Ace Combat: Infinity

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F-22 -Mobius- 900 base cst PLS
Anyway, you may have a chance to get inside the top 3000 in this one and get the Varcolac emblem.
COME ON! Mobius and Y13 again, I want the low vis emblem!
Sorry to say you Vito, but I think that at this time, a Scarface One would come sooner, as a F-22 prized event is already up. In the best chance we can get, next will be Su-35 -S1- and the last before patch / first after patch a F-22 -M1-. In worst, I will have to wait next patch for Su-35 -S1- and you another month or more for F-22 -M1-

Still, as Mobius is not confirmed, it can come as a F-4E's special version... Although I think it would be bad. Or in a double plane F-4E and F-22 in different events.
setup for SP weapons: Mobile fin L, Speed L QAAM part S QAAM lvl 4 and Y13 LVL 9
Now, the missile stil does not atc like his great grandfather (AC4) but the upgrades are worth, no damage part BUT it should be able to take down an F-22 in one shot. I'll give it a try.
On B7R you are able to 2 shoot T-50s while the std missile needs 3 shots.
Damage L, Speed L and Mobile fin S for HPAA LVL 3 on Pixy LVL 9
The damage is insane, I'm sure if you upgrade the HPAA to 4 or 5 you will be able to one shoot even mid level bosses.
Good against attacker and Bombers during the naval tdm. Can't wait to use those...!
I barely use missile speed parts anymore. More focused on damage, homing and capacity/reload. Speaking of which, the X-02 can't one-shot the red S/MTDs that spawn at B7R during one of the phase 3s of the mission using 6AAMs with Sp. W. Damage L :(.

On a more positive note I can now well and truly "Dance with the Angels!" :embarrassed:

F2P Waifus ACI 33.png

EDIT: @Vitocorp do you know if the Typhoon can one-shot reds with 6AAMs and Warhead L? I might start levelling it up since I need to get the Rot skin when that challenge cycles back again.
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It's a Flanker-only tournament. We still have to know only Fighters or also the Su-34 (I think only Fighters).

EDIT: Su-35 -S1- is 775Cst, equipping SAAM, 6AAM and HPAA. Seems to be top 200 for the plane, but some regions, like Italy, have it top 1.000.
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I barely use missile speed parts anymore. More focused on damage, homing and capacity/reload. Speaking of which, the X-02 can't one-shot the red S/MTDs that spawn at B7R during one of the phase 3s of the mission using 6AAMs with Sp. W. Damage L :(.

On a more positive note I can now well and truly "Dance with the Angels!" :embarrassed:

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EDIT: @Vitocorp do you know if the Typhoon can one-shot reds with 6AAMs and Warhead L? I might start levelling it up since I need to get the Rot skin when that challenge cycles back again.
Probably not, mine, level 9 can't oneshot even MiG-31s, the L part is just enough to take donw MiG-29s
@Flaren89 just checked. Su-34s and special aircraft are allowed to compete. Nice to see them do more of these plane-family specific tourneys. I'm surprised the T-50 isn't part of it since it's basically just a stealth Flanker :lol:. New Zealand is top 200 for SF1 plane btw. Surprised that Italy has top 1000 being under SCEE?

Probably hinting at Mobius 1 too so anyone who wants to be prepared for that tourney might want to look into levelling 1 or both the planes in the F-22 family.

@Vitocorp speaking of 6AAM boats:


Must...resist...!!! What level are your 6AAMs? I'll work on getting mine to 5 to see if the Wyvern can one shot reds with warhead L. Currently at 4.
@Louie_Schumii , mine's level 4 but I don't think your Wyvern will do the job, rember the reduced damage for both ground and air tgts for multiroles, maybe the Rena Hirose or this new Scarface will be able to oneshot reds but I don't think so.
And I don't think we need an F-22 for the Mobius, FB-22, F-22 and the F-22 -Antares- that's it!
We got a big number of Flankers and special variants, like the F-15s tourney and the F-14
@Vitocorp I hear ya. Won't hurt to check it out though! There's probably already someone who's tried/knows the answer online so could be a better idea to look/ask around but where's the fun in that? :D
@Vitocorp I hear ya. Won't hurt to check it out though! There's probably already someone who's tried/knows the answer online so could be a better idea to look/ask around but where's the fun in that? :D
Spending credits for equipping parts is a big pain in the butt, if you could do that for free, I would test a lot more on setups...
@Flaren89 if you check the lucky number section there are numbers like 500, 600...1000 so it won't be a top 1000.
@Flaren89 yeah I saw on the ACS forum too. You should hang on to your screenshot and call them out on false advertising if they change things around xD

@Vitocorp I just asked that big ACI community group on facebook. There's a few whales there so hopefully they can shed some light before I blow 800k on a level 5 6AAM upgrade.

