All Avatar Related Items Here....

Actually, I really like yours.

Non-F1s aren't the problem, but the quality, people! Diablo's is great. But many have pixelations, despite the fact that most cars come at 120px wide :indiff:
i think you know what i want. Have the bottom half fade out, background in GTP grey, and cleaned up.

...and have the Bentley valeted by 5 PM sharp or there will be no tip for you!

The word "please" goes further than you'd think, stig...

Ok, I went through about 50 of the 168 pages and can't find the mini cars. Where are they? I'm looking for a red, modified Miata.

D'ya mean you couldn't find the index of actual road cars? Ifso, clicky. I spent ages trying to get there... There are a couple of MX 5s under the Mazda section, but no mk1s.

Actually, I really like yours.

Non-F1s aren't the problem, but the quality, people! Diablo's is great. But many have pixelations, despite the fact that most cars come at 120px wide :indiff:

I haven't seen too many of those, luckily. Apart from turbo lag, of course, who appears to have one left over from when Adobe were selling building materials.
...and have the Bentley valeted by 5 PM sharp or there will be no tip for you!

The word "please" goes further than you'd think, stig...

I was just thinking the same thing this morning.

Where have GTP's manners gone?
Ooh! Avatar fad!? Sign me up!

Can I please have one of these little tooned car avatars of ZZ Top's Eliminator?
Took a while to find a good side shot .

Can someone do the reflective thingy on this beauty and make it 100px wide and if your feeling real generous try and make a black and a yellow version please?

Are you using IE6?
It doesn't handle transparent PNG images that well and gives it a background color
Try this...


BTW, I made that from almost scratch.


2nd try...


1 more...


I charge extra by the inch how much you want it lowered. :lol:
Try this...


BTW, I made that from almost scratch.


2nd try...


1 more...


I charge extra by the inch how much you want it lowered. :lol:

Think you could try it in the stock wheels? I'll use the current one for now though. Thanks