Ace Combat: Infinity

  • Thread starter RACECAR
Did my extra before-bed supplied sortie last night and got beat down pretty bad at Dubai normal... next mission was Sea Strike. I decided to stay and use a stocked fuel, abandoning ranking points for my trusty SU-24M... 97,000 points(and outdoing somebody with a MR 250 points above me). I know there's lots of points on offer there but that's my highest by a lot.

I'm probably still a bit more proud of 83,000 in a Naval Fleet Assault game as I took out nearly the whole fleet by myself in that one and the plane was a couple levels lower -- although I was helped by the fact that in the first NFA event a lot of people didn't catch on too quick. But I've only been in the 60k range maybe 5 or 6 times at the most, across every other of my almost 1,000 sorties. Also, now I have a great score on my permanent record since it doesn't track TDM results.

EDIT because I forgot to add: I managed to get shot down 3 times and stall myself into the water once like a moron trying to finish off one of the carriers en route to my 97k. Even if I hadn't I don't think I would have made more than 20,000 credits; as it was I got 13,000 with an S rank clear, but I did get my fuel back and got a 33.33% research bump into unlocking the SU-34 so I'm not complaining (this time).
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At least you guys can log in to Scam Combat Grindfinity, I've had the message "Failed to communicate with PSN" two nights in a row now, which is rubbish because PSN is working fine at the time. Now I've lost 6 fuel units!
Same problem here for about a day this week. Glad I've lowered my AC expectations. Not a big fan of their "business plan".
One can hope they'll bring out a PS4 Ace Combat some day with stunning graphics, great community features (including the ability to play online with a single wingman to carry out missions) and an even more comprehensive jet lineup. It'd be cool to start out with even older jets like Sabres.
I got 5 stocked fuels in one crate drop, thinking I might have liked the special aircraft drops. The FB-22 would be fine though it seems to have less special weapon ammo than the regular version.:rolleyes:

As soon as this tournament is over I'll give the Su-47 challenge a run.
Destroy 30 targets in Su-25M - 2x Part Research + 10k Credits
Destroy 6 targets with UGBs - 20k credits
Get 40k points with LASMs - 2x Aircraft Research + 25k Credits
Destroy 60 targets with Su-24MP -
Destroy 4 targets with HPAA -
Get 80k points using 4AGMs with attackers only - Credits Contract + 3 Aircraft Research
Get 120k points in B7R with Su-47 - Skin
I got 5 stocked fuels in one crate drop, thinking I might have liked the special aircraft drops. The FB-22 would be fine though it seems to have less special weapon ammo than the regular version.:rolleyes:

As soon as this tournament is over I'll give the Su-47 challenge a run.
Destroy 30 targets in Su-25M - 2x Part Research + 10k Credits
Destroy 6 targets with UGBs - 20k credits
Get 40k points with LASMs - 2x Aircraft Research + 25k Credits
Destroy 60 targets with Su-24MP -
Destroy 4 targets with HPAA -
Get 80k points using 4AGMs with attackers only - Credits Contract + 3 Aircraft Research
Get 120k points in B7R with Su-47 - Skin
I hope I can use special aircrafts, the limitation is dumb...80% of my hangar is made by SP aircraft.
I hope I can use special aircrafts, the limitation is dumb...80% of my hangar is made by SP aircraft.

Apart from maybe the Su-24MP, I don't think any of those jets have a special version. The weapons challenges are not jet specific so should be fine.
I'm not sure but I think the last one with the Rafale only required the standard version of the jet for the final challenge to get the skin.

I'm through the first two of the SU-47 challenges so far and have only to buy the SU-34 and the part with it to get to the SU-47.

I actually tend to wish there were more challenges that didn't allow special planes, 99% of the time they just let you use anything so the often very inferior regular planes are a huge handicap. I'd much prefer changing the requirements from challenge to challenge. Then again, it might be because I haven't upgraded hardly any of my special aircraft beyond level 1. :)
XFA-27 -Scarface1- next tournament. I won't look for top 200 anyway, even if I played only AC2 before this game. I already see top 200 over 400k and I won't spend anymore on this game, with last patch they showed us all their greediness on the money (base Delphinus and XFA-27 costs). Got already the Su-35 -S1- and the AC2 weapon, the 4 missiles which in this game is MSTM, in this special version will be unlocked at level 7... So nah, not worth on my point of view.
Yeah, somebody already pointed out that if the base versions cost that much, imagine dumping all your fuel to get 200 for the special version only to find the level 2 upgrade costs $4mil or something crazy. If it was top 1000 I'd give it a look.
X-Planes tournament over... ranking position: Two thousand... and 1. Missed the lucky number by 12 points. I think I got rank 5,004 a couple events ago too.

