the 1800's, I was as high as the low 2000's.:lol: Once it's all over, it's unfortunate but it's true that I'll be a wolf in sheep's clothing. At this rate I may drop a low as the 1700's which truly isn't indicative of my top jets, I figure I should be around mid-high 1900's and able to hang with half the 2000 guys.

BTW I'm pretty sure that Stealth has no effect on damage inflicted, that is an accurate assessment, correct? (Despite what stat bars say). Thing is my YF-23 leaves SUCH a SMALL sliver of health after one shot on T-50s and F-22s I've been wondering if there's anything, no matter how small, I can use to push it over the edge. I'm thinking I'll have to use the "Critical" datalink effect and hope that gets it over the edge (it has Link Comm. Output part installed so Datalink connectivity range is long). However, if Stealth does have ANY effect on damage it might be enough to get it over the edge as well without the need for Datalink, as currently I have Medium stealth and Large Speed, but I can always reverse those two.
The only parts that give damage are Warheads and Bomb Explosive (S/M/L). All other parts give air-air or air-ground capacities just because they give a higher missile ratio (Target Awarness) or higher chances to hit (Propulsion, Fin) or lower detection so that enemy would be less likely to dodge missile incoming or defend (Stealth). At the end of the mission, all these things give you higher damage, because you hit higher number of targets with them installed, but single-missile/single-bomb pure damage is given only by Warheads and Bomb Explosive.
Same goes for Defence with Stealth, Extinguishers, Anti-Shock or Enhanced Frame. They don't directly give more defence, but they:
- Stealth gives you low visibility, so enemies will shoot you less missiles, so indirectly more defence;
- Extinguishers gives you more health, but not directly more defence, if you get one-shotted, they won't work;
- Anti-Shock defence part may be related to the fact that you lose less control of the plane when hit, so less chances to smash on environment;
-Enhanced Frame gives you a damage reduction when hit the ground, but it not has any function in true fight.
@Paulie the top 500 should be at range but since the gap is very close I'll aim for the top 200.
The gold falcon can do high performance when you don't have air-to-air rivals engaging enemy fighters.
But the lack of slot parts makes it a not so good choice...
The only parts that give damage are Warheads and Bomb Explosive (S/M/L). All other parts give air-air or air-ground capacities just because they give a higher missile ratio (Target Awarness) or higher chances to hit (Propulsion, Fin) or lower detection so that enemy would be less likely to dodge missile incoming or defend (Stealth). At the end of the mission, all these things give you higher damage, because you hit higher number of targets with them installed, but single-missile/single-bomb pure damage is given only by Warheads and Bomb Explosive.
Same goes for Defence with Stealth, Extinguishers, Anti-Shock or Enhanced Frame. They don't directly give more defence, but they:
- Stealth gives you low visibility, so enemies will shoot you less missiles, so indirectly more defence;
- Extinguishers gives you more health, but not directly more defence, if you get one-shotted, they won't work;
- Anti-Shock defence part may be related to the fact that you lose less control of the plane when hit, so less chances to smash on environment;
-Enhanced Frame gives you a damage reduction when hit the ground, but it not has any function in true fight.

