All Avatar Related Items Here....

Done Daan!


Used the original, hope it's OK!
Uhhh....they all suck!!!! :yuck: just kidding... :P Well this is quite cool actually, but i think you should have make a bus avatar instead of these, since your a bus driver and all..... :lol:

As for the "Underage Aussie versus the Bus Driver" thing, well as Jay. said, i'll be looking forward to your duel. ;) Now all we need is for turbo lag to confirm the challenge.... :D

Well my nev avvie will be up just hope for the better.....
Now we need some sort of theme/guidelines/rules.

I say 5 random avvys each, 3 of which MUST be car related, then put them to a poll!

I won't be competing,
< < < < < < <
....'coz I'd win! :lol: