Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Full setup:
pitch yaw and roll L
homing and speed L (for SP weapon) and QAAM part S
those missiles are quite good in TDM, pretty difficult to avoid in certain situation but standard missiles of this Y13 are quite dangerous too!

That Strike Raptor must have been levelled pretty high too/had a very good setup to dodge those QAAMs :lol:. I wonder if they'll have a new game mode in the next update. Capital conquest maybe? There's a YF-23 challenge that hints at either something requiring a fast aircraft or a stealth aircraft (inb4 Mobius tourney).
Well, I got also an MVP in a Fighter... Depends on the "Cost / Skill" ratio of enemies. If the cost is low but have high skill, you will do poor points. But if enemies fly in high cost planes and never try to avoid your attacks, you will get high score.

@Paulie I'd be keen to see how HVAAs fare in TDM, especially with homing L and that new part that extends range and homing for them. I reckon a few whales will try that build with the Falken sooner or later.

@Vitocorp What special were you using? Circle-jerking is inevitable in this game when there's no limit to fuel, pilot stamina and whatever else will prevent planes in real life from doing said maneuvers for 6 minutes non-stop. Would be cool if they implement meters like that for TDM in the future since it adds a little more realism to the heavily arcade feel of the game.

I tried HVAA (level 4), with the Large ammo, Large homing and Small speed upgrades and it was 🤬! It was just lucky there was an F-4E on the other team I could shoot down a few times, but I still ran out of them half way through the match and was left with just cruddy non-upgraded standard missiles (which couldn't hit anything except for the F-4). Even when the HVAA did land a shot, it did jack all damage, I think it was taking 3 shots to kill the F-4......
TBH this TDM stuff is starting to make me really mad :irked:, I was following an F-2A on a circular flight path and I couldn't hit him at all, yet someone in an F-15 was able to hit me with a standard missile! SAME FLIGHT PATH! YF-23 vs F-2A! WTH! :mad: I haven't scored more than 15k points in a TDM for a few sorties now.
I'm actually wondering if lag is playing in to this. Everything seems so skewed against my favour.
I tried HVAA (level 4), with the Large ammo, Large homing and Small speed upgrades and it was 🤬! It was just lucky there was an F-4E on the other team I could shoot down a few times, but I still ran out of them half way through the match and was left with just cruddy non-upgraded standard missiles (which couldn't hit anything except for the F-4). Even when the HVAA did land a shot, it did jack all damage, I think it was taking 3 shots to kill the F-4......
TBH this TDM stuff is starting to make me really mad :irked:, I was following an F-2A on a circular flight path and I couldn't hit him at all, yet someone in an F-15 was able to hit me with a standard missile! SAME FLIGHT PATH! YF-23 vs F-2A! WTH! :mad: I haven't scored more than 15k points in a TDM for a few sorties now.
I'm actually wondering if lag is playing in to this. Everything seems so skewed against my favour.

Why does everyone use speed parts for missiles? I never use them, theory being it doesn't matter how long it takes for the missile to connect as long as it connects! Give the new HVAA part a go since that uses the same number of slots as Speed S. If it does for HVAAs what the new QAAM part does for QAAMs then it might be worthwhile to sortie with that build.

I never had too many problems with lag in TDM when somebody else is hosting and my connection is orange. Could be ISP/network settings related?
Why does everyone use speed parts for missiles? I never use them, theory being it doesn't matter how long it takes for the missile to connect as long as it connects! Give the new HVAA part a go since that uses the same number of slots as Speed S. If it does for HVAAs what the new QAAM part does for QAAMs then it might be worthwhile to sortie with that build.

I never had too many problems with lag in TDM when somebody else is hosting and my connection is orange. Could be ISP/network settings related?
Believe it or not but the speed part is even useful than the homing part!
First, in co-op you want to have the fastest equipment to literally blow anything before the enemy team could even lock on to TGTs.
Second, in co-op, talking about A2A missiles, have you noticed that the enemy fighters will start doing evasive maneuvers when YOU came close to them?
They don't care about the missile distance, they care about the aircraft distance.
You can take out 3 F-22s in the last section of pipeline with 6AAMs (and they suck at homing and speed) if you are at the right attack angle and have a good distance.
They start having seizure attacks and become quite difficult to shot down even with QAAMs once you get close.
Third, a faster missile means less time once you receive the missile alert and you get hit by it.
You have much less time to react and do an evasive maneuver.

a quick selection of part you want to equip with the respective A2A missile:

REMEMBER, parts acts in percentage, if you install a speed part on an HVAA the effect is greater compared to a slower missile and I'm talking about high spec fighters with a decent amount of slot parts!
Please forgive the probably(?) high amount of errors or typos!