Cheers mate, pretty sure I had tested Stealth in the past as well but was going to do it again in cased I'd missed something. At the very least I can change Datalink to "Critical" and that should get me over the edge, giving my YF-23 the ability to kill any regular enemy Fighter with one shot, up to T-50s/F-22s.
Also, as reported on GameFAQs, When you reach S value on a stat, it will start a sort of dimishing return for each additional part that increase that stat. Meaning that if 'till S each segment gave half of a letter (E+ to E to D+ to D ecc), from S to S+ you will need 2 segments, while to get S++ you will need 3 more from S+. So, the improvement is still there, but it's not as big as if it is put on a plane with that part below S letter.
Again, we can discuss about this about the thing I wrote above: if you got S+ because you put Propulsion L and Fin L (for example), technically the pure damage output can be S or even "only" A+, meaning that installing a Warheads L still gives good amount of bonus damage. Not as big as on a A damage plane, and also Propulsion L and Fin L give lower bonus than same parts on a worst plane, but there's still an improvement.
Yeah I noticed that too, stat increases become a lot smaller past S. Anyway, once this tournament ends tomorrow I'll have more sorties I can do some testing on the YF-23 with to see if I can one-shot those pesky F-22s.
Another thing is for the special weapons. We know that their capacities (damage and homing, maybe speed) are related on the capacities of the standard missiles of the plane at lv1 we take example. Also, some have noticed that they improve a very little even by levelling up the plane, although is a secondary and minor thing compared to the base plane stats and role + lv of the special weapon itself.
But as stats are so low (few exceptions like reload speed for HCAA), they usually got 100% improve of the part you gonna install on it.
This is my first "superburn" after a while, as I'm going for the top 200, burned too much fuel to retreat now.
I need something like 10/20 ranking pts to break into the 200th position and I'll do this after midnight.
So far here's some progress!
The Y13 is ready to be ugraded onto L9, making a deadly PVP machine, like my already L9 Pixy.
Garuda finally to L6, and Nagase L5.
I'm upgrading my Mickey Simon as well, playboy bunny+heartbroke 1 is the perfect combo... Don't have the Jolly Rogers, so I can't rely on a better F-14, the actual plane of captain bartlett during the Belkan war.
Got a decent number of MVP with the Swagfalcon but you can't have high chances to win against high tier crafts using that thing...4AAMs and 6AAMs are the best choice for co-op but the lack of slot parts on the Falcon makes the 4AAMs useless.
Not a great night by my standards for sorties, anyone ever get nights where they're rushing things, firing before they can hit the target then having the kill stolen by d-bags? I had that, only scored around 60k in all 3 sorties in 4 player rooms, no MVPs.:(
My YF-23 can indeed one-shot T-50s, F-22s and Su-47s with the Critical datalink effect active which is kind of cool, but I'm kind of disappointed it needed the datalink to do it.
Now this is my kind of tournament! Top 3000 get the prize jet, it's just a shame it's easily the crappest and most useless prize jet they've ever offered up! (Su-34 Capricorn, the stats are hardly better than a regular Su-34 which can go all the way to level 15, the Capricorn actually has WORSE defence than the regular version!).
Still, there's lots of skins to be had, on each for the F-15J, F-14D and F-117. The F-117 looks interesting but I'd probably end up sticking with the standard black skin because it's more awesome, and since that Nighthawk skin is top 1000 only I won't stress over it. With any luck I'll get top 3000 this tournament on Supplied fuel alone. In my first sitting this arvo I sent in 3 MVPs, ~3500pts which got me temporarily in the top 500.

Oh and I'm sure some of you will be loving that Garuda emblem!

BTW research is going full steam ahead for me now, I'm doing only 1-2 panels at a time if I can help it, usually I can earn the cash through reimbursed credits by the time research finishes.

Finished on 167 position, can't wait to get my hands on the new Mirage!

You cheeky bugger!
Now this is my kind of tournament! Top 3000 get the prize jet, it's just a shame it's easily the crappest and most useless prize jet they've ever offered up! (Su-34 Capricorn, the stats are hardly better than a regular Su-34 which can go all the way to level 15, the Capricorn actually has WORSE defence than the regular version!).
Still, there's lots of skins to be had, on each for the F-15J, F-14D and F-117. The F-117 looks interesting but I'd probably end up sticking with the standard black skin because it's more awesome, and since that Nighthawk skin is top 1000 only I won't stress over it. With any luck I'll get top 3000 this tournament on Supplied fuel alone. In my first sitting this arvo I sent in 3 MVPs, ~3500pts which got me temporarily in the top 500.

Oh and I'm sure some of you will be loving that Garuda emblem!

