Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Yellow 13 + SOLG II + standby notification popping up on the TV screen = crashing at the end of the map.

What's even funnier was that I radioed "Oh! Jean-Louis has been hit!" at the start of the sortie :lol:. It doesn't help when you've had a long day but I'll still gladly take the credit reward (80,000 down from around ~90,000) at the end of the mission thanks to an elite mercenary contract! Can't have everything in all your sorties I suppose.

Also got a couple of Idolmaster emblems. Got the light green winking girl and can't remember who the other one was. Will have to check my emblem loot at some point.


Speaking of the emblems, let's play a game. Which Idol fits which plane in AC:I the best?

I'd stick the Miki (light green) emblem on my B-1B any day of the week. Imagine everyone unexpectedly seeing a massive bomber get MVP while a cute little girl winks at them on the score screen :lol:. Makoto (dark grey) emblem would go well with any plane in black IMO.
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@Vitocorp not to discredit your sortie performance there, but did you catch the cost of the ASF-X? You were at Tokyo, and most people (like me) who are doing sorties there in the ASF-X are doing it for the challenge to S rank Tokyo in one, heck mine is on level 1.

As far as I'm concerned, those Idolmaster emblems kind of resemble a new age version of the old pin-up gals they'd put on WWII planes and the like. I did get a couple already but didn't really take any notice.

Edit: BTW, I agree with your sentiment @Louie_Schumii that the new dual purpose parts are mostly worthless for the parts slots they require. I just started research on the part before the Falken, getting there slowly.
@Paulie , the ASF-X cost was higher than my Y13 and it has tons of L parts, LVL9 aircraft and LVL4 QAAMs so...:P

@Louie_Schumii as said some post before, I would rather have sexy pinups on my plane, in those emblems they don't show b00bs or something :lol:
About Idol+plane combo...I would put the twin sisters on the F-16 and the F-2 respectively, and the girl with glasses on the new ATD-0

Anyway, Y13+QAAM is almost Meta, if you are in the mood (because with 6AAM is quite easy to get an MVP) you can wipe away everithing.
@Paulie that Sp. Wp. Homing L part is brutal.
400,000 credits, painfully slow research and ridiculously expensive to install on level 10 planes (apparently costs 20k). If it does for specials what the L part does for standards though then it's probably more than worth it.

@Vitocorp this is probably pretty close to what Bamco will have as pinups, the Soul Calibur emblems with the Sophitia and Hilde girls were probably the closest we've had so far. Not complaining, happy so far with these kawaii idolmaster ones but would be cool to see more.

Anyway what does GTP think of standard TDM? I personally like it a lot due to the PvP aspect. There's nothing more satisfying than downing a human player instead of scripted lines of code.
@Paulie that Sp. Wp. Homing L part is brutal.
400,000 credits, painfully slow research and ridiculously expensive to install on level 10 planes (apparently costs 20k). If it does for specials what the L part does for standards though then it's probably more than worth it.

@Vitocorp this is probably pretty close to what Bamco will have as pinups, the Soul Calibur emblems with the Sophitia and Hilde girls were probably the closest we've had so far. Not complaining, happy so far with these kawaii idolmaster ones but would be cool to see more.

Anyway what does GTP think of standard TDM? I personally like it a lot due to the PvP aspect. There's nothing more satisfying than downing a human player instead of scripted lines of code.
Decided to go wild and blazing trough the upper branch, got the QAAM part, the Morgan, the lazor upgrade, the SPW homing L and and and missing just a bunch of credits for the Falken!
Will test the L part on QAAMs (costs a lot to put on your aircraft...) but I'll grab the Falken first, I just need one more sortie...ONE!
Wyvern can wait, we can get some special variants but the black prototypes are just too cool, period.
@Flaren89 yeah forced sorties are also effective during TDM.

@Vitocorp have you tried the QAAM part yet? Needs the same amount of slots as Sp. W. Homing S. Might be better since it supposedly increases the size of an air targets hitbox. Ideal setup would be to Have Sp.W.Homing L WITH the QAAM part though!

@Paulie have you tried the HVAA part for the YF-23 too?
@Louie_Schumii homing and speed L and the part but QAAMs would not be able to oneshot reds (they need at least the M part on the Y13 as far as I tested).
Maximum speed and homing sacrificing damage.
Not tested the parts yet! I'll be doing this later!
@Paulie that Sp. Wp. Homing L part is brutal.
400,000 credits, painfully slow research and ridiculously expensive to install on level 10 planes (apparently costs 20k). If it does for specials what the L part does for standards though then it's probably more than worth it.