HPAA (HiPowAA) (Powerrrr)

extra powerful missile, since it's capable of one shooting red TGTs you don't need the damage part unless you want to go crazy and be capable of taking down with one shot middle stage bosses.
Speed is crucial, it compensate the awful homing you don't need for this kind of missile since it's mostly a close-range one.
Quantity is also important, those have a quite high chance of failure but the most important feature you'll need it's the reload speed wich is, by default, extremely slow.

HCAA (HCAccA) (cacca means poop in italian)

Those missiles are perfect for spamming so the more you have, the better.
Faster reload speed compensates the high chance of failure, probabily the worst missile in terms of homing.
Speed, again is important, the range of the missile is terrible, the shortest you can have of all the SP weapons so you'll need to make sure you hit the TGT almost instantly.
Damage is not so important but those have quite low-powered warheads, the trick is: if you have enough space for an upgrade that gives you the chance to one shot MiG-29s then use it, otherwise, boost other parts from orange and above you need 2 shots but that's fine, the reload speed will cover this issue.
You can also swap homing for damage, your choice, in this case I would recomend a better missile with larger payload and low damage.

HVAA (HVroomAA) (fast as a Ferrari)

Damage, just make sure to have a decent damage, this long range missile really needs a better warhead.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the speed of those missiles but the faster they reach the target, the better!
Quantity is also important since you always have those in small payloads and still unable to oneshoot MiG-29s unless upgraded.
Homing can be an issue but a long range missile it's strangely much more effective than a close range one (look at point 2).
For this kind of missile you really need tons of slot parts, it's potentially one of the most effective due to the long range but needs tons to improvement, the main issue is the lack of damage, very poor.

SAAM (SlAAM) (slam you opponents in TDM)

You want to make sure your missile hurts, A LOT.
It takes so much to babysit the missile and you want to take down in few shots the highest quantity of red TGTs you can.
Speed because you want to get rid of this babysitting feature and homing because you can always use the fire-and-forget feature if things are getting bad for you!
Quantity is relatively important since those are high precision missiles, you'll land most of your shots.

QAAM (QuAAckM) (still maneuverable as a duck unless you boost the stats)

Now, the power of this versatile missile will make you undecide if go for the damage part and one shot reds or just improve the speed and homing of the missile.
You can make a balanced setup or just boost to the top speed and homing and add the new QAAM part and pretend you have the AC04 bulldogs.
Those are quite always in nice quantity and you don't have to worry about the MiG-29 minimum requirement!
Reload speed is quite good too.

4AAM (4spAAM) (for moderate spam)

For those, again I recommend to have a warhead capable of one shoting MiG-29, you'll thank me later.
Homing and speed are perfect for this kind of missile since it's a mid-range type and you'll need both of those, quite decent default homing and speed anyway.
Be rational and you don't need quantity (reload speed is good enough) despite you can have the pulse to spam the circle button.

6AAM (6spAAM) (for wild spam)

For those, again I recommend to have a warhead capable of one shoting MiG-29, you'll thank me later. (copy paste)
Now, speed can be a nice addition (remember how fast where XLAAs back in ACZero?) for this long range type of missile and since it has a high chance of failure expecially in moderate range just make sure to have a big payload (reload speed is awful so this part is more important compared to the 4AAM).
Homing on the bottom, awful base homing and long range to compensate.
The speed part is more usefull than homing because you give enemy AI less time to react, and you know that T-50/F-22/YF-23 do complex advanced evasion manouvers, they make even miss level 5 QAAMs, for what I know... So homing part is not so usefull against them if they start do those things.
Anyway speed part may also be counterproductive if you don't know / can't place yourself well. If you are close to the enemy and with a wrong angle, the missile miss chance will increase with speed part.
So it depends also on the ability of the player: if he is skilled, usually speed > homing; if he is not, usually homing > speed.
I'm usually quite patient with red air targets and mostly use standards to pick them off when they start leveling out. The 4/6AAMs in my builds usually gets saved for phase one and three of the mission since I get more points per missile that way, hence have no real need for speed parts. To each their own I guess, I just find the slots that speed parts need could be better used for other weapon upgrades

