
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters
See America today as an example. We wouldn't dare try to step a foot in Iran, Russia, China, or India but we wouldn't lack any confidence in daring to step feet in Afghanistan or any other 3rd world country.

Actually, we have thousands of troops stationed in all those countries, but I see the point you're making.
So you guys think that a society of aliens with with the ability and technology to somehow travel faster than light, or close to it, are going to come here for absolutely no reason other than to say "Oh Hello There"?

I don't think that would be the case.

Think about it. To travel across thousands of lightyears you're gonna need some kind of community ship that is run by 100s of generations (at least) of spaceship crews, traveling through space like nomads. Or a swarm of locusts... Taking all of the resources possible from one planet with life and moving onto the next one.

The radio messages we keep sending out there so they can find us, probably isn't the most wise thing we can do then. How about we wait until we have the technology to find them first? :lol:
^That's always a possibility, but so is also aliens coming by and arresting Justin Bieber for crimes against the universe.:lol:

What if it's mankind that's the one to come across them and take their resources?

ARGH there's too many questions pertaining to this subject!:boggled:
Here's a charming video of the Hessdalen Lights (of Norway) presented by the National Geographic Channel.

These sorts of UFO phenomena rank in the "lights indigenous to specific place" category, and appear year after year. They are routinely studied by automated equipment placed in situ, and periodically by visiting teams of scientists. Other than that they are energetic plasma, little is known.
One recent hypothesis suggests that the lights are formed by a cluster of macroscopic Coulomb crystals in a plasma produced by the ionization of air and dust by Alpha particles during radon decay in the dusty atmosphere. Several physical properties (oscillation, geometric structure, and light spectrum) observed in Hessdalen lights phenomenon can be explained through the dust plasma model.[4] Radon decay produces alpha particles (responsible by helium emissions in HL spectrum) and radioactive elements such as polonium. In 2004, Teodorani[5][6] showed an occurrence where a higher level of radioactivity on rocks was detected near the area where a large light ball was reported. In fact, when radon is released into air, its solid decay products readily attach to airborne dust.[7] A new computer simulation shows that dust immersed in ionized gas (i.e., dusty plasmas) can organize itself into double helixes. The simulations suggested that under conditions commonly found in space, the dust particles first form a cylindrical structure that sometimes evolved into helical structures. Along some spirals, the radius of the helix was seen to change abruptly from one value to another and then back again, providing a mechanism for storing information in terms of the length and radius of a section of a spiral. Hessdalen Lights may take the helical structure. Surprisingly, dusty plasmas may also assume this structure.[8]

Periodic efforts have been made to create inorganic life from dusty plasmas in terrestrial laboratories.

Respectfully submitted,
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Right now something from some top scientific astronomers from Russia.
We will see evidence of Alien civilisations within 20 years.
News snippet:

"The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms ... Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years," said Andrei Finkelstein, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Applied Astronomy Institute, according to the Interfax news agency.

Speaking at an international forum dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, Finkelstein said 10% of the known planets circling suns in the galaxy resemble Earth.

If water can be found there, then so can life, he said, adding that aliens would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head.

"They may have different colour skin, but even we have that," he said.
Aliens, Sasquatch, Nessy, Ghosts, Vampires, Boogieman, Elvis, Tupac. I beleive it all!

Just kidding. It's fun to contemplate. I mean in comparison, if this planet was the Universe, the Milky Way would be a grain of sand, and our Solar system would be like an atom on that grain. It's alot of real estate. The Earth is, however, placed in a rare perfect spot for the protection from the hostile environment that is Space, and also a perfect location to harvest life. Any sort of variance, even a smaller moon or a little slower rotation would kill everything on the planet. Also of note is the fact that Amino Acids and other building blocks of life are a mathematical impossibility on all levels, in all conditions, and can neither be duplicated, converted or upgraded at their own will, or re-animated. That would take a novel to explain and prove via this forum, sorry if it is against the grain, I'd like to think there was intelligence elsewhere in the universe, but it's not likely. Photos, abductions, and cropcircles are a relatively new phenom, not much history behind them. They are definitely distracting, but contain no content that is true evidence.

Don't flame me, it's just my research and insight. I still watch Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica
Right now something from some top scientific astronomers from Russia.
We will see evidence of Alien civilisations within 20 years.
News snippet:

"The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms ... Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years," said Andrei Finkelstein, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Applied Astronomy Institute, according to the Interfax news agency.

Speaking at an international forum dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, Finkelstein said 10% of the known planets circling suns in the galaxy resemble Earth.

If water can be found there, then so can life, he said, adding that aliens would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head.

"They may have different colour skin, but even we have that," he said.

Although how do we know that "Aliens" need water to survive? It could be possible that they use other means to do this, as they don't really need to be just like life on Earth.
Although how do we know that "Aliens" need water to survive? It could be possible that they use other means to do this, as they don't really need to be just like life on Earth.

You'll like this video then.

