Yes. There's loads of info on that on the net. (Haha I KNOW there is lots of info for EVERYTHING on the net but anyways)
Allegedly, they had the knowledge to built sort of "primitive UFO's", still based on anti-gravity, from some female "chanellers", who contacted "beings from other civilizations" by "well channeling, whatever that is-some type of meditating/telepathy thingy lol."
These females were very well known in the associated circles back then, they were extremly important characters in for example the "Thule society", the most known of them was Maria (forgot her lastname). I tell you, these woman were OUTSTANDINGLY beautiful, this Maria looked down-right PERFECT, like really lol.
Then there's rumours that Hitler himself had physical contact with one of the alien races, namely the rather famous "Greys". Most of them are very regressive/negative/hostile, so they liked the idea of giving some super advanced technology to a human, who would use it to inflict a lot of suffering and choas on other humans. Well, these are only all stories, theories, non of it has been proven, except that the Thule society did exist in fact and had contact with Hitler and did these "chanelling sessions".
Make of that what you want.