BTW research is going full steam ahead for me now, I'm doing only 1-2 panels at a time if I can help it, usually I can earn the cash through reimbursed credits by the time research finishes.

You cheeky bugger!
Actually, I'll totally pass this one!
Top 200 for the Garuda is a bit much and I missed the Razgriz+Wardog (full emblem); I do have the low vis Garuda with the plane.
Skins are meh and for planes I don't use. Those zodiac planes :scared:
The fullback looks dumb, already have the Garuda LVL7 and Nagase LVL6 in research as groundpounders (plus a LVL5 Kim Aba) and that's a bit much considering I mostly use fighters.
Mickey Simon + Hearbroke One emblem=maximum coolness!
Leveled up to 8 during the tournament just for the emblem, can oneshoot MiGs! :sly:
Will not use the Mirage until strong upgraded!
This tournament has been good to me so far. I'm only using Supplied fuel but every time I sortie I get inside the top 1000, in between I drop to the 2000's. I would suspect, as more people use stocked fuel and surpass my sortie rate, I will continue to slowly drop.
Had my worst sortie in a long time this morning, it was a 6 player lobby at Pipeline, did alright in the first half with 17k pts, then it seemed like anything I tried targeting in the 2nd half was already being destroyed by someone else. Finished with 28k pts!:crazy: For the record my average score in my F-35 is closer to 60k.
Maintenance on 20th Jan, as planned. Will be a patch update.

For the tournament I think we will have to wait till Saturday / Sunday with forced sorties, a 725 Attacker probably will attract a lot of ppl. Me not, looking just to stock up fuel for another tournament, got already the -Alisa & Xiaoyu- and not interested in any of the skins / emblems.

Also, all of my researches are completed, so I'm gonna get from 6.7k to 10k (depending if lose or win) additional credits because of refunds. Even 3.4k additional more if I use stocked fuel for a last moment raid mission.
When you say all your researches are completed @Flaren89, do you mean every panel on the tree or just the ones you're up to?
Just the one I'm up to, but the tree itself is almost done atm. This is the list of things I still have to buy or got completely locked because didn't buy things before:

Unlocked but didn't buy (in case of planes a second research would start after the purchase):
- Su-33;
- Su-35;
- Su-37;
- F-15J;
- Rafale M;
- ASF-X;
- Su-47;
- B-2A;
- Extinguisher S;
- Stealth coat S;
- Standard Missile Warheads L;
- Gun range L;
- Sp.W. Fin M.

Completely locked:
- T-50;
- Enhanced Frame.
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I got pretty much everything on the aircraft tree, except some dead end aicrafts and 2 parts (missiles and guns, I don't use SP parts for ST missiles).
The Mickey Simon it's actually a quite good plane for being a mid-low tier aicraft, with 2 extra levels and 6AAM at LVL 5 I should finally able to sacrifice the damage L part for quantity M and Damage M.
You guys are a little ahead of me then. Sounds like I'm in basically the same situation for the top Fighter tree as @Flaren89, and the bottom Bomber tree. But the Attacker trees (particularly the branch leading through the A-10 and F-15E) and parts of the middle Multirole tree are still locked/unpurchased.

Do you guys think this update will bring new content/jets? I'm a little concerned about spending cash and opening up new research panels with the new knowledge of this impending update. Sounds like there will be a couple of new tournaments after the update, including Patriot versions of the F-117 and F-15C with the Stars & Stripes on them as prizes, and another tournament for the Ghosts of Razgriz open only to F-14s. Even though I have a level 4 Zipang, I bought a Jolly Rogers in anticipation as well, just in case. I probably won't compete for either anyway, depending on the strength and weapons of the F-117 or the prizes of the Razgriz tournament.

