Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
@Paulie @Louie_Schumii
The options are:
Gold falcon LVL 7 (can be upgraded to LVL 10, I do have more than 2mln) and I need a good setup since with ST missiles you can't oneshot MiG-29 unless with parts...
MiG-21 with MGP, and that's insane, fighters have a very low ground damage so I can't use as a ground pounder, plus, you can't win against A2A SP weapons, expecially multi lock missiles.
F-4E Phantom for cheap upgrades and lots of slot parts, LAGMs and UGBs.
Mirage tiger, same here, but LVL 10 maximum.
The most reasonable choice is the Falcon I guess...but I can't enter a B7R room.
Given those options I'd take the Falcon, I like the Phantoms but man they're bad compared to all the contemporary jets in the game.
Given those options I'd take the Falcon, I like the Phantoms but man they're bad compared to all the contemporary jets in the game.
Oh, I forgot to say, I don't have the F-5 kazama or the F-20 either, but the Kim aba's Harrier looks a good choice as ground pounder
Unfortunately I don't have any of special versions of the low tier crafts, have to try with my MiG-21 bis lv4 and F-4E lv5.
My Gold Falcon, now at Level 8 is capable of oneshooting MiG-29 with the missile part M, the performance is good, actually, but I can't have a decent amount of 4AAMs...
Dropped 10K credits (are u srs bruh?), the -Nagase- (yay, now combo with the emblem) and well...the 6th air force division emblem. Missing EASA (goddamnit) and yuke roundel.
Oh, I forgot to say, I don't have the F-5 kazama or the F-20 either, but the Kim aba's Harrier looks a good choice as ground pounder

Yeah the Harrier will probably go alright, I never got that jet.
Got the Emergency Sea Strike today. The reward when you got rank S + 3x fuel and without contracts is around 60K. Pretty good eh.
Better than SH1/MD1 but worst than SH2/MD2. And just won't risk to fail S rank because kill final target before secondary.
Got the Emergency Sea Strike today. The reward when you got rank S + 3x fuel and without contracts is around 60K. Pretty good eh.

Better than SH1/MD1 but worst than SH2/MD2. And just won't risk to fail S rank because kill final target before secondary.

I've always thought that to be around the same as SH1/MD1.

So today the Special Supply Ticket challenges finish. Somehow I managed to fail the LASM in an F-2A challenge in my last sortie.

Does anyone else get it at the start of a mission where everyone else spawns miles ahead giving them a chance to sweep half the targets before you get there?

Edit: Oooh that was sooo good being able to do 3 sorties in my F-35 and not worry about crappy challenges.:lol: Then after the third sortie MDII appeared so I used a stocked in my YF-23 and got an extra $59k. I think I MVP'ed twice out of the four and got a close 2nd in the other two. I'm now up to $640k, and I'm thinking/hoping I'll get another $100k tomorrow. I need $990k for the level 10 upgrade to my YF-23.👍
I've decided to give the upcoming tournament a shot in my F-5E Shin Kazama, which is still level 1 but appears to be the best jet I have for it. Between the regular challenges (like scoring 120k in 6hrs) I'll probably only get 2-4 sorties done per day. I'm still not going to use stocked fuel on this one. Anyone notice they still haven't added that special new Mirage to the tree?
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Took a 2400 spot on this tournament with a bit more than 30 stocked fuel, necessary to get all the emblems, finally got the EASA logo as last one...
Now, the LVL 9 Gold Falcon is quite decent but not enough to keep up with any 6AAM platform as it requires damage parts to one shot MiG-29s, leaving 4AAMs completely uncovered.
The Harrier, now at level 4 will be probably my main aircraft for this tournament...let's see how many ranking pts this thing can score.
Took a 2400 spot on this tournament with a bit more than 30 stocked fuel, necessary to get all the emblems, finally got the EASA logo as last one...
Now, the LVL 9 Gold Falcon is quite decent but not enough to keep up with any 6AAM platform as it requires damage parts to one shot MiG-29s, leaving 4AAMs completely uncovered.
The Harrier, now at level 4 will be probably my main aircraft for this tournament...let's see how many ranking pts this thing can score.