Anyway what does GTP think of standard TDM? I personally like it a lot due to the PvP aspect. There's nothing more satisfying than downing a human player instead of scripted lines of code.

I hear you, I've never seen a research bar move so slowly. I wonder just how hard it'd be to evade the QAAM with all those homing and speed parts. I'm not a fan of TDM though, too chaotic.

@Flaren89 yeah forced sorties are also effective during TDM.

@Vitocorp have you tried the QAAM part yet? Needs the same amount of slots as Sp. W. Homing S. Might be better since it supposedly increases the size of an air targets hitbox. Ideal setup would be to Have Sp.W.Homing L WITH the QAAM part though!

@Paulie have you tried the HVAA part for the YF-23 too?

Nope, not sure how it's worth even giving a go. It's like this in the Black Widow:
"Oh that target is 12,000m away? *Nail the afterburners* NOT ANYMORE MWUHAHAHAHAAA!"
The jet is SO fast, combined with the already massive lock-on distance of HVAA you can beat almost anyone to most targets. Looking at seesaawiki, perhaps the Falken will be faster though, it has more consecutive S+ ranks for speed in the upper levels. Some F-15s would also be faster at level 15.
My HVAA is still on level 3 btw, I really need to upgrade it to 5.
I premise that I usually not go for pure seal clubbing, I just play relaxed trying to win but letting everybody get fun, but sometimes, like in the mission I post scores below... Meh, you better kick me out of the room or look for another one... When I have those 5 minutes in which I'm really angry, searching for blood and destruction... This is what happens:


On a side note, the second scoring guy, first of enemy team, is a 2.1xx MR player. My MR is actually "only" 1.876.
@Flaren89 , good job about the 100K score, never got more than 91 or so...
Seems like @Louie_Schumii and me can't play together...I was inside a tokyo room with a MPBM user, flashing all around the map and scoring tons of points...jeez
Finally got the Falken, it feels heavy but maneuverable, plus the std missiles are quite deadly for being a LVL 1 plane (of course they suck compared to others).
Time to grind for moar money and upgrade this new beast...
Yeah nice work on the 100k score @Flaren89, I've done it a few times and it really takes a tonne of perpetual destruction, you have to be on it! Not sure if I ever did it in a 6 player lobby.
Tnx guys. Today instead... Meh...

I was in a 8 players room, Alps, trying to do the S rank with RKTL equipped, in my A-10A -Greg Gates- level 4.
High MR: me (1.886), host (2.1xx) and a 1.840. All other ppl under 1.650.
Our team was me with the above plane, the 1.840 guy with a level 10 MPBM ADFX-01 -Pixy- and the other 2 were low guys with an Attacker and a Multirole. But that said, they were low, so unskilled or have poor planes. Opponent team had a bomber, which was the host, and 1-2 Attackers of low ppl.
At this point. You "skilled" guy with level 10 high tier Multirole, which targets you take? Ground targets, stealing them to Bomber and Attackers or use a bit of brain and attack enemy planes? He may have no brain then, because he attacked ONLY ground targets. Think that I got the medal "Most enemy planes destroyed"... ME.... WITH A LEVEL 4 MID-TIER ATTACKER!!!! WHAT THE HECK THAT GUY WAS DOING THEN?
At the end, we missed S rank for 2 F-15 S/MTDs, 2 orange planes and 4-5 yellow ground targets, we were really close. After that, returning in the room chat, this "pro" said "Now let's do this for serious". You mean this time you attack air targets? Too late noob, you already ruined my day, now I have to wait 4 more hours for next supply to try again.

For examples like this, I would like to have a report / black list system. So that I won't find these r*****s again.
@Flaren89 yeah you meet some pretty stupid people online. I usually end up disconnecting at the end of the match if I'm doing the RKTL challenge and we don't get an S (assuming I'm not the room host).

@Vitocorp as long as you sort out the connection issues before the Mobius tourney it'll be alright. I need at least one wingman for that event!
I want to do a "Boss replica" with the ADFX-01 -Pixy-. Will upgrade it to level 7 to make it use the ECM system, but I want to ask you a thing. For you is better to put only the reload part or also the area one?
- First solution, I will be able to have ECM up for 90% of the time, which is what I aim for and leave the space for an inventory slot used eventually to put a third standard missile upgrade;
- Second solution will maximize its effect to help also allies other than only me.
@Louie_Schumii sure, no problem during that tourney since I'll be burning fuel no stop all the time! (during forced sortie of course, I want to maximize the money income)

@Flaren89 depends on your play style but I would suggest to go for the first one since usually the increase on effect area is not that much so allies won't care anyway...
Has anyone done all the 5 steps to becoming an Attacker pilot? Currently working in step 2, just wondering if the prizes get good or anything since the wikis don't seem to have this month's challenges.