Also isn't there a hard limit on how fast missiles can travel in the game or has that been changed since the last couple of updates?
There was never be a hard limit. It's just that, like all other things, the better it is, the less it will improve (a sort of dimishing return). For example:
- If missiles of an aircraft need 5s to hit a 2.000m distance target, with Propulsion L need only 3.5s, with a good 1.5s improve;
- If missiles of an aircraft need 4s to hit a 2.000m distance target, with Propulsion L need only 2.8s, with a 1.2s improve;
- If missiles of an aircraft need 2s to hit a 2.000m distance target, with Propulsion L need only 1.5s, with just a 0.5s improve.
I swear there was a thread or conversation topic on ACS about hard limits for how quickly ordinance can travel. With the number of updates this game has undergone I would't be surprised if P.A. have updated game parameters like weapon speed as well.
Believe it or not but the speed part is even useful than the homing part!
First, in co-op you want to have the fastest equipment to literally blow anything before the enemy team could even lock on to TGTs.
Second, in co-op, talking about A2A missiles, have you noticed that the enemy fighters will start doing evasive maneuvers when YOU came close to them?
They don't care about the missile distance, they care about the aircraft distance.
You can take out 3 F-22s in the last section of pipeline with 6AAMs (and they suck at homing and speed) if you are at the right attack angle and have a good distance.
They start having seizure attacks and become quite difficult to shot down even with QAAMs once you get close.
Third, a faster missile means less time once you receive the missile alert and you get hit by it.
You have much less time to react and do an evasive maneuver.

I fully agree with this. Homing still helps though, some missiles seem incapable of turning at all!
Scarface One in 5 days, hype raising, hype raising! :D

Anyway, I think "Fighter's Honor" (Scarface One tournament) is not related directly to the AC2 game, but to its remake Assault Horizon Legacy. But hey, Scarface One is always Scarface One, and I will try to get the plane if it is not as crazy as Razgriz (which I don't think will be, Razgriz is much more famous than Scarface).
So you can't invite friends to TDM eh? If anything that's where you need invites more!
Oh, and the Next Gen Armour part is glitched, so after spending $20k building a set that included it I've been told to delete it by Namco. Granted I may never have used that set again (The HVAA test set) but I want my money back!:lol:
Been on and I've leveled up the F/A-18F to Level 3.

Also, managed to win a few of those IDOLM@STER emblems and apparently, a limited edition Kei Nagase Valentines Emblem.
Nagase emblems give orange trail to missiles and special weapon with trail (so even RKTL).

And about this:
Was still wondering if keep my base F-2A, actually level 4, as my LASM Attacker which eventually cane be upgraded up to level 15 or change to the F-2A -Nagase- which is still level 1 and need to be level 7 to use LASM and have maximum level of 10.
Well, these emblems made me take the final idea, what is better than F-2A -Nagase- with Nagase emblem that give missiles orange trail, which is perfect for a greyed with orange lines over the livery?
Cool, didn't know that about the Nagase emblems, giving off an orange trail. I haven't/didn't win one though.:indiff:

TDM is so random for me! After the hopelessly epic fails the other day, I did two tonight and MVP'ed both in my YF-23. Maybe I had weaker opponents. Despite one being in a Falken, most of them were a 1500's MR (I hover around 1600 for TDM). I also encountered an F-15S/MTD who didn't seem interested in engaging at all, he just did circle work outside of the battle zone.:odd: I couldn't hit him doing his aimless flying so I gave up on him.
After that I did a Moscow mission in my F-35 for the GPB challenge. Despite my GPB only being level 1 and not my first weapon of choice, I scored 77k points and MVP against a Wyvern on my team that had something like a 1900 Cst. Being a 6 player lobby, the victory was made sweeter by having a guy on our team in an F-4E with no parts but the rookie flight suit, 400-something Cst. He scored *ahem* 1800pts for the entire mission. The Wyvern and I punched our way through against the other 3 guys.:D
So after my fifth supplied run of the day I run into a SOLG 2. Check the hangar and see if it's worth buying any parts for faster research and decide not to bother to get more credits toward the Falken. Activate elite mercenary contract for double payout then proceed to sortie since everyones ready. By the time we hit the loading screen I realize I did NOT use three stocked fuel!!!