Oh well, time to start spending the money I've been saving now.
I'm currently about 81% through the 4AGM challenge for the Su-47 skin, hopefully one sortie should do it, then I can complete the Su-47 at B7R challenge for the skin.
Bought the FB-22 yesterday, my first aircraft with SOD so that started researching as well, then I bought level 2 on the SU-24MP and Su-34 to help with the challenges. So progress has been slowed a little.

Edit: Got the skin, now experimenting again with F-35 parts. Hopefully it will allow me to one-shot T-50s.
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I've lost 6 Supplied thanks to a blackout, but I still managed to get a top 3000 on that last event.

After using those "experimental" aircrafts so many times I decided to use the X-02 -KN- again, which is now at level 8. I don't know if I raised my expectations too much, or I just don't know how to use it, but I have to say it has been a disappointment. It is actually very good at air-to-air (better than my level 9 Rafale -VA-), but what I really wanted was the ground capabilities, which has been worse than my level 10 S/MTD. Those 4AGM seems to be really weak, they aren't able to one-shot pretty much anything but yellow targets, even at level 5 with Warhead L and Enhancement Kit S.
(I guess that the Level 15 for the others high tier planes didn't helped either, it is a bit harder to be competitive without them now)

Conclusion: I've already spent well over 3 million on it by now and I think I'm not going to level it up anymore. It will remain as my Air-to-Air fighter, but I will ditch the 4AGM set and bring back to life my Rafale -VA- set, which can one-shot almost any ground target.
I've lost 6 Supplied thanks to a blackout, but I still managed to get a top 3000 on that last event.

After using those "experimental" aircrafts so many times I decided to use the X-02 -KN- again, which is now at level 8. I don't know if I raised my expectations too much, or I just don't know how to use it, but I have to say it has been a disappointment. It is actually very good at air-to-air (better than my level 9 Rafale -VA-), but what I really wanted was the ground capabilities, which has been worse than my level 10 S/MTD. Those 4AGM seems to be really weak, they aren't able to one-shot pretty much anything but yellow targets, even at level 5 with Warhead L and Enhancement Kit S.
(I guess that the Level 15 for the others high tier planes didn't helped either, it is a bit harder to be competitive without them now)

Conclusion: I've already spent well over 3 million on it by now and I think I'm not going to level it up anymore. It will remain as my Air-to-Air fighter, but I will ditch the 4AGM set and bring back to life my Rafale -VA- set, which can one-shot almost any ground target.

4AGM is pretty weak, even with Attackers. They're more of a spam weapon than a lethal one, my F-35 doesn't do too bad with it most of the time.
Update for anybody still considering playing:

1.5x research points event underway now. Supposedly up to a 5x boost if you're lucky. Not sure exactly how long it will last, the notification seems to say it's for the second half of April. An SU-33 blue camo skin added to the random drops as well as a 2 million credit drop. 20 new challenges giving nicknames based on older AC games along with some other small extra rewards added as well.

I think everybody quit playing for a few days or something as I gained 2,000 ranking positions just using stocked fuel over the last two or three days.
The Su-33 is already blue, wth?
I've been making huge gains on the research tree, though this game may have acquired an end date today when I saw the Star Wars Battlefront trailer.

Top 1000. First fighter to get MPBM (probably the cheapest too since we're likely to get super-planes that use MPBM as an alternative to a high area of damage missile they had in games before Infinity).

Not sure if it's worth going for though since I've already got a Pixy Morgan which has more historical value than this plane and I'd really like to get my hands on the Butterfly Master's QFA-44 (I hope that thing doesn't need millions per level of upgrades!).
I'm going to go for it. I have just over 300 stocked fuels which should be plenty to get a top 1000 (hopefully I can do it in less than 100 fuel burned), I need a solid jet with QAAM I can use in PvP TDM.

Edit: I just had a run with TDM, I swear I have no idea how people can constantly keep me in their sights and fire a constant barrage of missiles that seem to do double passes. I don't think I spent a single moment in that last one without 3+ incoming missiles on my tail.
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@Paulie I've just picked the game up after a bit of a hiatus but everything seems pretty stock standard. I'd say about half of the missiles come from the ships if you're attacking the enemy fleet. Otherwise everyone is running quick reload on their weapons.

That free NSU will take some time to get... 1,000,000 points / ~30,000 points per game will need a minimum of 33 very good sorties so virtually everyone will be playing NTDM until the tournament ends if they want that thing.

Points to note, bombers can't complete the UGB challenge which is a shame. A couple of the basic NTDM challenges replenish everyday but the NSU, Merc and Research Contract supposedly don't.

Has NTDM always been locked at 8 players? That NSU challenge will be so much easier if you can reduce to 6 or 4.
I'm almost halfway on the NSU challenge, when I find time tomorrow or Sunday I'll do a burn of stocked fuel, see how far 50-100 gets me.
@Vitocorp Been waiting a very long time for this! Predictions on tournament length, themes and rank requirements?