I can kind of see how they might look exactly like humans, but in my view anything that can grab and manipulate objects has the potential to become sentient life, given the right conditions.
Although how do we know that "Aliens" need water to survive? It could be possible that they use other means to do this, as they don't really need to be just like life on Earth.
Yes, the astronomer didn't suggest water was needed, but that if there was water there would be life. And from some of those that have water there might be signs of alien civilisation. That's the way I take it. Quite optimistic. But the detection of civilisation from planetary discoveries in the next 20 years could be hard,limited in our methods to detect it from a telescope.
Right now something from some top scientific astronomers from Russia.
We will see evidence of Alien civilisations within 20 years.
News snippet:

"The genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of atoms ... Life exists on other planets and we will find it within 20 years," said Andrei Finkelstein, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Applied Astronomy Institute, according to the Interfax news agency.

Speaking at an international forum dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, Finkelstein said 10% of the known planets circling suns in the galaxy resemble Earth.

If water can be found there, then so can life, he said, adding that aliens would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head.

"They may have different colour skin, but even we have that," he said.

Whoever said that is a little off-base, I'm afraid. First of all of the 500+ known extrasolar planets and 1200+ "unconfirmed candidates", there are perhaps two (Gleise 581g and Gleise 581d) that may be in their star's habitable zone. A planet would have to be in its sun's habitable zone to have even a remote chance of harboring life as we know it. That's a far cry from 10%.

Now it's been speculated that as many as 10% of the exoplanets out there may be suitable for life, but as of right now that's all it is: speculation.

Personally I would be shocked and amazed if life did not exist elsewhere in the universe, but its existence is by no means certain. We just won't know until we do encounter it.

As for intelligent life elsewhere, we have no evidence whatsoever to even guess one way or the other. Not saying there is, but not saying there isn't either.
On 6/24/11, two simultaneous independent videos were taken of a swarm of UFO's cavorting over London in broad daylight.

What are these things? Where do they get their energy? From the sun? There was a CME impacting the Earth's magnetosphere on that day, and the solar wind density was high.

But the most likely answer is ball lightning, and that they derived their energy externally from cloud-to-ground or cloud-to-cloud discharge in the form of ball lightning.

There are no good theories of ball lightning, but they all fall into one of two general classes, externally powered or internally powered.

Of the three externally powered theories, one postulates a steady flow of current from cloud to ground, J. Powell and D. Finkelstein, American Scientist, 58, 262-279 (1970). The current would contract in cross section at the ball (originally provided by part of a lightning channel), and the increased energy input due to the constriction of current could maintain the ball. However, this theory cannot account for the existence of ball lightning inside of metal structures such as airplanes.

Respectfully submitted,
Very interesting topic, here is where I stand on it.

UFOs/visits to Earth from other planets: Almost definitely not. I think most of these things can be explained away as either peoples craziness (for lack of a better word) or some sort of astrological anomaly.
Humanoid Aliens: Almost certain, although as certain as I am that they are out there, I am just as certain that they are not in our Solar System.
Cell like life: Definite, in my mind, this is a certainty. Probably in our Solar System, on Mars or Titan.
The Earth is, however, placed in a rare perfect spot for the protection from the hostile environment that is Space, and also a perfect location to harvest life. Any sort of variance, even a smaller moon or a little slower rotation would kill everything on the planet.
There are as many perfect spots (and they're really bands, not spots) as there are stars (possible exception of those really densely cluttered is seas of radiation). It's unlikely for a planet to be in the right spot around a given star, but the chances of there being a planet in the right spot amongst all star is a lot higher. There's also the possibility of life just adapting to whatever conditions are thrown at it.
Also of note is the fact that Amino Acids and other building blocks of life are a mathematical impossibility on all levels, in all conditions, and can neither be duplicated, converted or upgraded at their own will, or re-animated.
We made them in the lab

Photos, abductions, and cropcircles are a relatively new phenom, not much history behind them. They are definitely distracting, but contain no content that is true evidence.
Pretty much. All of that is nonsense, and sadly it probably puts the thought of alien life on the same level as ghosts for a lot of people.
The UN has been pressing all nations to disclose everything they know about UFOs between 2008 and 2012. Most governments have released quite a lot over the last couple of years. Obviously they would start with the most boring stuff and end with the most juicy stuff. So I think next year will be the year when we find out all the exciting stuff. Part of me wonders if this is all just to get us to accept a global government. And part of me wonders if it really could be the genuine reason why they are trying to create a global government. Wouldn't it be crazy if we had to have a global government so we can officially join the "Galactic UN". Maybe aliens refuse to officially interact with us until we are able to talk back with a single voice. lol, I realise this all sounds very crazy, and I'm not saying this is what I believe. This is just a theory I dreamt up one night. Just want it on record in case it turns out to be true. :lol:
God knows what the US will reveal. They reported more sightings in the 1950's than has been reported by all nations in history!
I don't believe in secrets.
Ones of great human significance anyway, they just wouldn't be kept secret or would not have been secret in the first instance.
Most secret things held by government are technological/military/intelligence/political secrets, of moderate interest but not species changing stuff.
I would suggest if any sighting was of confirmed aliens, as in communication exchange etc. It could not be a secret for longer than 24hours. I think the same would apply if an earth ending asteroid was discovered, the protocol maybe for secrecy, but it would not happen.
That's just a hunch I have.
The UN has been pressing all nations to disclose everything they know about UFOs between 2008 and 2012. Most governments have released quite a lot over the last couple of years. Obviously they would start with the most boring stuff and end with the most juicy stuff. So I think next year will be the year when we find out all the exciting stuff. Part of me wonders if this is all just to get us to accept a global government. And part of me wonders if it really could be the genuine reason why they are trying to create a global government. Wouldn't it be crazy if we had to have a global government so we can officially join the "Galactic UN". Maybe aliens refuse to officially interact with us until we are able to talk back with a single voice. lol, I realise this all sounds very crazy, and I'm not saying this is what I believe. This is just a theory I dreamt up one night. Just want it on record in case it turns out to be true. :lol:

