Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
@Paulie , I'm still stocking tickets but I'm afraid we won't get tournaments stuff...Placing inside the top 3000 with supplied only, I'm stocking for Mobius, Mobius will be MANDATORY.

@Louie_Schumii added you in both account! I'm Encom_RT

I probably could have ALMOST placed in the top 3000 on supplied only (with stocked fuel for special raids) but I didn't want to risk it. The YF-23 is my Fighter of choice, and I've always wanted the Black Widow skin for it, so I didn't chance it and made sure I placed comfortably in that top 3000. Overnight I only lost 200 places, used 2 supplied fuels this morning then a SOLG II came up so I used stocked x3. Got back to about 1390th, I'd say that'll last me the day very comfortably.
I probably could have ALMOST placed in the top 3000 on supplied only (with stocked fuel for special raids) but I didn't want to risk it. The YF-23 is my Fighter of choice, and I've always wanted the Black Widow skin for it, so I didn't chance it and made sure I placed comfortably in that top 3000. Overnight I only lost 200 places, used 2 supplied fuels this morning then a SOLG II came up so I used stocked x3. Got back to about 1390th, I'd say that'll last me the day very comfortably.
I don't care too much about the skin but I'm sure I can make into the top 3K without problems, credits and research are important!
@Vitocorp after how insane the top 200 for Razgriz has been there will probably be more than one thing mandatory for Mobius.


On a lighter note, what's the inspiration for you PSN nick by the way? Reminds me of something out the the Tron film.
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February drops: F/A-18F -Jolly Rogers- (real livery, a must to those love the plane) and AV-8B -Aquarius- (best AV-8B of the game atm).
Next tournament is again Co-op, japanese related and for 60th anniversary, prizes will be F-2A and a F-15 (probably J).
February drops: F/A-18F -Jolly Rogers- (real livery, a must to those love the plane) and AV-8B -Aquarius- (best AV-8B of the game atm).
Next tournament is again Co-op, japanese related and for 60th anniversary, prizes will be F-2A and a F-15 (probably J).

Just saw that, the aircraft drops will be useful/cool, not interested in the tournament though (thankfully, I need time to stock up more fuel, I only have like 150 left).
@Vitocorp after how insane the top 200 for Razgriz has been there will probably be more than one thing mandatory for Mobius.


On a lighter note, what's the inspiration for you PSN nick by the way? Reminds me of something out the the Tron film.
Actually, Encom_RT stands for Encom Racing Team, I was tired of Vitocorp since it sounds stupid despite it was my main account for many years, and I started to play GT5 all over again on Encom, and it became the new and definitive account. Not a single sortie on Vitocorp.


Here's the inspiration, just read the logo on the front diffuser.
I realized later it was something releated to Tron as well.
F-15J of anniversary is same as -Tiger-, change a bit the stats.
F-2A is actually the best F-2A of the game, and by a good margin.
Yeah, I finished above the 3000th spot by over 26k pts, I probably didn't even need to used stocked fuel.:lol: Better safe than sorry.:P
ATD-0 skin droppable for this week... And now we know which is the upside-down plane in front of the F-22 in the game "cover": it's the ATD-0 with that skin, if you look, it's the same :P

Idolmaster emblems droppable also, a lot of surname-idolmaster-related rewards in special challenges (along with x3 researches or 50k credits).

Tournament started.

If it's what nature intended then...

"A lion will use all it's strength even when hunting a rabbit!" [Skip to around 8.40 in that clip, been binge watching and binge re-watching that show since the end of last year :lol:].

Actually, Encom_RT stands for Encom Racing Team, I was tired of Vitocorp since it sounds stupid despite it was my main account for many years, and I started to play GT5 all over again on Encom, and it became the new and definitive account. Not a single sortie on Vitocorp.


Here's the inspiration, just read the logo on the front diffuser.
I realized later it was something releated to Tron as well.

Was that formula car from GT3? Man that screenshot brings me back. Good times!

ATD-0 skin droppable for this week... And now we know which is the upside-down plane in front of the F-22 in the game "cover": it's the ATD-0 with that skin, if you look, it's the same :P

Idolmaster emblems droppable also, a lot of surname-idolmaster-related rewards in special challenges (along with x3 researches or 50k credits).

Tournament started.

I actually like the ATD-0 skin. Almost worth getting the plane but not until after the Falken and/or the X-02 :sly:.


