I could find no reference to life from the sun in that article, inorganic or otherwise. May I trouble you to quote the relevant part(s) please?
Thanks for your question, BobK. It's good to see the occasional inquisitive mind. I've made numerous posts on this subject at various points going back much earlier in the thread, the most recent just 3 pages back. However, I'll round them up once again for readers unwilling or unable to read through the whole thread.
It first of all must be appreciated that this thread is necessarily rather light-hearted, speculative and well short of being established science, since absolutely not one scintilla of acceptable evidence has ever been produced to support the presence of alien life either here or anywhere else. Even so, we have this thread - not established by me - and I have chosen to contribute. I've striven to make my contributions based either on my direct first person experience, or based on science sources such as NASA.
In the post above I've attempted to establish how plasma from the Sun routinely visits the surface of the Earth.
Edit 2: Same article but with comment by physicists or students of physics.
In the material from one recent post, now reprinted below, I've attempted to establish the possibility of inorganic life in plasma by making available recent laboratory science on this question. Putting two and two together - the notion of inorganic life from the Sun - is original and entirely my own, but obviously arises as a far-out but remotely conceivable explanation for some of the observed phenomena. Particularly in lieu of acceptable explanations for that hitherto unexplained set of UFO unknowns resembling plasma blobs.
Edit entry #1:
Abstract. Complex plasmas may naturally self-organize themselves into stable interacting helical structures that exhibit features normally attributed to organic living matter. The self-organization is based on non-trivial physical mechanisms of plasma interactions involving over-screening of plasma polarization. As a result, each helical string composed of solid microparticles is topologically and dynamically controlled by plasma fluxes leading to particle charging and over-screening, the latter providing attraction even among helical strings of the same charge sign. These interacting complex structures exhibit thermodynamic and evolutionary features thought to be peculiar only to living matter such as bifurcations that serve as `memory marks', self-duplication, metabolic rates in a thermodynamically open system, and non-Hamiltonian dynamics. We examine the salient features of this new complex `state of soft matter' in light of the autonomy, evolution, progenity and autopoiesis principles used to define life. It is concluded that complex self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter that may exist in space provided certain conditions allow them to evolve naturally.
Edit #2:
In 2003 physicists; Erzilia Lozneanu and Mircea Sanduloviciu of Cuza University, Romania, described in their research paper Minimal Cell System created in Laboratory by Self-Organization (published in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, volume 18, page 335), how they created plasma spheres in the laboratory that can grow, replicate and communicate - fulfilling most of the traditional requirements for biological cells. They are convinced that these plasma spheres offer a radically new explanation of how life began and proposed that they were precursors to biological evolution.
"Thus, similar to biological cells, the boundary of a self-assembled gaseous cell provides a selective enclosure of an environment that qualitatively differs from the surrounding medium. The boundary appears as a spherical self-consistent electrical double layer (DL) able to sustain and control operations such as: (i) capture and transformation of energy, (ii) preferential and rhythmic exchange of matter across the system boundary and (iii) internal transformation of matter by means of a continuous ‘‘synthesis’’ of all components of the system."
Edit #3:
# Bio-physical analogy: A model of plasma double layers has been used to investigate their applicability to understanding ion transport across biological cell membranes.[46] Brazilian researchers have note that "Concepts like charge neutrality, Debye length, and double layer are very useful to explain the electrical properties of a cellular membrane.".[47] Plasma physicist Hannes Alfvén also noted that association of double layers with cellular structure,[48] as had Irving Langmuir before him, who coined the named "plasma" after its resemblance to blood cells.[49]
Edit #4:
Video lecture on Water, Energy and Life - all about plasma in water. <--TM needs to see this!