Yes and no, butterfly master?So, hero planes and emblems being on seperate tournaments has become a thing...
I would go for another top 200 but I'm really afraid of the possibility of a near Mobius tournament...I don't want to spend more money!@Vitocorp You know what I meant. Having two seperate tournaments for a canon plane and emblem now means you'd probably need ~350 fuel at the very least to get both. More money for P.A. I suppose. Hopefully they put the profits they make to good use for the series' fans.
I just hope that ppl stay away from my F-117 -Stars and Stripes-. Got 128 stocked fuel atm and will use every single of them in that tournament.
Looking at this trailer released yesterday, we will get the Mitsubishi ATD-X.
Here the Wikipedia link to get information on the plane:
Possibly a multirole? Would be cool if it was, considering Japanese aircraft in the game seem to have an A2S specialty.
I hope they release more than one new plane model for the next update though!
For the plane, I have to say that's some sort of clone of F-22, just like F-2A is of F-16. If it will be Multirole, it will "fill" the hole in roles of the F-22: F-22 Fighter, ATD-X Multirole and FB-22 Attacker.
For tournaments:
"Make them Pay" tournament: Finished around 2.860th place. Now I'll change Su-34 -AX- (so bad looking) to the Su-34 -CN-, so it will have also LAGM at lv4 (sp.w. I want to use on it) instead of lv7.
"US Returns" tournament: Interested to finish top200, will burn everything I got (132 stocked atm) to get the F-117.
"Unsung War" tournament: Not interested, maybe just for the YF-23 skin, but won't miss if I lose it.
Now I got all researches stopped, so nothing old will "absorb" new incoming researches after-patch. Got 1.4 milions to spend or keep (this second is in case I want to buy the B-2A after the burn of the tournament).
@Louie_Schumii , any plan for Razgriz tournament? I got a bit more than 140 fuel, with a 60 pack I should be able to get a top 200 position this time but I'm afrad of a possible upcoming Mobius tournament and I would not have enough fuel for the occasion...
All the story explained in my previous post inside this page!Yeah I'm on the same boat. Will probably wait for the Mobius tournament since a lot of people have been talking about that after the previous campaign mission.
By the way what was the story with the two Razgriz emblems they had up for grabs? Is the one in this tournament the one on the actual plane?
Wardog: June 26-July 1
Some hints about the SP aircraft:
- 60th Anniversary
- a F-22 [Mobius?]
- a SP version of a long awaited aircraft [X-02 + Falken?]
- a purple aircraft [Butterfly Master CFA-44?]
- Thunder x Thunder
Can't wait to get the Mobius and fly with you using the Y13These update hints just showed up on Ace Combat Skies:
Update is looking good! Looks like I'm getting my ACI mojo back.