Affirmative Action

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I'd like to wrap up this discussion - yes I think that's possible.

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on the state of racism in America today. I would argue that it is beside the point to the Affirmative Action discussion anyway - though you would probably argue that it is crucial.

Let us take Affirmative Action by itself and not attempt to ascertain the issue of racism in general.

Affirmative Action by itself is essentially offering preference to some students/job applicants due to skin color.

That is clearly racist.

What positive effects could Affirmative Action have? It could get some companies who might descriminate to fill quotas and thereby prevent descrimination. It also might get some universities to fill quotas - which could help correct descrimination at the high school, or college admissions level.

What negative effects could it have? It tells all of society that skin color is important. It tells all of society that people of certain skin colors need lower standards to be able to compete. It tells all of society that people of certain skin colors may not have earned their current position.

In short, in encourages society to see skin color and infer things - it promotes racism.

Additionally, it might cause a substantial amount of descrimination in the other direction - in other words, better qualified applicants might be turned down in favor of a worse applicant to fill a quota. That is an injustice.

I believe I have shown that Affirmative Action compromises it's own goals - and that it can never achieve them. It is a flawed concept from the beginning since it perpetuates what it seeks to destroy.

It should be eliminated on that basis. Can we agree on that? I honestly think there is a chance that you'll say yes to that question.

I'd like to wrap up this discussion - yes I think that's possible.

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on the state of racism in America today. I would argue that it is beside the point to the Affirmative Action discussion anyway - though you would probably argue that it is crucial.

Let us take Affirmative Action by itself and not attempt to ascertain the issue of racism in general.

Affirmative Action by itself is essentially offering preference to some students/job applicants due to skin color.

That is clearly racist.

What positive effects could Affirmative Action have? It could get some companies who might descriminate to fill quotas and thereby prevent descrimination. It also might get some universities to fill quotas - which could help correct descrimination at the high school, or college admissions level.

What negative effects could it have? It tells all of society that skin color is important. It tells all of society that people of certain skin colors need lower standards to be able to compete. It tells all of society that people of certain skin colors may not have earned their current position.

In short, in encourages society to see skin color and infer things - it promotes racism.

Additionally, it might cause a substantial amount of descrimination in the other direction - in other words, better qualified applicants might be turned down in favor of a worse applicant to fill a quota. That is an injustice.

I believe I have shown that Affirmative Action compromises it's own goals - and that it can never achieve them. It is a flawed concept from the beginning since it perpetuates what it seeks to destroy.

It should be eliminated on that basis. Can we agree on that? I honestly think there is a chance that you'll say yes to that question.

You would be correct. I agree. :)
Hmmm...I believe this has already been said before. But affirmative action in its inception was a well conceived idea, if racism hadn't penatrated every aspect of American life. The reason that AA had to be skewed into the rather backwards policy that it is now is because the minorities weren't able to get the education(for the most part) that "white" America was able to get. So, they had to "dumb down" the rules.

So, yes, it's been said several times. AA is propogating it's own demise. All it says is that hey, if you're black, you can get into this job with just a High school diploma and this other guy has an Associates degree. Just dumb stuff.

A member had mentioned that they'd never met a racist person in his life. That's great! :) But don't be fooled that racisim is not an ugly monster.

I liked the anology of the spider and the padlock. But AA is not the only thing keeping that door shut. There are other things in place, stupid people mostly, that are not letting racisim die the death it should have over 100 years ago.
Hmmm...I believe this has already been said before. But affirmative action in its inception was a well conceived idea, if racism hadn't penatrated every aspect of American life. The reason that AA had to be skewed into the rather backwards policy that it is now is because the minorities weren't able to get the education(for the most part) that "white" America was able to get. So, they had to "dumb down" the rules.

So, yes, it's been said several times. AA is propogating it's own demise. All it says is that hey, if you're black, you can get into this job with just a High school diploma and this other guy has an Associates degree. Just dumb stuff.

A member had mentioned that they'd never met a racist person in his life. That's great! :) But don't be fooled that racisim is not an ugly monster.
I liked the anology of the spider and the padlock. But AA is not the only thing keeping that door shut. There are other things in place, stupid people mostly, that are not letting racisim die the death it should have over 100 years ago.
The highlighted portions are what I've been trying to say the whole time. :) Thank you for validating it.
Asian American groups file racial quotas complaint against Harvard University


More than 60 Chinese, Indian, Korean and Pakistani groups came together for the case, which was filed with civil rights offices