Edit: Just read on another forum the 3rd challenge is to destroy 20 targets in one sortie with FAEB. I'm not sure I even have a jet with that, much less enough of them to destroy 20 targets!
@Paulie level 4 A-10A at 4p room Moscow is enough. Problems come with step 4, in which you have to do at least 15k points with GPB (have to do with the weapon, not just equipped) in a SINGLE sortie. That means you have to have a good amount of GPB and not waste them in random yellow targets. 5th step is easy, 100 kills with UGB (same as GPB), but this time in multiple sorties.
What are the rewards like, do you know? I probably won't be upgrading an A-10 to level 4 just for the challenge.
step 4 give 25k credits, step 5 give 25k credits and the nickname "Veteran Attacker".

I read an interesting thing, seems that Fin (Sp.W.) S/M/L give homing abilities to SAAM. I mean, they can follow the targets even if you don't keep it inside the circle, somehow the HVAA without Fin parts. Obviously, inside the circle will increase even more the basic homing the weapon already have.
lol, guess I've missed some fun tonight, but I got a Satellite interception in my friend's room :P
Anyway, the guy in the second video should test SAAMs on red TGTs, MiG-21s are easy target even for an HCAA :D
lol, guess I've missed some fun tonight, but I got a Satellite interception in my friend's room :P
Anyway, the guy in the second video should test SAAMs on red TGTs, MiG-21s are easy target even for an HCAA :D


It feels like they've decreased the drop rates for them after the Razgriz tourney. Haven't encountered any high level raids this weekend (which isn't too bad I guess, saving fuel, at the cost of having to grind more).

Speaking of which has anyone encountered Moby Dick after the update? They said they're getting rid of Stonehenge but not MDP.
It seems that today AC server got huge problems.

That's bad because I'm using every morning the Additional Investment contract to increase by 3.4k the payout from missions (when win) or assure all 3 reasearches going on (when lose). Today did the 3 morning matches correctly, but if servers won't get stable in less than 1h 30m, I'll lose the other 2 possible missions-under-contract.
Also, I still have to do the 2 daily challenges which give those contracts (S rank Alps with RKTL and S rank Tokyo with ASF-X), although I already have 8-9 of those contracts in my inventory... But getting other 2 along with 20k credits, ain't that bad...

For the SAAM video, yes, it was the one I watched. And as said, they have around same homing ability as regular HVAAs without Fin parts. So you just need to test with HVAA to have an idea... Obviously, Fin L + keeping enemy inside the circle = 99% accuracy...

EDIT: Someone else other than me is thinking that this is happening everywhere less in Asia/Japan? For obvious reasons looking at the tournament related event?
Anyway, I finally got my Colonel rank in the only 3 sorties I did today, this morning. And relative unlock (quick lock-on, I don't think I will ever use it) + trophy.
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Yeah I had those problems this morning as well @Flaren89, lost 2 fuel units and the ability to simultanenously finish 2 challenges I've been working on at once.:indiff:

Very interesting about the SAAM homing upgrades! Maybe it'd make them more useful in TDM. Either way I can choose between SAAM and HVAA it seems, with my YF-23.

Edit: Thanks as well for the info on the Attacker challenges @Flaren89, for the cost of upgrading a jet I never use as well as doing sorties in a jet I'd earn less cash in, it's safe to think I won't worry about the remaining 3 steps.

Came across someone at Moscow today who had the Razgriz F-14, he didn't use it though and instead beat my F-35 with a 🤬 A-10! Dude obviously spends too much cash on this game.... I was still 2nd in the room though with 60k pts, a 6 player room which consisted of two 2100 guys, a 2000 guy, two 1900 guys (myself included) and a 1600 guy.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Re: Naval TDM

P.A. is teasing the Mobius tournament I swear. Mobius will most likely be co-op since it levels the playing field so newbies can spend money on fuel to try (and fail) to get the plane.

Interesting to note that the prize F-22 -AT- has an 800 base Cst. Can't imagine Mobius being higher than this since the Razgriz and Galm planes at level 10 are in line with their vanilla counterparts at level 10-15 + AC04's timeline is well before the timeline of the theme of the current tourney.