Edit: O.M.G. Special Weapon Homing L is amazing. I just MVP'd against a Pixy Morgan with my S/MTD on SAAMs. I've basically got en extra set of mild homing missiles to fill the gaps when my standards reload without having to babysit a target in the circle. Worth every penny that part 👍.
Edit: O.M.G. Special Weapon Homing L is amazing. I just MVP'd against a Pixy Morgan with my S/MTD on SAAMs. I've basically got en extra set of mild homing missiles to fill the gaps when my standards reload without having to babysit a target in the circle. Worth every penny that part 👍.
So basically you get a much more effective HVAA!
On QAAMs it gives you more homing but still far awat from the legendary incarnation of AC04
So basically you get a much more effective HVAA!
On QAAMs it gives you more homing but still far awat from the legendary incarnation of AC04

Wouldn't give it HVAA levels of homing outside the target circle. More akin to HPAA without homing parts (so you'd have to be quite selective with which targets to aim for so you actually hit something!).

Anyone playing Naval TDM? Doing a few of the 10,000 credit and merc contract challenge in co-op but if payouts in TDM is quite good even with a loss I may play a few games once I finish the daily report/stocked fuel challenges.
Wouldn't give it HVAA levels of homing outside the target circle. More akin to HPAA without homing parts (so you'd have to be quite selective with which targets to aim for so you actually hit something!).

Anyone playing Naval TDM? Doing a few of the 10,000 credit and merc contract challenge in co-op but if payouts in TDM is quite good even with a loss I may play a few games once I finish the daily report/stocked fuel challenges.
My session is going pretty bad, lost 6 sorties in a row...geez!
Me usually win 2, lose 2, win 2, lose 2 etc...

SAAM with L Fin have same range and homing abilities (but less speed) of HVAA when outside of the circle... HVAA without parts, so if HVAA equips L Fin also, it will become better. SAAM with L Fin is very usefull to snipe IL-76s at long distance without getting close. Almost double damage of HVAA at both level 5 and you don't need to keep in the ring to hit with that part.
Oh right yeah I just remembered that TDM credit rewards are closely tied to how you score in the match + win/loss bonus. I'll probably pass on the game mode this time around unless I have some out of sync supplied fuel to spare at the end of the week. The hunt for SOLG 2+ is more enticing with forced sorties! [Also, saving fuel.]

Speaking of the top 200 TDM prize:


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I don't know how you guys get by using upgrade slots for special weapons. I can't help but feel that standard missiles are nearly useless with damage, speed and homing upgrades. However if I rely on special weapons you run out too quickly before the sortie is over, leaving you with usless standard missiles. With all 3 large upgrades, both my YF-23 and F-35 can one-shot any aerial target short of a T-50 or F-22, in Datalink my YF-23 can one shot anything except a boss (emergency missions).
TDM could give a different set of circumstances though, but even then I find standard missiles reasonably effective.
I tend to use special weapons as gap fillers, I'll fire 4AGM from my F-35 when ever I'm entering a cluster of targets as an opening move, then use them at what ever's in front of me while standard missiles reload or there's nothing better going.
On my YF-23 I use HVAA mostly like a sniper rifle for long range shots, sometimes as a gap filler while standard missiles are reloading.

Emergency raids are different again of course, but I don't have a strong enough 6AAM boat to use against missions like MDP and SOLG.
@Paulie yeah standards are pretty rubbish without upgrade parts on multiroles. The most I usually run with is Warhead and Homing L, maybe Capacity M/L for reload speed then leave whatever is left for the special weapons (unless the plane level is quite low).

They're quite good on fighters though and apparently had their homing improved after the update so usually never have standard missile upgrades on my A2A builds.