I'm quite sad to see the Stonehenge is being removed too, it was by far my favourite special raid, and the one I did the best in. After I used my 3 Supplied fuels, a SHII popped up, so I forced sortie x3 stocked fuels. Two guys got 39k, I got 38k, so close to MVP! Either way it temporarily placed me in the top 500 of this tournament.:crazy: Starting to believe I can hold top 3000, even though I'm only vaguely interested in the top 1000 prize of the F-117 skin.
I think that this update will bring the MiG-1.44 (it's at same level of FB-22 in comparison virtual-project level-reality), the L version of Sp.W. Fin and maybe some other parts.

I read about the tournaments, I hope to not have wasted my money on upgrade the base F-117 up to lv7 and the F-14D -JR- up to lv5.

Stonehenge removed I think is just for a period, just hope to get the IV before the patch (already did some times the III).
Top 200 for the Razgriz...
I have the right equipment but let's face it, this won't be easy...rooms full of fighters, 6AAMs are perfect for stealing targets but the S rank...meh, need to upgrade the Simon to LVL10 and 6AAM on 5...I don't have the Jolly Rogers and the lack of slot parts on my F-14 really bugs me.
B7R all the life for that tournament.

Instead I'm interested on the F-117 in case it will be equipped with FAEB or LAGM and be 700+. In case of 675 I will decide, 650 or less I'll pass on the tournament. It would be finally a good occasion to burn my 126 (today) stocked fuel with both contracts active, meaning that if I will find just only few times a raid II or even III, I will get load of money.

F-14 -Razgriz- it will be the A version, so I'm expecting it will be same as -Wardog- or little better (same as -Jolly Rogers- or even 25 more base Cst better, around 650 at max).
B7R all the life for that tournament.

Instead I'm interested on the F-117 in case it will be equipped with FAEB or LAGM and be 700+. In case of 675 I will decide, 650 or less I'll pass on the tournament. It would be finally a good occasion to burn my 126 (today) stocked fuel with both contracts active, meaning that if I will find just only few times a raid II or even III, I will get load of money.

F-14 -Razgriz- it will be the A version, so I'm expecting it will be same as -Wardog- or little better (same as -Jolly Rogers- or even 25 more base Cst better, around 650 at max).
You're right, what an idiot...I forgot about B7R :lol:
Another good news, it ends on Monday, so 1 day less of forced sortie, and that's a good thing...
Just...why not top 1000 Bamco? :ouch:
I'm not 🤬 happy that the F-117 is top 200. Top 1000, depending on its strength, I may have gone for, but top 200 for a jet with the American flag on is a total waste of my time and fuel.
@Paulie It seems that it is a replica of the first US tourney. So probably the F-117 will have same Cst of the F/A-18F (from 575 base to 675 special, both top 200) and the only different thing is the better 1000 reward plane (F-15C vs F-16C).
The F-117 regular edition would probably be stronger on level 15, but level 15 on any jet costs a rediculous amount, and having the extra parts slots of a special version would be handy since Attackers don't get many parts slots to begin with.

Level 11-15 for any normal jet normally costs more than double what it takes for level 1-10 on any other jet. It would take me more than 3 times longer to upgrade an F-117 to level 15 than it did to get my F-35 to level 10.

Edit: Hey this Razgriz F-14 looks pretty cool.

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That F-14 looks really good. Is some sort of black with red stripes and stars version of the -Jolly Rogers-.

For the damage, ppl in the Aceskies found a really good thing:

I think these will explain a lot.

As shown in the gif and png, it seems that real damage/homing/speed/reload can be taken only at lv1 planes giving the base Cst and the role. (the 2 .png files)
About the .gif (wait it to load), we can say also that from a certain point (maybe every 3 levels, so lv4-7-10 and maybe 12-15 or 13-15), there are some sort of "jumps" which improves much more the capacities than what shown in the customization page bars.
Taking all of the links, we can say that capacities comparison can be done only on lv1-lv3/lv4-lv6/ecc. planes with same role and probably what a 827base Cst can do, all 827Cst planes of same role and same level-range will do exactely the same.

Still, there can be single-plane specific properties (like some reports Typhoon got really good homing missiles) which can change the overall performance.