I'm not sure what to think or feel about what just happened since at the end of the sortie the payout was 101k with the contract and all the researched locked down. One part of me is saying "well done, you got a pretty good payday and saved a bit of fuel" while the other part is saying "you missed out on 202k after hunting the whole week for a high level special raid dude".

#F2Pproblems #ACEINF #NotAs1337AsWhaleChan #HashtagsDontWorkInGTP T_T
Another demonstration that Fighters can do good below.

My team was:
- Me on a YF-23 with HVAA, 1.510 Cst;
- T-50 (don't remember weapon), 1.6xx Cst;
- F-15E with SFFS, 1.8xx Cst;
- F-15E this time with 4AGM, 1.6xx Cst.

Enemy team was:
- B-2A;
- F-35 with HCAA (killed me one time with those);
- F-35 this time with GPB (saw him launch them after he killed me one time);
- Typhoon.


Bonus pic: Orange trail from Nagase emblem on F-2A -Nagase-

The orange smoke actually looks good on that plane. It's stupid how they don't have that as standard with the canon emblem though (or at least once you get the Valentine's Day ones you can activate orange smoke for any emblem).
So after my fifth supplied run of the day I run into a SOLG 2. Check the hangar and see if it's worth buying any parts for faster research and decide not to bother to get more credits toward the Falken. Activate elite mercenary contract for double payout then proceed to sortie since everyones ready. By the time we hit the loading screen I realize I did NOT use three stocked fuel!!!

I'm not sure what to think or feel about what just happened since at the end of the sortie the payout was 101k with the contract and all the researched locked down. One part of me is saying "well done, you got a pretty good payday and saved a bit of fuel" while the other part is saying "you missed out on 202k after hunting the whole week for a high level special raid dude".

#F2Pproblems #ACEINF #NotAs1337AsWhaleChan #HashtagsDontWorkInGTP T_T

$202k? Don't you mean $351k?:P (x3.5?)
$202k? Don't you mean $351k?:P (x3.5?)

Don't remind me (so would have missed out on an extra 252k without 3x fuel)! Hard to do basic math at 2 a.m. when you've been doing supplied sorties like it was a job over the past week - damn forced sorties baiting me to play this game like it was. The free to play model is awful, Bamco needs to release AC7 already!
Don't remind me (so would have missed out on an extra 252k without 3x fuel)! Hard to do basic math at 2 a.m. when you've been doing supplied sorties like it was a job over the past week - damn forced sorties baiting me to play this game like it was. The free to play model is awful, Bamco needs to release AC7 already!

Free to play is crap, sure. But at least when it comes to tournaments, people who have jobs stand a chance.:dopey: And if you can't place, you can take satisfaction in the knowledge some sucker gave Scamco all their real world money for a few extra pixels.:lol:
Is there even an AC7 in the works? I bet it's on PS4. I suppose one day I'll have to bite the proverbial bullet and get one.
So I finally leveled the F/A-18 to Level 4 (and I have at least 9 or 10 still awaiting upgrading). Still trying to get the other two Nagase Valentine Emblems.

Also, I kinda have to confess that I've been abusing the hell out of the beginner rooms just to more easily complete the little challenges.
I've been saving stocked fuel since the last Naval Fleet event so I decided to burn some of them.
I went from rank 68xx to 601 at the time I finished my last sortie this morning. I'm not sure if I will stay in top 1000 though.

Many weird things happened, including four wins in a row with a Warrant Officer on my team and an all fighter team vs. all attacker/multirole team.

Those FB-22 looks really powerful and I finally have one, although it is still on level 2.
Yeah, I got one of the Nagase emblems (put it on my YF-23 for now, orange smoke=fully hectic!), and the AV-8B dropped as well. I also visited the RAAF Aviation Heritage Centre yesterday (RAAF=Royal Australian Air Force), saw lots of air force memorabilia, including 2 F-111s, a Mirage-III and a Sabre all in person.
Well, time is coming. Hope that 260 stocked + those dropped + supplied over all of the days will be enough to get top 200...

How on Earth did you get 260 stocked?! I could have sworn I had more stocked fuel than you last time we were talking about it.