Been doing the NTDM challenges, particularly using the F-2A/LASM. Actually quite a nice aircraft and special weapon so it's nice to see them finally get some levels. LASM is a bit iffy though since if you're not firing them from a low altitude (and aircraft levelled out) they're prone to hitting the water.

Haven't had a chance to see my NSU form progress in the midst of all the new things/shaking the rust off. May have to use some fuel to get my hands on that thing but hopefully that's not necessary!
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@Vitocorp Been waiting a very long time for this! Predictions on tournament length, themes and rank requirements?

Been doing the NTDM challenges, particularly using the F-2A/LASM. Actually quite a nice aircraft and special weapon so it's nice to see them finally get some levels. LASM is a bit iffy though since if you're not firing them from a low altitude (and aircraft levelled out) they're prone to hitting the water.

Haven't had a chance to see my NSU form progress in the midst of all the new things/shaking the rust off. May have to use some fuel to get my hands on that thing but hopefully that's not necessary!
It can EVEN be a gift or a drop since It's for the 1st anniversary of Infinity...
Maybe the iconic F-4E as gift and the F-22 -Mobius1- as top 1000 tournament reward.
ISAF and Mobius roundel as tournament rewards as well.
I'm planning to get the top 1000 of Akula, the T-50 looks cool enough for me but those Naval TDM are pure gambling in terms of ranking pts...
It can EVEN be a gift or a drop since It's for the 1st anniversary of Infinity...
Maybe the iconic F-4E as gift and the F-22 -Mobius1- as top 1000 tournament reward.
ISAF and Mobius roundel as tournament rewards as well.
I'm planning to get the top 1000 of Akula, the T-50 looks cool enough for me but those Naval TDM are pure gambling in terms of ranking pts...

Haha I swear these free to plays are so similar to how casinos do their business.

Your idea for the update could work quite well. Mobius 1 F-4E as a month long drop with Ace Combat 4 themed tourneys and challenges for the whole of May. Might even get a new set of campaign missions to boot!

Had to move this from my previous post since I editted it while you were posting but what will you spend all your Mobius tournament money on once it's over and done with :D?

I was thinking of levelling a B-2 Spirit but I would barely make it past 4 unless they have the 2 million credit crates next month.

A level 15 plane may be possible but again very expensive. Max out a main character plane such as Pixy's Morgan maybe? Realistically I'd probably just start unlocking the rest of the aircraft tree and put some levels on low level planes/special weapons.

inb4 << I've got a girlfriend back at base>> and gets shot down by a whale in the rankings :lol:.
Haha I swear these free to plays are so similar to how casinos do their business.+

Your idea for the update could work quite well. Mobius 1 F-4E as a month long drop with Ace Combat 4 themed tourneys and challenges for the whole of May. Might even get a new set of campaign missions to boot!

Had to move this from my previous post since I editted it while you were posting but what will you spend all your Mobius tournament money on once it's over and done with :D?

I was thinking of levelling a B-2 Spirit but I would barely make it past 4 unless they have the 2 million credit crates next month.

A level 15 plane may be possible but again very expensive. Max out a main character plane such as Pixy's Morgan maybe? Realistically I'd probably just start unlocking the rest of the aircraft tree and put some levels on low level planes/special weapons.

inb4 << I've got a girlfriend back at base>> and gets shot down by a whale in the rankings :lol:.
I'll spend all the credits by balancing my hangar, most of planes will reach LVL9 and some weapons LVL5.
MAYBE I'll get a Delphinus OR the XFA-27, both have nice new SP weapons, a massive amount of slot parts, the first is a multirole, the second is a fighter, I got tons of fighters in my hangar...
I'm gonna be honest with you, I'll go wild for the Mobius tournament, top 200 if necessary...the plane+emblem combo is MANDATORY...I don't care about nicknames..."Heartbroke One" or "Falco" will do the job.
That's why I'm not sure to go for this Akula, despite looks like a not-so-hard top 1000.
I'll spend all the credits by balancing my hangar, most of planes will reach LVL9 and some weapons LVL5.
MAYBE I'll get a Delphinus OR the XFA-27, both have nice new SP weapons, a massive amount of slot parts, the first is a multirole, the second is a fighter, I got tons of fighters in my hangar...
I'm gonna be honest with you, I'll go wild for the Mobius tournament, top 200 if necessary...the plane+emblem combo is MANDATORY...I don't care about nicknames..."Heartbroke One" or "Falco" will do the job.
That's why I'm not sure to go for this Akula, despite looks like a not-so-hard top 1000.

The Delphinus and XFA are ridiculous! It will take years of grinding or hundreds of dollars before you even get a few levels on those things! The Delpuinus HUD looks cool though. I just hope the CFA and other new planes that are on their way don't have a multi-million credit price tag on them.