Gold Falcon might be alright yet. Just focus all the arms slots on your standard missiles and have HCAAs or QAAMs as your Sp.W.

What I'd give for a high level s***plane :lol:. The best plane I've got for the upcoming tourney is probably my level 5 Mirage. Nice to fly that thing again :).
Gold Falcon might be alright yet. Just focus all the arms slots on your standard missiles and have HCAAs or QAAMs as your Sp.W.

What I'd give for a high level s***plane :lol:. The best plane I've got for the upcoming tourney is probably my level 5 Mirage. Nice to fly that thing again :).

Yeah, the LVL 10 upgrade costs a bit much, little more than 1 mln but if it's capable of 1 shooting MiG-29 without parts I may spend my money on it...otherwise, I'll take QAAMs and speed upgrade for the missiles.
Tested a new setup for the Y13, still at LVL 7.
Data link + with missile homing, Pitch, Yaw and roll L, QAAMs with Speed L, Mobility M and Damage M, lacks of SPW quantity (you can't spam those but if you manage to keep an eye on the counter, the number of missiles should be enough or little less.) and it's not recommended in B7R...QAAMs at LVL4, do you know if those are capable of one shooting T-50s at a certain level without the damage part or just the S part?
Pixy will be fully concentrated on defense and HPAAs with speed, mobility and quantity M.
Garuda with SFFS, totally on speed for the aircraft, the best I can do for the bombs, I usually don't put st missile perts on high tier planes.
Nagase will be my heavy ground pounder with GBPs or the nice alternative of rocketpods for missions like stonehenge.
The Kim Aba's harrier should be the best choice to use in this tournament, with 4AGMs and a decent part of slots...I think will grab much points than the gold falcon.
Just 2-3 more days before I get level 10 on the YF-23, I'm going to say 3 days though since doing sorties in the F-5E for the tournament should slow my cash earnings a fair bit.

@Vitocorp, don't you find it difficult to shoot down strong fighters with no standard missile upgrades? I've always found standard missiles to be basically useless without upgrades.
Just 2-3 more days before I get level 10 on the YF-23, I'm going to say 3 days though since doing sorties in the F-5E for the tournament should slow my cash earnings a fair bit.

@Vitocorp, don't you find it difficult to shoot down strong fighters with no standard missile upgrades? I've always found standard missiles to be basically useless without upgrades.
uhm, no, consider they are the mass-production missiles those are quite good, unless it's a low level/low tier fighter/multirole/attacker, st Typhoon missiles are quite solid as well as the gold falcon ones but for some reasons the 4AAMs I used on the F-16 are just terrible.
And QAAMs on a LVL 7 Y13 are still quite disappointing.
While all of you are discussing about high-leveled planes. I'm just sitting here with my lvl 3 Morgan and lvl 2 F-15 S/MTD. :lol:
That was a terrible night's sorties, my team lost when I used the F-5E for the tourny, then I did two Aerospace Centre missions, one in each of my Black Widow and F-35, scored under 50k both times and the F-35 even lost to a regular old F-5E.:crazy: At least I did just get 120k pts for the challenge in my 3 supplied fuels.

Edit: I should have the YF-23 at level 10 by tomorrow night. After that I think I might work on unlocking as much of the research tree as possible, then I can save for the B-2.
Once I get the Small upgrade for standard missile load capacity and reload speed I think I might put it on my F-35 to see how it goes, it would mean removing the Small speed upgrade for 4AGM.
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Managed to do a 2nd place using the gold falcon. LOL
Moscow, 4 players, 2 FB22 and a Vent d'ange.
Probably just my impression but the QAAMs are surprisingly good, while used on the Y13 are half decent missiles...meh.
Managed to do a 2nd place using the gold falcon. LOL
Moscow, 4 players, 2 FB22 and a Vent d'ange.
Probably just my impression but the QAAMs are surprisingly good, while used on the Y13 are half decent missiles...meh.

