Something along the lines of this?
Nice ones. 👍 I'll give these a d/l and keep them handy. You happen to have anymore on you that you can make? Dunno if there are other Clio Cup enthusiasts on here that could use a avatar like these.Something along the lines of this?
OK, I will. And for the sake of asking what are you going to do in making the avatar(s). Maybe a possible Photoshop edit of some Photomode pictures? Just wondering, because I thought a Clio Cup car in a livery with the GTPlanet logo would be a nice touch.Looks nice Danny. Maybe i'll try to make one during the weekends, so hold on there CAMikaze!!!
Nice ones. 👍 I'll give these a d/l and keep them handy. You happen to have anymore on you that you can make? Dunno if there are other Clio Cup enthusiasts on here that could use a avatar like these.
OK, I will. And for the sake of asking what are you going to do in making the avatar(s). Maybe a possible Photoshop edit of some Photomode pictures? Just wondering, because I thought a Clio Cup car in a livery with the GTPlanet logo would be a nice touch.
That's a good one for starters. What other designs can you do? Maybe I can share these avatars with the GTP Clio Cup drivers.Here's one for you CAM, premium size, 120x120.
If you don't like the yellow I can change it, or even change the car completely.
OK then, I'll be waiting for it.Well i'm thinking of something different. Well maybe i would do the gtp logo on the car instead!!! But meh, i'll think of something as usual, maybe use one of my clio cup photos or even mash up a good one and do both. Just wait and see....
I invite you guys to this page for all your ZunguriF1 Avatar needs.
would've been nice if you have at least used some quick dodge and burn to give it depth because i know you made it and its appearing like a piece of paper.
avatar size limits are 150 wide by 200 high and 128kb.
So I assume it's for a non-GTP cause?
Could someone put a christmas hat on lemmiwinks for me please?
Original please. And a pic of the sled you want would be handy too."Make me a sandwich."
Okay, hold on. can someone hitch a sled on my current avatar, please? If you need the original pic, just ask me. kthnxbai.
(by the way, hitch the sled to the back, not the front. thanks.)