Is that an ATD-0 getting shot down in the original artwork? If it is then Project Aces isn't selling the plane and their national pride very well :lol:.
Got that ATD-0 skin in my very first sortie! Keep an eye on those idolmaster challenges as well, some are worth $50k each for doing sorties (and scoring 150k) in an Attacker, Fighter and Multirole. The rest are worthless just about.
I still think seal clubbing is somewhat legit, despite you don't have a balanced game and overall is not too much fun to grab all the targets before a noob can even dream of it.
Still, you'll need to do this method during the Mobius tournament, I want to prepare my Wyvern...
oh, and the F094H was my favourite F1, despite the F094S had a red variant and the CASINO sponsor on the side.
I loved that logo :lol:
On the artwork it looks like the plane is getting shot down it's a MiG-29, the others less visible are and F-2 (judging by the size of it's main wing, should not be an F-16) and the other is an ASF-X.
Looking at FB page and noticing they added Su-35 -Scarface One-, I may gonna buy for the first time (and maybe the only one) stocked fuel to prepare try get top 200 in a Scarface One / Phoenix related tournament.
Looking at FB page and noticing they added Su-35 -Scarface One-, I may gonna buy for the first time (and maybe the only one) stocked fuel to prepare try get top 200 in a Scarface One / Phoenix related tournament.
I wonder if they'll bring back the emblems as well...
I still think seal clubbing is somewhat legit, despite you don't have a balanced game and overall is not too much fun to grab all the targets before a noob can even dream of it.
Still, you'll need to do this method during the Mobius tournament, I want to prepare my Wyvern...
oh, and the F094H was my favourite F1, despite the F094S had a red variant and the CASINO sponsor on the side.
I loved that logo :lol:
On the artwork it looks like the plane is getting shot down it's a MiG-29, the others less visible are and F-2 (judging by the size of it's main wing, should not be an F-16) and the other is an ASF-X.

Yeah I swear it looked like a MiG-29 the first time I looked at the artwork.

Re: Natural Selection

P.A. didn't lock out 2xxx MR players from playing with =/< 15xx MR players completely so you could assume that "pwning n00bs" is a natural part of this game as it is with any online multiplayer. In the end of the day it's up to the noob whether or not they want to stick around the same room after experiencing a game with an experienced player with better equipment. I was on that boat the first couple of weeks playing that game so virtually everyone has to go through that rite of passage.

It's nice how the new challenges reduced this practise when there are no serious tournaments around since you've got 2xxx MR players flying around in bricks trying to get S ranks :lol:.

Re: Emblems and Prize Planes

P.A. will run out of content from previous games to recycle at some point so surely they'll do a round two of a couple of the major tournaments (Wardog, Yellow, Galm, etc.). I'd imagine they'd bring these tournaments back when player numbers start to drop a little. That's the impression I got from how they released the set of superplanes with the update. From observation I'd say it worked a treat.

Got that ATD-0 skin in my very first sortie! Keep an eye on those idolmaster challenges as well, some are worth $50k each for doing sorties (and scoring 150k) in an Attacker, Fighter and Multirole. The rest are worthless just about.

Not if you're a whale like Jason Chan or tanakachirousan who'd run out of challenges to do in one sitting!

I played tanaka in a SOLG II the weekend before this one and he well and truly whipped my Yellow's afterburners with (probably) a level 10 Falken (complete with top 100 Razgriz emblem from the tourney prior). He scored ~15k more than my maxed out Yellow...skill level is probably around the same, maybe leaning toward his side since that was only my 2nd SOLG sortie and I still wasn't 100% sure on how to best tackle that special raid. Despite being a whale he's a good host though. And besides, I haven't spent a single cent on the game so can't complain :lol:.
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About the Natural Selection I still agree, my current MR is 189X, reached a maximum of 194X but with my equipment I can pretty much keep up with all the 20XX, 21XX and so on.
You are a better player in a better equipment and that's a TOURNAMENT, would be like Usain Bolt running slower than others just because it's too damn fast...
So yeah, ""seal clubbing"" in tournament you care about is pretty much fine for me...
Last time I literally blew up 5 players using an F-14 Mickey Simon in pipeline, got double the point of 4 players in that room (same MR).
And 60K points in 6 player Moscow using a Garuda with 4AGMs uncapable of oneshooting MiG-29 going for aerial targets ONLY.
No MVP since the other team was A-10 and Su-47 with bombs...still, got more points than the A-10 and very little less than the Bombkut.
Can't wait to get my maxed out X-02.
Will be the end of the game for everyone. :P

About the tournament prizes, I'll grab all the classic aces at the second chance I'm sure there will be much less competition!
Plus I 'll have the time to stock enough fuel, I still think we won't get those in the ticket shop.
@Vitocorp Just don't let members from ACS change your opinion about it :lol:. Those guys, from time to time, are a hostile bunch. Which is the reason why I don't do anything beyond reading posts from that forum. To be fair they make valid points about the health of the game but if P.A. fails to adapt to the environment then that's just natural selection taking place. Survival of the fittest so to speak.