The Gold Falcon is the Swag Falcon. Nothing can beat it. :P
The Gold Falcon is the Swag Falcon. Nothing can beat it. :P

Even capable of oneshooting MiG-29 at level 10 withouth damage part S.
It's a dumb investiment but it's good fun.
Pitch, yaw, roll and high speed light parts.
SP ammo L and STD MSL homing part light.
enhanced data link antenna with faster reload.
Woohoo! Finally got the YF-23 to level 10, and would you believe? F-22's have 1% remaining health after one shot! SO close to being able to one shot any air target except special mission Aces. Oh well. I'll have to get it to Moscow, though I'm pretty sure it could already one-shot Su-47s I can't remember, it can one-shot F-35s, YF-23s and Mig-31s though (my F-35 can do that as well though).
@Louie_Schumii that Mig picture isn't working for me.

@im2fst4u wanted to know my current ranking for the tournament, well when I finished that last sortie it was 2928. Where are you guys sitting? I imagine @Vitocorp must be pretty high given he has a low tier that can one-shot Migs.
So...Japan still uses F-4s, cool!
@Louie_Schumii yeah, the do some pretty crazy menauvers, you can't perform some sort of Kulbit without thrust vectoring....

@Paulie , yep, I'm sitting in top 1000 (rank 817 at 18'595 pts, pretty unusual for the first day of forced sortie) with all the supplied used (no stocked), planning to go for top 200 unless the ranks requirement goes insane on sunday...
I'm sitting at 2500 or so right now; 11,000 something points. I wonder if I should push for the top 500 with my 18 stocked fuel... I am making 625 ranking points average I believe. 40,000 points matches average. I do love that Shin F-5E. What do you guys think?

Oh btw I got the typhoon skin, (Not as cool as Rot) and The F-2A Nagase. I took it out on the stonehenge campaign mission. It's nice for level 1. Has a better stall than my Level 6 Su-34 AX, Good Yaw control, decently nimble, Fast lock on. It's a nice plane. Good lookin too! Makes we wanna upgrade it to a rocket blasting machine. Looks like it has more rockets than any other plane. (too bad I don't have any rocket parts!) :( Very tempting. But I got my F-15S/MTD plus 4 more plane slots to fit everything i have now. But the question is what to spend the cash on.... I can buy a Su-37 too! Too many choices... What happens when the Falken comes out?...I'll die.

Btw guys here's a way we can know a little bit of what's coming down the pipe in the Ticket store...
Considering each month they are bringing in the drop planes from that month last more.
Hey @Flaren89 Do you wanna do another Special weapon comparison with the Air to Air weapons? Like you did here with the Ground weapons? I'd love to get some thoughts on them to see if SAAM's or QAAM's or 6AAM's are best.

For instance my thoughts on 6AAM's:
I do love one shotting orange targets and the sheer number of missiles is a benefit to take down lots of targets fast. Needs to be upgraded to improve reload or put on the datalink upgrade. Also parts for Damage is a must to get awesome results. Let them take care of the easy to get targets.
I also Tried HCAA. I hate them. But they are useful. If you use the high reload with Damage and Speed upgrades you can make them good. Speed especially. Have them ready to pop when your circling behind an enemy and blast them the moment you get a lock. They are going straight for a moment and that's when to strike. Plus you can pop those off quickly. (Better than HVAA for that reason?) With this method I'll use my standards with upgraded homing to take down the slippery targets.
@im2fst4u That comparison is old, prior to 2.01 which changed a lot of things, mainly for LAGM and LASM. I can try and will do again a new comparison for air to ground weapons.
What level is your F-5E @im2fst4u? Mine is still level 1, I'll be flat out scoring 30k points. I do try and get 8 player lobbies for the tournament though, S rank seems to be the biggest factor in getting ranking points.
If I was you @Vitocorp I'd just go for top 500 and get that special Mirage, if they ever do an event like this again having such a strong low tier jet would be quite handy. Those Mirage 2000-5 Magiciens can sortie in the tournament without giving up much on doing sorties in their normal jets.

That was a great battle we had @im2fst4u, only having 4 players in the lobby allowed me to get 49k pts in the F-5E, a nice change I'll give, but having that Magicien pilot score 81k pts gave us a thousand point victory! I was pretty nervous when I turned around near the end and saw those two T-50s remaining with you guys already in a dog fight with them. All I could do was sit and watch while the match result was decided.:lol: