@Paulie , I'm still stocking tickets but I'm afraid we won't get tournaments stuff...Placing inside the top 3000 with supplied only, I'm stocking for Mobius, Mobius will be MANDATORY.
@Louie_Schumii added you in both account! I'm Encom_RT
I don't care too much about the skin but I'm sure I can make into the top 3K without problems, credits and research are important!I probably could have ALMOST placed in the top 3000 on supplied only (with stocked fuel for special raids) but I didn't want to risk it. The YF-23 is my Fighter of choice, and I've always wanted the Black Widow skin for it, so I didn't chance it and made sure I placed comfortably in that top 3000. Overnight I only lost 200 places, used 2 supplied fuels this morning then a SOLG II came up so I used stocked x3. Got back to about 1390th, I'd say that'll last me the day very comfortably.
February drops: F/A-18F -Jolly Rogers- (real livery, a must to those love the plane) and AV-8B -Aquarius- (best AV-8B of the game atm).
Next tournament is again Co-op, japanese related and for 60th anniversary, prizes will be F-2A and a F-15 (probably J).
IT'S CLUBBING TIME!@Vitocorp after how insane the top 200 for Razgriz has been there will probably be more than one thing mandatory for Mobius.
On a lighter note, what's the inspiration for you PSN nick by the way? Reminds me of something out the the Tron film.
Actually, Encom_RT stands for Encom Racing Team, I was tired of Vitocorp since it sounds stupid despite it was my main account for many years, and I started to play GT5 all over again on Encom, and it became the new and definitive account. Not a single sortie on Vitocorp.
Here's the inspiration, just read the logo on the front diffuser.
I realized later it was something releated to Tron as well.
ATD-0 skin droppable for this week... And now we know which is the upside-down plane in front of the F-22 in the game "cover": it's the ATD-0 with that skin, if you look, it's the same
Idolmaster emblems droppable also, a lot of surname-idolmaster-related rewards in special challenges (along with x3 researches or 50k credits).
Tournament started.
I still think seal clubbing is somewhat legit, despite you don't have a balanced game and overall is not too much fun to grab all the targets before a noob can even dream of it.[...]
I wonder if they'll bring back the emblems as well...Looking at FB page and noticing they added Su-35 -Scarface One-, I may gonna buy for the first time (and maybe the only one) stocked fuel to prepare try get top 200 in a Scarface One / Phoenix related tournament.
I still think seal clubbing is somewhat legit, despite you don't have a balanced game and overall is not too much fun to grab all the targets before a noob can even dream of it.
Still, you'll need to do this method during the Mobius tournament, I want to prepare my Wyvern...
oh, and the F094H was my favourite F1, despite the F094S had a red variant and the CASINO sponsor on the side.
I loved that logo
On the artwork it looks like the plane is getting shot down it's a MiG-29, the others less visible are and F-2 (judging by the size of it's main wing, should not be an F-16) and the other is an ASF-X.
Got that ATD-0 skin in my very first sortie! Keep an eye on those idolmaster challenges as well, some are worth $50k each for doing sorties (and scoring 150k) in an Attacker, Fighter and Multirole. The rest are worthless just about.
Me dropped ATD-0 skin, x3 fuel and 3 Idolm@ster emblems.
I'll grab some fuel or credits instead! I don't need the F-18 either, my Black Hornet is better@Vitocorp haha that last quote. So true. That forum has actually taken a turn for the better recently when some of the more opinionated and abrasive members took a (prolonged) break from posting which is refreshing. A couple of other members there are also genuinely cool and most people probably wouldn't mind sortie-ing with them.
Lucky SOD*. Hoping to at least get a few of the idolmasters so I can have a different waifu for my different aircraft sets
* - Stand-Off Dispenser. In case any mods frequent this thread.