I heard HCAAs got a buff an update or two ago so they could be something worth upgrading if you're looking at something that can spam lots of missiles without spending 2,000,000 odd to get a competitive 4/6AAM plane?
@Paulie First rule of special weapon setup: put the Ammo L part. In this way, they reload faster and got higher amount, so that you shouldn't run out of them.
Also, think that standard missiles improves each level up not only in damage, but also in cruise speed, reload speed and a bit of homing. So on a plane at level 15 mid-tier they are good, and on a level 10 high-tier also. The only thing is for low-tiers which keep suck even at level 15, but in fact a lot of ppl suggest to go for ground pounding with them (Multiroles and Attackers), while Fighters are usually just for fun or do something different.
My YF-23 is level 10 and I still find the standard missiles fairly useless without all the upgrades. I've tried HCAA builds in the past, even with the Large ammo part, and being able to spam them almost non-stop, my scores were consistently lower and the missiles less effective than standard missiles. Might be better with the Large homing upgrade though, and I can't remember if I ever tried them on a Fighter, much less my level 10 YF-23.
My YF-23 is level 10 and I still find the standard missiles fairly useless without all the upgrades. I've tried HCAA builds in the past, even with the Large ammo part, and being able to spam them almost non-stop, my scores were consistently lower and the missiles less effective than standard missiles. Might be better with the Large homing upgrade though, and I can't remember if I ever tried them on a Fighter, much less my level 10 YF-23.

Yeah man give the HCAA build on the 23 a go. It should help that it's a fighter and has a base Cst. of 750 since the damage of special weapons are tied to that stat (along with aircraft type).

I think HCAA is pretty under-appreciated as a weapon in ACI. If I had more in-game currency to play with I'd give all the special weapons a go since it's quite fun to change things up from time to time. Having a lot of fun doing the merc contract challenge with the MTD on SAAMs where I just fire, forget and hope the missile connects with Homing L!

Speaking of under-appreciated builds this vid is quite cool:

I think the HCAA test will have to wait quite a long time, I just finished research on the Falken and have less than $100k to my name.:crazy: I do have 12 Merc Contracts though, going to start using them if ever level II raids pop up.
I'd also love to test a SAAM setup in TDM, using the Large Homing upgrade, large ammo/reload upgrade and what ever speed upgrade I could fit in. However my SAAM is level 1, it'd need to be higher. Still would be interesting to see if it could be an effective sniper, just stay clear of the battle zone and fire at people from afar (shouldn't be too hard keeping people in the circle at 6000m right?). Not sure how effective it'd be at hitting people. Could also try it with HVAA.
Speaking of MGPs, this little weapon is actually pretty fun to use and very powerful in TDM, despite those are quite low numbers I managed to finish off at least 7 aircrafts with the cannon during this tournament.
And I've met Jasonchan, the whale of whales, he was in a SU-24 and in a Pixy, ECM aicrafts, pretty low scores despite the first sortie he was able to shot me 2 times.
High number of kills with my Y13, got even an MVP, on my last sortie there was an idiot with the FB22 circle jerking all the time pretty difficult to shot down...
@Paulie I'd be keen to see how HVAAs fare in TDM, especially with homing L and that new part that extends range and homing for them. I reckon a few whales will try that build with the Falken sooner or later.

@Vitocorp What special were you using? Circle-jerking is inevitable in this game when there's no limit to fuel, pilot stamina and whatever else will prevent planes in real life from doing said maneuvers for 6 minutes non-stop. Would be cool if they implement meters like that for TDM in the future since it adds a little more realism to the heavily arcade feel of the game.
@Paulie I'd be keen to see how HVAAs fare in TDM, especially with homing L and that new part that extends range and homing for them. I reckon a few whales will try that build with the Falken sooner or later.

@Vitocorp What special were you using? Circle-jerking is inevitable in this game when there's no limit to fuel, pilot stamina and whatever else will prevent planes in real life from doing said maneuvers for 6 minutes non-stop. Would be cool if they implement meters like that for TDM in the future since it adds a little more realism to the heavily arcade feel of the game.
Full setup:
pitch yaw and roll L
homing and speed L (for SP weapon) and QAAM part S
those missiles are quite good in TDM, pretty difficult to avoid in certain situation but standard missiles of this Y13 are quite dangerous too!