Why does everyone use speed parts for missiles? I never use them, theory being it doesn't matter how long it takes for the missile to connect as long as it connects! Give the new HVAA part a go since that uses the same number of slots as Speed S. If it does for HVAAs what the new QAAM part does for QAAMs then it might be worthwhile to sortie with that build.
I never had too many problems with lag in TDM when somebody else is hosting and my connection is orange. Could be ISP/network settings related?
Believe it or not but the speed part is even useful than the homing part!
First, in co-op you want to have the fastest equipment to literally blow anything before the enemy team could even lock on to TGTs.
Second, in co-op, talking about A2A missiles, have you noticed that the enemy fighters will start doing evasive maneuvers when YOU came close to them?
They don't care about the missile distance, they care about the aircraft distance.
You can take out 3 F-22s in the last section of pipeline with 6AAMs (and they suck at homing and speed) if you are at the right attack angle and have a good distance.
They start having seizure attacks and become quite difficult to shot down even with QAAMs once you get close.
Third, a faster missile means less time once you receive the missile alert and you get hit by it.
You have much less time to react and do an evasive maneuver.
a quick selection of part you want to equip with the respective A2A missile:
REMEMBER, parts acts in percentage, if you install a speed part on an HVAA the effect is greater compared to a slower missile and I'm talking about high spec fighters with a decent amount of slot parts!
Please forgive the
probably(?) high amount of errors or typos!
HPAA (HiPowAA) (Powerrrr)
extra powerful missile, since it's capable of one shooting red TGTs you don't need the damage part unless you want to go crazy and be capable of taking down with one shot middle stage bosses.
Speed is crucial, it compensate the awful homing you don't need for this kind of missile since it's mostly a close-range one.
Quantity is also important, those have a quite high chance of failure but the most important feature you'll need it's the reload speed wich is, by default, extremely slow.
HCAA (HCAccA) (cacca means poop in italian)
Those missiles are perfect for spamming so the more you have, the better.
Faster reload speed compensates the high chance of failure, probabily the worst missile in terms of homing.
Speed, again is important, the range of the missile is terrible, the shortest you can have of all the SP weapons so you'll need to make sure you hit the TGT almost instantly.
Damage is not so important but those have quite low-powered warheads, the trick is: if you have enough space for an upgrade that gives you the chance to one shot MiG-29s then use it, otherwise, boost other parts from orange and above you need 2 shots but that's fine, the reload speed will cover this issue.
You can also swap homing for damage, your choice, in this case I would recomend a better missile with larger payload and low damage.
HVAA (HVroomAA) (fast as a Ferrari)
Damage, just make sure to have a decent damage, this long range missile really needs a better warhead.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the speed of those missiles but the faster they reach the target, the better!
Quantity is also important since you always have those in small payloads and still unable to oneshoot MiG-29s unless upgraded.
Homing can be an issue but a long range missile it's strangely much more effective than a close range one (look at point 2).
For this kind of missile you really need tons of slot parts, it's potentially one of the most effective due to the long range but needs tons to improvement, the main issue is the lack of damage, very poor.
SAAM (SlAAM) (slam you opponents in TDM)
You want to make sure your missile hurts, A LOT.
It takes so much to babysit the missile and you want to take down in few shots the highest quantity of red TGTs you can.
Speed because you want to get rid of this babysitting feature and homing because you can always use the fire-and-forget feature if things are getting bad for you!
Quantity is relatively important since those are high precision missiles, you'll land most of your shots.
QAAM (QuAAckM) (still maneuverable as a duck unless you boost the stats)
Now, the power of this versatile missile will make you undecide if go for the damage part and one shot reds or just improve the speed and homing of the missile.
You can make a balanced setup or just boost to the top speed and homing and add the new QAAM part and pretend you have the AC04 bulldogs.
Those are quite always in nice quantity and you don't have to worry about the MiG-29 minimum requirement!
Reload speed is quite good too.
4AAM (4spAAM) (for moderate spam)
For those, again I recommend to have a warhead capable of one shoting MiG-29, you'll thank me later.
Homing and speed are perfect for this kind of missile since it's a mid-range type and you'll need both of those, quite decent default homing and speed anyway.
Be rational and you don't need quantity (reload speed is good enough) despite you can have the pulse to spam the circle button.
6AAM (6spAAM) (for wild spam)
For those, again I recommend to have a warhead capable of one shoting MiG-29, you'll thank me later. (copy paste)
Now, speed can be a nice addition (remember how fast where XLAAs back in ACZero?) for this long range type of missile and since it has a high chance of failure expecially in moderate range just make sure to have a big payload (reload speed is awful so this part is more important compared to the 4AAM).
Homing on the bottom, awful base homing and long range to compensate.