advice on building cockpit needed

  • Thread starter Hajaz
Hey, I live in Sweden and want to order som stuff from Frex GP, but sweden isn't in the list of the countries that u can order from? can I call them and order, or what shounld I do? I really want the Shift+! :guilty:

I believe the only issue with Sweden is tracking your package using the EMS (?) tracking website.

However, if you go here and then under where it says Shipment
click on EMS Shipping Rates and on the next page that pops up, you'll notice that under Zone 2 (Europe) Sweden is listed.

If you have further doubts, contact them at & direct your questions to Shige and he will confirm if delivery is possible.
this is my cockpit, i was going to make one but this came up on ebay, from a company called gamepod in the UK, it is an excellent setup, with the dfp!!

well worth the money!! 👍


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AHHHHH help so confused i want a race cockpit simulator ... i wanted the playseat but i have NO idea how to buy one im located in australia and i looked at the TJR simulators but there not my thing and what else is available?! i cant find anything good ahhh n i hav nothing to mount my beatiful wheel on! :ouch: :scared: :guilty: :crazy:
I believe the only issue with Sweden is tracking your package using the EMS (?) tracking website.

However, if you go here and then under where it says Shipment
click on EMS Shipping Rates and on the next page that pops up, you'll notice that under Zone 2 (Europe) Sweden is listed.

If you have further doubts, contact them at & direct your questions to Shige and he will confirm if delivery is possible.
Oh, thanks! :D
I've got a couple of different wheel stands. They're pretty simple, but they get the job done and make the game much more enjoyable.

I got this one in kit form a couple years ago. It was easy to put together and is fairly lightweight...just a bit bulky.

I purchased this one a couple weeks ago and it arrived the same day as my copy of GT4 👍 It's a nice little piece, very lightweight and compact so it's easy to store and the depth can be adjusted to fit those w/ longer legs. Another cool feature is the little kickstand which allows you to set it upright making it easier to get up after a marathon GT4 session.

looks nice uddie.

well mine is finished yay chack it out its fully adjustable to every body that uses it can be in thier most comfy position!!!


Here is my cockpit that I put together some weeks ago. When I started on it, I just started nailing some wood together and this is what it came out looking like. It worked out pretty well. I can now play GT4 in widescreen on my 46 inch tv. 2 hours to build. I plan on revising it more.


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I've e-mailed frex gp for weeks ago but no answer... :(

lol, i guess all of u would say: NO!!! but: can someone in asia or some land on the list of the avalible countries order the Shift+, send it to me and I send the money to u, maybe more money than it cost cause of the job ;)
you guys cockpit is nothing compared to this beast, lol

well atleast you guys have a cockpit :ouch:

:crazy: It looks like it's going to take off! I think the movements are “a bit” exaggerated, I’ve never seen a formula car shift weight (front <-> rear) that bad. There’s a lot of G’s but the suspension is pretty stiff, it doesn’t just point up and down like that.
Honestly, I think it’s more bizarre than realistic and I doubt it comes even close to PD’s Subaru simulator.

The idea is great, just need a ton of refinement. (as it is, it might just work better as a flight simulator).

p.s. gotta love the big screen moving w/ the seat.
looks like it will make me sick to my stomach. JasonX, the seat articulation is not representative of the cars pitch and roll, it's tryign to accurately portray the G force which is exerted onto you. that's why you don't move seperately from the screen. if you moved separetly from the screen, then it would b elike the cars own pitch and roll. get it ? i think i could build on for like 500 bux. you just need the proper control software to take inputs from your steering, accel, and braking. sweet, but i still think it will make me sick to my stomach, i will stick to a real car. :P later-
Here are some pics of my setup. I built it out of $40 worth of MDF and it took about 3 days. I modified the plan from to suit my needs as I wanted to be able to use the wheel while sitting on the couch if needed (I have kids).
I hope you like!


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I've e-mailed frex gp for weeks ago but no answer... :(

That's interesting because after I read your post, I emailed Frex at approximately 2:30pm PST(California, USA) or...7:30am in Japan..and got a response back roughly 2 hours later!

If you initially used the email address...try using instead!

PS: I asked the following question to Mr. Shige Tanaka:

How long would it take to receive the following order, including shippment to USA:
1. Shift+
2. Handbrake+

and their response was:

We are now manufacturing products for orders placed on December.
We have so many orders day after day so now it will takes about
one month after you place order.

We hope you understand our situation.
Here are some pics of my setup. I built it out of $40 worth of MDF and it took about 3 days. I modified the plan from to suit my needs as I wanted to be able to use the wheel while sitting on the couch if needed (I have kids).
I hope you like!
Nice setup man! Downloading the movie s2000lover sent, my computer is soooooooooooooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooooooooooow
I needed a haircut. Maybe a shower too but racing is more important.

The seat is from a 93 Altima. Whole setup basically cost me nothing, except the DFP. Someday i want to build a dedicated cockpit, but I have nowhere to put it in this college townhouse. This works well for now. :)


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Here are some pics of my setup. I built it out of $40 worth of MDF and it took about 3 days. I modified the plan from to suit my needs as I wanted to be able to use the wheel while sitting on the couch if needed (I have kids).
I hope you like!

Nice set up. I built a similar one for a friend of mine. Modifiying those same plans. Great basic plan thats very versatile.

Currently Im designing a rig for myself to replace my current set up. Space is an issue so Im making one that will fold up. Should only be about 2"x23"x30" when collapsed. Low enough to slide under my couch. Will be made out of 1/2" or 3/4" MDF


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that's sweet. where are you guys getting plans to modify ? i think i will build a cockpit this weekend as a reward for studyign for my midterms instead of playing GT4 haha :D are there some plans i can print out, tape together, and lay on wood ? that would be super sweet. thanks ! later-
:crazy: It looks like it's going to take off! I think the movements are “a bit” exaggerated, I’ve never seen a formula car shift weight (front <-> rear) that bad. There’s a lot of G’s but the suspension is pretty stiff, it doesn’t just point up and down like that.
Honestly, I think it’s more bizarre than realistic and I doubt it comes even close to PD’s Subaru simulator.

The idea is great, just need a ton of refinement. (as it is, it might just work better as a flight simulator).

p.s. gotta love the big screen moving w/ the seat.

Ok, obviously you have no idea what you're talking about, it's simulating the G forces, not the suspension movement, of course it doesn't move up or down, that effect you get from the screen (the screen should be the one that "moves" if the suspension isn't stiff.

the only thing that is being simulated by the thing is the G forces themselves, wich i assure you... feel a LOT more than you'd ever get from a motion simulator of that type.

in facto some curcuits had to be reworked on very high G corners, because the G's were so high that some of the drivers would PASS OUT because all the blood would go to one side of the brain...

so the simulator is actually a very forgiving experience (at least for formula cars.)

remmember, the screen is NOT moving when it goes up and down, it's just the G forces.

i wish people would actually take the time to investigate before they post... all you do is end up looking like a fool.
Once i saw Visionracer cockpit I just had to get it, the company are very perfossional and with days of speaking to them I had the cockpit delivered. So if anyone is thinking of a cockpit for GT4 please please check out All i can hope is that GT4 is released before the PS8 is released.