I see no crazyness in your post what so ever, shows how much fear everybody has thinking out of the box, actually, I don't know why I even posted this as some responses to this probably will be:"Of course you think that you guillable idiot/conspiracy theorist/etc./etc. *sigh*
I see no crazyness in your post what so ever, shows how much fear everybody has thinking out of the box, actually, I don't know why I even posted this as some responses to this probably will be:"Of course you think that you guillable idiot/conspiracy theorist/etc./etc. *sigh*

Lol, some people might, but don't worry about it, people like that are becoming fewer by the day. When you look at all the evidence these days you'd have to be an idiot to not see whats happening. I know what you mean though, and I guess I just said that to cover my back. I don't have any evidence, it's just a theory that I came up with, so I guess that makes its a conspiracy "theory". But its a theory based on stuff that I know is fact. And now I sit back and wait for the onslaught to begin... :scared:
You could say what facts you know and how that leads to you feel a galactic UN is being formed.

Well, I know they are trying to create a global government, and have been for the last 60 years. (You can believe that or not, but I don't want to get into it here because we'll be talking about it for ages and this thread is about aliens. If you're interested then watch this). It was around 60 years ago that we suddenly started getting loads of UFO sightings. Hitler also wanted to create a global government and the Nazis had UFO's. I don't know if they were crashed UFO's that they were trying to reverse engineer, or just trying to recreate them from what they saw in the sky. As I said, its just one of many theories, and I don't have any evidence apart from very loose circumstantial evidence.
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Edit: Wow...Nazi UFOs eh?

Yes. There's loads of info on that on the net. (Haha I KNOW there is lots of info for EVERYTHING on the net but anyways)

Allegedly, they had the knowledge to built sort of "primitive UFO's", still based on anti-gravity, from some female "chanellers", who contacted "beings from other civilizations" by "well channeling, whatever that is-some type of meditating/telepathy thingy lol."

These females were very well known in the associated circles back then, they were extremly important characters in for example the "Thule society", the most known of them was Maria (forgot her lastname). I tell you, these woman were OUTSTANDINGLY beautiful, this Maria looked down-right PERFECT, like really lol.

Then there's rumours that Hitler himself had physical contact with one of the alien races, namely the rather famous "Greys". Most of them are very regressive/negative/hostile, so they liked the idea of giving some super advanced technology to a human, who would use it to inflict a lot of suffering and choas on other humans. Well, these are only all stories, theories, non of it has been proven, except that the Thule society did exist in fact and had contact with Hitler and did these "chanelling sessions".

Make of that what you want.
You could say what facts you know and how that leads to you feel a galactic UN is being formed.

Can I just state again, that I don't necessarily believe that a "Galactic UN" is being formed. I made it very clear from the start that its just a wild theory based on other things that I know about. And... IF its true, then it's certainly not being formed at the moment. It would probably have been around for a VERY long time.
Yes. There's loads of info on that on the net. (Haha I KNOW there is lots of info for EVERYTHING on the net but anyways)

Allegedly, they had the knowledge to built sort of "primitive UFO's", still based on anti-gravity, from some female "chanellers", who contacted "beings from other civilizations" by "well channeling, whatever that is-some type of meditating/telepathy thingy lol."

These females were very well known in the associated circles back then, they were extremly important characters in for example the "Thule society", the most known of them was Maria (forgot her lastname). I tell you, these woman were OUTSTANDINGLY beautiful, this Maria looked down-right PERFECT, like really lol.

Then there's rumours that Hitler himself had physical contact with one of the alien races, namely the rather famous "Greys". Most of them are very regressive/negative/hostile, so they liked the idea of giving some super advanced technology to a human, who would use it to inflict a lot of suffering and choas on other humans. Well, these are only all stories, theories, non of it has been proven, except that the Thule society did exist in fact and had contact with Hitler and did these "chanelling sessions".

Make of that what you want.

^And you honestly believe this?

Well, because they have been seen in space on video footage from hubble and the space station. I don't think they would be made on earth because if they were then we wouldn't be using rocket fuel in our rockets. We'd be using antigrav technology. Also, many very high ranking officials have come out and spoken about it.

This guy is the former Canadian defence minister.

Those have been disproven, although some dispute that. Most UFO sightings have been disproven, and there's so many bluffs it's really hard to take any of it serously.

It's just like Nessie, Bigfoot, ghosts etc.