Anyway, do you guys remember when you were able to exchange the special supply tickets for fuel in the catalog? I think it was 20 tickets for __ unit(s) of fuel. I didn't exchange any of mine so just wanted to know whether the 20 tickets would have given you 20 stocked fuel or just one.
Pretty sure 20 tickets got you just the one stocked fuel @Louie_Schumii.
So what's the MR of that tanaka guy? I have seen guys in the mid-2000's, I always see a guy hosting called G_A_S_H_A_N who is something like 2400. I never join because clearly he'd beat my head in.:lol: Maybe I should join some day if it's a 4 player room.

BTW, I tried the "Plans for Improved Destructive Power" (standard missiles) part on my F-35 and my YF-23. Problem being I had to remove homing parts. The F-35 was a definite downfall, I wasn't able to kill anything faster and I was struggling to hit things I'd normally take out without a thought. On the YF-23 it allowed me to one-shot any stealth fighters, but again the lack of homing was too much of a downfall. In the end, I can one-shot stealth fighters during datalink in my YF-23 anyway, for the couple I'll encounter when not in datalink it's not worth all the extra missiles and time I'd need to spend trying to hit targets for lack of homing capability.
On an Attacker it'd possibly be a great part.
@Paulie thanks for the intel. A lot of these new parts seem like they're not worth the slots they need unless you have upwards of 35 slots to play with.

tanakai's MR around ~2350? Definitely has very good equipment but I reckon another sortie with him on a SOLG and I'll give his Falken a run for it's money in my Yellow :sly:.

Has anyone gotten one of those weekly/monthly drops yet? Don't think I've received any but I always rocket through the post sortie screen.
@Louie_Schumii you're right, AC Skies is full of ehm...ehm...
The thing that makes me upset, most of guys there are against seal clubbing but there's a high percentage who does this anyway.
Another example: I've done a sortie with an ACS user he was in a A-10 and got cracked by the Su-47 with UGBs. He called him "UGB Meta B*tch".
He kept inviting me in his rooms but when suddently I cracked his ass with my, let's say it, poor old F-14A, he stopped sending invites.
Last time I was dealing with 3 FB22s in WBA with SFFS...tremendous but it was my fault since I picked up the wrong aircraft.
If you encounter those guys the choices are 3, run away and don't complain, pick a fighter or pick an even deadlier attacker.
I don't want to argue with ACS guys since will end in "no matter how right you are, you are still wrong".

not a single drop, idolm@ster, skin or SP planes...
@Vitocorp haha that last quote. So true. That forum has actually taken a turn for the better recently when some of the more opinionated and abrasive members took a (prolonged) break from posting which is refreshing. A couple of other members there are also genuinely cool and most people probably wouldn't mind sortie-ing with them.

Me dropped ATD-0 skin, x3 fuel and 3 Idolm@ster emblems.

Lucky SOD* :P. Hoping to at least get a few of the idolmasters so I can have a different waifu for my different aircraft sets :cool:.

* - Stand-Off Dispenser. In case any mods frequent this thread :lol:.
@Vitocorp haha that last quote. So true. That forum has actually taken a turn for the better recently when some of the more opinionated and abrasive members took a (prolonged) break from posting which is refreshing. A couple of other members there are also genuinely cool and most people probably wouldn't mind sortie-ing with them.

Lucky SOD* :P. Hoping to at least get a few of the idolmasters so I can have a different waifu for my different aircraft sets :cool:.

* - Stand-Off Dispenser. In case any mods frequent this thread :lol:.
I'll grab some fuel or credits instead! I don't need the F-18 either, my Black Hornet is better
Yellow 13 + Adrenaline = utter destruction.


My team: ASF-X with 6AAM Y13 with QAAMs
Enemy team: F-16 and SU-47 (of course, with UGBs, got the highest pts but I don't care since I've outclassed one of the most effective 6AAM boat)


Bonus! Satellite Interception 2 with the Typhoon.
versus an ASF-X an Su-35 and a Wyvern.
sidenote: got 2 Idolm@ster emblems and now I have 2,1 mlns!